I need an algorithm to find the best path - algorithm

I need an algorithm to find the best solution of a path finding problem. The problem can be stated as:
At the starting point I can proceed along multiple different paths.
At each step there are another multiple possible choices where to proceed.
There are two operations possible at each step:
A boundary condition that determine if a path is acceptable or not.
A condition that determine if the path has reached the final destination and can be selected as the best one.
At each step a number of paths can be eliminated, letting only the "good" paths to grow.
I hope this sufficiently describes my problem, and also a possible brute force solution.
My question is: is the brute force is the best/only solution to the problem, and I need some hint also about the best coding structure of the algorithm.

Take a look at A*, and use the length as boundary condition.

You are looking for some kind of state space search algorithm. Without knowing more about the particular problem, it is difficult to recommend one over another.
If your space is open-ended (infinite tree search), or nearly so (chess, for example), you want an algorithm that prunes unpromising paths, as well as selects promising ones. The alpha-beta algorithm (used by many OLD chess programs) comes immediately to mind.
The A* algorithm can give good results. The key to getting good results out of A* is choosing a good heuristic (weighting function) to evaluate the current node and the various successor nodes, to select the most promising path. Simple path length is probably not good enough.
Elaine Rich's AI textbook (oldie but goodie) spent a fair amount of time on various search algorithms. Full Disclosure: I was one of the guinea pigs for the text, during my undergraduate days at UT Austin.

did you try breadth-first search? (BFS) that is if length is a criteria for best path
you will also have to modify the algorithm to disregard "unacceptable paths"

If your problem is exactly as you describe it, you have two choices: depth-first search, and breadth first search.
Depth first search considers a possible path, pursues it all the way to the end (or as far as it is acceptable), and only then is it compared with other paths.
Breadth first search is probably more appropriate, at each junction you consider all possible next steps and use some score to rank the order in which each possible step is taken. This allows you to prioritise your search and find good solutions faster, (but to prove you have found the best solution it takes just as long as depth-first searching, and is less easy to parallelise).
However, your problem may also be suitable for Dijkstra's algorithm depending on the details of your problem. If it is, that is a much better approach!
This would also be a good starting point to develop your own algorithm that performs much better than iterative searching (if such an algorithm is actually possible, which it may not be!)

A* plus floodfill and dynamic programming. It is hard to implement, and too hard to describe in a simple post and too valuable to just give away so sorry I can't provide more but searching on flood fill and dynamic programming will put you on the path if you want to go that route.


NN vs Greedy Search

Both NN and Greedy Search algorithms have a Greed nature, and both have tendency towards the lowest cost/distance (my understanding may be incorrect though). But what makes them different in a way that each one can be classified into a distinct algorithm group is somehow unclear to me.
For instance, if I can solve a particular problem using NN, I can surely solve it with Greedy Search algorithm as well specially if minimization is the case. I came to this conclusion because when I start coding them I come across very similar implementations in code although the general concept behind both might be different. Sometimes I can't even tell if the implementation follows NN or Greedy Search.
I have done my homework well and searched enough on Google, but couldn't find a decent explanation on what distinguishes them from one another. Any such explanation is indeed appreciated.
Hmm, at a very high level they both driven by heuristics in order to evaluate a given solution against an ideal solution. But, whilst a greedy search algo outputs a solution for a given input, the NN trains a model that will generate solutions for given inputs. So at a very very high level, you can think that the NN generates a solution finder, whereas the greedy search is a harcoded solution finder.
In other words, the NN will generate "code" (i.e. the model (aka the weights)) that finds solutions to the problem when provided to the same network topology. The greedy search is you actually writing the code that finds the solution to the problem. This is quite wishy washy though, I'm sure there is a much more concise, academically sound way of expressing what I've just said
All of what I've just said in based on the assumption that by "Greedy search" you meant the algorithms to solve problems such as travelling sales man.
Another way to think of it is:
In greedy search, you write an algorithm that solves a search problem (find me the graph that best describes the relationship, based on provided heuristic(s), between data point A and data point B).
When you write a neural network, you declare a network topology, provide some initially "random" weights and some heuristics to measure output errors and then train the networks weights via a plethora of different methods (back prop, GAN etc). These weights can then be used as a solver for novel problems.
For what it's worth, I don't think an NN would be a good approach to generate a solver for travelling sales man problem. You would be far better off just using a common graph search algorithm..

