Ajax content getting loaded multiple times with JQuery UI Tabs - ajax

I am basically calling individual php pages (and their forms) via AJAX in separate JQueryUI tabs. The code is something like:
<div id="dock">
jQuery(function($) {
1) Now every time I click on the tabs, their content gets loaded fine but the previous content does not get destroyed. As a result, imagine if a tab was clicked (loaded) N times - a form is also submitted N times. As far as I have understood, multiple bindings occurs here and hence the multiple form submits. How can I prevent this?
2) I have separate forms in each tab. When multiple tabs are selected, multiple forms get loaded. Now if I submit a value (via AJAX) in any one of the form, the data is submitted across all the forms which were previously loaded (Checked with Firebug). How can I prevent this again ?
PS: Enabling caching in tabs partially solved problem #1, but does not help with problem #2.
PPS: I went through quite a few similar posts but I am still stuck :(
Thanks !

From the little bit of code there, it looks like your problems may arise from using the same page (index.php) for each of the tabs. Check these:
Does each form have a separate ID? They should.
Disable caching in both 'cache' and 'ajaxOptions'. This will make sure content is refreshed (and removed) with each click.
How are your forms submitting via AJAX? Regardless of the method, you should handle your form bindings for each tab select through the "load" option.
Try this...
load: function (event, ui) {
//setup new content bindings here
cache: false,
ajaxOptions: {
cache: false


Reload javascript after thymeleaf fragment render

I have javascript files defined in the <head> of both my layout decorator template and my individual pages which are decorated. When I update a thymeleaf fragment in one of my pages the javascript defined in the head of the parent page no longer works. Is there a standard way to 'refresh' these js files?
Additional clarification :
I have a form submitted by an ajax call which updates a table in the page. I have a Jquery onClick function targeting a button in the updated table. The javascript doesn't seem able to bind to the returned elements in the updated part of the page. I select by element class and can see that the selection works prior to the partial fragment render.
For me it is unclear what you mean by
javascript defined in the head of the parent page no longer works.
The page is created on the server. Normally it contains urls of the javascript files
<script src="//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
In this case 'refreshing' the javascript files can happen only in the client.
Check the html of the page in the client.
Are the tags as expected ?
Are there tags for all expected javascript files ?
With the browser tools (for example Google Chrom developer tools ) check that all script files are actually loaded.
If this doesnt help, it could be that the order of the script tags has changed between the first and second load. This could cause a different behaviour of the javascript executed in the browser.
With the initial load you bind javascript callbacks to dom elements.
You do this directly or through Jquery or other libraries.
When a new dom element is loaded, it has no callbacks bound to it, even if it has the same id as a replaced dom element.
So after the load you have to bind your callbacks again.
If you bound them 'by hand', just bind it again.
If you are using a JQuery plugin, that made the bindings, look into the code or documentation, many of them have a function for that or you can call initialization again.
Once you added new content to the DOM you need to bind again the new content.
Let's say I have a button with some class, the event in binded to the class:
<button class="someclass">Button 1</button>
var something = function() {
// do something
$(".someclass").on("click", something);
If I add more buttons from the same class to the DOM, they will have not have the click event binded. So once you load the new content via ajax, also remove all binding and add again (you need to remove or you will have buttons with 2 events).
$(".someclass").on("click" , something);

