How to add a new project to source control in Xcode 4? - xcode

How do I add a new project to source control (SVN) using Xcode 4?

Open Organizer. Click on the root of your SVN repository in the tree on the left. Click on Import on the bottom right and choose the directory from finder that you want to add and click Import.
This will add the project to SVN

The XCode 4 documentation recommend using command-line tools or a utility program to set up a Git or Subversion repository.
To set up a Subversion repository using the command line
1/ Open the Terminal utility and use the svnadmin create command to create a Subversion repository.
For example, if you want a repository named Sketch_svn in the existing location /Users/myUserName/Repositories, you would enter the command:
svnadmin create /Users/myUserName/Repositories/Sketch_svn
Tip: The easiest way to get the full path to a folder into Terminal without risking typing errors is to first type the command (cd in this case), enter a space, and then drag the folder from the Finder and drop it at the end of the Terminal command line.
Note that the directory /Users/myUserName/Repositories/ must already exist before you execute this command. You can use the Finder or a mkdir command to create the directory.
2/ In another location—not in the repository you just created—create a folder to hold a temporary copy of the project. In that folder, create three additional folders named branches, tags, and trunk.
3/ Create a new Xcode project in the trunk folder, using Xcode, or put your existing project in the trunk folder, using the command line or the Finder.
4/ Use the svn import function to import your project into the repository you created and place it under Subversion source control.
For example, if your temporary copy is in /Users/myUserName/Projects/Sketch_tmp, you would enter the following command in Terminal:
svn import /Users/myUserName/Projects/Sketch_tmp \
file:///Users/myUserName/Repositories/Sketch_svn -m "Initial import"
The backslash at the end of the first line indicates that the command is continued on the next line. You can omit the backslash and type the entire command on one line. If you do use the backslash, be sure there are no spaces following it before you press Return.
There are three forward slashes in the string file:///.
If you type the entire command on one line, be sure there is a space before file:///.
You can include any comment you want in the quotation marks, but be sure your comment will be meaningful to anyone using the repository.
5/ In the repositories organizer in Xcode, click the Add (+) button at the bottom of the navigator pane, and choose Checkout Repository to create a working copy.

Use Terminal. At the command line, you can use the svn import command to add the project to your repository.
From the way you worded your question, I'm assuming that your subversion repository already exists. You'll follow the same basic steps outlined in Add Git or Subversion Version Control to an Existing Project in the Xcode 4 Users Guide, except that instead of creating a whole new repository you'll just add a new directory to your existing repository.
It's handy that Xcode has support for version control, but it's not a full-featured GUI version control client. You should still know how to manage your repository using the svn command line program. Alternately, you can get a GUI front end like Versions. Either way, you should have (and have read) the Subversion Book. There's a lot more to using version control than just checking files in and out, and you need to know how it works and how best to use it if it's going to help you.


Xcode project shows two git repositories (only one is correct); commits go to both

I'm new to git. So, I'm confused and might not be using the correct terminology.
I have two separate Xcode projects, each with it's own local repository. Although the projects have similar names, each project has separate and distinct source files. I've done a couple of commits to each, but when I commit in one project, the commit shows up in both. My new project shows both projects in the git navigator (which might be related to the problem). When I made the new commit, the old project was not open in Xcode.
Each project has it's own .git folder.
Old Project 1 ("Scheduler"): Shows one repository, but the last commit I did in the new project appears there.
New Project 2 ("Scheduler6"): Shows two repositories, and the last commit I did there shows up in both.
Why does Project 2 show both repositories, and is that the reason my commit ended up in both? How to correct that? This has happened before, and I did "git reset HEAD^" in the old repository to remove the incorrect commit. I want to stop this behavior forever. (And I'm hesitant about fooling around with git commands in Terminal.)
Mystery solved. I created Project 2 by copying numerous files from Project 1, but three image files ended up as references to the Project 1 files, not copies. When I removed those references and added copies instead to Project 2, the GIT navigator stopped showing the Project 1 repository.
Summary: Project 2 showed both GITs because Project 2 referenced some files in Project 1.
There are two ways to fix the trouble:
A. Manually: Open Project 2, select each file (one by one), and check that the Full Path shown in the Identity and Type inspector is a Project 2 path. Fix any files that reference Project 1.
B. Using Terminal: The Xcode project control file is a text file, so checking all Full Paths can be automated using Terminal commands, thusly:
(I assume the two projects are named Project_1 and Project_2, and that their project folders share the same parent folder.)
Duplicate Project_2.xcodeproj (which is actually a bundle).
Change the duplicate's filename suffix from .xcodeproj (I used .xxx). The duplicated "file" becomes a subfolder containing four items, one of which is a text file ("project.pbxproj").
Launch Terminal.
In Terminal, execute "cd path_to_project_2_subfolder". Shortcut: type 'cd', space, drag the folder that as created in step 2 to Terminal, and hit return.
x. (Verification step.) In Terminal, execute "ls" to show the four items. They should be:
project.pbxproj project.xcworkspace/ xcshareddata/ xcuserdata/
In Terminal, execute "strings project.pbxproj | grep ../Project_1/". This shows all lines in project.pbxproj that reference Project_1. '|' is a pipe command that sends the strings output to grep which filters the strings. Because my two project names differed by only one character, I surrounded the project name with '../' and '/' to limit the output to directories and files that belong to Project_1, but you could just use the bare project name if your two names are dis-similar. The commands and arguments are case-sensitive. You should see some lines that reference Project_1. You could also open project.pbxproj in a text editor and search for lines containing Project_1.
One of my files (sharing.png) appeared thusly:
1F4E32C32343DE1A0053C239 /* sharing.png */ = {isa = PBXFileReference;
lastKnownFileType = image.png; name = sharing.png; path =
../../../../Project_1/sharing.png; sourceTree = ""; };
Open Project_2 in Xcode and fix the files that show as references in the strings command. Along the way, use Method A (above) to verify your work.
Check that the GIT navigator only shows Project 2. You might have to close Xcode and relaunch.
I had the same problem, I think it happened because I Initialised git twice on one project. First when I wanted to create the project folder I executed "git init" in the terminal, and later when I wanted to create the project itself by Xcode (a swift project), I did not remove the check mark from initiate a git repo for project. So I have initiated two git repos for one project.

