How is writing a C interface easier in Ruby than Perl? - ruby

According to the official ruby About page it's easier to extend Ruby with C than Perl. I'm not a (perl) XS guy, but I find it dirt simple to write something quick and simple with Inline::C, so why is it easier in Ruby?
Writing C extensions in Ruby is easier than in Perl or Python, with a very elegant API for calling Ruby from C. This includes calls for embedding Ruby in software, for use as a scripting language. A SWIG interface is also available.
Any further explanation from those that do more C extensions would be useful.

(Full disclosure, I am a Perl programmer)
The Ruby C API certainly looks much nicer than Perl's. It looks like a regular C library with functions that correspond to Ruby code. Perl's API is a mess of macros within macros within macros and magic threading flags. Using the Perl API outside of the Perl core is certainly a secondary concern. Ruby definitely wins on not being bowel clenchingly terrifying.
While Ruby has a better C API, Perl has the better tutorials on how to do anything with it. The generated Ruby documentation lacks any sort of cohesive tutorial or often any descriptive text at all. It's possible I'm looking in the wrong place but that's all that was offered. In contrast, the Perl API documentation is hand written prose with useful information about what each function does. In addition, there's over a dozen documents in the core docs about using Perl and C. I'd say Perl wins on docs.
FFI looks quite impressive. The closest thing Perl has to FFI is Inline::C which is a wrapper around the mess of XS. It's primary use is to inline C code into your Perl program, but you can also use it to access C library functions.
Here's a trivial example similar to nash's getpid example.
use Inline
C => Config =>
use Inline C => q{ int getpid(); };
print getpid();
Now, I am cheating because technically getpid returns pid_t on my system, but that's just an integer. FFI seems to have an awful lot of special cased code for getpid, so I suspect it's ease of use will correspond directly to whether FFI has already taken care of it. Trivial examples are trivial. It would be interesting to see what happens when typical complications arise, such as functions that return pre-allocated memory and have odd types and throw around structs.
While FFI and Inline::C can be used to do the same thing, how they do it looks very, very different. Inline::C is actually compiling and caching C code. FFI is somehow not doing any compiling. I'm not sure if that's really for real, or if the compilation is done for you at install time for common libraries.
In addition, FFI smooths the portability problems across the various Ruby implementations and their different ways of calling native APIs. This is something Inline::C doesn't have to do, and quite frankly it's amazing if it really works. One benefit is the FFI interface is much smoother than Inline::C. With Inline::C, it's very clear that you're writing a wrapper around a C compiler.

With FFI it's very easy to extend Ruby with C. This is an example from github
require 'rubygems'
require 'ffi'
module Foo
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
attach_function :getpid, [ ], :int
puts "My pid=#{Foo.getpid}"
You don’t need a compiler installed on
your system to be able to run FFI
extensions. On linux, you also do not
need to install the development
versions of libraries, just the
runtime versions. Of course, the
libraries you link against will need
to have been compiled at some point,
but odds are you won’t have had to do


Ruby's `.present?` without Rails?

I'm developing a "Rails-less" Ruby daemon for automation (although in theory it runs within a Rails directory). For general purposes and the principle of the matter, I would like to find the (most) "native"/common way to utilize a Ruby version of .present?/.blank?/.empty?/.nil? to identify if an array or a (hash) value exists and is not empty (i.e., [] or {}).
From what I've read (e.g., Stack Overflow) and tested, all of these functions appear to be Rails-specific methods, part of ActiveSupport(?).
Coming from other web/interpreter languages (PHP, Python, JS, etc.), this is a general logic function most languages (with arrays, which are most) have this functionality built in one way or another (e.g., PHP's isset( ... ) or JavaScript's .length).
I understand there are RegEx workarounds for .blank?, but .present? seems it would require exception handling to identify if it's "present"). I'm having a hard time believing it doesn't exist, but there's little talk about Ruby without Rails' involvement.
Active Support is broken in small pieces so that you can load just what you need. For .blank? and .present? methods it would be enough to require:
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank.rb'
As docs say.
Object#nil? , Array#empty? and Hash#empty? already defined so you dont need anything to require to use those.
Make sure active_support gem installed in your system
You can use ActiveSupport without including all rails in your app, that's actually quite common.
nil? and empty? are defined in the standard library.
E.g., String#empty? is simply testing if the length is 0.
To use active support, just install the gem or add it to your gemfile then:
require 'active_support'
The documentation also states you can cherry pick the core extensions you want:
require 'active_support/core_ext/object/blank'

How do I use a cgo-based package on Windows?

