MinGW/MSYS shell colors - shell

I'd like for my makefile output to be color-coded.
But I can't get the ANSI color codes to work on this terminal. It should be possible though, ls --color gives me colorful output, and my shell prompt is also colored:
$ echo $PS1
\[\033]0;$MSYSTEM:\w\007 \033[32m\]\u#\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\] $
I suspect maybe the first section puts the terminal in a special mode so that it will accept color codes. Can somebody explain?

I solved it.
The command to use is echo -e.
So, in the makefile:
foo.o: foo.c
#echo -e "\033[32mCompiling foo.c\033[0m"
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $# $<
I would imagine this works just fine in bash as well.


error in using tab in makefile how to fix it

when I try to do make for the makefile it shows me (makefile error missing separator. stop)
my make file is
PROGS = $(patsubst %.c,%,$(SRCS))
all: $(PROGS)
%: %.c
arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --static $< -o $#
rm -f $(PROGS)
I try to use the following command but I could not solve my problem
cat -e -t -v Makefile
rm^I-f^I$(PROGS)^I$ ```
Crazy. You have TAB characters in all the places you don't need them, and you don't have TAB characters in any of the (two) places you must have them. I don't know how you managed that.
In your makefile above the places you MUST have TAB chars are the recipe lines. In other words, your makefile should look like this from cat -e -t -v Makefile:
SRCS = $(wildcard *.c)$
PROGS = $(patsubst %.c,%,$(SRCS))$
all: $(PROGS)$
%: %.c$
^Iarm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc --static $< -o $#$
^Irm -f $(PROGS)$
As for configuring your text editor, there are a ton of text editors out there, even on Ubuntu, and we have no idea which one you are using.
I recommend you use a programmer's editor, which has a special mode that understands makefile syntax.

In a makefile, is there a way to redirect $(warning) or $(info) statements to file

Note that I do not want to redirect all make output to file. I only want the output from a $(warning) command to file.
$(warning building $# using $?) >> someLogFile.txt
My example above does not redirect the output from $(warning to someLogFile. Is there a way to do it? Maybe redirect it to a variable and then echo that to a file?
is there a way to redirect $(warning) or $(info) statements to file?
Here's one for GNU Make, but it's not pretty:
LOG := log.txt
$(shell echo 'NO_SUCH_TARGET:' | $(MAKE) --eval='$$(info Target acquired: $#...)' -s -f - >> $(LOG))
target_a: target_b
touch $#
touch $#
rm -f target_* $(LOG)
With which you'll get:
$ make
touch target_b
touch target_a
$ cat log.txt
Target acquired: target_b...
Target acquired: target_a...
To understand this ruse, see the GNU make commandline options.
If you want this for the purpose of debugging a makefile, you'd probably
fare better with GNU Make's --debug options, documented at the same place.

Makefile and computed variable names

I got the following Makefile with several compilers, and I would like to invoke them in a loop through the variable cc:
for arch in "x64" "mips" ; do\
$($(cc)) some_file -o some_bin
By $($(cc)), I am trying to substitute $(cc) with cc_xxx, and in turn, substitute it with the actual command I am trying to execute. This is called a computed variable name in GNU Make's documentation: https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Computed-Names.html
For some reason, I cannot get this to work. What am I missing ?
You can't cross shell/make boundaries like that. You are trying, in the shell context, to create and evaluate a make variable on-the-fly. That can't work.
You either need to do all the work in make or in the shell. Export those make variables to the shell and then something like this should work:
for arch in x64 mips; do\
${!cc} some_file -o some_bin.$$arch;\
But it would probably be better to do this in a more make idiomatic way.
Which would look something more like this (untested):
all: $(addprefix some_file.,x86 mips)
some_file.%: some_file
$(cc_$(*)) $^ -o $#
If I felt compelled to use a loop, I'd do it like this:
COMPS = x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc mips-linux-gnu-gcc
for comp in $(COMPS); do\
$$comp some_file -o some_bin; \
Your question is "What am I missing?" The answer is, you don't realize, that a Makefile works differently than a shell script. You are trying put a shell script on a Makefile. It is like you trying to put a saddle on a cow. Both you and the cow will be unhappy with the result.
The way you are trying to do it, you don't need Make. Just use the shell script you have there under "all:" and forget about Make. Why try to put a saddle on a cow?
If you do want to learn how to use Make, then please read more carefully the Make manual, and especially study the examples given there. Then you will understand the difference between shell scripts and Makefiles, and everything will be clearer.
I will show you how to do what you want, in the correct way that Makefiles are designed to work. But please, do study the manual more carefully.
RESULTS := $(addprefix some_bin., x86_64 mips)
.PHONY: all
all: $(RESULTS)
$(RESULTS): some_file Makefile
$(patsubst .%,%-linux-gnu-gcc,$(suffix $#)) $< -o $#

Makefile, declare variable in executable

This is a simple question for a starter like me, but what can I do to do like the following
all: run
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $(DIR)$#
Why not go like this?
all: $(DIR)/run
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $#
As written, you have an assignment to the shell variable DIR on one command line. On the next line, you have the expansion of a make variable DIR. This doesn't work because the two lines are executed by different shells, and in any case, make expands $(DIR) before running the shell and DIR is not a make variable.
You could make it work like this:
all: run
DIR=bin/; \
$(CC) $(LIBRARY) $(INCLUDE) run.o -o $${DIR}$#
The backslash means the two lines are treated as one (so much so that the semicolon is needed). The $${DIR} notation is expanded by make to ${DIR} (more precisely, $$ expands to $ and make ignores the {DIR}), and then the shell expands ${DIR} from the value set previously. You could, of course, omit the braces.
However, the answer by BeSerK is probably what you're looking for.

Getting Quiet Make to echo command lines on error

I have a Makefile building many C files with long long command lines and we've cleaned up the output by having rules such as:
#echo "Compiling $<";\
$(COMPILER) $(COPTS) -c -o $# $<
Now this is great as the # suppresses the compilation line being emitted.
But when we get an error, all we get is the error message, no command line.
Can anyone think of a "neat" way to emit the command line?
All I can think of doing is echoing it to a file and have a higher level make catch the error and cat the file. Hacky I know.
Tested and it worked (GNU make in Linux):
#echo "Compiling $<";\
$(COMPILER) $(COPTS) -c -o $# $< \
|| echo "Error in command: $(COMPILER) $(COPTS) -c -o $# $<" \
&& false
This question is pretty old, but for those of you Googling, I think what I’ll do in this situation is alias make to make -s (silent mode) in my shell, and only put the # prefix before lines where echo or other diagnostic commands are being invoked. When I want the full output from make, I will override my alias by calling it as \make.
Also note that in this situation that you’ll need to do the typical thing and put the #echo on its own line, with the actual rule commands on separate lines and without #’s.
A simple solution would be to use a simple script abc like the following:
if (( code )); then
echo error running $#
exit $code
Then you can write abc $(COMPILER) $(COPTS) -c -o $# $< in your Makefile. Do note that this does not work when you have pipes or redirects (as they will be applied to abc instead of the command you want to run).
You can also just put similar code directly in the Makefile if that's preferable.
I recently used a utility called logtext for the likes of tracking what output had occurred during the course of a bat file executing. Check it out, you may find this pretty useful if you want to know what error occurred where.