Remove a file form SVN repository in XCode

I have erroneously added a file to a project in Xcode and I have pushed it to the server.
Now I want to remove it.
Does removing the file from the local project will results in removing it from the remote repository too at the first commit?
Removing the file from the Xcode project isn't going to remove the file from the repository. You have to use the Organizer if you want to remove the file from the repository in Xcode.
Open the Organizer and click the Repositories button at the top of the Organizer. Select the repository's Trunk folder from the repository list on the left side of the Organizer. Select the file you want to delete. Click the Delete button at the bottom of the Organizer to remove the file from the repository.
Subversion is like one of those Roach Motels: Files check in, but they never check out.
Once you add a file to Subversion, it's there forever. You can remove it from the current revision of the repository (via the svn rm command), but you can never remove it completely. Someone will always be able to see it in a log, and someone can access it by checking out the revision of that directory right before you removed the file.
There has been a lot of debate about this feature. Most version control systems have an obliterate command of some sort that allows you to remove a version of a file or completely remove the file from the repository. The problem is that Subversion doesn't revision files -- it revisions the entire repository.
I don't know Xcode, so I can't help you with the exact steps. However, there must be a Repository view in Xcode like there is in Eclipse or a series of subcommands that deal with the repository (much like Eclipse's Team commands). You should be able to delete the file from there, then commit your change.
That will remove the file from the latest version of the code (and future versions). However, it will still be there in the repository, so someone can find it via the history log, and then checkout the version of the repository right before you deleted the file. If this file contains your Swiss bank account number, you're in trouble.
NOTE: There is a way to remove a file completely from Subversion, but you have to shutdown the repository, dump it out, filter out the file, then load the repository dump into a new repository. It is usually not worth the effort.
You can do it from command line using svn rm filename
Deleting a file from Xcode WILL delete it from your remote repo when you commit (tested with svn).
Using Xcode 4.6.3 I deleted a file from my project. Committed, and it was in turn deleted from my remote repository. When you delete from Xcode, you must select "move to trash" when prompted what to do. If you select "delete reference" then that file will remain in your remote repository, just as it remains part of your projects files but just not referenced in the actual Xcode project.
When you commit your files, count the files that have checkmarks on them, and look at the count that Xcode reports in the bottom right corner, Xcode reports one extra file! Thats the deleted file, which means its committing that change.
Once again, before committing, go to terminal and 'cd' to the directory where you had the file that you deleted. Enter this:
svn info ./yourFilesName.txt
You will see a result that says:
Schedule: delete
which means that when you do a commit, the file will be deleted from your remote repo.
When you delete from Xcode, you must select "move to trash",and then commit the ".xcodeproj" file

Xcode 4: Source Control options grayed out (Git local repository)

When I set up a new project in Xcode 4, and select "Create local git repository for this project," all seems well enough. I'm able to commit files from the Organizer (it would appear.) However, in the Project Manager, the "Source Control" menu options (commit, etc.) are all grayed out, except for "Repositories" which of course just takes me to the organizer.
Furthermore, in the Project Manager window, I don't see any icons by file names indicating if they're changed, committed etc. like I see in the screenshots in the Xcode 4 documentation.
I've tried this with both a project that's connected to Github, and one that's just using a local repository, and I've still yet to see those options not be grayed out. Any suggestions?
I discovered the cause of this problem is that I was saving projects in /Developer.
Turns out, that's a big no-no. Not only does it break git integration in the way described in the original question, as well as breaking other features such as Xcode 4's refactoring functionality, it also runs the risk of deleting all of your work when you install an update. Once I started saving projects outside of /Developer, all the git functions in Xcode 4 started working as expected.
Bottom line: Don't keep projects in /Developer.
This can be a bit confusing. Apples documentation here:
Has a great way to activate the source control via the command line:
To set up a Git repository from the command line . . .
Use the cd command to switch to your project folder, making it the current working directory.
Enter git init to create an empty repository.
Enter git add . to copy your project files into the repository.
Enter git commit -m "Initial commit." to commit all the files.

