Magento form validation - magento

Can anyone give the complete form validation classes used in magento?

you go this url its contains the all classes related with for validation.


Add website custom validation in aicontactsafe extension in joomla

I have one contact form in joomla site and for that i used aicontactsafe. in that required field validation is given but i need to add website validation in aicontactform.
can you give how it will posible in aicontact form
thanks in advance.

How to make custom options for any product in magento

One of my client want to have this kind of custom attributes in magneto, i tried making attributes and all, but can't get succeed, can anyone here guide me on making these ? do i have make attribute sets or attributes or i have to code custom ?
In default Magento you can have some thing like pic attached.. please view if this solve your problem ?

How to create a custom registration module in magento

I am new in magento. I want to create a custom registration module for seller in magento 1.5 or 1.6. There are needed two registration like one is general user, another seller. I don't know how magento's default registration module is built. I also don't know how to set up and how to connect between the form and the table like 'customer_entity_varchar' and other table.I think it follows MVC pattern like Joomla And also how to call the function from controller to model for writing "INSERT" sql query. If any one knows about it , please, guide me with giving links or doc.
Thank you.
You need to learn about creating a Magento Module.
Create a Magento Module Basics in Magento Module Development
Then you going to create an own registration controller for sellers.
Extend the customer entity by an attribute saying the customer status (seller|general) or use the Customer Groups Adding Attributes to Customers Entity (see for additional informations About EAV Attributes)
add custom attributes to sellers like in step 3.
I hope could help you!

How can I add custom fields in cms edit page (Admin Panel)?

I am facing an issue in Magento. I want to add some custom fields to Magento Admin Panel CMS Edit Page. I got a page while searching where it describes adding a custom field in CMS page: .
I have followed every step in this, but I am still getting an error Call to undefined function getLoad().
Can anyone here explain me how to add custom fields in CMS page?
You can try this article ( as well, it's more simple, maybe it will be helpful for you.
Also don't forget about cache, I recommend you disable it when you are testing your own modules.

Automatically generating Customer Attribute Form Fields

When you add customer attributes, Magento's admin dashboard for customer's automatically generates the relative form element for that new attribute.
Is there a way to do the same thing on the front end via a controller in a module?
nope, the frontend customer fields are hard coded, check out the phtml inside customer/form to see it.
What are you trying to achieve? Customer attributes are displayed on the form if "Show on frontend" is enabled. However those fields aren't saved from frontend by default. You need to extend fieldsets in your module for that, see config.xml in core Mage/Customer module
EDIT: actually that is true for enterprise edition, on CE you have to edit register.phtml (preferably by making a copy in your theme)
