Single-Sign-On choices to use with Windows Phone 7 - windows-phone-7

What types of Single-Sign-On what can I use with Windows Phone?
Now, I'm using Facebook Single-Sign-On. But I don't know if I can use, for example, Windows Live ID, Google, Yahoo, etc.
I don't want to make users of my app register again. I need users registered, but I can use another ways to sign in in my app.

OpenId for Windows Phone 7 - SevenAuth. Here's a demo video.

You can also use this code:
void checkGuid()
object uniqueID;
DeviceExtendedProperties.TryGetValue("DeviceUniqueId", out uniqueID);
byte[] bID = (byte[])uniqueID;
_clientID = Convert.ToBase64String(bID);
simply put your getting the unique hardware ID for each user that uses your app, now you simply send that to a WCF Service of some kind and store that string in a database, you can save information along with their Name, or their favourite style, its really quite simple when you think about it, but makes such a big difference in your app, ofcourse your app on start up would connect to your WCF Service and pull back the values (no need for hardware ID since that never changes) the beauty is your query string can just contain the Hardware ID of the Device and then match it with the Hardware ID on your database to get the values,
I am doing a similar thing right now, you can then link the HWID to their OpenID accounts

Recently, Microsoft released the Windows Live SDK which reportly allows you to do this, but I haven't gotten it to work smoothly yet.


What do I need to make a website that references a table of anonymous users to notify using SMS?

This is a project I'm working on for use between people at my university.
The idea is simple, it's a website where people can submit anonymous comments to other people based on a unique identifier, which is just a random number. People sign up with their unique identifier and their phone number, which would be saved together. Other people hop on the website and submit a comment with the unique identifier, which is sent via SMS to the corresponding phone number.
Conceptually I feel like this should be easy, the website just searches a table for the identifier and then uses an SMS API to send a message to the associated phone number. Also dynamically adds new lines to the table as people register.
I am real new to web development (if you couldn't tell), but I'm not afraid of a little code so I'm figuring it out. My problem is I have no idea big-picture-wise what building blocks I need to connect together. I think I found a good service called Twilio for the SMS API. I think I need to pay for web hosting, but do I need to rent server time? It's a real simple operation but the data also needs somewhere to live. I want it to be a long-term installation so I don't want to host it myself.
I would be very grateful if someone could real quick make a shopping list of the components I need to make this happen, or just any other tips if you've got 'em

Bot Framework [Direct Line]: Saving and retrieving userData based on custom ID

I'm using Bot Framework's Direct Line channel to integrate my bot to a custom front end.
The bot asks the user questions similar to a web form. Ex: Name, phone, email etc.
A major use case that I want to accomplish with this is to be able to save a user's "userData" (and possibly "conversationData") based on one of these custom fields, say, the phone number. Hence, it should be then also be possible to retrieve the userData in the future just using the phone numbers as well.
An example flow could work like:
Ask for name
Ask for email
Ask for Phone, then create the userData doc on, say, an Azure CosmosDB instance.
I can't seem to wrap my head around how to accomplish this on a directline setting, where you don't have the inbuilt channel-userID identifiers (found in Facebook, Skype etc), that make the data-bag storage and retrieval work.

Can I use beacons to get a customer's name on approach?

I'd like to know if it's possible to access personal information supplied within an app on a user's device and transmit that information on approach?
Example: Customer has my coffee shop app installed on their device and is logged into their account (where they have provided their first name). As they enter the shop, the barista can see their name on a tablet behind the counter and greet them by their name.
If so, can anyone point me in the direction of a demo or example?
Yes, that is possible, but it has to be done entirely in your app.
app detects the iBeacon
app sends the name (likely entered in the
app settings) to some sort of service (rest api, web service,
the app that the barista has access to is notified of the
person approaching.
For a demo app you probably want to look at push notifications really, the iBeacon side is pretty boring for this use case.
As a total aside, make sure this sort of thing is opt-in - this could be creepy, and people don't like creepy.

Search API for Windows Phone 8.1?

I'm developing an app on Windows Phone 8.1. I would like to let users type a name of a place, a restaurant for example, as an autocomplete event, and retrieve all the related places according to the name of the restaurant. Did somebody use something like that on windows phone 8.1 ? Is There a google place api that can be used for Windows Phone 8.1 or a nice Bing Search api ? About the last option, could someone confirm that we need to pay that service according to the number of transactions (requests)?
So you would like to use some service which offers that data either for free or at some cost? There is no such general purpose service, but you can leverage some existing:
Foursqare has a list of places nearby. These often include Batcave or Hogwarts though.
Google Places -
You can build a startup around correct places search API :)

Get image from marketplace WP7

I'd like to do a best of application list. It is just a list with a title and an image.
I saw the MarketplaceDetailTask(); who take the marketPlaceId (marketplaceDetailTask.ContentIdentifier).
My question is, is there a way, knowing this Id, to get the image url of the corresponding app ?
I've done some research but nothing about an API or something to return this url.
There is no built-in API in Windows Phone to retrieve this kind of information. However, you can try querying directly the service used by the Zune client. This service isn't publicly documented, but there's a few blog posts explaining how to use it. For instance:
