FITS Export with custom Metadata - wolfram-mathematica

does anybody has experience in exporting data as a FITS file with custom Metadata (FITS header) information? So far I was only able to generate FITS files with the standard Mathematica FITS header template. The documentation gives no hint on whether custom Metadata export is supported and how it might be done.
The following suggestions from comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica do not work:
header=Import[<some FITS file>, "Metadata"];
Export<"test.fits",data ,"Metadata"->header]
What is the proper way to export my own Metadata to a FITS file ?
Update: response from Wolfram Support:
"Mathematica does not yet support Export of metadata for FITS file. The
example are referring to importing of this data. We do plan to support
this in the future..."
"There are also plans to include binary tables into FITS import
I will try to come up with some workaround.

According to the documentation for v.7 and v.8, there is a couple of ways of accomplishing what you want, and you almost have the rule form correct:
Export["test.fits", {"Data" -> data, "Metadata" -> header}, "Rules"]
The other ways are
Export["test.fits", header, "Metadata"]
Export["test.fits", {data, header}, {{"Data", "Metadata"}}]
note the double brackets around the element labels in the second method.
Edit: After some testing, due to prodding from #belisarius, whenever I include the "Metadata" element, I get an error stating that it is not a valid export element. Also, you can't export a "RawData" element, either. So, I'd submit a bug for two reasons: the metadata isn't user settable which is vitally important for any serious application. At a minimum, the user should at least be able to augment the default Mathematica metadata. Second, the documentation is woefully inadequate in describing what is a "valid" export element vs. import element. Of course, I'd describe all of the documentation for v.6 and beyond as woefully inadequate, so this is par for the course.

Mathematica 9 now allows export of metadata (header) entries, which are additive to the standard required entries. In the Help browser, search "FITS" and there is an example that shows this (with Export followed by Import to verify).


How do I access h2o xgb model input features after saving a model to disk and reloading it?

I'm using h2o's xgboost implementation in Python. I've saved a model to disk and I'm trying to load it later on for analysis and predicting. I'm trying to access the input features list or, even better, the feature list used by the model which does not include the features it decided not to use. The way people advise doing this is to use varimp function to get the variable importance and while this does remove features that aren't used in the model this actually gives you the variable importance of intermediate features created by OHE the categorical features, not the original categorical feature names.
I've searched for how to do this and so far I've found the following but no concrete way to do this:
Someone asking something very similar to this and being told the feature has been requested in Jira
Said Jira ticket which has been marked resolved but I believe says this was implemented but not customer visible.
A similar ticket requesting this feature (original categorical feature importance) for variable importance heatmaps but it is still open.
Someone else who found an unofficial way to access the columns with model._model_json['output']['names'] but that doesn't give the features that weren't used by the model and they are told to use a different method that doesn't work if you have saved the model to disk and reloaded it (which I am doing).
The only option I see is to just use the varimp features, split on period character to break the OHE feature names, select the first part of all the splits, and then run a set over everything to get the unique column names. But I'm hoping there's a better way to do this.

Implementing row level identification to all existing mappings(Automation)

I am trying to implement row level identification in the target in informatica.
The mappings are already present and links are already made but i want this change to be implemented in more than 1000 mappings. How can i do this without affecting the current mapping as it become very tedious to add column in expression in 1000 mappings manually. Is there a better way to do this. Please tell. If my question is not understood please ask.
This is a very complex task. There is no out-of-the-box solution to accomplish that, I'm afraid. What you could do, is export all the mappings to XML and work on the exported definitions to add the required feature. Then import the definitions back. This however requires some analysis to understand the way mappings are built as well as the details of your requirement.

Can't figure out how to search LOINC using FHIR for a specific test by name?

Can anyone provide some insight on the required syntax to use to search LOINC using FHIR for a specific string in the labs descriptive text portion of an Observation resource?
Is this even possible?
The documentation is all over the place and I can't find an example for this generic kind of search.
I found similar examples here:
Such as: GET "[base]/ValueSet/23/$validate-code?system="
But none of them are providing a general enough case to do a global search of the LOINC system for a specific string in an Observation resource.
None of my attempts to use the FHIR UI here, , have been successful. I keep getting a 500 Internal Server Error because I don't know the correct syntax to use for the value part of the search, and I can't find any documentation out of all the copious documents online that explains this very simple concept.
Can anyone provide some insight?
Totally frustrated at this point.
where 12345-6 is whatever LOINC code you want to look for (e.g. 39802-4)
The second ensures you'll only match on LOINC codes as opposed to codes from other systems, though given the relatively unique format of LOINC codes, you're mostly safe without including that.
If you want to search for a set of codes, then you can separate the codes or the tuples with commas: E.g.
If you expect to search by a really long list of codes frequently, you can define a value set that includes all the desired codes and then filter by value set:
Note: for readability, I haven't escaped the URL contents, but you'll need to escape the URL values appropriately.