The regexp in the Go's standard library is quite poor, so I need a more powerful engine, like regex in Python (pip install regex), supporting recursion, backref, look-ahead/behind, etc... .
I found:
.NET compatible, which was quite fine; however, recursion is not working properly.
and several bindings to PCRE, for example:
so, how can I use this binding on Win64?
You may consider using C++ standard library std::regex (no third-party library). Wrap the logic in try block, use catch(...){return ERROR;} to catch any error, and declare the C function extern "C" so you can call with cgo.
From (there is a part about Windows):
In order to use cgo on Windows, you'll also need to first install a
gcc compiler (for instance, mingw-w64) and have gcc.exe (etc.) in your
PATH environment variable before compiling with cgo will work.
That being said, I still think you should consider sticking with the regexp package and try to make regular expressions as simple as possible. Because complicated regular expressions are likely to hurt readability of code. Another problem is sometimes they introduce subtle bugs which are difficult to spot and fix. So writing more code in Go instead of regex may actually make the life easier.

How can I call a built-in compiler function in Ruby?

I'm working in Ruby, and realized that it would be incredibly beneficial to be able to use some of the built-in gcc functions (and x86 architecture built-ins for that matter as well). It seems like having to write an extension to use these is impractical, so I was wondering if there was a way I could call built-ins. For example, if I wanted to call int __builtin_popcount(unsigned int), on a number in Ruby, is there a way I could somehow do
a = rand(1..10000)
I know that I obviously can't do something that basic, but is there a way that I could include gcc and x86 architecture built-ins in Ruby?
It is not quite clear what you want to do.
If you want to call into GCC, you could wrap libgcc in a C extension and design a Ruby API for it.
If you want to generate native code using GCC dynamically, that is currently not possible AFAIK. There is a project for a JIT compiler library based on GCC, but I don't know what its status is. You could wrap that library into a C extension and design a Ruby API for it. At any rate, you will also have to modify the Ruby implementation you are using to be able to link dynamically generated native code with your Ruby code. (And on some implementations that is simply impossible, e.g. on Opal, which is a pure static compiler.)
And of course, not all Ruby implementations actually support C extensions; they are a non-standard feature of YARV and are not guaranteed to work or even exist on other implementations.

Ctags - Find where a function is used in a project

Is there any good way to find where is a function being called in our codebase ?
There is a gem called Starscope (disclaimer: I am the author) which can list function calls in ruby code, among other things. It isn't perfect, since it can't handle crazy meta-programming, but it will find all the normal calls to a given function.
user guide:
edit: Luc's answer is entirely accurate as far as it goes; I wrote Starscope specifically to be "Cscope for Ruby".
With ctags, no. It references functions declarations and definitions, not their uses.
Then it depends on the language.
cscope can help with C, but not with C++. With C++, you should have a look at clang based solutions : there is clang_indexer (and its many forks) (see vim-clang to integrate it in vim), but I did found a few quirks ; it seems YouCompleteMe does a few things related to code indexation (as it provides GotoImplementation/Declaration commands).
For other languages, you may have dedicated plugins. But for sure, there is always grep (and many plugins that integrates it)

Ruby obfuscator [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Encoding Ruby on Rails code?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Is there a ruby obfuscator or "compiler"?
There are a few options, like RubyScript2Exe or AllInOneRuby. However, all obfuscators of interpreted languages tend to have a serious flaw: they usually don't understand more sophisticated metaprogramming techniques.
That is, they can't necessarily tell that something like foo.send(:bar, ...) is an invocation on the bar method in a completely different library, or that eval("require %w{abc def ghi}") means to require three different libraries. These are trivial examples -- things get much more complex when you throw method_missing and its ilk into the mix.
When an obfuscator encounters this sort of code, it will dutifully compile the appropriate instructions, but it may not know to also include certain libraries or other code from elsewhere. That can cause serious issues, since the dynamically included or required will not be available at runtime in a statically linked executable.
Unfortunately, many gems and libraries use sophisticated metaprogramming techniques. You'll likely get into trouble here if you try to use obfuscation and expect your program to have the same behavior. Worse still, because there are so many levels of indirection, if a bug occurs in the obfuscated version, you may never know what exactly happened or how to reproduce it.
Depending on what you are trying to do, there is a Gem that will allow you to create a C extension from a Ruby script which can then be used as a require inside your Ruby app. Its called ruby2cext. It will obfuscate all of your code into C and the you can require the .so in a separate Ruby script and it will function like a normal Ruby script.
RubyScript2Exe -
