Using Evaluate with a Pure Function and SetDelayed - wolfram-mathematica

I want to evaluate f below by passing a list to some function:
f = {z[1] z[2], z[2]^2};
a = % /. {z[1]-> #1,z[2]-> #2};
F[Z_] := Evaluate[a] & ## Z ;
So now if I try F[{1,2}] I get {2, 4} as expected. But looking closer ?F returns the definition
F[Z_] := (Evaluate[a] &) ## Z
which depends on the value of a, so if we set a=3 and then evaluate F[{1,2}], we get 3. I know that adding the last & makes the Evaluate[a] hold, but what is an elegant work around? Essentially I need to force the evaluation of Evaluate[a], mainly to improve efficiency, as a is in fact quite complicated.
Can someone please help out, and take into consideration that f has to contain an Array[z,2] given by some unknown calculation. So writing
F[Z_] := {Z[[1]]Z[[2]],Z[[2]]^2}
would not be enough, I need this to be generated automatically from our f.
Many thanks for any contribution.

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You can inject the value of a into the body of both Function and SetDelayed using With:
With[{body = a},
F[Z_] := body & ## Z
Check the definition:
F[Z$_] := ({#1 #2, #2^2} &) ## Z$
You'll notice Z has become Z$ due to automatic renaming within nested scoping constructs but the behavior is the same.
In the comments you said:
And again it bothers me that if the values of z[i] were changed, then this workaround would fail.
While this should not be a problem after F[Z_] is defined as above, if you wish to protect the replacement done for a you could use Formal Symbols instead of z. These are entered with e.g. Esc$zEsc for Formal z. Formal Symbols have the attribute Protected and exist specifically to avoid such conflicts as this.
This looks much better in a Notebook than it does here:
f = {\[FormalZ][1] \[FormalZ][2], \[FormalZ][2]^2};
a = f /. {\[FormalZ][1] -> #1, \[FormalZ][2] -> #2};
Another approach is to do the replacements inside a Hold expression, and protect the rules themselves from evaluation by using Unevaluated:
ClearAll[f, z, a, F, Z]
z[2] = "Fail!";
f = Hold[{z[1] z[2], z[2]^2}];
a = f /. Unevaluated[{z[1] -> #1, z[2] -> #2}] // ReleaseHold;
With[{body = a},
F[Z_] := body & ## Z
F[Z$_] := ({#1 #2, #2^2} &) ## Z$


Stop evaluating an built-in Mathematica function

I am trying to simplify some formulas like
F[a,b,c]*F[a,c,b]+F[c,a,b] /. {a->1,b->2,c->3}
F[a,b,c] := LegendreP[a,x]+LegendreP[b,x]*LegendreP[c,x]
And Mathematica can give a polynomial of x.
But I would like to keep all LegendreP instead of expanding it. By setting the HoldAll attribute of LegendreP, I can stop this, but the arguments are also kept, which is not intended.
Could anyone give some advice to solve this problem? Thanks.
Edited: I would like to have a result like this for the above formula (where L=LegendreP)
But I would like to keep all LegendreP instead of expanded it.
Can't you use HoldForm?
F[a_, b_, c_] := HoldForm[LegendreP[a, x] + LegendreP[b, x]*LegendreP[c, x]];
F[a, b, c]*F[a, c, b] + F[c, a, b] /. {a -> 1, b -> 2, c -> 3}
without knowing fully what you are trying to accomplish, one approach is to simply use some other symbol, eg:
F[a,b,c] := legendreP[a,x]+legendreP[b,x]*legendreP[c,x]
(note the lower case "l" )
When you get to the stage where you want evaluation apply a pattern substitution:
expr /. legendreP->LegendreP