How would you avoid "Xcode, Subversion Error: 155007 (Path is not a working copy directory)"?

I am not able to see the commit option after I make changes to my working copy, but I ensured that my settings for svn were correct.
What exactly is the problem with this error message?
Xcode is showing:
Your path is not a working copy
What should I do to resolve this?
The blog post "Xcode, Subversion Error: 155007 (Path is not a working copy directory)" and its comment are pretty much the reference on this kind of error.
Simple Workaround:
Delete your local copy (cd myxcodeproject; rm -rf .)
Delete the “build” folder from the server
svn co https://svnserver/path/trunk/project .
Now you should see .svn folders in every directory of your local project (you don’t see them if you use the “Export” function of the SCM panel from Xcode).
At this point, you should be able to edit and commit your changes directly from Xcode.
Now you need to initialize correctly the project.
The following sections illustrate that part:
How to do it right (general principle)
To place the project under Xcode, you need to first import it.
The SCM->commit entire project… gives error 155007 if you don’t first do this:
Under the SCM menu in Xcode select Repositories, then click the IMPORT icon at the top of that dialog that appears.
Select the project from the list and then click the import button.
Of course you need to first configure at least one repository before doing the steps above.
Right Initialization steps (detailed process)
Create the project in XCODE.
Setup subversion in XCODE and select the subversion repository for this project.
Use Xcode SCM > Repository and click on the IMPORT icon. This will move the local copy to the subversion repository.
Now delete your local copy (or move it to another location just in case).
Finally CHECKOUT the project from subversion (this will create the subversion .svn folders, …).
Reselect the subversion repository for this project.
Commit the entire project.

How do I keep Resharper Files out of SVN?

I am using VS2008 and Resharper. Resharper creates a directory _Resharper.ProjectName. These files provide no value for source control that I am aware of and cause issues when committing changes. How can I get SVN to ignore them? I am using TortoiseSVN as my interface for SVN.
EDIT: You guys are fast.
Here's a link to show the ignoring process in TortoiseSVN
Add the file names (or even the pattern _Resharper.*) to the svn:ignore property for its parent directory.
Gonna post an answer to my own question here as I read the manual after I typed this up. In TortoiseSVN, goto settings. Add
to the "Global ignore pattern". Adding items to the global ignore pattern means that these files will be ignored for any project you work on for the client with TortoiseSVN installed, so it might not be appropriate to use the global ignore in all cases.
You can also add specific files and directories to the ignore list for individual projects if you select this from the TortoiseSVN menu BEFORE they have been added to your repository. The "BEFORE" part is what tripped me up originally. Since this is a single developer project, I've been checking in binaries, etc. b/c it has no consequence for other developers, and the Resharper files got in there.
Store Resharper caches in system temp folder.
Check First setting page in r#.
Environment -> General -> System -> Store caches ..
Short answer: the "svn:ignore" property
Long answer:
# cd /your/working/copy
# export EDITOR=vi
# svn propedit svn:ignore .
(add "_Resharper.ProjectName" on its own line and write the file out)
Edit: erg... doh, just realized you said tortoise... this is how you do it with the command-line version of SVN
svn has an "ignore" property you can attach to a filename pattern or a directory. Files and directories that are ignored won't be reported in "svn st" commands and won't go into the repo.
Example: you have C source code in .c and .h files, but the compiler creates a bunch of .o files that you don't want subversion to bother telling you about. You can use Subversion's properties feature to tell it to ignore these.
For a few files in one checked-out working directory, for example myproject/mysource/
bash> svn propedit svn:ignore mysource
In the text editor that pops up (in linux, probably vi or whatever your EDITOR env var is set to), add one filename pattern per line. Do not put a trailing space after the pattern (this confuses svn).
That's all. You may want to do a commit right away, since sometimes svn gets fussy about users making too many different kinds of changes to files between commits. (my rule is: if in doubt, commit. It's cheap)
For a type of file appearing in many places in a sprawling directory tree, edit the subversion config file kept inside the repository. This requires the repository administrator's action, unless you have direct access to the repository (not through svn: or http: or file:, but can 'cd' to the repository location and 'ls' its files). The svn books should have the details; i don't recall offhand right now.
Since i don't use Tortoise, i don't know how directly the description above translates - but that's why we have editable answers (joy!)
This blog post provides a example on how to do what you want on via command line svn.
These change will be reflected in TortoiseSVN.
I believe there is a way to do it via tortoise however i don't have a windows vm accessible atm, sorry :(
SVN only controls what you put into it when creating your repository. Don't just import your entire project folder but import a "clean" folder BEFORE doing a build. After the build you get all the object files or your _Resharper folder etc. but they are not version controlled.
I forgot: the svn:ignore command is another possibility to tell SVN to exclude certain files. You can add this as a property to the version controlled folders, e.g. with TortoiseSVN.
