How to install and configure FTP on amazon Ec2? - amazon-ec2

i wan to install FTP service on my amazon Ec2 window instance,
i have some questions regarding this.
which is a good FTP demon to install on EC2 service for windows on EC2 instance.
can we install FTP same as we can do on window server with window CD.
any tutorial or videos of installation and configuration FTp on Ec2 server which help we?
kindly help me in this regards. Thanks

Here you will find a great tutorial that explains also the inner workings and problems you might encounter trying to setup an ftp server on amazon EC2 instance.
It also explains why just opening port 21 on the amazon firewall will not work. The example there uses the free filezilla ftp server and client but any can be used.
Edited (24-sep-2013):
Because the best policy practice for stackoverflow says not to rely on links, i copied the info from my blog to here:
How to install an FTP Server on amazon AWS EC2
This seems to be a big issue as people usually waste a lot of time on this.
The problem lies with 2 elements: the security group settings & the ftp server settings.
FTP is not considered a good solution for passing files between EC2 instances and your computer as it is not firewall "friendly" - you can't just open port 21/TCP on the amazon security group settings because the server is actually sitting on a NAT address and when an ftp client connects to an FTP server using PASV mode then the server tells the client which port and which address to use for the data stream (like directory listing).
If you want an alternate easy solution for transferring files between yourself and the EC2 instance then setup a dropbox on both machines - it doesn't get easier than this... :)
If you still want to set up an FTP server on your EC2 instance then read on...
Typically, people just try to open port 21 and then try to connect and get something similar to:
Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Command: MLSD
Response: 425 Can't open data connection.
The solution is (and for this example I will explain how to perform the setting on FileZilla FTP server on windows):
1. FileZilla FTP server: Edit-> settings -> Passive mode settings:
(x) Retrieve external IP from:
[ this tells the ftp server to perform a 'whatismyip' and give that to the ftp client, you can also specifically put the address DNS name you use in your remote desktop in the "Use the following IP:", e.g., ]
(x) Use custom port range:
[ these are the ports that will be given to the ftp client - we will open them in the following step in the Firewall ]
2. Amazon security groups: open ports -
a. Custom TCP rule , Port range:21
b. Custom TCP rule, Port range:1024-1048
3. Turn off the windows firewall on the EC2 machine (you don't need it - you have the amazon firewall)
That's it, and just as side note, you don't need to use Elastic IP feature for this to work.
Also don't forget to set your client to use PASV mode (which is typically the default).
You can verify this works by reading the answer the server gives the client when it enters PASV mode:
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (174,149,71,102,4,7)
This response means: "Yo FTP client, use and port 4*256+7=1031"

The Windows EC2 instances are all Windows Server 2008. The easiest thing to do would be to enable the built-in FTP functionality.

Many people are suggesting to 'Turn off' the Firewall on Windows. It seems easy to get away from confused firewall configuration, but long run it's not good security practice.
Blog may help to configure the FTP step by step with IIS 7.x


Error: "Failed to retrieve directory listing" when connecting to EC2 server with FTP

I currently have a problem accessing the sites I had pre-configured on my Filezila. The only changes I recently made was adding a secure private key to access my EC2 instance through SFTP.
There are a number of sites that I can no longer access but before I could access
I have checked with another developer who has FTP access to the sites and he has no issue.
I get this error, see below, but it is not for all sites?
I tried deleting that SFTP key but that didn't seem to make any difference.
Any ideas?
You are connecting with the FTP protocol to EC2 with FileZilla.
SSH/SFTP key has nothing to do with the FTP protocol.
Moreover you are connected and authenticated already to the FTP server at the point you get the error.
The problem you are facing is a misconfigured firewall or NAT between you and the server that prevents the client to open data transfer connection to the FTP server.
See (my) article about FTP connection modes for details.
Though I guess the real problem is that you used to use the SFTP before and now you switched to the FTP by mistake.
It's actually not typical to connect to EC2 with the FTP. Linux EC2 servers do not have the FTP by default. Unless that is a Windows server (on the other hand, in that case it won't have SSH/SFTP by default).
For explanation how to connect to Linux EC2 server with the SFTP see (my) article Connecting Securely to Amazon EC2 Server with SFTP.

FTP on Windows 2008 r2 on Google Compute Engine

I'm having difficulty setting up FTP to my new Windows 2008 R2 Server on the Google Compute Engine. I've tried to follow the basic steps here: Can you use FTP with Google Compute?
I need deeper help with more of a step by step approach with details as to where to enter IP ranges, IP addresses, etc.
I've setup many FTP servers on Windows before, but with this one FileZilla gives me the error of "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". I've even tried to setup Anonymous FTP to no avail. It seems that it is not even reaching the server, so I'm fairly certain it's a firewall issue.
I've tried to open a passive range of tcp:5000-6000 on both the Google Network's firewall rules and my Windows Firewall on the server. Port 21 is open in both.
Incidentally, WebDav is working well, although that's probably because http and https are opened when setting up the server. Also, I know FTP is insecure. I have no choice in that matter.
Really baffling. Thank you.
List firewall rules on all instances
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
Add allowed ips to RDP firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules create rdp --allow tcp:3389 --source-ranges CIDR_ADDRESSES

