Specifics of usage and internal work of *Set* functions - wolfram-mathematica

I just noticed one undocumented feature of internal work of *Set* functions in Mathematica.
In[1]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[b] = 2;
During evaluation of In[1]:= !
Out[3]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
In[4]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[1] = 2;
During evaluation of In[4]:= !
During evaluation of In[4]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[1] is Protected. >>
Out[6]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
What is the reason for this difference? Why a is evaluated although Set has attribute HoldFirst? For which purposes such behavior is useful?
And note also this case:
In[7]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5)
a[b] ^= 2
During evaluation of In[7]:= !
Out[8]= 2
Out[9]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 2}
Out[10]= 2
As you see, we get the working definition for 5[b] avoiding Protected attribute of the tag Integer which causes error in usual cases:
In[13]:= 5[b] = 1
During evaluation of In[13]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. >>
Out[13]= 1
The other way to avoid this error is to use TagSet*:
In[15]:= b /: 5[b] = 1
Out[15]= 1
Out[16]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 1}
Why are these features?
Regarding my question why we can write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 while cannot a := (a =.; 5); a[1] = 2. In really in Mathematica 5 we cannot write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 too:
From In[1]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. More...
(The above is copied from Mathematica 5.2)
We can see what happens internally in new versions of Mathematica when we evaluate a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2:
In[1]:= a:=(a=.;5);
Out[2]= {a[b]=2,{Set},{2},a[b]=2,{With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{With},With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{a,a=.;5,{CompoundExpression},a=.;5,{a=.,{Unset},a=.,Null},{5},5},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*]],{RuleCondition},{Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{And},Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{Head[5]===Symbol,{SameQ},{Head[5],{Head},{5},Head[5],Integer},{Symbol},Integer===Symbol,False},False},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],False],Fail},a[b]=2,{a[b],{a},{b},a[b]},2}
I was very surprised to see calls to Java in such a pure language-related operation as assigning a value to a variable. Is it reasonable to use Java for such operations at all?
Todd Gayley (Wolfram Research) has explained this behavior:
At the start, let me point out that in
Mathematica 8, J/Link no longer
overloads Set. An internal kernel
mechanism was created that, among
other things, allows J/Link to avoid
the need for special, er, "tricks"
with Set.
J/Link has overloaded Set from the
very beginning, almost twelve years
ago. This allows it support this
syntax for assigning a value to a Java
javaObject#field = value
The overloaded definition of Set
causes a slowdown in assignments of
the form
_Symbol[_Symbol] = value
Of course, assignment is a fast
operation, so the slowdown is small in
real terms. Only highly specialized
types of programs are likely to be
significantly affected.
The Set overload does not cause a
call to Java on assignments that do
not involve Java objects (this would
be very costly). This can be verified
with a simple use of TracePrint on
your a[b]=c.
It does, as you note, make a slight
change in the behavior of assignments
that match _Symbol[_Symbol] = value.
Specifically, in f[_Symbol] = value, f
gets evaluated twice. This can cause
problems for code with the following
(highly unusual) form:
f := SomeProgramWithSideEffects[]
f[x] = 42
I cannot recall ever seeing "real"
code like this, or seeing a problem
reported by a user.
This is all moot now in 8.0.

Taking the case of UpSet first, this is expected behavior. One can write:
5[b] ^= 1
The assignment is made to b not the Integer 5.
Regarding Set and SetDelayed, while these have Hold attributes, they still internally evaluate expressions. This allows things such as:
p = n : (_List | _Integer | All);
f[p] := g[n]
f[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
g[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
One can see that heads area also evaluated. This is useful at least for UpSet:
p2 = head : (ff | gg);
p2[x] ^:= Print["Echo ", head];
Echo ff
Echo gg
It is easy to see that it happens also with Set, but less clear to me how this would be useful:
j = k;
j[5] = 3;
(* Out= {HoldPattern[k[5]] :> 3} *)
My analysis of the first part of your question was wrong. I cannot at the moment see why a[b] = 2 is accepted and a[1] = 2 is not. Perhaps at some stage of assignment the second one appears as 5[1] = 2 and a pattern check sets off an error because there are no Symbols on the LHS.

