Modify Contact Associated View to include prospects - view

We have Contact Associated View that displays all customers. These are people who have bought one or more item from the high street shop or online. But we also have a set of customers who goes to the shop and signup for news letters and offers. In our setup these are called PROSPECTs.
My current view (Contact Associated View) only displays customers but not prospect and I was wondering what is the best way to include them in this view? I don't want to create another cusom view as I don't know what the criterias are.
Also, if there is any way to find out what criteria is used to create Contact Associated View and if it is practicle to make changes in it.
Any guidance or tutorial link would be much appreciated.
Many thanks
EDIT: I manage to create a custom view under CONTACT which SUPPOSE to list all customers who purchased or didn't purchase item from that shop.
Simple check like Customer equal y;n
but when I view contacts from this view, it only list customers with purchase. Is there any master condition that is overwriting this condition or am I missing some thing? (forgive me if I sound stupid but I am from SharePoint world where master CSS rules takes over local CSS rules)


Magento Extension to Filter Category Products By Vehicle Year / Make / Model

I've seen quite a lot of extensions that do Year/Make/Model search of products, that's not what i am after.
What i want is to let a customer select his vehicle YMM (year make model) and once he did, i want all the products shown to only fit that vehicle in any category he navigates to. So say we have 2 categories - suspension and brakes; once the vehicle type is chosen, only parts fitting that vehicle will be shown under suspension and under brakes.
I also want to be able to define universal products which will be shown regardless of vehicle type chosen.
So far couldn't find such an extension.
Any help or pointers will be greatly appreciated.
I am open to implementing something myself if needed.
Checkout this extension :
I have gone through this module and with little modification,it serves both your purpose.
1) It has filters for individual categories as well. Lets say if you want that once filtered, the same products should be shown in all the categories, you can customize that little part on your own.
2) It has global import section,which will display the products regardless of the filters chosen.
I have seen this Year Make Model magento extension in many sites -
It seems to have high popularity in Magento Connect. You may want to try that.

Create a custom Catalog Grid for Marketplace Extension

I'm trying to create simple custom extension marketplace. For customer, there is the diferences in shop. The intention is to enable other vendors sell the Magento site transparently. The control and access of the seller is only administrative.
I created access for sellers users in the administrator and there is a section for them to control their products. But sellers do not have the ability to register the products. I will manually register the product with admin user. I created a user_id attribute the product to associate each product with a salesman. There will be no way of two or more sellers sell the same product.
I'm difculdade to create a tab in my extension that contains all products associated with a seller, so he can just edit the price and stock magento catalog just for your products (remember I linked product vs seller in the register of products ). My initial idea was to extend the catalog model and create a grid with only the products in such sellers, so they could edit just these two basic information (price and qty). But I'm not finding a way to make it "elegant" way (so as not to break the core or MVC Magento).
Note: I am trying to avoid creating a new model just to save price and qty, and in some way try to replace this date in catalog product model. I want to make the Magento native way as possible.
Any idea how can I do this?
Well you wouldn't be breaking any conventions from doing this. The purpose of a model is to manipulate data and host most of the business logic. Therefore, it is elegant since other programmers will understand your code.
My suggestion is to class override the two models in the model so that it displays for the seller's products.

How to show my own products only Magento

I had set up a "Store Owner" role in Magento. Users with that role will be able to add/edit/delete products only.
What I need is some one to tell me how can I limit these users to see only their products in the list when they go to Catalog -> Manage Products ?
I want to achieve this with code editing if possible.
Also note that all users are using the same store.
This is not an "out of the box" feature in Magento Community Edition (or Enterprise), so you'll need to write some code to make this work.
In general terms you'll want to:
Add a (hidden?) attribute to the product to store the User Id of the product "owner".
Write an event observer for catalog_product_save_before which assigns the current user's User Id field to the new product owner attribute.
Rewrite the _prepareCollection or _addColumnFilterToCollection methods of Mage_Adminhtml_Block_Catalog_Product_Grid to add the product_owner attribute to the collection and filter it to just the current user.
That will ensure that the only products that appear in the grid for a given user are the products they own. However, I would also implement an observer on the controller_action_predispatch_adminhtml_catalog_product_edit and controller_action_predispatch_adminhtml_catalog_product_save events to check the product owner value on products before they're edited/saved to make sure the user hasn't tried to edit a product that doesn't appear on the grid.
If you need any further assistance with adding attributes, setting up block rewrites, or creating event observers, I'm sure those questions have already been answered on SO, this question is a bit too broad to answer at that level of detail.

