Magento USPS - What if product weight is not available? - magento

I have one query for USPS shipping method in Magento. If I don’t know and i don’t enter the weight of the product in magento, then how USPS will count the cost?
I want where if total amount to pay is over $50 then FREE Shipping will go else it will show fix $5 rate for USPS. I almost have same weight small products so I don't want cost to be calculated. I just want user to know that via USPS, their parcel will come and for that they need to pay more $5 charge.
Can anyone give me idea for what I want to achieve? Any tip will be great help.

you can create a extension for shipping query that include some shipping carrier of DHL UPS and more.
1.create a SOAP for get data from MySQL
2.declare & create for magento on checkout.
I was customize shipping fee on this site


Simplify delivery options on magento

I have a magento shop with 3 different delivery options. Non of them are related to the destination. We only allow shipping in one country and in this country the rate for shipping is always the same. So therefore I don't need to ask my customers for their ZIP/Country to calculate the delivery costs. I only want to give them the three options to select - and nothing more.
How can I disable this "estimated delivery costs"-module without disabling the whole "choose your delivery"-thing?
Thanks in advance!
Also, what may be helpful, is the Auto Shipping module in the Magento Connect, it will automatically select the best shipping option. That way the customer will see the grand total including the shipping.
Hope it helps!
If you mean the estimated delivery costs that exists in index.php/checkout/cart/, it does not force the customer to insert his zip code. As i see in my shop it's optional. Of course if the customer type a zip code then it can change the shipping costs.
If this is the case then you can just disappear it...
In your CSS file:
.cart .shipping {

How to not consider free items when calculating shipping costs?

In my shop shipping is free on orders over $75.
I want to add a free item A to the cart when the customer purchases a specific product B.
Item A is set to be free of charge by:
This works fine so far. But for the calculation of the shipping costs still the original price of A is used. As a result, shipping is free when the original price of A and the price of B add up to be over $75.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
As #cads mentioned in this comment:
For Magento and above you need to set $quoteItem->setCustomPrice(0); and $quoteItem->setOriginalCustomPrice(0); to get the right shipping cost.

No payment methods display for free products with shipping costs

We are creating a Magento store with many educational products. Many products are free booklets, but there are shipping costs for the order.
If I create an order with only free products and go through checkout, no payment methods will display and I can't complete the order.
How do I get the payment methods to show?
Some additional information:
If I add a paid product to my cart, the payment methods will display.
Some products are completely free (no shipping either). We gave them a weight of zero. If you only order those, it does work like it should. (No payment required.)
There is only one shipping method available: Table Rates
I have solved this issue myself. Here's how:
First, make a local copy of the file app/code/core/Mage/Payment/Block/Form/Container.php (Copy the file to: app/code/local/Mage/Payment/Block/Form/Container.php)
Then go to line 119 and change:
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$total = $quote->getBaseGrandTotal();
I've tested the change by placing an order of free products and finishing the order in the back-end. It all seems to work properly.

Magento - How can I add a non-taxable fee to a taxable product?

We are using Magento EE 1.12. We have associated fees with individual products that cannot be taxed, however the product itself can be. The desired solution will be similar to a custom option where the fee is included on the same line item as the product and included in the product's price and therefore in the order subtotal. The only problem with a custom option is that the fee is taxed along with the product.
We've gone through several scenarios but I think the most likely solution is to use a custom option, but after the tax has been calculated we will reduce the tax to the correct amount. We tax on the subtotal and shipping. We will have access to the amount of fees so we can get the tax on that total and reduce the order tax amount.
Does this seem like a good solution? Does anyone have other ideas?
Make it a bundle product, and put in a product which is not taxable.

how can i decrease the product price on cart page?

If the user has an existing account balance, I'd like to give him the option to specify how much of his previous balance to apply to the item and sync this info with the cart and order. I have already implemented the user's account balance, both on the front and back end.
Would a coupon-like system work best, or should I try something else?
Thanks in advance.
I would let the customer decrease its cart total with the balance would be more simple / logic for the customer also (?)
What E-commerce solution do you use? Magento(?) If so there are coupon extensions that can handle this.
You could also build a simple balance system where users would see there balance in there account ( if such feature is implemented) or just mail them a message with a unique code that you save in DB + the value of balance then use this code as a coupon on checkout.
We have created quite a few e-commerce solutions up to date. Usually, when user balance is involved, then what you do is create two transactions referred to one invoice. In the first transaction specify the amount taken from balance, where as leave the other transaction for whatever checkout method you use. Upon callback from the checkout, see if the balance paid matches the invoice to mark it as paid respectfully.
Alternatively, you can use discount - decrease user balance and add "discount" to the order. It all depends on your accounting needs and preferences.
On Amazon they allow you to apply any unused balance to the existing order. Its when you checkout that they say you have $150 credit on your account, would you like to apply this to your order, it defaults to yes in a tick box.
Its quite neat and simple, it doesn't allow you to apply a part amount from what I've seen.
Then when you go to payment you pay $total - balance.
So if you have $200 total, the payment via credit card would be for the $50.