How to convert FTP server to secure SFTP on Amazon EC2

I have FTP server on Amazon EC2 which I can access by giving this URL:
after that username and password to accessing the files from this location.
Now I want to convert into secure FTP like if I will give then it will ask me for username and password and allow me to login into the application.
First of all is this possible?
I tried below instructions for installing vsftd1 vsftd2 but didn't help me.
after doing the changes into this two link I tried to login through WinSCP and selected file protocol as SFTP and typed, in port number 4522 and given username and password but didn't allowed me to log in.
edit 1 :
i have my amazon ec2 instance in centos 64bit.
someone else set-up the ftp connection and now i am taking forward from that point,i will get all the details and will try to modify my question in more specific way.
You didn't specify, what OS are you running. But from a reference to vsftpd, I assume some *nix flavor. You didn't specify, what FTP server you have running, and how did you set it up. Your question is pretty vague. But I'll try to give some hints.
The vsftpd is an FTP server only. It does not support the SFTP. It supports the FTPS (FTP over TLS) though. Do not get confused by its name. While the vsftpd stands for "very secure FTP daemon", it just means, it aims to implement FTP securely, not that it implements the SFTP".
Note that virtually all *nix servers come with an SSH/SFTP server built-in (OpenSSH). It runs on port 22.
For instructions how to connect to the EC2 SFTP server with WinSCP, see (my) guide:
Connecting Securely to Amazon EC2 Server with SFTP.
Also make sure you understand the difference between the SFTP and the FTPS.