The behavour you show appears to be a bug in 7.0.1 (and possibly earlier) that was fixed in Mathematica 8. In Mathematica 8, both of your original a[b] = 2 and a[1] = 2 examples give the Set::write ... is protected error.
The problem appears to stem from the JLink-related down-value of Set that you identified. That rule implements the JLink syntax used to assign a value to the field of a Java object, e.g. object#field = value.
Set in Mathematica 8 does not have that definition. We can forcibly re-add a similar definition, thus:
HoldPattern[sym_Symbol[arg_Symbol]=val_] :=
, setField[obj[arg], val] /; Head[obj] === Symbol && StringMatchQ[Context[obj],"Something`*"]
After installing this definition in Mathematica 8, it now exhibits the same inconsistent behaviour as in Mathematica 7.
I presume that JLink object field assignment is now accomplished through some other means. The problematic rule looks like it potentially adds costly Head and StringMatchQ tests to every evaluation of the form a[b] = .... Good riddance?


Using Evaluate with a Pure Function and SetDelayed

I want to evaluate f below by passing a list to some function:
f = {z[1] z[2], z[2]^2};
a = % /. {z[1]-> #1,z[2]-> #2};
F[Z_] := Evaluate[a] & ## Z ;
So now if I try F[{1,2}] I get {2, 4} as expected. But looking closer ?F returns the definition
F[Z_] := (Evaluate[a] &) ## Z
which depends on the value of a, so if we set a=3 and then evaluate F[{1,2}], we get 3. I know that adding the last & makes the Evaluate[a] hold, but what is an elegant work around? Essentially I need to force the evaluation of Evaluate[a], mainly to improve efficiency, as a is in fact quite complicated.
Can someone please help out, and take into consideration that f has to contain an Array[z,2] given by some unknown calculation. So writing
F[Z_] := {Z[[1]]Z[[2]],Z[[2]]^2}
would not be enough, I need this to be generated automatically from our f.
Many thanks for any contribution.
Please consider asking your future questions at the dedicated StackExchange site for Mathematica.
Your questions will be much less likely to become tumbleweeds and may be viewed by many experts.
You can inject the value of a into the body of both Function and SetDelayed using With:
With[{body = a},
F[Z_] := body & ## Z
Check the definition:
F[Z$_] := ({#1 #2, #2^2} &) ## Z$
You'll notice Z has become Z$ due to automatic renaming within nested scoping constructs but the behavior is the same.
In the comments you said:
And again it bothers me that if the values of z[i] were changed, then this workaround would fail.
While this should not be a problem after F[Z_] is defined as above, if you wish to protect the replacement done for a you could use Formal Symbols instead of z. These are entered with e.g. Esc$zEsc for Formal z. Formal Symbols have the attribute Protected and exist specifically to avoid such conflicts as this.
This looks much better in a Notebook than it does here:
f = {\[FormalZ][1] \[FormalZ][2], \[FormalZ][2]^2};
a = f /. {\[FormalZ][1] -> #1, \[FormalZ][2] -> #2};
Another approach is to do the replacements inside a Hold expression, and protect the rules themselves from evaluation by using Unevaluated:
ClearAll[f, z, a, F, Z]
z[2] = "Fail!";
f = Hold[{z[1] z[2], z[2]^2}];
a = f /. Unevaluated[{z[1] -> #1, z[2] -> #2}] // ReleaseHold;
With[{body = a},
F[Z_] := body & ## Z
F[Z$_] := ({#1 #2, #2^2} &) ## Z$

