FTP on Windows 2008 r2 on Google Compute Engine - ftp

I'm having difficulty setting up FTP to my new Windows 2008 R2 Server on the Google Compute Engine. I've tried to follow the basic steps here: Can you use FTP with Google Compute?
I need deeper help with more of a step by step approach with details as to where to enter IP ranges, IP addresses, etc.
I've setup many FTP servers on Windows before, but with this one FileZilla gives me the error of "ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server". I've even tried to setup Anonymous FTP to no avail. It seems that it is not even reaching the server, so I'm fairly certain it's a firewall issue.
I've tried to open a passive range of tcp:5000-6000 on both the Google Network's firewall rules and my Windows Firewall on the server. Port 21 is open in both.
Incidentally, WebDav is working well, although that's probably because http and https are opened when setting up the server. Also, I know FTP is insecure. I have no choice in that matter.
Really baffling. Thank you.

List firewall rules on all instances
gcloud compute firewall-rules list
Add allowed ips to RDP firewall rule
gcloud compute firewall-rules create rdp --allow tcp:3389 --source-ranges CIDR_ADDRESSES


SSH and VPN split tunneling Windows 2012 server

I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
I have a Windows Server 2012R2 running Bitvise SSH server, for the sake of simplicity it has only one ethernet card. SSH listens to port 22.
When the server is connected to the internet with VPN (NordVPN client > I cannot edit config) the SSH connection is no longer working. I believe this is very normal as the VPN changes the gateway and routes all, including SSH, packages through it.
I was hoping it is possible to simply edit the routing table or similar so that all SSH packages on port 22 are routed to the original gateway (the gateway before VPN is connected so to speak) and that all other are routed via the VPN gateway.
Alas, I have no idea how to start with this split tunneling. Maybe there are tools or other solution for this? I have search high and low but did not find an easy answer.
Looking really forward to your expertise. Thank you.
With best regards,

Is it possible to install localhost server in one pc and to access on multiple computers on a same network.?

We are building php web application while i am a designers and my friend is developer we work on different pcs we want to test the file by runnig on localhost on both of our pc how can we reach it. I have gone through some of concepts in internet but didn't get proper info.
Yes. You need to create a firewall rule to allow access through whatever port you are serving on, probably 8080.
Here is how to create an inbound port rule in windows
Then they should be able to access your server by simply using your ip

Square v2 Server Error

I am testing with the v2 C# payment example.
When i run locally everything works properly and i can actually create a payment.
When i try to run on my website (1and1 hosted), i get
error calling charge: unable to connect to the remote server
Does anyone know what has to be done to allow this connection?
Have you tried pining the server you are connecting to? That's a good place to start. Try:
ping connect.squareup.com
To see if you can connect at all. If you can't ping the server, it might be a firewall issue on your server.
1&1 has information about setting firewall rules on their hardware firewalls for their dedicated linux servers here:
and information on setting firewall rules for their cloud servers here:
Hope this helps!

Is there a way to remote debug on a different subnet in Visual Studio?

I have a client who is remote. I need to debug some weird problem that none of my other clients are having. Before I try and set up a conference with this client, I would like to know if there is some way of remotely debugging our application.
I see that there are remote debugging tools available for Visual Studio, but from what I've read, I need to be on the same subnet. As the person is remote, this is not a possibility. Also, as I'd like to keep our connection secure, I would need to connect up some sort of encrypted tunnel (this is where I'm a little fuzzy as my networking skills are mostly theoretical).
As I understand it, an encrypted tunnel is a bridge to another (different) subnet. This is to ensure that those computers on the other side won't interfere with the local subnet computers.
So, because the client's computer is on a different subnet, I think that this is not possible. Or is it? Should there not be a way of making the client's computer show up as a virtual computer on my subnet, by forwarding packets from one subnet to another? I would think that this is theoretically possible, but I'm not exactly sure how I would go about this.
Also, at the moment, my current way that we connect to clients is through GoToMeeting, but I don't think that it supports tunneling. If not, then I may need some way of generating a tunnel, so I was also thinking of maybe using some SSH programme like PuTTY.
As I have said before, my knowledge of networking is quite theoretical, so if the tools that I am suggesting are not the correct ones, please correct me. (I'm a programmer, damm it! Not a network engineer!)
Both computers are Windows boxes. Windows 10 (client) and Windows 8.1 (development).
If you can connect to an ssh server in the remote network, you can (subject to configuration on the server) create a tunnel such that you connect to a socket on your local pic and the connection appears from the server to an endpoint on the remote network.
You'll want to investigate the -L command of OpenSSH, which combined with the PuTTY docs, should help explain what's required.
By default, the endpoint would be a port on the ssh server, but it could be a port on a different host that the remote server can connect to.
I'm not familiar with the current state of Windows SSH servers, but even if there isn't a system server to hand, you should be able to have on run 'on demand' - if you run it on a non-privileged port and by the user you want to connect in as, it shouldn't even need Admin privileges.
I'm not familiar with GoToMeeting, but the one thing with SSH tunnelling it that IT depts should be familiar with SSH. If trying that, focus on getting a working connection in, then setting up the tunnel, then connecting through it as separate steps.
Once you have an SSH connection, then it doesn't need to do something itself, and you can then investigate connecting while specifying the port forwarding, but will will need to get the basic connection working correctly first.