Specifics of usage and internal work of *Set* functions

I just noticed one undocumented feature of internal work of *Set* functions in Mathematica.
In[1]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[b] = 2;
During evaluation of In[1]:= !
Out[3]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
In[4]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5);
a[1] = 2;
During evaluation of In[4]:= !
During evaluation of In[4]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[1] is Protected. >>
Out[6]= {HoldPattern[a[b]] :> 2}
What is the reason for this difference? Why a is evaluated although Set has attribute HoldFirst? For which purposes such behavior is useful?
And note also this case:
In[7]:= a := (Print["!"]; a =.; 5)
a[b] ^= 2
During evaluation of In[7]:= !
Out[8]= 2
Out[9]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 2}
Out[10]= 2
As you see, we get the working definition for 5[b] avoiding Protected attribute of the tag Integer which causes error in usual cases:
In[13]:= 5[b] = 1
During evaluation of In[13]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. >>
Out[13]= 1
The other way to avoid this error is to use TagSet*:
In[15]:= b /: 5[b] = 1
Out[15]= 1
Out[16]= {HoldPattern[5[b]] :> 1}
Why are these features?
Regarding my question why we can write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 while cannot a := (a =.; 5); a[1] = 2. In really in Mathematica 5 we cannot write a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2 too:
From In[1]:= Set::write: Tag Integer in 5[b] is Protected. More...
(The above is copied from Mathematica 5.2)
We can see what happens internally in new versions of Mathematica when we evaluate a := (a =.; 5); a[b] = 2:
In[1]:= a:=(a=.;5);
Out[2]= {a[b]=2,{Set},{2},a[b]=2,{With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{With},With[{JLink`Private`obj$=a},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[JLink`Private`obj$[b],2]]],Head[JLink`Private`obj$]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[JLink`Private`obj$],JLink`Objects`*]]],{a,a=.;5,{CompoundExpression},a=.;5,{a=.,{Unset},a=.,Null},{5},5},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*]],{RuleCondition},{Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{And},Head[5]===Symbol&&StringMatchQ[Context[5],JLink`Objects`*],{Head[5]===Symbol,{SameQ},{Head[5],{Head},{5},Head[5],Integer},{Symbol},Integer===Symbol,False},False},RuleCondition[$ConditionHold[$ConditionHold[JLink`CallJava`Private`setField[5[b],2]]],False],Fail},a[b]=2,{a[b],{a},{b},a[b]},2}
I was very surprised to see calls to Java in such a pure language-related operation as assigning a value to a variable. Is it reasonable to use Java for such operations at all?
Todd Gayley (Wolfram Research) has explained this behavior:
At the start, let me point out that in
Mathematica 8, J/Link no longer
overloads Set. An internal kernel
mechanism was created that, among
other things, allows J/Link to avoid
the need for special, er, "tricks"
with Set.
J/Link has overloaded Set from the
very beginning, almost twelve years
ago. This allows it support this
syntax for assigning a value to a Java
javaObject#field = value
The overloaded definition of Set
causes a slowdown in assignments of
the form
_Symbol[_Symbol] = value
Of course, assignment is a fast
operation, so the slowdown is small in
real terms. Only highly specialized
types of programs are likely to be
significantly affected.
The Set overload does not cause a
call to Java on assignments that do
not involve Java objects (this would
be very costly). This can be verified
with a simple use of TracePrint on
your a[b]=c.
It does, as you note, make a slight
change in the behavior of assignments
that match _Symbol[_Symbol] = value.
Specifically, in f[_Symbol] = value, f
gets evaluated twice. This can cause
problems for code with the following
(highly unusual) form:
f := SomeProgramWithSideEffects[]
f[x] = 42
I cannot recall ever seeing "real"
code like this, or seeing a problem
reported by a user.
This is all moot now in 8.0.
Taking the case of UpSet first, this is expected behavior. One can write:
5[b] ^= 1
The assignment is made to b not the Integer 5.
Regarding Set and SetDelayed, while these have Hold attributes, they still internally evaluate expressions. This allows things such as:
p = n : (_List | _Integer | All);
f[p] := g[n]
f[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
g[{0.1, 0.2, 0.3}]
One can see that heads area also evaluated. This is useful at least for UpSet:
p2 = head : (ff | gg);
p2[x] ^:= Print["Echo ", head];
Echo ff
Echo gg
It is easy to see that it happens also with Set, but less clear to me how this would be useful:
j = k;
j[5] = 3;
(* Out= {HoldPattern[k[5]] :> 3} *)
My analysis of the first part of your question was wrong. I cannot at the moment see why a[b] = 2 is accepted and a[1] = 2 is not. Perhaps at some stage of assignment the second one appears as 5[1] = 2 and a pattern check sets off an error because there are no Symbols on the LHS.
The behavour you show appears to be a bug in 7.0.1 (and possibly earlier) that was fixed in Mathematica 8. In Mathematica 8, both of your original a[b] = 2 and a[1] = 2 examples give the Set::write ... is protected error.
The problem appears to stem from the JLink-related down-value of Set that you identified. That rule implements the JLink syntax used to assign a value to the field of a Java object, e.g. object#field = value.
Set in Mathematica 8 does not have that definition. We can forcibly re-add a similar definition, thus:
HoldPattern[sym_Symbol[arg_Symbol]=val_] :=
, setField[obj[arg], val] /; Head[obj] === Symbol && StringMatchQ[Context[obj],"Something`*"]
After installing this definition in Mathematica 8, it now exhibits the same inconsistent behaviour as in Mathematica 7.
I presume that JLink object field assignment is now accomplished through some other means. The problematic rule looks like it potentially adds costly Head and StringMatchQ tests to every evaluation of the form a[b] = .... Good riddance?