Setting up permissions for a multilingual joomla site

I'm building a multilingual joomla 1.7 website that will have to support up to 25 countries with each country being a website on its own, the site will be managed by different teams for each country, basically what i'm trying to achieve is, setting up the permissions system so that each team can only see content that belong to its country. now, i'm wondering how to achieve this in the following cases:
1. setting the permissions for standard joomla articles...may be using categories??
2.since i have coded a custom component for managing products on the site, how to implement the permissions in my own component.....
it's easy to implement the multilingual feature on the front-end but how about the backend in terms of access control?
any ideas, thoughts would be greatly appreciated :)
Maybe you have resolved your problem earlier but may be somebody else needs help on this.
First of all you have to create a User groups for every country (or a couple for
start, example Ireland, England).
Then you have to create a AccessLevels groups for those groups and set (select)
corresponding usergroup on it (e. ACL_Ireland / Ireland, ACL_England / England).
Then you can create a top level category for every country (ACL_Ireland, ACL_England, ...)
Users of other countries are not able to see top and sublevel categories if you set the category permission for single ACL and deny access from others.
Move to Category manager and create top level category for country Ireland.
Name it like "Ireland".
Set it permission for ACL_Ireland.
Remove all permissions from other country ACL's.
Save & close category.
Select the category from list of categories.
Select Add to root, Copy under Batch process the selected categories and click Process.
Category is copied as a new entry on category list.
Open category as editing and change name as England, save and close.
Select category England, ACL_England from Batch process the selected
categories and click Process.
Category England now have different acl-rights and can be accessed only by users in England - group.
Articles created in those categories are inherited permissions from top level category
so you are not needed to give persmissions on single articles.
Repeat this to categories of all needed countries and ACL's.
You have to also restrict access from those acl's to Users component because theycan be else change permissions by themself and see documents of other coutries.
It is necessary to design the accessing model before implementing it because it could be heady job to change permissons to all goups and acl's later.

Magento custom browse catalogue workflow

I'm evaluating Magento for a particular client of mine. They want to enforce a particular workflow for browsing the catalogue. They're a travel company which puts together custom holiday packages and want to make sure users enter things like the number of adults / children before selecting accommodation (as number of people will affect available accommodation and pricing).
Note that accommodation is just an example, there are several other different components to a holiday package. And they've given me a 7 step (mostly) linear workflow they want users to follow before we get to anything which might resemble a checkout process (and even then their concept of "checkout" is quite different to Magento's).
I'm thinking of storing accommodation (and each of the other package components) in separate product categories. Then I can restrict what users can see as they browse the catalogue based on what they've already added to their shopping cart.
My research indicates that Magento doesn't really do this kind of thing out of the box. Am I mistaken? Are there add-ons which would support this kind of thing?
If I was to go down this road, would I be redesigning (or indeed, replacing) a large chunk of Magento's catalogue browsing functionality?
Well there are several approaches that you can take to implement something like this; but all require that you do custom development work.
You could define your packages as simple products with attributes for each of the specific package options and use that to filter each package from the others, now you would need to create a new module that adds a route on the frontend that is going to be your multistep form that will get all the information once you have all the information you can get a collection of all the products(packages) that match those attributes.
Now the deal there is if that price changes depending on the options selected if that's the case then you might need configurable products or something custom to change the price of each package.
It's really hard to say without real specifications of what your client needs, but if the question is if it's possible with Magento then the answer is yes it all depends on your level of skill :)
Kind Regards
So I ended up going with Magento as a product base and extending it using some custom code (been a while since I've developed in a LAMP environment!)
I created a static block which is used as the root of the workflow. There are 8 steps in the workflow which get listed in an ordered list. Each item has two custom Magento widgets next to it, which are a) a little tick image displayed when you've completed the workflow stage and b) a link which displays when you're up to that stage, clicking the link takes you to an appropriate catalog page (eg: choose accommodation, hire car, confirm shopping cart, etc).
I disabled the normal top catalog navigation to encourage users to keep within the workflow. That is, the mouse over to see more catalog detail of the "holiday planner" is disabled (although you can just navigate to the correct urls if you know them, or are smart enough to use the SEO link at the bottom of the page!).
Everything in your holiday is added as cart products (which has the positive side effect of Magento will remember your holiday if you get part way through it).
There is a big state machine in a helper class to determine what stage of the workflow you're up to. This checks your cart to see if products with particular sku's or from a particular attribute set are added.
I also overrode many URLs and redirects (eg: after you add a product) to send the user back to the root holiday planner page. This added to the workflow as almost every action you did or product you add bounces you back to that workflow page (which always tells you what the next step is).