How to install and configure FTP on amazon Ec2?

i wan to install FTP service on my amazon Ec2 window instance,
i have some questions regarding this.
which is a good FTP demon to install on EC2 service for windows on EC2 instance.
can we install FTP same as we can do on window server with window CD.
any tutorial or videos of installation and configuration FTp on Ec2 server which help we?
kindly help me in this regards. Thanks
Here you will find a great tutorial that explains also the inner workings and problems you might encounter trying to setup an ftp server on amazon EC2 instance.
It also explains why just opening port 21 on the amazon firewall will not work. The example there uses the free filezilla ftp server and client but any can be used.
Edited (24-sep-2013):
Because the best policy practice for stackoverflow says not to rely on links, i copied the info from my blog to here:
How to install an FTP Server on amazon AWS EC2
This seems to be a big issue as people usually waste a lot of time on this.
The problem lies with 2 elements: the security group settings & the ftp server settings.
FTP is not considered a good solution for passing files between EC2 instances and your computer as it is not firewall "friendly" - you can't just open port 21/TCP on the amazon security group settings because the server is actually sitting on a NAT address and when an ftp client connects to an FTP server using PASV mode then the server tells the client which port and which address to use for the data stream (like directory listing).
If you want an alternate easy solution for transferring files between yourself and the EC2 instance then setup a dropbox on both machines - it doesn't get easier than this... :)
If you still want to set up an FTP server on your EC2 instance then read on...
Typically, people just try to open port 21 and then try to connect and get something similar to:
Status: Server sent passive reply with unroutable address. Using server address instead.
Command: MLSD
Response: 425 Can't open data connection.
The solution is (and for this example I will explain how to perform the setting on FileZilla FTP server on windows):
1. FileZilla FTP server: Edit-> settings -> Passive mode settings:
(x) Retrieve external IP from:
[ this tells the ftp server to perform a 'whatismyip' and give that to the ftp client, you can also specifically put the address DNS name you use in your remote desktop in the "Use the following IP:", e.g., ec2-6-100-129-60.compute-1.amazonaws.com ]
(x) Use custom port range:
[ these are the ports that will be given to the ftp client - we will open them in the following step in the Firewall ]
2. Amazon security groups: open ports -
a. Custom TCP rule , Port range:21
b. Custom TCP rule, Port range:1024-1048
3. Turn off the windows firewall on the EC2 machine (you don't need it - you have the amazon firewall)
That's it, and just as side note, you don't need to use Elastic IP feature for this to work.
Also don't forget to set your client to use PASV mode (which is typically the default).
You can verify this works by reading the answer the server gives the client when it enters PASV mode:
Command: PASV
Response: 227 Entering Passive Mode (174,149,71,102,4,7)
This response means: "Yo FTP client, use and port 4*256+7=1031"
The Windows EC2 instances are all Windows Server 2008. The easiest thing to do would be to enable the built-in FTP functionality.
See http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsGPqkobCs8.
Many people are suggesting to 'Turn off' the Firewall on Windows. It seems easy to get away from confused firewall configuration, but long run it's not good security practice.
Blog may help to configure the FTP step by step with IIS 7.x
