Ruby obfuscator [duplicate] - ruby

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Encoding Ruby on Rails code?
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Is there a ruby obfuscator or "compiler"?

There are a few options, like RubyScript2Exe or AllInOneRuby. However, all obfuscators of interpreted languages tend to have a serious flaw: they usually don't understand more sophisticated metaprogramming techniques.
That is, they can't necessarily tell that something like foo.send(:bar, ...) is an invocation on the bar method in a completely different library, or that eval("require %w{abc def ghi}") means to require three different libraries. These are trivial examples -- things get much more complex when you throw method_missing and its ilk into the mix.
When an obfuscator encounters this sort of code, it will dutifully compile the appropriate instructions, but it may not know to also include certain libraries or other code from elsewhere. That can cause serious issues, since the dynamically included or required will not be available at runtime in a statically linked executable.
Unfortunately, many gems and libraries use sophisticated metaprogramming techniques. You'll likely get into trouble here if you try to use obfuscation and expect your program to have the same behavior. Worse still, because there are so many levels of indirection, if a bug occurs in the obfuscated version, you may never know what exactly happened or how to reproduce it.

Depending on what you are trying to do, there is a Gem that will allow you to create a C extension from a Ruby script which can then be used as a require inside your Ruby app. Its called ruby2cext. It will obfuscate all of your code into C and the you can require the .so in a separate Ruby script and it will function like a normal Ruby script.

RubyScript2Exe -


What are the major differences between Ruby 1.8.6 and 1.9.1? [duplicate]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the difference between Ruby 1.8 and Ruby 1.9
I have found some differences in interpretation of global and local variables.
Can anyone point me to list of major differences?
These are probably the most important changes:
Ruby 1.9 changed from being
interpreted to being
bytecode-compiled (using the YARV
The String class has been redesigned
entirely to make it encoding-aware.
Regular expressions are now
implemented using the Oniguruma
engine, rather than the home-made one
used in ruby 1.8, enabling new
features like negative look-around.
The enumerator library from stdlib
has been added to core and most
Enumerable methods have been
changed to return an Enumerator
when invoked without a block.
Symbol#to_proc has been added.
There's a new syntax for lambdas,
-> which allows default arguments
and lambdas taking blocks.
There's a more complete list of changes here.
One major point might be that they use a different VM (at least, the 'standard' distributions do, obviously there are a number of options like MacRuby, IronRuby, etc). You might have a look here for details on all the changes.

Do ruby gems ever conflict?

As a ruby newbie, I was wondering, will gems ever conflict with eachother? For example, if 2 gems overrode the << method on array, which would win, or is there something to stop this?
I assume you are talking about redefining methods, not overriding them, right? If two libraries overrode the same method in two different subclasses, there wouldn't be any problem.
If two or more libraries redefine the same method, then whichever one happens to be loaded last wins. In fact, this is actually no different than just one library redefining a method: the Ruby interpreter provides an implementation of Array#<< for you, and if you redefine it, your definition wins, simply because it came later.
The best way to stop this is simple: don't run around screwing with existing methods. And don't use libraries that do. The -w commandline flag to enable warnings is very helpful there, since at least in Ruby 1.9.2 it prints a warning if methods get redefined.
In Ruby 2.0, there will probably be some kind of mechanism to isolate method (re-)definitions into some kind of namespace. I wouldn't hold my breath, though: these so-called selector namespaces have been talked about in the Ruby community for almost 10 years now, and in the Smalltalk community even longer than that, and AFAIK nobody has ever produced a working implementation or even a working design for Ruby. A newer idea is the idea of Classboxes.
As far as I can tell, you're talking about monkeypatching (also known as duck punching in the ruby community).
This article has another example of monkeypatching (and other practices) gone bad.
In practice, no, though you could probably construct a situation like that if you really tried. Here's an interesting article (though old) that explains how this could happen.
If two gems "overrode the << method on array" they would need to be subclassing Array, and those classes would have different names or be in different modules.

How to structure a large Ruby application?

I'm considering writing a (large) desktop application in Ruby (actually a game, think something like Angband or Nethack using Gtk+ for the GUI). I'm coming from a C#/.NET background, so I'm a little at a lost for how to structure things.
In C#, I'd create many namespaces, like Application.Core, Application.Gui, etc). Parts of the application that didn't need the Gui wouldn't reference it with a using statement. From what I understand, in Ruby, the require statement basically does a textual insert that avoids duplicated code. What I'm concerned about, through the use of require statements, every file/class will have access everything else, because the ordering of the require statements.
I've read some ruby code that uses modules as namespaces. How does that work and how does it help?
Not sure what I'm getting at here... Does anyone have any good pointers on how to structure a large Ruby application? How about some non-trivial (and non-Rails) apps that use Ruby?
Ruby is no different from any other language when it comes to structuring your code. Do what feels right and it will probably work. I'm not entirely sure what problem you are anticipating. Are you worried about name clashes?
Modules are a good way to get pseudo namespaces, eg.
module Core
class Blah
self.def method
Some of your problem isn't particular to Ruby, it's just about circular dependencies. Does Core depend on Gui or does Gui depend on Core? Or both?
A good way around some of this problem is with a very small "runner" component that depends on the core, the data access components, the gui, and so on, and ties these all together.

Where can I find an actively developed lint tool for Ruby?