Precalculate Result of A*

Currently learning about the A* search algorithm and using it to find the quickest solution to the N-Puzzle. For some random seed of the initial starting state, the puzzle may be unsolvable which would result in extremely long wait times until the algorithm has search the entire search-space and determined there is not solution to the give start state.
I was wondering if there is a method of precalculating whether the A* algorithm will fail to avoid such a scenario. I've read a bit about how it is possible but can't find a direct answer as to a method in which to do it.
Any guidance or options are appreciated.
I think A* does not offer you a mechanism to know whether or not a problem is solvable. Specifically for N-Puzzle, I think this could help you to check if it can be solved or not:
It seems that if you are in a state where you have an odd amount inversion, you know for sure the problem for that permutation is infeasible.
For the N-puzzle specifically, there are only two possible parities, so you just need to check which parity the current puzzle is.
There is an in-depth explanation on how to do this on the math stackexchange
For general A* problems, no, there is no way to pre-compute if the graph is solvable.

concrete examples of heuristics

What are concrete examples (e.g. Alpha-beta pruning, example:tic-tac-toe and how is it applicable there) of heuristics. I already saw an answered question about what heuristics is but I still don't get the thing where it uses estimation. Can you give me a concrete example of a heuristic and how it works?
Warnsdorff's rule is an heuristic, but the A* search algorithm isn't. It is, as its name implies, a search algorithm, which is not problem-dependent. The heuristic is. An example: you can use the A* (if correctly implemented) to solve the Fifteen puzzle and to find the shortest way out of a maze, but the heuristics used will be different. With the Fifteen puzzle your heuristic could be how many tiles are out of place: the number of moves needed to solve the puzzle will always be greater or equal to the heuristic.
To get out of the maze you could use the Manhattan Distance to a point you know is outside of the maze as your heuristic. Manhattan Distance is widely used in game-like problems as it is the number of "steps" in horizontal and in vertical needed to get to the goal.
Manhattan distance = abs(x2-x1) + abs(y2-y1)
It's easy to see that in the best case (there are no walls) that will be the exact distance to the goal, in the rest you will need more. This is important: your heuristic must be optimistic (admissible heuristic) so that your search algorithm is optimal. It must also be consistent. However, in some applications (such as games with very big maps) you use non-admissible heuristics because a suboptimal solution suffices.
A heuristic is just an approximation to the real cost, (always lower than the real cost if admissible). The better the approximation, the fewer states the search algorithm will have to explore. But better approximations usually mean more computing time, so you have to find a compromise solution.
Most demonstrative is the usage of heuristics in informed search algorithms, such as A-Star. For realistic problems you usually have large search space, making it infeasible to check every single part of it. To avoid this, i.e. to try the most promising parts of the search space first, you use a heuristic. A heuristic gives you an estimate of how good the available subsequent search steps are. You will choose the most promising next step, i.e. best-first. For example if you'd like to search the path between two cities (i.e. vertices, connected by a set of roads, i.e. edges, that form a graph) you may want to choose the straight-line distance to the goal as a heuristic to determine which city to visit first (and see if it's the target city).
Heuristics should have similar properties as metrics for the search space and they usually should be optimistic, but that's another story. The problem of providing a heuristic that works out to be effective and that is side-effect free is yet another problem...
For an application of different heuristics being used to find the path through a given maze also have a look at this answer.
Your question interests me as I've heard about heuristics too during my studies but never saw an application for it, I googled a bit and found this : http://www.predictia.es/blog/aco-search
This code simulate an "ant colony optimization" algorithm to search trough a website.
The "ants" are workers which will search through the site, some will search randomly, some others will follow the "best path" determined by the previous ones.
A concrete example: I've been doing a solver for the game JT's Block, which is roughly equivalent to the Same Game. The algorithm performs a breadth-first search on all possible hits, store the values, and performs to the next ply. Problem is the number of possible hits quickly grows out of control (10e30 estimated positions per game), so I need to prune the list of positions at each turn and only take the "best" of them.
Now, the definition of the "best" positions is quite fuzzy: they are the positions that are expected to lead to the best final scores, but nothing is sure. And here comes the heuristics. I've tried a few of them:
sort positions by score obtained so far
increase score by best score obtained with a x-depth search
increase score based on a complex formula using the number of tiles, their color and their proximity
improve the last heuristic by tweaking its parameters and seeing how they perform
The last of these heuristic could have lead to an ant-march optimization: there's half a dozen parameters that can be tweaked from 0 to 1, and an optimizer could find the optimal combination of these. For the moment I've just manually improved some of them.
The second of this heuristics is interesting: it could lead to the optimal score through a full depth-first search, but such a goal is impossible of course because it would take too much time. In general, increasing X leads to a better heuristic, but increases the computing time a lot.
So here it is, some examples of heuristics. Anything can be an heuristic as long as it helps your algorithm perform better, and it's what makes them so hard to grasp: they're not deterministic. Another point with heuristics: they're supposed to lead to quick and dirty results of the real stuff, so there's a trade-of between their execution time and their accuracy.
A couple of concrete examples: for solving the Knight's Tour problem, one can use Warnsdorff's rule - an heuristic. Or for solving the Fifteen puzzle, a possible heuristic is the A* search algorithm.
The original question asked for concrete examples for heuristics.
Some of these concrete examples were already given. Another one would be the number of misplaced tiles in the 15-puzzle or its improvement, the Manhattan distance, based on the misplaced tiles.
One of the previous answers also claimed that heuristics are always problem-dependent, whereas algorithms are problem-independent. While there are, of course, also problem-dependent algorithms (for instance, for every problem you can just give an algorithm that immediately solves that very problem, e.g. the optimal strategy for any tower-of-hanoi problem is known) there are also problem-independent heuristics!
Consequently, there are also different kinds of problem-independent heuristics. Thus, in a certain way, every such heuristic can be regarded a concrete heuristic example while not being tailored to a specific problem like 15-puzzle. (Examples for problem-independent heuristics taken from planning are the FF heuristic or the Add heuristic.)
These problem-independent heuristics base on a general description language and then they perform a problem relaxation. That is, the problem relaxation only bases on the syntax (and, of course, its underlying semantics) of the problem description without "knowing" what it represents. If you are interested in this, you should get familiar with "planning" and, more specifically, with "planning as heuristic search". I also want to mention that these heuristics, while being problem-independent, are dependent on the problem description language, of course. (E.g., my before-mentioned heuristics are specific to "planning problems" and even for planning there are various different sub problem classes with differing kinds of heuristics.)

