Get image from marketplace WP7 - windows-phone-7

I'd like to do a best of application list. It is just a list with a title and an image.
I saw the MarketplaceDetailTask(); who take the marketPlaceId (marketplaceDetailTask.ContentIdentifier).
My question is, is there a way, knowing this Id, to get the image url of the corresponding app ?
I've done some research but nothing about an API or something to return this url.

There is no built-in API in Windows Phone to retrieve this kind of information. However, you can try querying directly the service used by the Zune client. This service isn't publicly documented, but there's a few blog posts explaining how to use it. For instance:


Google Place API, advanced place details: amenities, crowd, accessibility

I'm successfully using Google Places API to get details like name, address, phone, lat/lng, opening hours, etc. No problem with that.
However, the data I can't get a hold of is the deeper data.
For example, if you open up a McDonald's, and click on its short description, it will show things like Amenities, Crowd, Atmosphere, Accessibility.
Question is - is it possible to access this information via Places API?
According to the documentation. That information is not returned by the API. You can link directly to that place on Google Maps to show your users that information though.
Remember that APIs like this usually don't return all of the information available to the native service so that the native service (in this case Google Places) retains a competitive advantage.

Get all apps a user has from Google API

I'm looking for a way to get a list of all the users apps (that is apps published by the user NOT apps downloaded by the user).
Which API should I be looking at? I'm also interested in getting data about the apps uploaded.
Something like this:
But as a api call.
As far as I know there is no official API to do that.
You may look for some third-party APIs like but I don't know if it is enough for you.

Twitter - how to get user's timeline

My app, in one of its parts, should reproduce the same behaviour as a web page, where you can find a section with a table of Twitter posts, I guess they are a user's timeline. I took a look at Twitter api's and I found a call which could return it, but, If I got it right, you are supposed to be authenticated with that user credentials. Is there a way to achieve it without being that user (thus without using that user's credentials)? If not we have to assume that web plugins have more flexibility than queries which return xml, or json? Which kind of approach fits best, considering the app needs to support iOS from 4.3 to 6.x? Does Twitter+Oauth provide more flexibility than direct Twitter api calls?
Hm, if you are looking to just display user's feed you can do it as simple as:
Where you change the screen_name to the desired user that you want to show the feeds for.
No need what so ever to use authentication for this.
Not sure if this is what you want to achieve, but I use this approach to show random user's tweet feed.

Is there a general image service "unshort" api service?

I am currently updating my Twitter client Nymphicus to use to unshorten all the links in tweets. Before that I implemented all the url shortener APIs myself but there are so many...
With images it is quite the same: I do implement all the different APIs out there to get thumbnails but I wonder if anyone knows a service similar to which gives you back the url of a thumbnail if you send the image link? does it, 10k requests free. otherwise it's a pay service.

WP7 application how to post a local picture with facebook C# SDK?

I am developing a WP7 application and want to post a picture to the wall. I find that it need a URI for the picture but if I want to post a local picture from the mobile, what I should specify here or how can i get the uri for the local picture? Thanks a lot!
The last time I looked at working with the Facebook SDK it wasn't possible to post a local photo to the user's wall; you had to have the photo hosted online somewhere already. However you can post to the user's photos section.
There is a forum post on the App Hub that gives the code for doing this. I think the Facebook C# SDK supports WP7, but I'm not sure if it will simplify this process any further.