Addition of Functions

So generally, if you have two functions f,g: X -->Y, and if there is some binary operation + defined on Y, then f + g has a canonical definition as the function x --> f(x) + g(x).
What's the best way to implement this in Mathematica?
f[x_] := x^2
g[x_] := 2*x
h = f + g;
(f + g)[1]
as an output
of course,
H = Function[z, f[z] + g[z]];
Yields '3'.
In[1]:= Through[(f + g)[1]]
Out[1]= f[1] + g[1]
To elaborate, you can define h like this:
h = Through[ (f + g)[#] ] &;
If you have a limited number of functions and operands, then UpSet as recommended by yoda is surely syntactically cleaner. However, Through is more general. Without any new definitions involving Times or h, one can easily do:
i = Through[ (h * f * g)[#] ] &
Another way of doing what you're trying to do is using UpSetDelayed.
f[x_] := x^2;
g[x_] := 2*x;
f + g ^:= f[#] + g[#] &; (*define upvalues for the operation f+g*)
h[x_] = f + g;
Out[1]= 2 z + z^2
Also see this very nice answer by rcollyer (and also the ones by Leonid & Verbeia) for more on UpValues and when to use them
I will throw in a complete code for Gram - Schmidt and an example for function addition etc, since I happened to have that code written about 4 years ago. Did not test extensively though. I did not change a single line of it now, so a disclaimer (I was a lot worse at mma at the time). That said, here is a Gram - Schmidt procedure implementation, which is a slightly generalized version of the code I discussed here:
oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[vec_, {}, _, _, _] := vec;
oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[vec_, vecmat_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Fold[plusF[#1, timesF[-dotF[vec, #2]/dotF[#2, #2], #2]] &, vec, vecmat];
GSOrthogonalizeGen[startvecs_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Fold[Append[#1,oneStepOrtogonalizeGen[#2, #1, dotF, plusF, timesF]] &, {}, startvecs];
normalizeGen[vec_, dotF_, timesF_] := timesF[1/Sqrt[dotF[vec, vec]], vec];
GSOrthoNormalizeGen[startvecs_List, dotF_, plusF_, timesF_] :=
Map[normalizeGen[#, dotF, timesF] &, GSOrthogonalizeGen[startvecs, dotF, plusF, timesF]];
The functions above are parametrized by 3 functions, realizing addition, multiplication by a number, and the dot product in a given vector space. The example to illustrate will be to find Hermite polynomials by orthonormalizing monomials. These are possible implementations for the 3 functions we need:
hermiteDot[f_Function, g_Function] :=
Module[{x}, Integrate[f[x]*g[x]*Exp[-x^2], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]];
SetAttributes[functionPlus, {Flat, Orderless, OneIdentity}];
functionPlus[f__Function] := With[{expr = Plus ## Through[{f}[#]]}, expr &];
SetAttributes[functionTimes, {Flat, Orderless, OneIdentity}];
functionTimes[a___, f_Function] /; FreeQ[{a}, # | Function] :=
With[{expr = Times[a, f[#]]}, expr &];
These functions may be a bit naive, but they will illustrate the idea (and yes, I also used Through). Here are some examples to illustrate their use:
In[114]:= hermiteDot[#^2 &, #^4 &]
Out[114]= (15 Sqrt[\[Pi]])/8
In[107]:= functionPlus[# &, #^2 &, Sin[#] &]
Out[107]= Sin[#1] + #1 + #1^2 &
In[111]:= functionTimes[z, #^2 &, x, 5]
Out[111]= 5 x z #1^2 &
Now, the main test:
results =
GSOrthoNormalizeGen[{1 &, # &, #^2 &, #^3 &, #^4 &}, hermiteDot,
functionPlus, functionTimes]
Out[115]= {1/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (Sqrt[2] #1)/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (
Sqrt[2] (-(1/2) + #1^2))/\[Pi]^(1/4) &, (2 (-((3 #1)/2) + #1^3))/(
Sqrt[3] \[Pi]^(1/4)) &, (Sqrt[2/3] (-(3/4) + #1^4 -
3 (-(1/2) + #1^2)))/\[Pi]^(1/4) &}
These are indeed the properly normalized Hermite polynomials, as is easy to verify. The normalization of built-in HermiteH is different. Our results are normalized as one would normalize the wave functions of a harmonic oscillator, say. It is trivial to obtain a list of polynomials as expressions depending on a variable, say x:
In[116]:= Through[results[x]]
Out[116]= {1/\[Pi]^(1/4),(Sqrt[2] x)/\[Pi]^(1/4),(Sqrt[2] (-(1/2)+x^2))/\[Pi]^(1/4),
(2 (-((3 x)/2)+x^3))/(Sqrt[3] \[Pi]^(1/4)),(Sqrt[2/3] (-(3/4)+x^4-3 (-(1/2)+x^2)))/\[Pi]^(1/4)}
I would suggest defining an operator other than the built-in Plus for this purpose. There are a number of operators provided by Mathematica that are reserved for user definitions in cases such as this. One such operator is CirclePlus which has no pre-defined meaning but which has a nice compact representation (at least, it is compact in a notebook -- not so compact on a StackOverflow web page). You could define CirclePlus to perform function addition thus:
(x_ \[CirclePlus] y_)[args___] := x[args] + y[args]
With this definition in place, you can now perform function addition:
h = f \[CirclePlus] g;
(* Out[3]= f[x]+g[x] *)
If one likes to live on the edge, the same technique can be used with the built-in Plus operator provided it is unprotected first:
(x_ + y_)[args___] := x[args] + y[args]
h = f + g;
(* Out[7]= f[x]+g[x] *)
I would generally advise against altering the behaviour of built-in functions -- especially one as fundamental as Plus. The reason is that there is no guarantee that user-added definitions to Plus will be respected by other built-in or kernel functions. In some circumstances calls to Plus are optimized, and those optimizations might be not take the user definitions into account. However, this consideration may not affect any particular application so the option is still a valid, if risky, design choice.

How to store punch of equations / constants to solve for any element equation or numerical value

Lets say, that problems are fairly simple - something, that pre-degree theoretical physics student would solve. And student does the hardest part of the task - functional reading: parsing linguistically free form text, to get input and output variables and input variable values.
For example: a problem about kinematic equations, where there are variables {a,d,t,va,vf} and few functions that describe, how thy are dependent of each-other. So using skills acquired in playing fitting blocks where thy fit, you play with the equations to get the output variable you where looking for.
In any case, there are exactly 2 possible outputs you might want and thy are (with working example):
1) Equation for that variable
Physics[have_, find_] := Solve[Flatten[{
d == vf * t - (a * t^2) /2, (* etc. *)
have }], find]
Physics[True, {d}]
{{d -> (1/2)*(2*t*vf - a*t^2)}}
2) Exact or general numerical value for that variable
Physics[have_, find_] := Solve[Flatten[{
d == vf * t - (a * t^2) /2, (* etc. *)
have }], find]
Physics[{t == 9.7, vf == -104.98, a == -9.8}, {d}]
I am not sure, that I am approaching the problem correctly.
I think that I would probably prefer an approach like
In[1]:= Physics[find_, have_:{}] := Solve[
{d == vf*t - (a*t^2)/2 (* , etc *)} /. have, find]
In[2]:= Physics[d]
Out[2]= {{d -> 1/2 (-a t^2 + 2 t vf)}}
In[2]:= Physics[d, {t -> 9.7, vf -> -104.98, a -> -9.8}]
Out[2]= {{d -> -557.265}}
Where the have variables are given as a list of replacement rules.
As an aside, in these types of physics problems, a nice thing to do is define your physical constants like
N[g] = -9.8;
which produces a NValues for g. Then
N[tf] = 9.7;N[vf] = -104.98;
Physics[d, {t -> tf, vf -> vf, a -> g}]
{{d->1/2 (-g tf^2+2 tf vf)}}
Let me show some advanges of Simon's approach:
You are at least approaching this problem reasonably. I see a fine general purpose function and I see you're getting results, which is what matters primarily. There is no 'correct' solution, since there might be a large range of acceptable solutions. In some scenario's some solutions may be preferred over others, for instance because of performance, while that might be the other way around in other scenarios.
The only slight problem I have with your example is the dubious parametername 'have'.
Why do you think this would be a wrong approach?