jquery append not showing in safari

I have a working progress bar inside a Django app. Except in Safari the bar shows up only under weird circumstances.
First, I have the progress bar appended via jquery/ajax combination:
var $progress = $('<div id="upload-progress" class="upload-progress"></div>')
<div class="progress-container">
<div class="progress-info">uploading 0%</div>
<div class="progress-bar"></div>
//This is all one string, I've just broken it up like this so it's readable.
//Called on form submit
...yada yada...
success: function(data){
$progress.show(); <-- shows the div(s)
...more yada...
In Firefox and Chrome, this all works fine. In Safari, this is actually working as well, just not displaying. When I open up Safari developer tools and drill down to the <form> I can see that the DOM elements are being appended to the form as they should. The width of the progress bar and the text of the progress-info div are updating correctly as well (in developer tools). The problem is the #upload-progress div is not showing in the browser even though I see it exists in the developer tools!
What blows my mind is that if I click the grey 'x' in Safari to force stop the page, the progress bar then shows up!
Another weird thing is that once I click the form submit, if I highlight any dom element in my developer tools the entire page is blanked out with the same color I have on a wrapper div around the entire page! Also, if I highlight an element in the developer tools before I click the submit button, then click, the page just jumps straight to blanking out again. I don't even have to move around in the developer tools.
Very strange behavior. I have no idea what's going on...
I've read some things saying safari doesn't redraw the DOM when css is applied with jquery? I don't think that's true, but does this have something to do with it?
So this problem persists even outside the ajax function, but works outside the submit handler. That is:
problem persists when I click the submit button (no ajax code here)
$('#webfileuploadform').append('<div id="upload-progress" class="upload-progress">asdf</div>');
$('#upload-progress').append('<div class="progress-container"><div class="progress-info">uploading 0%</div><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>');
same code outside of the submit handler works
$('#webfileuploadform').append('<div id="upload-progress" class="upload-progress">asdf</div>');
$('#upload-progress').append('<div class="progress-container"><div class="progress-info">uploading 0%</div><div class="progress-bar"></div></div>');
This is a problem with webkit. The bug report is here. Webkit cannot handle XMLHttpRequests after a form submit. A workaround that I used was to submit the form to a target iframe. Turns out the bug only happens when the target is the same document that the form is in...
Changed target:
<form action="my_django_view" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="formID" target="theIframeName">
Hidden iframe on page:
<iframe name="theIFrameName" id="style-me-with-display-none"></iframe>
Although it should be noted I'm working with legacy code here, which is why I'm handling file objects with forms. If you are starting from scratch, there are better ways to handle file objects nowadays and this method should be avoided.

KendoDropdown placed in fancybox popup = Bad practice?

There is a problem when I put Kendo Dropdown List info Fancybox - Popup.
For detail:
I have page A :this page contains Kendo Dropdown list (with id = #myDropdown).
I have page B : I put my Fancybox caller here- I mean I use Fancybox to load page A (by ajax)
Everything look well , but I got a problem here:
You know, when I initialize a Dropdown List, Kendo-UI will create an "anchor" Tag for UI-effect purpose.
DropdownList has id = #myDropdown
Kendo will create one more Tag with id = #myDropdown-list.
After closing the Fancybox-popup , The "#myDropdown" was removed from DOM, but "#myDropdown-list". It still on the DOM overtime, and it willing to be double after I call the popup again(ofcourse if dont refresh current page).
And The Kendo-DateTimePicker as the same too.
p/s: and so sorry about by english if it was too bad :D. I hope you get my question.
im going to put my "popup" in iframe.But I dont know if it is good when using iframe in this case...
Using IFrame or not is not the cause of the error. I tried with a container and without it to load the fancybox via ajax, but it didn't make a difference.
What I found is sort of a hack, however it solves the problem. Let's suppose we have a code which creates the popup and the popup's content is located in the href 'popupFrame':
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
The other part is the function which is called before closing the popup:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
Of course you can create the removeKendoHelpers as an inline function and if there are more parts to remove then put that code into the removeKendoHelpers function as well.
One interesting remark: in the fancybox API onCleanup and onClosed are listed as options but they do not work, instead use beforeClose or afterClose.
Actually a lot of problem is solved with calling the kendo widget's destroy() method. It solves the removing problems for the widgets except for one of the three helper divs of the DateTimePicker, so the close looks like the following:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
And to resolve the date time picker's actual problem which is I think a bug in the kendop framework (I will report this and hopefully get some feedback) the last function only needs to be extended with:
OTHER solution:
This one is more crude but works like a charm for me even if the page has multiple kendo controls and even if you open another fancybox from your fancybox.
Wrap the fancybox creation in a function, like:
function openFancyBox() {
$("body").append("<div class='fancybox-marker'></div>");
'href': 'popupFrame',
'type': 'ajax',
beforeClose: removeKendoHelpers
This will create a new div at the very end of the body tag, and the function at the closing of the fancybox uses this:
function removeKendoHelpers() {
I hope these solves all your problem!

Wiring up Ajax.BeginForm that didn't exist during doc.ready?

