Need a creative way to post employee bios - joomla

i need to find a creative way to post employee bios.
right now i just have it in a table, alternating bio and pictures, like this:
person 1
[picture] [bio]
person 2
[bio] [picture]
person 3
[picture] [bio]
person 4
[bio] [picture]
its really hard to maintain when i need to add or remove a person.
could anyone suggest an extension i could use for this?
it does not have to use a table, just look good(creative) and be easy to maintain
thank you!

I would suggest the best way would be to create a category for your employees then use a category blog layout with multiple columns. This would give you a nice first page where you could have name+picture, and then upon clicking their name you view an individual page about that person.
Should you choose this solution (I am assuming 1.5). Create a category for employees and create an article for each employee within this category. Seperate the photo from the main content using the "read more" button.
Then goto menus->main menu->"new"
The type you want to select is articles -> category -> category blog layout.
On the next page, pick the category you created earlier on the RH side, and just below that you can specify how many columns and how many employees to view per page.
Hope this helps, the same method loosely applies to Joomla 1.6, however, categories are setup differently.

I found a solution - DJCatalog Extension did the trick :)


Magento Extension to Filter Category Products By Vehicle Year / Make / Model

I've seen quite a lot of extensions that do Year/Make/Model search of products, that's not what i am after.
What i want is to let a customer select his vehicle YMM (year make model) and once he did, i want all the products shown to only fit that vehicle in any category he navigates to. So say we have 2 categories - suspension and brakes; once the vehicle type is chosen, only parts fitting that vehicle will be shown under suspension and under brakes.
I also want to be able to define universal products which will be shown regardless of vehicle type chosen.
So far couldn't find such an extension.
Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
I am open to implementing something myself if needed.
Checkout this extension :
I have gone through this module and with little modification,it serves both your purpose.
1) It has filters for individual categories as well. Lets say if you want that once filtered, the same products should be shown in all the categories, you can customize that little part on your own.
2) It has global import section,which will display the products regardless of the filters chosen.
I have seen this Year Make Model magento extension in many sites -
It seems to have high popularity in Magento Connect. You may want to try that.

Adding multiple items to special page

I have a quick how to question with Magento.
On my main site I need to have 7 links to special "categories" of items, but these don;t reflect categories of items. It is for a clothes shop so link may be to a summer wear page to only display items tagged as summer wear but from all types of item and categories.
What would the best way to go about creating this functionality?
I am assuming that when you say 'taged' you mean the product has a attribute set to 'summer'. In that case:
If you have products that you want to group together by attribute and list similar to a category page without being in a category, you could try using the Fishpig Splash Page extension:
This extensions allows product attributes to group products instead of categories.
I hope I understood your question correctly.
You can create categories for each of the 7 pages you mention, but hide them from the navigation in the category settings page.
you can then add your products to these categories as you see fit.
They will still be in their original categories too, but you can now link to the new pages and see them there too.
It seems like to me, you would just create the categories like normal. Because products can belong to many categories, you would just assign on a per-product basis which ones need to be in your categories.

Modify Contact Associated View to include prospects

We have Contact Associated View that displays all customers. These are people who have bought one or more item from the high street shop or online. But we also have a set of customers who goes to the shop and signup for news letters and offers. In our setup these are called PROSPECTs.
My current view (Contact Associated View) only displays customers but not prospect and I was wondering what is the best way to include them in this view? I don't want to create another cusom view as I don't know what the criterias are.
Also, if there is any way to find out what criteria is used to create Contact Associated View and if it is practicle to make changes in it.
Any guidance or tutorial link would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
EDIT: I manage to create a custom view under CONTACT which SUPPOSE to list all customers who purchased or didn't purchase item from that shop.
Simple check like Customer equal y;n
but when I view contacts from this view, it only list customers with purchase. Is there any master condition that is overwriting this condition or am I missing some thing? (forgive me if I sound stupid but I am from SharePoint world where master CSS rules takes over local CSS rules)

Shop This Look / Shop By Look - Create page with multiple products and quickcart

I’m wanting to build a Shop This Look page that will be easily editable and up-datable without too much hacking every time it’s updated.
Ideally I would like it to work like this:
In that I upload a photo of the look and then select the products to appear (Even if it’s through using their productids).
My thoughts on how to achieve this:
1) Create a category specifically for each look but have them set to hidden. Eg.
* Look1
* Look2
* Look3
2) Then display the category in a static block on a CMS page. And then add the selected products to the look categories.
The idea is that a customer can select their size and add each product of the look on that page without leaving.
Is this the correct way to go about this?
Is there a better way to go about it?
I think the best way to do this would be to create your own module in app/local.
Also you should take a look at configurable products and their attributes, maybe that's enough for what you want.
The solution was to greater utilise the category function of magento.
I built two new themes within my template file one for category and one for product list.
The category structure I used was
> LOOK 2
> LOOK 3
The template that was applied to the 'Shop This Look' parent category had all product list snippets removed and only displayed the images of the sub categories (Look 1, Look 2 and Look 3).
I then added the look image to each of the Look 1 - Look 3 categories and the products (via the category products tab).
The Look pages also had their own list.phtml file. That displayed the category (look) image on the left hand side, then a list of the products down the right hand side. I edited it so the product images / titles didn't link through to the product any more and added a 'View full product details' link at the bottom. This encourages people to add their products to the page from the look and remain on the page to add the rest of the look.
Another good way to look into buying a whole look as opposed to selecting individual options is bundled products.
Over all functionality is exactly how I wanted it. Updating is easy for a Magento layman and it looks great.
as an alternative approach you can check Altima Lookbook to create "Shop the look" experience.
It does it in a bit different way - allows you to place a slide (as part of slideshow) with multiple products linked with that slides as interactive tags, placed on top of actual image.

Proper solution to handle genders

i'm creating a big online clothing shop using magento and i was wondering - is there any good solution to handle genders in magento? I need to be able to add products to Male or Female gender but also to some categories like pants, hats or jackets. Categories are the same for both genders so using Gender as top-level category and clothing-categories as gender sub-categories would be a bit redundant i think.
Any ideas or tips would be appreciated, thanks in advance!
I've seen Magento stores where Male/Female are the top level categories, and it works well because generally the first thing customers would like to do is see only Male/Female items.
Another alternative is to create a new "Select" attribute for gender (Catalog > Attributes > Manage Attributes) and set a gender for all products. Then you could set up top level categories for Jackets, etc and allow customers to filter by gender using the layered navigation.
Given your category tree is the same, and gender is equally appropriate as an attribute of a product as it is a category - it would make sense simply to use attributes to facilitate it. Otherwise you will have a needless duplication of category tree.
Using a multiple select attribute for "gender" with two options "Male/Female" - you would be able to have the 1 to many, 1 to 1 relationship that you need for the products.
Then it is just a case of adapting your menu to suit. You could easily just append
to your menu URL and it would pre-select the appropriate filter from the layered navigation.
The better way
Would be to add a custom extension to "shop by X", gender in your case - then customise your top nav to reflect the shop by Male/Female options. Then you would have cleaner SEO urls to capture keyword phrases for "Mens suit jackets" by having a landing page for such.
Planning this element of your store is critical and the implementation even more so, to make it both scalable and a positive shopping experience for your customer.
