Nerd Font NodeJS emoji not Styling? - bash

I am trying to configure my terminal via starship and have come across this issue.
emoji without styling
The code for the emoji at hand is the following:
symbol = ""
style = "bg:#86BBD8"
format = '[ $symbol ($version) ]($style)'
This is the format of the terminal also:
format = """
[](bg:#DA627D fg:#9A348E)\
[](fg:#DA627D bg:#FCA17D)\
[](fg:#FCA17D bg:#86BBD8)\
[](fg:#86BBD8 bg:#06969A)\
[](fg:#06969A bg:#33658A)\
[ ](fg:#33658A)\
Any advice or suggestions to work around this issue would be appreciated :)


Identify this scripting language/format

This script is part of a legacy code that runs to create a GUI interface for editing text files to be used in analysis codes. There is a windows command script that references a ".sed" file which controls the formatting, editing, and help menu for the GUI. I would like to identify the coding language/rules used in these ".sed" files so that I can make a new more complicated input text file with descriptions of inputs.
Ideally, I would like to be able to use this code to create/edit ".csv" files which can be edited in Excel. This would potentially mean needing to avoid the set variable sizes/padding in the #file block of code below.
Any googling attempts to find more about the coding result in unix sed instructions that are not helpful.
UPDATE: I did find an additional exe in the shell folder of the legacy code for "sedwin.exe". When googled this seems to refer to an old "SEDT text editor for MS-DOS".
An example section from a ".sed" file is below:
#rem( version description information here )
#prompted(22,5,"SEAL2 Input Data"){
" Code Name Here
"Code description here"
#icon("Seal Parameters",seal){#seal();}
#icon("Speed, Fluid Parameters",cases){#cases();}
#prompted(1,7,"Three Title Lines"){
"These title lines will appear on the output of",
"the program.",
"They are useful for identifying the output but",
"do not directly affect the results."
#prompted(12,8,"Seal Parameters"){
"Descriptions of inputs in this window.",
#datum("Shaft Radius (in)",r,15,"0.");
#float_check("Must be > 0.0","(%g)>0.");
#datum("Land Length (in)",ll,15,"0.");
#float_check("Must be > 0.0","(%g)>0.");
#datum("Seal Radial Clearance (in)",c,15,"0.");
#float_check("Must be > 0.0","(%g)>0.");
#datum("Groove Length (in)",lg,15,"0.");
#float_check("Must be >= 0.0","(%g)>=0.");
#datum("Groove Depth (in)",dg,15,"0.");
#float_check("Must be >= 0.0","(%g)>=0.");
#datum("Number of Grooves (0=plain seal)",ngroov,15,"0");
#int_check("Must be >= 0","(%d)>=0");
#datum("Number of Eccentricities",necc,15,"1");
#int_check("Must be between 1 and 10","(%d)>0&&(%d)<11");
#icon("Entrance Loss Cases",losses){#losses();}
title3="(SEAL2 Data File)";

WildFly RestEasy UTF-8 Response

I'm trying to return russian text:
#Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN + ";charset=utf-8")
return Response.status(200).entity("Русский текст.").build();
Before I started reading standalone-full.xml, I was getting normal Russian text, but when I changed this in standalone.bat:
set "SERVER_OPTS=--server-config=standalone-full.xml"
I'm getting something like this.
This don't help me:

