Lexicographically smallest perfect matching - algorithm

I want to find the lexicographically smallest perfect matching in two partial graphs. I'm supposed to use Kuhn's algorithm, but I don't understand how to make matching lexicographically smallest. Is it at all possible in Kuhn's algorithm? I can provide my code, but it's classic enough.

As a hint, consider how you could determine where just the first node should be matched in the lex-min matching.

In most cases like this it is usually easier to make a reduction instead of modifying the algorithm:
Find a way to change the input in your problem so that lexicographical order breaks any ties (but in a manner that perfect matchings still have a higher score than imperfect ones)
Run the modified graph through Kuhn's algorithm.
If needed, translate the answer back to the original problem.
I haven't tried to actually solve this myself or read the problem in detail. But this seems to be a textbook exercise and I feel this answer is enough :-)

Think about how you can create assignment prices that encourage lexicographically early matchings.


General algorithm for partial backtracking search

Backtracking search is a well-known problem-solving technique, that recurs through all possible combinations of variable assignments in search of a valid solution. The general algorithm is abstracted into a concise higher-order function: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backtracking
Some problems require partial backtracking, that is, they have a mixture of don't-know non-determinism (have a choice to make, that matters, if you get it wrong you have to backtrack) and don't-care non-determinism (have a choice to make, that doesn't matter, maybe it matters for how long it takes you to find the solution, but not for the correctness thereof, you don't have to backtrack).
Consider for example the Boolean satisfiability problem that can be solved with the DPLL algorithm. If you try to represent that with the general backtracking algorithm, the result will not only recur through all 2^N variable assignments (which is sadly necessary in the general case), but all N! orders of trying the variables (completely unnecessary and hopelessly inefficient).
Is there a general algorithm for partial backtracking? A concise higher-order function that takes function parameters for both don't-know and don't-care choices?
If I understand you correctly, you’re asking about symmetry-breaking in tree search. In the specific example you gave, all permutations of the list of variable assignments are equivalent.
Symmetries are going to be domain-specific. So is the more-general technique of pruning the search tree, by short-circuiting and backtracking eagerly. There are a few symmetry-breaking techniques I’ve used that generalize.
One is to search the problem space in a canonical order. If the branch that sets variable 10 only tries variables 11, 12 and up, not variables 9, 8 or 7, it won’t search any permutation of the same solution. It will only test solutions that are unique up to permutation. (In the specific case of SAT-solving, this might rule out an optimal search order—although you could re-order the variables arbitrarily.)
Another is to make a test that only one distinct solution of any equivalence class will pass, ideally one that can be checked near the top of the search tree. The classic example of this is, in the 8-queens problem, checking whether the queen on the row you look at first is on the left or the right side of the chessboard. Any solution where she’s on the right is a mirror-image of one other solution where she’s on the left, so you can cut the search space in half. (You can actually do better than this with that problem.) If you only need to test for satisfiability, you can get by with a filter that merely guarantees that, if any solution exists, at least one solution will pass.
If you have enough memory, you might also store a set of branches that have already been searched, and then check whether a branch that you are considering whether to search is equivalent to one already in the set. This would be more practical for a search space with a huge number of symmetries than one with a huge number of solutions unique up to symmetry.

Precalculate Result of A*

Currently learning about the A* search algorithm and using it to find the quickest solution to the N-Puzzle. For some random seed of the initial starting state, the puzzle may be unsolvable which would result in extremely long wait times until the algorithm has search the entire search-space and determined there is not solution to the give start state.
I was wondering if there is a method of precalculating whether the A* algorithm will fail to avoid such a scenario. I've read a bit about how it is possible but can't find a direct answer as to a method in which to do it.
Any guidance or options are appreciated.
I think A* does not offer you a mechanism to know whether or not a problem is solvable. Specifically for N-Puzzle, I think this could help you to check if it can be solved or not:
It seems that if you are in a state where you have an odd amount inversion, you know for sure the problem for that permutation is infeasible.
For the N-puzzle specifically, there are only two possible parities, so you just need to check which parity the current puzzle is.
There is an in-depth explanation on how to do this on the math stackexchange
For general A* problems, no, there is no way to pre-compute if the graph is solvable.

Find the priority function / alphabet order for extreme higher order elements relation

This question is an extension to the following one. The difference is that now our function to optimize will have higher order relations between elements:
We have an array of elements a1,a2,...aN from an alphabet E. Assuming |N| >> |E|.
For each symbol of the alphabet we define an unique integer priority = V(sym). Let's define V{i} := V(symbol(ai)) for the simplicity.
The task is to find a priority function V for which:
Count(i)->MIN | V{i} > V{i+1} <= V{i+2}
In other words, I need to find the priorities / permutation of the alphabet for which the number of positions i, satisfying the condition V{i}>V{i+1}<=V{i+2}, is minimum.
Maximum required abstraction (low priority for me). I guess once the solution model for the initial question is extended to cover the first part of this one, extending it farther (see below) will be easier.
Given a matrix of signs B of size MxK (basically B[i,j] is from the set {<,>,<=,>=}), find the priority function V for which:
Sum(for all j in range [1,M]) {Count(i)}->EXTREMUM | V{i} B[j,1] V{i+1} B[j,2] ... B[j,K] V{i+K}
As an example, find the priority function V, for which the number of i, satisfying V{i}<V{i+1}<V{i+2} or V{i}>V{i+1}>V{i+2}, is minimum.
My intuition is that all variations on this problem will prove to be NP-hard. So I'd begin looking for heuristics that produce reasonable answers. This may involve some trial and error.
A simplistic approach is to write down a possible permutation. And then try possible swaps until you've arrived at a local minimum. Try several times, and pick the best answer.
Simulated annealing provides a more sophisticated version of this approach, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simulated_annealing for a description. It may take some experimentation to find a set of parameters that seems to converge relatively well.
Another idea is to look for a genetic algorithm. Based on a quick Google search it looks like the standard way to do this is to try to turn an NP-complete problem into a SAT problem, and then use a genetic algorithm on that problem. This approach would require turning this into a SAT problem in some reasonable way. Unfortunately it is not obvious to me how one would go about doing this reduction. Indeed in the first version that you had, your problem was closely connected to a classic NP-hard problem. The fact that it is labeled NP-hard rather than NP-complete is evidence that people haven't found a good way to transform it into a SAT problem. So if it isn't obvious how to turn the simple version into a SAT problem, then you are unlikely to convert the hard problem either.
But you could still try some variation on genetic algorithms. Mutation is pretty simple, just swap some elements around. One way to combine elements would be to take 3 permutations and use quicksort to find the combination as follows: take a random pivot, and then use "majority wins" to bucket elements into bigger and smaller. Sort each half in the same way.
I'm sorry that I can't just give you an approach and say, "This should work." You've got what looks like an open-ended research project, and the best I can do is give you some ideas about things you can try that might work reasonably well.