I have a MVC page that loads a Partial via a Ajax.ActionLink, which works, and then the loaded Partial contains a form that has Ajax.BeginForm. This form is not getting wired up to unobtrusive ajax, and instead is performing a page refresh(I verified this in the Network log of the browser that shows the initiator when I click submit is the browser instead of jquery).
What I believe is the issue is that since the form didn't exist when the page is loaded(but later is added via the Ajax.ActionLink), then unobtrusive ajax didn't see the data-ajax attributes on the newly added form and wire up the necessary events. I'm assuming that only happens at document.ready, and the ajax form didn't exist then.
Is there something I can do to say "hey Unobstrusive Ajax, please look at my page again now that I have some new elements that are marked with data-ajax and wire them up"?
Looking at the unobtrusive ajax source, it has this:
$("form[data-ajax=true]").live("submit", function (evt) {
var clickInfo = $(this).data(data_click) || [];
The form tag generated looks like this:
<form action="/Path/Create" class="form-horizontal" data-ajax="true" data-ajax-method="post" data-ajax-mode="replace" data-ajax-update="#ParentContainer" id="PathForm" method="post" novalidate="novalidate">
As far as I can tell the selector on the .live event should be picking up on the new form when it's loaded onto the page. The form is inside a bootstrap modal however, so I don't know if that would be preventing the event from bubbling up somehow.
I can even run this in Chrome console:
$("form[data-ajax=true]").live("submit", function (evt) {
var clickInfo = $(this).data(data_click) || [];
evt.preventDefault(); });
And it returns the form element successfully, but when I click submit it still does a full page refresh. I would expect it to at least do nothign since I wired it up to preventDefault.
To answer my own question regarding unobtrusive ajax and dynamically loaded content, it should work fine out of the box. The way it wires up to events with .live(deprecated, still works currently) should detect forms that are loaded dynamically onto the page. So apparently it doesn't suffer the same problem that unobtrusive validation does.
Our problem was unrelated to that. We were using bootstrap modal which spawned a modal div from inside a form. Since the modal then loaded another page containing a form, we realized we had a form within a form (even though it didn't really look that way since the other form was in a modal).
To solve this we moved the declaration of the modal div in the first form outside of the form. We could still have a link that referenced the modal to show it, but not the modal's inner form wouldn't be nested in the first form.
I believe the reason this caused both the .live and .on methods to not catch the event was because they depend on the event to bubble up to the document, and it bubbled up only as far as the outer form which was not an ajax form, thus did not match the selector.
Another solution would have been to write .on more like this so that the event would be caught when it bubbled up to the container of the inner form, instead of scoping it to the document where the event would reach the outer form first.
$('#innerModalId').on("submit", "form[data-ajax=true]", function (evt) {
return false
However since this was part of a library, that's not an ideal solution as I would have needed to repeat their code. We didn't get as far as updating unobtrusive ajax:
But I think we would have still had the problem since even with .on it still didn't work due to our page structure problem.

Loading forms with .load kills the submit button in Firefox

I am currently loading several forms into a webpage with:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#content').load('php_script.php', function() {
$(this).find('#someForm').ajaxForm(function() {
$(this).find('.someOtherForm').ajaxForm(function() {
This works in Chrome, Chromium and IE who loads the forms and everything works as it should (Clicking submit sends a request to the php-script defined in the form's action, which adds stuff to a db, and shows the alert dialog). In Firefox (v10.0.2) this code loads the forms into the DOM and displays them, but when clicking submit on any of the forms nothing happens.
At first I suspected ajaxForm, but changing the above code to:
$(document).ready(function () {
yields almost the same result, the difference being that the user is sent to the script defined as the action (Except for Firefox, where nothing happens).
How do I make Firefox not kill the submit button?
I solved it, bad HTML from my side:
<table><form ...>
Instead it should look like:
<form ...><table>
The validator did not catch this since it was loaded via jQuery (and I forgot to validate the page serving the forms), and Firefox buggered out.
The code above looks ok to me...
Have you had a look in firebug if there are any errors? Maybe there is a conflicting Id or something.
Maybe the form isnt completely loaded into the dom yet, might be worth giving live binding a try
Found this in the docs:
...jQuery uses the browser's .innerHTML property to parse the retrieved document and insert it into the current document. During this process, browsers often filter elements from the document such as , , or elements. As a result, the elements retrieved by .load() may not be exactly the same as if the document were retrieved directly by the browser...
If you inspect the form is it the same as in other browsers?