How to have a variable argument list in Mathematica

Right now I have code where some function func executes the way I want it to when I give it specific arguments in its definition (so I make it func[x1_,x2_]:=... and then later I make it func[x1_,x2_,x3_]:=... without changing anything else and it works the way I would like it to). Is there a way to automatically substitute whatever arguments I specify for this function?
I haven't isolated the problem code yet, but this code here does not do what I want:
(* Clear all stuff each time before running, just to be safe! *)
data = {{238.2, 0.049}, {246.8, 0.055}, {255.8, 0.059}, {267.5,
0.063}, {280.5, 0.063}, {294.3, 0.066}, {307.7, 0.069}, {318.2,
errors = {{x1, 0.004}, {x2, 0.005}};
getX[x1_, x2_] := 1/x2^2
getY[x__] =
Sqrt[Sum[(D[getX[x], errors[[i]][[1]]] errors[[i]][[2]])^2, {i,
map[action_, list_] := action ### list
y = map[getY, data];
getY[2, 3]
This code here does: (gives {67.9989, 48.0841, 38.9524, 31.994, 31.994, 27.8265, 24.3525, 24.3525} for y)
(* Clear all stuff each time before running, just to be safe! *) \ Clear["Global`*"]
data = {{238.2, 0.049}, {246.8,
0.055}, {255.8, 0.059}, {267.5,
0.063}, {280.5, 0.063}, {294.3, 0.066}, {307.7, 0.069}, {318.2,
0.069}}; errors = {{x2, 0.004}, {x1, 0.005}};
getX[x1_, x2_] := 1/x2^2
getY[x1_, x2_] := Evaluate[Simplify[ Sqrt[Sum[(D[getX[x1, x2], errors[[i]][[1]]]
errors[[i]][[2]])^2, {i, Length[errors]}]]]]
map[action_, list_] := action ### list
y = map[getY, data]; y
getY[2, 3]
My math:
I intend to take the square root of the sum of the squares of all the partial derivatives of the getX function. Thus the body of the getY function. Then I want to evaluate that expression for different values of x1 and x2. Thus I have the arguments for getY.
Use __, e.g.
In[4]:= f[x__] = {x}
Out[4]= {x}
In[5]:= f[1,2,3,4,5,6]
Out[5]= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
In[6]:= f[a,b,c]
Out[6]= {a, b, c}
Well the issue is that in the first version, with explicit number of arguments, you have used Evaluate to evaluate the right hand side. You can not do this when the number of arguments is variable, because evaluator does not know which signature of getX to use.
So the solution is to replace getY with the following:
getY[x__] := (Simplify[
Sqrt[(D[getX ##
errors[[1 ;; Length[{x}], 1]], {errors[[All, 1]]}].
errors[[All, 2]])^2]]) /.
Thread[errors[[1 ;; Length[{x}], 1]] -> {x}]
This would first use variables from errors list exactly as many as you have supplied in the arguments of getY, compute the derivative symbolically, and then perform the Dot, instead of Sum which is faster. Then the outputs will be the same.
Notice that in your two versions of the code, errors have different values.
Alternatively, you can use Derivative like so:
getY2[x__] :=
Abs[(Derivative[##][getX][x] & ###
IdentityMatrix[Length[{x}]].errors[[All, 2]])]
Using it gives the same result.