Mathematica: reconstruct an arbitrary nested list after Flatten

What is the simplest way to map an arbitrarily funky nested list expr to a function unflatten so that expr==unflatten##Flatten#expr?
Compile can only handle full arrays (something I just learned -- but not from the error message), so the idea is to use unflatten together with a compiled version of the flattened expression:
Example of a solution to a less general problem:
What I actually need to do is to calculate all the derivatives for a given multivariate function up to some order. For this case, I hack my way along like so:
expr=Table[D[x^2 y+y^3,{{x,y},k}],{k,0,2}];
tt=Table[D[f[x,y],{{x,y},k}],{k,0,2}] /.
{Derivative[a_,b_][_][__]-> x[a,b], f[__]-> x[0,0]};
Flatten[tt]]/. sslot-> Slot]&) ]
Out[1]= {x^2 y + y^3, {2 x y, x^2 + 3 y^2}, {{2 y, 2 x}, {2 x, 6 y}}}
Out[2]= {#1, {#2, #3}, {{#4, #5}, {#5, #7}}} &
This works, but it is neither elegant nor general.
Edit: Here is the "job security" version of the solution provided by aaz:
i_Integer-> Slot[i]]]
It works a charm:
In[2]= makeUnflatten[expr]
Out[2]= {#1,{#2,#3},{{#4,#5},{#6,#7}}}&
You obviously need to save some information about list structure, because Flatten[{a,{b,c}}]==Flatten[{{a,b},c}].
If ArrayQ[expr], then the list structure is given by Dimensions[expr] and you can reconstruct it with Partition. E.g.
expr = {{a, b, c}, {d, e, f}};
dimensions = Dimensions[expr]
unflatten = Fold[Partition, #1, Reverse[Drop[dimensions, 1]]]&;
expr == unflatten # Flatten[expr]
(The Partition man page actually has a similar example called unflatten.)
If expr is not an array, you can try this:
expr = {a, {b, c}};
indexes = Module[{i=0}, If[ListQ[#1], Map[#0, #1], ++i]& #expr]
{1, {2, 3}}
slots = indexes /. {i_Integer -> Slot[i]}
{#1, {#2, #3}}
unflatten = Function[Release[slots]]
{#1, {#2, #3}} &
expr == unflatten ## Flatten[expr]
I am not sure what you are trying to do with Compile. It is used when you want to evaluate procedural or functional expressions very quickly on numerical values, so I don't think it is going to help here. If repeated calculations of D[f,...] are impeding your performance, you can precompute and store them with something like
Then just call d[k] to get the kth derivative.
I just wanted to update the excellent solutions by aaz and Janus. It seems that, at least in Mathematica on Mac OSX, the assignment (see aaz's solution)
{i_Integer -> Slot[i]}
fails. If, however, we use
{i_Integer :> Slot[i]}
instead, we succeed. The same holds, of course, for the ReplaceAll call in Janus's "job security" version.
For good measure, I include my own function.
unflatten[ex_List, exOriginal_List] :=
{indexes, slots, unflat},
indexes =
{i = 0},
If[ListQ[#1], Map[#0, #1], ++i] &#exOriginal
slots = indexes /. {i_Integer :> Slot[i]};
unflat = Function[Release[slots]];
unflat ## ex
(* example *)
expr = {a, {b, c}};
expr // Flatten // unflatten[#, expr] &
It might seem a little like a cheat to use the original expression in the function, but as aaz points out, we need some information from the original expression. While you don't need it all, in order to have a single function that can unflatten, all is necessary.
My application is similar to Janus's: I am parallelizing calls to Simplify for a tensor. Using ParallelTable I can significantly improve performance, but I wreck the tensor structure in the process. This gives me a quick way to reconstruct my original tensor, simplified.