Application To Help Translate XSL Transformations

There must exist some application to do the following, but I am not even sure how to google for it.
The dilemma is that we have to backtrace defects and in doing so this requires to see how certain fields in the output xml have been generated by the XSL. The hard part is spending hours in the XSL and XML trying to figure out where it was even generated. Even debugging is difficult if you are working with multiple XSL transformation and edits as you still need to find out primary keys that get in the specific scenario for that transform.
Is there some software program that could take an XSL and perhaps do one of two things:
Feed it an output field name and it would generate a list of all
the possible criteria that would generate this field so you can figure out which one of a dozen in the XSL meets your criteria, or
Somehow convert the xsl into some more readable if/then type
format (kind of like how you can use Javadoc to produce readable documentation)
You don't say what tools you are currently using. Tools like oXygen and Stylus Studio have some quite sophisticated XSLT debugging capability. OXygen's output mapping tool (see sounds very like the thing you are asking for.
Using schema-aware stylesheets can greatly ease debugging. At least in the Saxon implementation, if you declare in your stylesheet that you want the output to be valid against a particular schema, then if it isn't, Saxon will tell you what instruction in the stylesheet caused invalid output to be generated. Sometimes it will show you the error at stylesheet compile time, before you even supply a source document. This capability is greatly under-used, in my view. More details here:
It's an interesting question. Your suggestions are also interesting but would be quite challenging to develop; I know of no COTS or FOSS solution to either, but here are some thoughts:
Your first possibility is essentially data-flow analysis from
compiler design. I know of no tools that expose this to the user,
but you might ask XSLT processor developers if they have ever
considered externalizing such an analysis in a manner that would be useful to XSLT
Your second possibility is essentially a documentation generator
against XSLT source. I have actually helped to complete one for a client in
financial services in the past (see Document XSLT Automatically), but the solution was the property of
the client and was never released publicly as far as I know. It
would be possible to recreate such a meta-transformation between
XSLT input and HTML or Docbook output, but it's not simple to do in the
most general case.
There's another approach that you might consider:
Tighten up your interface definition. In your comment, you mention uncertainty as to whether a problem's source is bad data from the sender or a bug in the XSLT. You would be well-served by a stricter interface definition. You could implement this via better typing in XSD, addition of xsd:assertion statements if XSD 1.1 is an option, or adding a Schematron-based interface checking level, which would allow you the full power of XPath-based assertions over the input. Having such an improved and more specific interface definition would help both you and your clients know what should and should not be sent into your systems.

Import data from URL

The St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank has a great set of data available on a variety of their web pages, such as:
The data sets get updated, some as often as daily. I tend to have an interest in the daily data (see the above settings on the URLS)
I'd like to import these kinds of price or rate data streams (accessible as CSV or Excel files at the above URLs) directly into Mathematica.
I've looked at the documentation on Importing[] but I find scant documentation (actually none) on how to go about something like this.
It looks like I need to navigate to the pages, send some data to select specific files and formats, trigger the download, then access the downloaded data from my own machine. Even better if I could access the data directly from the sites.
I had hoped Wolfram Alpha might make this sort thing easy, but I haven't had any success.
FinancialData[] would seem natural for this sort of thing, but I don't see anyway to do it. Financial data has lots of features, but I don't see a way yo get this sort of thing.
Does anyone have any experience with this or can someone point me in the right direction?
You can Import directly from a URL. For example, the data from can be obtained and visualized as follows.
url = "";
url = url<>"rel=H10&series=a660e724c705cea4b7bd1d1b85789862&lastObs=&";
url = url<>"from=&to=&filetype=csv&label=include&layout=seriescolumn";
data = Import[url, "CSV"];
DateListPlot[data[[7 ;;]], Joined -> True]
I broke up url for convenience, since it's so long. I had to examine the contents of data before I knew exactly how to plot it - a step that is typically necessary. I'm sure that the data from can be obtained in a similar way, but it requires the use of an API with key to access it.
As Mark said, you can get the data directly from a URL. Your oil data can be imported from a different URL than you had:
With that URL, you can do this:
oil = Import["",
"Table", "HeaderLines" -> 12, "DateStringFormat" -> {"Year", "Month", "Day"}];
DateListPlot[oil, Joined -> True, PlotRange -> All]
Note that "HeaderLines"->12 option strips off the header text in the first 12 lines (you have to count the header lines to know how many to remove). I've also specified the date format.
To find that URL, do as you did before, but click on a data series and then choose View Data from the menu on the left when you see the chart.
The documentation has a short example on extracting data out of a webpage:
Of course, what actually needs to be done will vary significantly from page to page.
discussion on how to do this with your API key here:
the function is based on the API documentation. I haven't looked at the code for a couple of years and from memory I put it together rather quickly but I have used it regularly for over 2 years without problems. Here is an example for monthly non seasonally adjusted retail sales from early 1992 to now:
wolfram alpha also uses FRED data so you could use that as an alternative to direct import but it is more tricky to get the query right. I prefer to use FRED directly. Also from memory the data is only available on alpha the day after the release, which is not what you would typically want.
