Simplify delivery options on magento - magento

I have a magento shop with 3 different delivery options. Non of them are related to the destination. We only allow shipping in one country and in this country the rate for shipping is always the same. So therefore I don't need to ask my customers for their ZIP/Country to calculate the delivery costs. I only want to give them the three options to select - and nothing more.
How can I disable this "estimated delivery costs"-module without disabling the whole "choose your delivery"-thing?
Thanks in advance!

Also, what may be helpful, is the Auto Shipping module in the Magento Connect, it will automatically select the best shipping option. That way the customer will see the grand total including the shipping.
Hope it helps!

If you mean the estimated delivery costs that exists in index.php/checkout/cart/, it does not force the customer to insert his zip code. As i see in my shop it's optional. Of course if the customer type a zip code then it can change the shipping costs.
If this is the case then you can just disappear it...
In your CSS file:
.cart .shipping {


How to apply "20% Discount" to specific Customers of a Customer Group in Magento 1.7.2?

I have products with a normal price(let's say product A costs 20e) and a group price(lets product A costs 15e) assigned to my customer group
that I call it "Resellers".
I want to apply an extra 20% discount to specific Resellers (not to the whole Reseller group)
in the group price(meaning the 15e)
I tried to solve it by creating a "Shoping Cart Price Rule" (I called it "20% Extra Discount") it applies to the whole Customer Group
How Can I apply 20% it only to specific Resellers and not to the whole Reseller Group for the group price only?
What you are asking is not possible with Magento out of the box.
You can overcome this by generating a coupon that you can send out by e-mail to your specific customers.
or you can try to use an extension like this.
It's not free, but from the looks of it it might get you what you need.
I'm in no way associated to the extension provider. I just found it on a simple search on the web.
You need to do some coding in order to achieve above said, following is the way it should happen.
You would need to hook into an event, ex :
Changing the price in quote while adding product to cart: magento
Also in the observer created above you need to do something like
Add custom discount order in total with button
Now whats above will do :
Let us suppose you create a general rule for 20% discount but do not relate it to any customer group.
What happen is once a product is added to a cart you can check into an Observer whether you want to provide discount to this particular customer.
If yes programmatically add coupon to the quote or order else not.
Please note : there are various other type of event for ex: after moving to checkout etc, in case you do not want to use on adding of product to cart.
hope above helps.

Virtuemart Discount on hour and minute

I'm using virtuemart on Joomla and I was wondering if it is possible to make a discount depending on the clock. I want to add a 20% discount on sales made from 16.00 through 20.00 avery day.
Thanks in advance
I think there's a possible solution based on an extension called Chameleon. Using Chameleon you can set the VM shopper group on the fly, according to specific conditions.
So perhaps you could set up a special shopper group that has a 20% discount. Then you would make a "rule" in Chameleon that triggers only between 16:00 and 20:00. The "succeed action" in that rule would be to set the shopper group to the new shopper group.
That way, people would be able to see the special prices only during those times. The shopper group switch is not "sticky" i.e. it doesn't permanently assign the person to that shopper group.
Some people use this functionality for setting different pricing for people in different countries (GeoIP), or different domains on their site, so I think it should work fine for time-based things as well. The only issue might be what happens if they have added something to their cart before 20:00 but don't check out in time; but I am sure that could be solved.
Out of the box is not possible to do that. If you doesn't mind to spend some money you may buy a virtuemart plugin called 'quantity plugin' which calculates discount based on quantity and modify it to use time instead of quantity.
Alternatively you may check how the calculation rules works by examining a few files:
Using those files as starting point you could implement your own discount rule.
Hope this helps.

how can i decrease the product price on cart page?

If the user has an existing account balance, I'd like to give him the option to specify how much of his previous balance to apply to the item and sync this info with the cart and order. I have already implemented the user's account balance, both on the front and back end.
Would a coupon-like system work best, or should I try something else?
Thanks in advance.
I would let the customer decrease its cart total with the balance would be more simple / logic for the customer also (?)
What E-commerce solution do you use? Magento(?) If so there are coupon extensions that can handle this.
You could also build a simple balance system where users would see there balance in there account ( if such feature is implemented) or just mail them a message with a unique code that you save in DB + the value of balance then use this code as a coupon on checkout.
We have created quite a few e-commerce solutions up to date. Usually, when user balance is involved, then what you do is create two transactions referred to one invoice. In the first transaction specify the amount taken from balance, where as leave the other transaction for whatever checkout method you use. Upon callback from the checkout, see if the balance paid matches the invoice to mark it as paid respectfully.
Alternatively, you can use discount - decrease user balance and add "discount" to the order. It all depends on your accounting needs and preferences.
On Amazon they allow you to apply any unused balance to the existing order. Its when you checkout that they say you have $150 credit on your account, would you like to apply this to your order, it defaults to yes in a tick box.
Its quite neat and simple, it doesn't allow you to apply a part amount from what I've seen.
Then when you go to payment you pay $total - balance.
So if you have $200 total, the payment via credit card would be for the $50.

how to get id of product in shipping method

Is there anyway to get product Id of product in Shipping module, so that for different category I can charge Additional amount.
for eg: i have to two product in carts. One is in phone category and other is in computer category. for shipment I have to add $5 for phone and $25 for computer . so shipment charge should be $30 dollars in frontend. Is there anyway I can get product Id and corresponding product's category Id in Shipping method collect rates method??
Please help me, I am in a deep trouble....I hope Eg that I provided , explains what I need.
Thanks in advance.
You can get the products from quote
and iterating over those items (be aware of grouped and bundled parents and so on) will give you the category(s) they might belong to and you can make your conditions against those
This is only a tenable option if products belong to only one category. Unless something has changed in the last couple of versions, there is no data for quote items that shows the category context from which they were added. has several already-developed solutions for shipping scenarios. Depending on development contract & budget, it may be more cost-effective to use one of their well-tested extensions, e.g. Shipping Override Matrix.

Magento USPS - What if product weight is not available?

I have one query for USPS shipping method in Magento. If I don’t know and i don’t enter the weight of the product in magento, then how USPS will count the cost?
I want where if total amount to pay is over $50 then FREE Shipping will go else it will show fix $5 rate for USPS. I almost have same weight small products so I don't want cost to be calculated. I just want user to know that via USPS, their parcel will come and for that they need to pay more $5 charge.
Can anyone give me idea for what I want to achieve? Any tip will be great help.
you can create a extension for shipping query that include some shipping carrier of DHL UPS and more.
1.create a SOAP for get data from MySQL
2.declare & create for magento on checkout.
I was customize shipping fee on this site