Most of the code I write is in Ruby, and every once in a while, I make some typo which only gets caught after a while. This is irritating when I have my scripts running long tasks, and return to find I had a typo.
Is there an actively developed lint tool for Ruby that could help me overcome this? Would it be possible to use it across a system that works with a lot of source files, some of them loaded dynamically?
Take this snippet as an example:
a = 20
b = 30
puts c
To win bounty, show me a tool that will detect the c variable as not created/undefined.
ruby -c myfile.rb will check for correct Ruby syntax.
Reek checks Ruby code for common code smells.
Roodi checks Ruby code for common object-oriented design issues.
Flog can warn you about unusually complex code.
[Plug] If your project is in a public Github repository, Caliper can run the latter three tools and others on your code every time you commit. (Disclaimer: I work on Caliper)
You could give Diamondback Ruby a try. It does a static typecheck of Ruby code, and will thus blame you for using an undefined variable.
While DRuby is an ongoing research project, it already works quite well for small, self-contained Ruby scripts. Currently, it is unable to analyze much of the Ruby standard library “out-of-the-box”. Currently they are working toward typing Ruby on Rails (see their most recent papers).
RubyMine ( does the trick:
alt text
None of the below will do all the analysis that RubyMine does.
NetBeans Ruby pack
Aptana RadRails
gVIM (with syntastic plugin by scrooloose)
Each of these has the capacity to identify syntax errors such as wrong number of parentheses, too many defs, ends, braces, etc. But none will identify invalid method calls the way RubyMine does.
Here's why: it's difficult.
Since Ruby is extremely dynamic (and methods like 'c' could easily be generated on the fly), any editor that tries to identify non-existent variables/methods would need to have a large part of the entire evironment loaded and multiple program flow paths constantly tested in order to get accurate 'validity' results. This is much more difficult than in Java where almost all programming is static (at least it was when I dropped that hat).
This ability to easily generate methods on the fly is one of the reasons the community holds testing to such high esteem. I really do reccomend you try testing as well.
Have a look at RuboCop. It is a Ruby code style checker based on the Ruby Style Guide. It's maintained pretty actively and supports all major Ruby implementations. It works well with Ruby 1.9 and 2.0 and has great Emacs integration.
Yes. Test::Unit
Ok, I know you already know this and that in some sense this is a non-helpful answer, but you do bring up the negative consequence of duck typing, that there kind of is (at this time) no way around just writing more tests than something like Java might need.
So, for the record, see Test::Unit in the Ruby Standard Library or one of the other test frameworks.
Having unit tests that you can run and rerun is the best way to catch errors, and you do need more of them (tests, not errors :-) in dynamic languages like Ruby...
nitpick might be what you're lookng for.
With this code:
class MyString < String
def awesome
self.gsub("e", "3").gsub("l", "1").uppercase
... it outputs:
$ nitpick misspelling.rb
*** Nitpick had trouble loading "misspelling.rb":
NoMethodError undefined method `uppercase' for "133t":MyString
Nothing to report boss! He's clean!
Have not used it yet, but sounds promising (will update when I've tested this).
Static analysis and style linter for Ruby code.
Pelusa is nice, but is working in rubinius only. This shouln't be a proplem for people familar with RVM though.
avdi#lazarus:~$ irb
>> a = 20
=> 20
>> b = 30
=> 30
>> puts c
NameError: undefined local variable or method `c' for main:Object
from (irb):3
There ya go, the tool is called "IRB". Do I get the bounty?
I'm only half joking. I wrote this second answer to hopefully drive home the point that in Ruby, if you want to know that something is defined or not, you have to run the code.

What are the things you would like improved in the Ruby language?

What are the things you wish Ruby (and more generally the Ruby community) would improve?
I read somewhere that Ruby is the love-child of Smalltalk and LISP, with Miss Perl as the Nanny.
I have a lot of respect for Ruby's parents, but I'm not sure I like the influence Miss Perl had on the child. Specifically, I don't like the predefined variables: I need a cheat sheet to know what they mean. You could say "just don't use them". Well, I don't... but other people do. And when I download a plugin on the Web, I have no choice but to fetch my cheat-sheet if I ever need to go and touch the source code. I just wish they would remove those from the language itself.
Also, I think that Ruby is too much of a moving target. My code breaks on every new Ruby upgrade, even on minor releases. This is true also of Ruby on Rails and most Rails plugins I have worked with: they just change all the time, and nobody seems to care whether the changes break everything or not. IMHO, although I love a lot of things in Ruby, this lack of stability is almost a show-stopper.
I wish people would consider backward compatibility between minor releases as an unbreakable rule when releasing a new language (or library or framework) version.
I wish that some of the lesser used modules of the standard library were documented.
Make require-ing files less painful. Don't ask me how, but maybe have one file dedicated to knowing the paths involved and just get rid of the relative path crud from everything else.
Getting rid of the artificial distinction between Modules and Classes would be nice.
Both Modules and Classes are Namespaces. Modules are also Mixins, while Classes aren't. Classes can also be instantiated while Modules can't. This distinction is unnecessary. Just get rid of Modules and allow Classes to be used as Mixins.
An example of a language where this works is Newspeak.
I'd appreciate being able to install ruby 1.9 as an RPM rather than having to use the source.
Make Ruby completely Message Sending based, get rid of everything that is not a message send: local variables, global variables, instance variables, class hierarchy variables, constants, magic globals, magic constants, builtin operators, builtin keywords, even literals. See Self, Ioke or Newspeak for the incredible power and elegance this gains.
I wish they would get rid of the predefined variables: $!, $&, $+, etc.
I would like to have support for static compile-time metaprogramming. The Converge Programming Language might be a good starting point.
Replace the Mixin system with a Traits system.
Replace Exceptions with a Common Lisp style Conditions system.