Problem performing a substitution in a multiple derivative

I have a basic problem in Mathematica which has puzzled me for a while. I want to take the m'th derivative of x*Exp[t*x], then evaluate this at x=0. But the following does not work correct. Please share your thoughts.
D[x*Exp[t*x], {x, m}] /. x -> 0
Also what does the error mean
General::ivar: 0 is not a valid variable.
Edit: my previous example (D[Exp[t*x], {x, m}] /. x -> 0) was trivial. So I made it harder. :)
My question is: how to force it to do the derivative evaluation first, then do substitution.
As pointed out by others, (in general) Mathematica does not know how to take the derivative an arbitrary number of times, even if you specify that number is a positive integer.
This means that the D[expr,{x,m}] command remains unevaluated and then when you set x->0, it's now trying to take the derivative with respect to a constant, which yields the error message.
In general, what you want is the m'th derivative of the function evaluated at zero.
This can be written as
Derivative[m][Function[x,x Exp[t x]]][0]
Derivative[m][# Exp[t #]&][0]
You then get the table of coefficients
In[2]:= Table[%, {m, 1, 10}]
Out[2]= {1, 2 t, 3 t^2, 4 t^3, 5 t^4, 6 t^5, 7 t^6, 8 t^7, 9 t^8, 10 t^9}
But a little more thought shows that you really just want the m'th term in the series, so SeriesCoefficient does what you want:
In[3]:= SeriesCoefficient[x*Exp[t*x], {x, 0, m}]
Out[3]= Piecewise[{{t^(-1 + m)/(-1 + m)!, m >= 1}}, 0]
The final output is the general form of the m'th derivative. The PieceWise is not really necessary, since the expression actually holds for all non-negative integers.
Thanks to your update, it's clear what's happening here. Mathematica doesn't actually calculate the derivative; you then replace x with 0, and it ends up looking at this:
which obviously is going to run into problems, since 0 isn't a variable.
I'll assume that you want the mth partial derivative of that function w.r.t. x. The t variable suggests that it might be a second independent variable.
It's easy enough to do without Mathematica: D[Exp[t*x], {x, m}] = t^m Exp[t*x]
And if you evaluate the limit as x approaches zero, you get t^m, since lim(Exp[t*x]) = 1. Right?
Update: Let's try it for x*exp(t*x)
the mth partial derivative w.r.t. x is easily had from Wolfram Alpha:
t^(m-1)*exp(t*x)(t*x + m)
So if x = 0 you get m*t^(m-1).
Let's see what is happening with a little more detail:
When you write:
D[Sin[x], {x, 1}]
you get an expression in with x in it
That is because the x in the {x,1} part matches the x in the Sin[x] part, and so Mma understands that you want to make the derivative for that symbol.
But this x, does NOT act as a Block variable for that statement, isolating its meaning from any other x you have in your program, so it enables the chain rule. For example:
In[85]:= z=x^2;
Out[86]= 2 x Cos[x^2]
See? That's perfect! But there is a price.
The price is that the symbols inside the derivative get evaluated as the derivative is taken, and that is spoiling your code.
Of course there are a lot of tricks to get around this. Some have already been mentioned. From my point of view, one clear way to undertand what is happening is:
f[x_] := x*Exp[t*x];
g[y_, m_] := D[f[x], {x, m}] /. x -> y;
{g[p, 2], g[0, 1]}
{2 E^(p t) t + E^(p t) p t^2, 1}
