How to make custom options for any product in magento - magento

One of my client want to have this kind of custom attributes in magneto, i tried making attributes and all, but can't get succeed, can anyone here guide me on making these ? do i have make attribute sets or attributes or i have to code custom ?

In default Magento you can have some thing like pic attached.. please view if this solve your problem ?


How customer can upload the image in product magento?

I want to upload the image at the front end of the product view page
but i don't know how to do these so if anybody know the answer then replay me.
I see the some extension but its not work properly
Thanks in advance.
Magento has out of the box custom options. You can add new custom options with type file.
Check it, possible it helps in your case.

create custom category attributes dynamically in admin magento

I want to create custom category attributes dynamically in admin.
how can I create custom category attributes?
Please suggest me proper solution to resolve this issue.
I suggest you to go through with this nice article Adding new category attribute in Magento
hope it will help you.

Magento programmatically created attributes showing up in backend but not frontend

I have a script that bulk creates attributes and sets in Magento. The attributes and their sets look fine, and the settings are correct. When these attributes are created, I use AMartinez's customimpertexport script to bulk import products. These products do have the attributes correctly filled in.
If I look at a product in the back-end, they are there, with the correct values. When I take a look at the front-end however, the values are not displayed. Also, the layered navigation does not work (probably because of forementioned bug).
This makes me think there is something going wrong with linking attributes to products.
Since I'm pretty new at Magento, I don't know very much of it yet, so any explanations on how or why would be apreciated.
Check out your attributes' settings. "Use In Layered Navigation" and "Used in Product Listing" options should be enabled.
Also you should use default Magento import/export functionality. Just keep in mind that the script has a really strange and sillent way to handle exceptions in code formating and missing fields, only hard exceptions like missing SKU fields are displayed.
Here is a tutorial fromt he magento knowledge base
Also, you should check of the attribute is visible on the frontend.

Do we have any option of adding suppliers and suppliers information in the magento admin?

I'm new to magento. I need to add suppliers along with our products and the supplier information should also be editable. Please suggest me how can i do this. I'm using Magento 1.7
Thanks in advance.
You will need to install an extension for that. I search for some and I just found this: Suppliers on Magento
You will have to send him a private message to know it ^^
By default magento not provide this functionality, but still you can do this using magento attribute.
Create one attribute "supplier or something" and assigned this newly created attribute to Attribute Set of magento, now this newly created attribute is display in your product edit page.
If you are neu to magento this link might be useful to you How to create attribute?

Magento - prevent from manual attribute changing

I have this one attribute which is saved by the Magento API. I want to make this attribute read only in administrator view. In another words I want to prohibit manual changes of this attribute.
How do I do that?
I guess this would help.