Mathematica: reconstruct an arbitrary nested list after Flatten

What is the simplest way to map an arbitrarily funky nested list expr to a function unflatten so that expr==unflatten##Flatten#expr?
Compile can only handle full arrays (something I just learned -- but not from the error message), so the idea is to use unflatten together with a compiled version of the flattened expression:
Example of a solution to a less general problem:
What I actually need to do is to calculate all the derivatives for a given multivariate function up to some order. For this case, I hack my way along like so:
expr=Table[D[x^2 y+y^3,{{x,y},k}],{k,0,2}];
tt=Table[D[f[x,y],{{x,y},k}],{k,0,2}] /.
{Derivative[a_,b_][_][__]-> x[a,b], f[__]-> x[0,0]};
Flatten[tt]]/. sslot-> Slot]&) ]
Out[1]= {x^2 y + y^3, {2 x y, x^2 + 3 y^2}, {{2 y, 2 x}, {2 x, 6 y}}}
Out[2]= {#1, {#2, #3}, {{#4, #5}, {#5, #7}}} &
This works, but it is neither elegant nor general.
Edit: Here is the "job security" version of the solution provided by aaz:
i_Integer-> Slot[i]]]
It works a charm:
In[2]= makeUnflatten[expr]
Out[2]= {#1,{#2,#3},{{#4,#5},{#6,#7}}}&
You obviously need to save some information about list structure, because Flatten[{a,{b,c}}]==Flatten[{{a,b},c}].
If ArrayQ[expr], then the list structure is given by Dimensions[expr] and you can reconstruct it with Partition. E.g.
expr = {{a, b, c}, {d, e, f}};
dimensions = Dimensions[expr]
unflatten = Fold[Partition, #1, Reverse[Drop[dimensions, 1]]]&;
expr == unflatten # Flatten[expr]
(The Partition man page actually has a similar example called unflatten.)
If expr is not an array, you can try this:
expr = {a, {b, c}};
indexes = Module[{i=0}, If[ListQ[#1], Map[#0, #1], ++i]& #expr]
{1, {2, 3}}
slots = indexes /. {i_Integer -> Slot[i]}
{#1, {#2, #3}}
unflatten = Function[Release[slots]]
{#1, {#2, #3}} &
expr == unflatten ## Flatten[expr]
I am not sure what you are trying to do with Compile. It is used when you want to evaluate procedural or functional expressions very quickly on numerical values, so I don't think it is going to help here. If repeated calculations of D[f,...] are impeding your performance, you can precompute and store them with something like
Then just call d[k] to get the kth derivative.
I just wanted to update the excellent solutions by aaz and Janus. It seems that, at least in Mathematica on Mac OSX, the assignment (see aaz's solution)
{i_Integer -> Slot[i]}
fails. If, however, we use
{i_Integer :> Slot[i]}
instead, we succeed. The same holds, of course, for the ReplaceAll call in Janus's "job security" version.
For good measure, I include my own function.
unflatten[ex_List, exOriginal_List] :=
{indexes, slots, unflat},
indexes =
{i = 0},
If[ListQ[#1], Map[#0, #1], ++i] &#exOriginal
slots = indexes /. {i_Integer :> Slot[i]};
unflat = Function[Release[slots]];
unflat ## ex
(* example *)
expr = {a, {b, c}};
expr // Flatten // unflatten[#, expr] &
It might seem a little like a cheat to use the original expression in the function, but as aaz points out, we need some information from the original expression. While you don't need it all, in order to have a single function that can unflatten, all is necessary.
My application is similar to Janus's: I am parallelizing calls to Simplify for a tensor. Using ParallelTable I can significantly improve performance, but I wreck the tensor structure in the process. This gives me a quick way to reconstruct my original tensor, simplified.

Passing parameters stored in a list to expression

How can I pass values to a given expression with several variables? The values for these variables are placed in a list that needs to be passed into the expression.
Your revised question is straightforward, simply
f ## {a,b,c,...} == f[a,b,c,...]
where ## is shorthand for Apply. Internally, {a,b,c} is List[a,b,c] (which you can see by using FullForm on any expression), and Apply just replaces the Head, List, with a new Head, f, changing the function. The operation of Apply is not limited to lists, in general
f ## g[a,b] == f[a,b]
Also, look at Sequence which does
f[Sequence[a,b]] == f[a,b]
So, we could do this instead
f[ Sequence ## {a,b}] == f[a,b]
which while pedantic seeming can be very useful.
Edit: Apply has an optional 2nd argument that specifies a level, i.e.
Apply[f, {{a,b},{c,d}}, {1}] == {f[a,b], f[c,d]}
Note: the shorthand for Apply[fcn, expr,{1}] is ###, as discussed here, but to specify any other level description you need to use the full function form.
A couple other ways...
Use rule replacement
f /. Thread[{a,b} -> l]
(where Thread[{a,b} -> l] will evaluate into {a->1, b->2})
Use a pure function
Function[{a,b}, Evaluate[f]] ## l
(where ## is a form of Apply[] and Evaluate[f] is used to turn the function into Function[{a,b}, a^2+b^2])
For example, for two elements
for any number of elements
g[l_List] := l.l
h[l_List]:= Norm[l]^2
Print[{f[{a, b}], g[{a, b}], h[{a, b}]}]
{a^2 + b^2, a^2 + b^2, Abs[a]^2 + Abs[b]^2}
Two more, just for fun:
i[l_List] := Total#Table[j^2, {j, l}]
j[l_List] := SquaredEuclideanDistance[l, ConstantArray[0, Length[l]]
Regarding your definition
f[{__}] = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2;
It has a few problems:
1) You are defining a constant, because the a,b are not parameters.
2) You are defining a function with Set, Instead of SetDelayed, so the evaluation is done immediately. Just try for example
s[l_List] = Total[l]
vs. the right way:
s[l_List] := Total[l]
which remains unevaluated until you use it.
3) You are using a pattern without a name {__} so you can't use it in the right side of the expression. The right way could be:
f[{a_,b_}]:= a^2+b^2;