Filezilla FTP Server Fails to Retrieve Directory Listing

I'm running Filezilla Server 0.9.45 beta to manage my server remotely.
After setting it up, I tested connecting to it using the IP, and it worked successfully. However, to connect to the server remotely, I port forwarded to port 21, and tried to connect using my computer's IP.
Status: Connecting to [My IP]:21...
Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response: 220 Powered By FileZilla Server version 0.9.45 beta
Command: USER hussain khalil
Response: 331 Password required for user
Command: PASS *********
Response: 230 Logged on
Status: Connected
Status: Retrieving directory listing...
Command: CWD /
Response: 250 CWD successful. "/" is current directory.
Command: PWD
Response: 257 "/" is current directory.
Command: TYPE I
Response: 200 Type set to I
Command: PORT 192,168,0,13,205,63
Response: 200 Port command successful
Command: MLSD
Response: 150 Opening data channel for directory listing of "/"
Response: 425 Can't open data connection for transfer of "/"
Error: Failed to retrieve directory listing
This continues to work locally, but not when connecting remotely... How can I fix this?
I just changed the encryption from "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available" to "Only use plain FTP" (insecure) at site manager and it works!
File > Site Manager > Select your site > Transfer Settings > Active
Works for me.
Most of the answers here involves configuring, actually just by adding sftp:// on your host (see below image) you can instantly fixed that kind of problem, works for me.
And also take note that if you follow Vaggelis guide you are lowering your security, sftp is better than using plain ftp.
I just changed the encryption from "Use explicit FTP over TLS if available" to "Only use plain FTP" (insecure) at site manager and it works!
When you send the port command to your server, you are asking the server to connect to you (on the remote network). If the remote network also has a NAT router, and you have not port-forwarded the port you are sending with your PORT command, the server will not be able reach you.
The most common solution would be to send the PASV command to the server instead of the PORT command. The PASV command will ask the server to create a listening socket and accept a connection from the remote machine to establish the data connection.
For the PASV command to work, you will also need to port-forward a range of ports for the passive data connections. The passive connection ports (which need to be forwarded) should be listed in the FileZilla documentation.
Ok this helped a lot, I couldn't find a fix.
Simply, I already port forwarded the FTP port to my server. (The default is 14147, I'll use this as example)
Go to Edit > General settings, Listening port should be the one your using, in this case 14147.
Then go to Passive Mode Settings, I checked "Use Custom Port", and entered in the Range 50000 - 50100.
Then on your router, port forward 50000 - 50100 to the server IP locally.
IPv4 specific settings I left at default, reconnected my client, and bam now the file listing appears.
Ensure your servers firewall has an inbound rule set to accept 14147, and 50000-50100.
Basically what Evan stated. I can't attest to the security of opening these ports, but this is what finally got my Filezilla client and server to communicate and view files. Hope this helps someone.
My experience is that the new version of Filezilla has this problem, but not the old versions. I was using Filezilla and everything was OK. After I upgraded to version 3.10, I faced this problem and I couldn't solve it. I uninstalled version 3.10 and reinstalled version 3.8 and the problem was gone! Now I am using version 3.8 and everything is OK. I prefer to face no problems even if I have to use old versions. ;)
Try installing the old version and do not upgrade, however odd that may sound.
I solved this by going into Site Manager -> selected the connection that Failed to retrieve directory listing -> Switched to tab "Transfer Settings" and set "Transfer Mode" to "Active" instead of "Default". Also check if you are connected via VPN or anything similar, this can also interfere.
Run Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
Start > Run : wf.msc
I had the same problem-what worked for me -in Windows OS-is adding FileZilla as a firewall exception-under allow a program through firewall features
I've had the same problem, This was due to the firewall. I use windows server,
Can you allow the connection permission for program, intead of port 21,22 permission.
Windows Firewall with Advanced Security->
Inbound Rules->
Add Rule->
"Select Filezilla path with Browse button"->
Allow the Connection
I had Filezilla 3.6, and had the same issue as OP. I have upgraded to 3.10.3 thinking it would fix it. Nope, still the same.
Then I did a bit digging around the options, and what worked for me is:
Edit -> Settings -> FTP -> Passive Mode and switched from "Fall back to active mode" to "Use the server's external IP address instead"
I experienced the same problem with FZ-client, while my notebook connected via WLAN and DSL/Router. In the Site Manager connection settings I was applied Host:ftp.domain-name, Encryption:Only use plain FTP (insecure) and User:username#domain-name. Then the FTP-client succesfully connected to my website server.
More FTP connection information could be found in the CPanel of the webserver. Hope this helps.
It worked for me:
General -> Encryption -> Only use plain FTP
Transfer settings -> Transfer Mode -> Active
Consider that it is very insecure, and must be used only for testing.
After about 2 hours experience;
Open > Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
Select > Inbound Rules
Click > New Rule...
Choose > Custom
Choose > This program path:
Click > Browse
Find > filezilla-server.exe (possibly C:\Program Files\FileZilla Server)
Click > Open
Click > Next
Click > Next
Click > Next (Allow the connection is already selected)
Click > Next (if you do not need change)
Fill > Name
Click > Finish
I also had the problem after upgrading to 3.10. I had versoin 3.6.02 hanging around and installed that. Problem solved.
I had that problem with my server hosted in the cloud. I only need the server a couple of times a year and so when I boot up my server the IP address changes. The new IP address then has to be updated on FTP Server passive mode settings!
The latest version of Filezilla works just fine!
If you're using VestaCP, you might want to allow ports 12000-12100 TCP on your Linux Firewall.
You can do this in VestaCP settings.
Check if the ip address on the router is the same with the one on the ftp server. If not make sure it is the same. This should works perfectly.
In my case, restarting my router which I used to connect to the internet worked. I think too much of connections were going from the same IP Address and when I restarted my router, possibly a new IP was assigned and now everything works fine, and passive mode gives good speed in directory listing.
My issue was also the firewall. I'm using a Linux server with WHM/cPanel. Adding my IP to the quick allow solved my issue. I hadn't updated Filezilla and I don't think there were any changes to the server that should have caused it. However, I did move and my IP changed so maybe that was the problem. Good luck to everyone else with this insanely annoying issue.
The issue of mine was the same but the solution was a little different.
I used the AWS EC2 server to host the WHM service. And found that "the passive ports are enabled, but not these Ports are not found in my EC2 Security Group".
[root#94367392 ~]cPs# egrep -i passiveport /etc/pure-ftpd.conf
PassivePortRange 49152 65534
Now I moved ahead and opened the ports from 49152 to 65534 in the Security group of EC2 and the Filezilla problem related to "Failed to retrieve directory listing" was solved and it worked like a charm.
This cPanel doc is helpful.
I've seen solutions that involve granting FileZilla full access via windows firewall. This is an alternative to that, if you know the IP of the connecting system and it's static, simply grant it full access to all ports via windows firewall.
Windows Firewall, Inbound Rules > Create a Rule > All Local Ports > Scope > This IP Address (the IP of the connecting system).
To me this is much safer than granting full access to FileZilla to all incoming ip addresses.
Once you've completed your transfer, you can then disable the rule.
I tried all the solution, i used CyberDuck and it works..
Now in FileZilla, create a new Account
1. Host is the FTP Address - e.g.
2. Protocol is "SFTP-SSH File Transfer Protocol"
3. User ID is your Bluehost User Id
4. Password is your Bluehost Password
5. Click "Connect" to establish a connection with Directory Listing!
This resolve the issue with 3.10 for me. And I'm glad to have the Secure Access for all of my future file transfers. It should prevent security issues in the future.

How I can access FTP server based on different network

I have set up a FTP server with Apache FTP server on local machine, this machine can access internet but its IP address cannot be accessed externally.
I also have another machine in a different city - it can access the internet but it is same in that its IP address cannot be accessed externally. The two computers are not on the same network so they are unable ping each other.
How I can use FTP client from another machine to access the FTP server, I know it should be impossible but do you guys have any workarounds (whatever code change or other approaches)
I am in the US - do you guys have idea how I can make my home IP publicly accessible?
it is very possible if you control the firewall that the server is behind. this is standard network configuration, and you can find hundreds of tutorials online, but the most important bit of information is the firewall, not the ftp server. you configure port forwarding on your firewall to forward incoming ftp requests to your internal ftp server. also, you will want to use "passive" ftp from the client because the client is also behind a firewall.
