Wordpress Anything Slider Auto Play problem onload - jquery-plugins

As the title suggest i'm having trouble getting the Wordpress AnythingSlider to autoplay when the website loads.
The slider does start to autoplay but only after one of the arrow buttons is pressed.
I have the settings in the admin area set to auto play too before anyone asks :)
Has anyone else had this problem???


Make draggable Live Helper Chat widget iframe when draggable image is disallow

I have a WordPress website where I activated a protection for disallow image drag and drop because this allow visitor to drag and save on the Desktop images...
As soon I activate the option to disallow image drag is disabled also the possibility to drag the live helper chat widget that I have on footer right bottom of the screen.
I want exclude this element from the protection so user can move (drag) the widget of the chat. Any help or suggestion, please?
I know usually in the web is not liked protection like disable right click etc... but let me decide this on my website, I AM looking now for a solution to allow this x-frame option to be draggable again also with the active protection.
Thanks, any help will be very appreciated.
OK I do not find how to solve this issue but I found that disable block to prevent image drag and put this code:
/* Example 1: Makes all the img non-reactive to any mouse events such as dragging, hovering, clicking etc */
img {
pointer-events: none;
Solve my issue by making the image not draggable.

Hidden NavBar reappears when tap occurs ios

This should be an easy one and I hope that someone could explain it to me.
When I set hidesBarsOnSwipe or navbarhidden it's working very well. The navBar hide but when I press a button or anything else the navbar shows up again.
I understand that it's a "normal behaviour" to not block the navigation experience.
But what if I want the navbar to stay hide and only show on swipe?

Create Page custom animations in Windows Phone 8.1 (Windows Runtime)

I would like to develop some animations for my pages or my page content. The approach of which one I should follow is unclear to me at the moment and I'll try to explain why.
What I'd like to achieve is to create a page (or page content) animation with a slide-in from right when navigating to the page and slide-out to left when leaving the page.
The slide-in part can be achieved with ContentThemeTransition from TransitionCollection. But what about the slide-out part?
I can't seem to know or find any good timing regarding when to fire a slide-out animation just before the page is about to be left.
I'dlike not to apply any animation to the page in such way that WP does by default (with some jump-out, jump-in effect). I'd like to be like BasicPage from templates with no animation but with custom animated content upon page enter and page leave.
How could this be achieved?
Thanks in advance.
I assume you are navigating from the page via tapping a button or something similar. Why don't you create a storyboard animation, start that from the Click event handler of the button, and call Frame.Navigate() when the animation has finished playing?

Turnstile page animation for first xaml page of application is not happening on application load

I am creating a Windows Phone application and i used turnstile animation on all the pages in my application.
The turnstile animation is happening in navigating in and out, but it does not happen when the app is loaded and first page is displayed. The page contains a panorama control with three panorama items.
When the app starts, after splash screen, the page just appear. no turnstile or any other animation happens
Kindly help with this issue.
Any help will be highly appreciated
Thanx for help in advance.
The whole app should be opened with animation. If you have the animation turned on properly on the first page, it will come animated, but not the page - the animated item will be the splashscreen.
When you close the app, it will also be animated.

Toolkit Autocompletebox popup postition

I'm having some troubles with the position of the Autocompletebox. It's working as it should, displaying the popup above the textbox when using the app. But if I use a task like Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask and then click on the back button, the position of the popup goes to to the "middle", not below or over the textbox, but right over it. Does anybody have a clue on what I need to do here? I know that the app is deactivated and activated again when i use Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.EmailComposeTask. But I don't understand why the popup of the toolkit:Autocompletebox is the only thing that's affected by this.
I've read this thread: WP7 AutoCompleteBox Popup position, but is there still no way of "fixing" this issue? Any tips?