Why won't program run? Learn Python 3 the Hard Way ex23

First off, I am a complete beginner with Python and I'm working my way through Zed Shaw's latest edition of Learn Python 3 the Hard Way. Im stuck on ex 23 String, Bytes, and Character Encoding. I can't get the program to run at all in the OSX terminal. When I attempt run the program it just returns zero information.
Here is a link to the screenshot of my terminal after I attempt to run the program.( Apparently i'm too much of a noob to embed my image lol.)
OSX python3.6
import sys
script, input_encoding, error = sys.argv
def main(language_file, encoding, errors):
line = language_file.readline()
if line:
print_line(line, encoding, errors)
return main(language_file, encoding, errors)
def print_line(line, encoding, errors):
next_lang = line.strip()
raw_bytes = next_lang.encode(encoding, errors=errors)
cooked_string = raw_bytes.decode(encoding, error=errors)
print(raw_bytes, "<===>", cooked_string)
languages = open("languages.txt", encoding="utf-8")
main(languages, input_encoding, error)
Why is this not running? What's going on?
Are you sure it is not just incorrect indentation? Python uses indentation instead of braces to structure its programs. Looking at your code, it seems that you have extra indentations, try this:
import sys
script, input_encoding, error = sys.argv
def main(language_file, encoding, errors):
line = language_file.readline()
if line:
print_line(line, encoding, errors)
return main(language_file, encoding, errors)
def print_line(line, encoding, errors):
next_lang = line.strip()
raw_bytes = next_lang.encode(encoding, errors=errors)
cooked_string = raw_bytes.decode(encoding, errors=errors)
print(raw_bytes, "<===>", cooked_string)
languages = open("languages.txt", encoding="utf-8")
main(languages, input_encoding, error)

Insert Unicode symbol in Geany at cursor position

I want to insert certain Unicode symbol at current cursor position when Control-L is pressed. How to achieve this in Geany? (symbol ロ for example)
Had a similar desire. Here is a solution that makes use of the GeanyPy plugin:
Install and enable GeanyPy plugin that allows you to write Python plugins for Geany (this is available as geany-plugin-py in Ubuntu 16.04).
Place the following in your plugin directory (for me this was ~/.config/geany/plugins/):
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import gtk
import geany
class InsertSymbols(geany.Plugin):
__plugin_name__ = "InsertSymbols"
__plugin_version__ = "0.1"
__plugin_description__ = "Insert symbols e.g. unicode"
__plugin_author__ = "klimaat"
chars = ['°', '×', '²', '³', '±', 'µ', '·', 'ロ']
def __init__(self):
self.symbol_menuitem = gtk.MenuItem("Insert Symbol")
symbol_submenu = gtk.Menu()
for char in self.chars:
char_item = gtk.MenuItem(char)
char_item.connect("activate", self.on_insert_symbol_clicked)
def cleanup(self):
def on_insert_symbol_clicked(self, data):
char = data.get_label()
doc = geany.document.get_current()
if doc:
pos = doc.editor.scintilla.get_current_position()
You should now have a "Insert Symbol" item under "Tools".
Probably much better ways to do it...
Macros Plugin helped. It allows to assign a Control-L key, and it has a command to insert any text at cursor. Took some time to figure, but not difficult.

Setting up Taglist plugin to work with vala

Like the title says,I would like to develop vala with vim.My productivity is badly affected due to the lack Taglist plugin support for vala.
I found a ctags implementation in valide,
Can anyone guide me how to make this ctag implemention work with Taglist or some other vim plugin which works for vala
Found the answer,
set this is .vimrc
let tlist_vala_settings='c#;d:macro;t:typedef;n:namespace;c:class;'.
\ 'E:event;g:enum;s:struct;i:interface;'.
\ 'p:properties;m:method'
I did have the same needs, and I found this site :
The guy uses Tagbar in Vim, and anjuta-ctags which implement ctags for Vala.
I give you also my Vim configuration for Vala:
set efm=%f:%l.%c-%[%^:]%#:\ %t%[%^:]%#:\ %m
map <leader><F2> :lvimgrep! <cword> /usr/share/vala-0.16/vapi/*<CR> :lopen <CR>
set complete+=k/home/marc/.vim/syntax/vala.vim
set isk+=(
" Disable valadoc syntax highlight
"let vala_ignore_valadoc = 1
" Enable comment strings
let vala_comment_strings = 1
" Highlight space errors
let vala_space_errors = 1
" Disable trailing space errors
"let vala_no_trail_space_error = 1
" Disable space-tab-space errors
let vala_no_tab_space_error = 1
" Minimum lines used for comment syncing (default 50)
"let vala_minlines = 120
let g:tagbar_ctags_bin="anjuta-tags"
set iskeyword+=.
