Control wrap 100 images within a Grid [duplicate] - windows-phone-7

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to get touch pointer inside a specific Grid
I have a Windows Phone 7 application needs 10x10 images inside a grid.
And I'd like to have touch event on each of them but I don't what to write 100 if statements.
Someone tell me to use a control wrap this grid 100 images and set a click event on that control. Can someone show me an example or details with code (xml and cs) on how to do that?

Download WrapPanel form Silverlight toolkit for WP7 and use it as a Content Presenter in ListBox. Example.


How to stop camera movement when interacting with UI in unity? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to make gameplay ignore clicks on UI Button in Unity3D?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a large slider within Unity that manipulates the current position of a animated model.
When I drag the slider around, because it reacts to the click and drag of right mouse click, it also moves the camera as well.
How do I stop this from happening, so when dragging UI elements it doesn't interfere with the camera?
Many thanks
There's a relatively simple solution to this;
This returns true when the mouse cursor is over a UI element, and hence if you include the above if statement in your camera controller before it's movement/rotation logic, only the slider will move.
Hope this helped you.

xCode UIView with UITableView [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm trying to make an app that has a calendar that takes up about 2/3 of the visible screen, and then under it are events that correspond to the selected day.
Basically it will look something like this: Calendar App
Should I use a UIView for the calendar, and then a UITableView for the corresponding information?
Also, I want the entire page to scroll when users scroll through the events in the tableView (not just the information in the table view). Would I need to wrap the entire page in a scrollView to accomplish this?
You don't need to have a UIScrollView. You can simply hide the calendar (with animation) when the table view scrolls to a certain point.
Another simpler solution is to put your calendar in the first table view cell, so it would scroll along with your events. So this one just requires one UITableView that fills up the whole screen.

Call IncrementalLoading in ListView Windows Phone 8.1 RT App when user scrolls up

In my app, I want a ListView where Items are loaded at bottom and as user scrolls 'up', ListView calls IncrementalLoading and load Items.
I answered a similar question here: WP 8.1 bottom to top infinite scrolling
It's not an exact answer to your question (triggering incrementalloading) but instead uses the ExtendedListView ( to simulate the behavior by reversing the "refresh" (which you get by pulling/scrolling up at the top) with the loadmore behavior.
I hope this is helpful

Is it possible to separate the XAML page into designer and xaml windows? [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am coding up a Windows Phone 7 app and as large as my screen is, I'd like to separate the designer from the XAML coding window and throw it onto another screen.
I'm not sure if this is what you want but if you double click on the "XAML" or "Design" tabs in-between the two panes it will maximize that tab and you can then use the tabs to switch back and forth between design view and XAML view.
Hope this helps
Edit: If you want to go back to split pane view there are three very small icons at the bottom right and you can click one of those to either split vertically or horizontally. The one with the double arrows will also let you switch back and forth between single and split pane views.
Edit: I found this on MSDN which makes it seem that they had the split view so that
...if you drag a control from the
Toolbox to Design view, the XAML is
immediately updated to reflect the new
element. Likewise, if a new element is
added by typing the markup in XAML
view, the visual representation will
appear in Design view immediately,
once the XAML is correctly formed.
Edit 3: Looks like someone found an answer before. You may want to try this:
Separating designer from XAML window for WPF in VS2010

SetHidden not working [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Cannot hide Controls in NSView
(2 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am developing an application in cocoa.I need to hide a progress bar placed in an NSView
and show an NSTextfield in that place .I used the following cod
[progressbar setHidden:TRUE]
[textfield setHidden:FALSE];
But this code snippet is not working. Is that a bug.??I used to hide the same code to hide certain other text fields in the same page .But that controls became hidden.looking for a solution...
Are progressbar and textfield outlets ? If yes, make sure they are correctly connected in your nib. Also make sure that you call setHidden: from the main thread.
And unrelated to your problem, in Objective-C you should use YES instead of TRUE and NO instead of FALSE.