Bidirectional A* (A-star) Search

I'm implementing a bidirectional A* search (bidirectional as in the search is performed from both the origin and destination simultaneously, and when these two searches meet, I'll have my shortest path - at least with a bit of extra logic thrown in).
Does anyone have any experience with taking a unidirectional A* and bidirectionalising(!) it - what sort of performance gain can I expect? I'd reckoned on it more-or-less halving the search time, at a minimum - but may I see bigger gains that this? I'm using the algorithm to determine shortest routes on a road network - if that's in any way relevant (I've read about MS's "Reach" algorithm, but want to take baby-steps towards this rather than jumping straight in).
In the best possible case it'd run in O(b^(n/2)) instead of O(b^n), but that's only if you're lucky :)
(where b is your branching factor and n is the number of nodes a unidirectional A* would consider)
It all depends on how easily the two searches meet, if they find each other at a good halfway point early in the search you've done away with a lot of search time, but if they branch into wildly different directions you may end up with something slower than simple A* (because of all the extra bookkeeping)
You may want to try https://github.com/sroycode/tway
there is a benchmarking script that compares this with standard astar
( for NY city roads data it seems to give a 30% time benefit )
You may consider clustering as much more efficient booster. Also see this article

Depth First Search Basics

I'm trying to improve my current algorithm for the 8 Queens problem, and this is the first time I'm really dealing with algorithm design/algorithms. I want to implement a depth-first search combined with a permutation of the different Y values described here:
I've implemented the permutation part to solve the problem, but I'm having a little trouble wrapping my mind around the depth-first search. It is described as a way of traversing a tree/graph, but does it generate the tree graph? It seems the only way that this method would be more efficient only if the depth-first search generates the tree structure to be traversed, by implementing some logic to only generate certain parts of the tree.
So essentially, I would have to create an algorithm that generated a pruned tree of lexigraphic permutations. I know how to implement the pruning logic, but I'm just not sure how to tie it in with the permutation generator since I've been using next_permutation.
Is there any resources that could help me with the basics of depth first searches or creating lexigraphic permutations in tree form?
In general, yes, the idea of the depth-first search is that you won't have to generate (or "visit" or "expand") every node.
In the case of the Eight Queens problem, if you place a queen such that it can attack another queen, you can abort that branch; it cannot lead to a solution.
If you were solving a variant of Eight Queens such that your goal was to find one solution, not all 92, then you could quit as soon as you found one.
More generally, if you were solving a less discrete problem, like finding the "best" arrangement of queens according to some measure, then you could abort a branch as soon as you knew it could not lead to a final state better than a final state you'd already found on another branch. This is related to the A* search algorithm.
Even more generally, if you are attacking a really big problem (like chess), you may be satisfied with a solution that is not exact, so you can abort a branch that probably can't lead to a solution you've already found.
The DFS algorithm itself does not generate the tree/graph. If you want to build the tree and graph, it's as simple building it as you perform the search. If you only want to find one soution, a flat LIFO data structure like a linked list will suffice for this: when you visit a new node, append it to the list. When you leave a node to backtrack in the search, pop the node off.
A book called "Introduction to algorithms" by anany levitan has a proper explanation for your understanding. He also provided the solution to 8 queens problem just the way you desctribed it. It will helpyou for sure.
As my understanding, for finding one solution you dont need any permutation all you need is dfs.That will lonely suffice in finding solution
