Cannot find the Setup project template in visual Studio 2010 - visual-studio-2010

When I try to add setup project for my Window Service project in ultimate VS2010, I cannot find the setup project template in the installed template pane(We have setup template in VS08). I only get two templates, one is InstallShield LE and the other is Visual Studio Installer.
I need your help to find out where I can download the Setup project template.

I found out thar I need to use the found template function and I found the setup project


Create Visual Studio for Mac extension (.mpack) file

I am trying to create a new project template extension. I have followed the steps mentioned in the link below to create the template. It works fine on my Visual Studio as it is adding the configuration in my Visual Studio custom folder template.
Now I need to pack this project template and ship it to others with the extension type of extension_name.mpack.
Could you please provide the steps to create the mpack file from the template files.

Integrate advanced installer Merge Module project with Visual studio

I have some merge module projects created using advanced installer. I need to integrate them with visual studio. I have done same for MSI projects and they work fine. but I don't know how to achieve continuous integration for MSM using Visual Studio.
Advanced Installer extension for Microsoft Visual Studio allows to create Advanced Installer Projects for Visual Studio. Each such project is a container that can include a single .AIP file.
The Visual Studio Solution can include one or more Advanced Installer Project for Visual Studio, in accordance with your needs.
Note that you need to remove the default project that is created when adding a new Installer Project to the .sln and add the existing project, the project that builds the .msm package.
Indeed, you are right. It was a misunderstanding on our end.
On my machine I have several extensions installed side by side. One of these extensions also supports the build of a merge module project type.
We do not officially support this yet. The option to build other project types (e.g. Merge Module Project, Updates Configuration Project) with our VS extension will be available in a future version of Advanced Installer. I will let you know when we will add support for this.
Until then, you can use a build event as a workaround to build the Merge Module Project within the Visual Studio project.
To build the .msm project you can use a command line as described below:
The command line can be something as below:" /build "$(SolutionDir)Merge module sample.aip"

How to create VSPackage project from VisualStudio2015?

I have installed Visual studio 2015 SDk from the below mentioned site.
Then tried to create VS extension project, but VSshellisolated project only available under OtherProjects->Extensibility . what can i do to create project on VSPackage project type?
Finally i got solution to my problem from the below link

how to make a uninstall option in C# program?

i want to make a uninstall option in my C# program?
can u help for this?
and provide some code also
If you deploy your application via a Visual Studio Setup and Deployment Project, an uninstaller will come standard with the installation. It will be available in the Add/Remove Programs of the control panel.
You can create an installation project which will automatically add support for uninstallation. Under Other Project Types you have Setup and Deployment. There is InstallShield LE and Visual Studio Installer. If you choose Setup Project under Visual Studio Installer project, you will have uninstall as part of the built project.
see this video
If you want the executable to remove itself. aka self-destruct. Check out this blog

Compile error when trying to debug a Visual Studio integration project

I'm currently working on a Visual Studio integration project for VS2010 (a custom highlighter) I'm using Irony and the LanguageServiceTemplate from this Code project article. However that template is build for 2008 and the changes made in VS2010 when it comes to integrating breaks the template.
When I try to compile I get the following error:
Source.extension.vsixmanifest file not found in project. If a file with this name is present in the project, make sure the build action is set to "None".
Any ides of what I can do to fix it?
You have two options depending on how your package is constructed.
1) Edit the project file and remove the following line.
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\VSSDK\Microsoft.VsSDK.targets" />
If you do this, you will lose a few things like the automatic zipping of your item and project templates.
2) Add a source.extension.vsixmanifest file to the root of your project. You can get one by creating a new VSIX Project. After you install the Visual Studio 2010 SDK, this is under the Extensibility category. If you add no content, it won't create a vsix file.
The second method is probably the best route to go. I have a specific VSIX project that I use to pull in various other package projects. If you only have one project, you can use the new vsixmanifest file to include the project to make an installer.