Depth First Search Basics

I'm trying to improve my current algorithm for the 8 Queens problem, and this is the first time I'm really dealing with algorithm design/algorithms. I want to implement a depth-first search combined with a permutation of the different Y values described here:
I've implemented the permutation part to solve the problem, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my mind around the depth-first search. It is described as a way of traversing a tree/graph, but does it generate the tree graph? It seems the only way that this method would be more efficient only if the depth-first search generates the tree structure to be traversed, by implementing some logic to only generate certain parts of the tree.
So essentially, I would have to create an algorithm that generated a pruned tree of lexigraphic permutations. I know how to implement the pruning logic, but I'm just not sure how to tie it in with the permutation generator since I've been using next_permutation.
Is there any resources that could help me with the basics of depth first searches or creating lexigraphic permutations in tree form?
In general, yes, the idea of the depth-first search is that you won't have to generate (or "visit" or "expand") every node.
In the case of the Eight Queens problem, if you place a queen such that it can attack another queen, you can abort that branch; it cannot lead to a solution.
If you were solving a variant of Eight Queens such that your goal was to find one solution, not all 92, then you could quit as soon as you found one.
More generally, if you were solving a less discrete problem, like finding the "best" arrangement of queens according to some measure, then you could abort a branch as soon as you knew it could not lead to a final state better than a final state you'd already found on another branch. This is related to the A* search algorithm.
Even more generally, if you are attacking a really big problem (like chess), you may be satisfied with a solution that is not exact, so you can abort a branch that probably can't lead to a solution you've already found.
The DFS algorithm itself does not generate the tree/graph. If you want to build the tree and graph, it's as simple building it as you perform the search. If you only want to find one soution, a flat LIFO data structure like a linked list will suffice for this: when you visit a new node, append it to the list. When you leave a node to backtrack in the search, pop the node off.
A book called "Introduction to algorithms" by anany levitan has a proper explanation for your understanding. He also provided the solution to 8 queens problem just the way you desctribed it. It will helpyou for sure.
As my understanding, for finding one solution you dont need any permutation all you need is dfs.That will lonely suffice in finding solution

I need an algorithm to find the best path

I need an algorithm to find the best solution of a path finding problem. The problem can be stated as:
At the starting point I can proceed along multiple different paths.
At each step there are another multiple possible choices where to proceed.
There are two operations possible at each step:
A boundary condition that determine if a path is acceptable or not.
A condition that determine if the path has reached the final destination and can be selected as the best one.
At each step a number of paths can be eliminated, letting only the "good" paths to grow.
I hope this sufficiently describes my problem, and also a possible brute force solution.
My question is: is the brute force is the best/only solution to the problem, and I need some hint also about the best coding structure of the algorithm.
Take a look at A*, and use the length as boundary condition.
You are looking for some kind of state space search algorithm. Without knowing more about the particular problem, it is difficult to recommend one over another.
If your space is open-ended (infinite tree search), or nearly so (chess, for example), you want an algorithm that prunes unpromising paths, as well as selects promising ones. The alpha-beta algorithm (used by many OLD chess programs) comes immediately to mind.
The A* algorithm can give good results. The key to getting good results out of A* is choosing a good heuristic (weighting function) to evaluate the current node and the various successor nodes, to select the most promising path. Simple path length is probably not good enough.
Elaine Rich's AI textbook (oldie but goodie) spent a fair amount of time on various search algorithms. Full Disclosure: I was one of the guinea pigs for the text, during my undergraduate days at UT Austin.
did you try breadth-first search? (BFS) that is if length is a criteria for best path
you will also have to modify the algorithm to disregard "unacceptable paths"
If your problem is exactly as you describe it, you have two choices: depth-first search, and breadth first search.
Depth first search considers a possible path, pursues it all the way to the end (or as far as it is acceptable), and only then is it compared with other paths.
Breadth first search is probably more appropriate, at each junction you consider all possible next steps and use some score to rank the order in which each possible step is taken. This allows you to prioritise your search and find good solutions faster, (but to prove you have found the best solution it takes just as long as depth-first searching, and is less easy to parallelise).
However, your problem may also be suitable for Dijkstra's algorithm depending on the details of your problem. If it is, that is a much better approach!
This would also be a good starting point to develop your own algorithm that performs much better than iterative searching (if such an algorithm is actually possible, which it may not be!)
A* plus floodfill and dynamic programming. It is hard to implement, and too hard to describe in a simple post and too valuable to just give away so sorry I can't provide more but searching on flood fill and dynamic programming will put you on the path if you want to go that route.
