How to stop camera movement when interacting with UI in unity? [duplicate] - user-interface

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How to make gameplay ignore clicks on UI Button in Unity3D?
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have a large slider within Unity that manipulates the current position of a animated model.
When I drag the slider around, because it reacts to the click and drag of right mouse click, it also moves the camera as well.
How do I stop this from happening, so when dragging UI elements it doesn't interfere with the camera?
Many thanks

There's a relatively simple solution to this;
This returns true when the mouse cursor is over a UI element, and hence if you include the above if statement in your camera controller before it's movement/rotation logic, only the slider will move.
Hope this helped you.


Unity slider interaction with controller

So I have a laser pointer attached to my controller, shooting rays and triggering events whenever I press the tigger.
Tho it still has one or two buggs (Unity VR Controller UI Interaction), I have a more general question.
The UI needs some kind of slider. And I can't figure out how to make my pointer collide with the slider and behave in a slider-ish way. When I press my button, it currently ends up setting the slider to zero and not letting me drag it.
Thankful for any tipps on how to make them actually slide, since my ridgidbody-cube doesnt move and doesn't allow movement! Unitys documentation on e.g. the beginDragHandler isn't really helpful...
Cheers, Flo
If your enter/exit events already works, juste check the x (or the axis corresponding on your slider) of your "laser" every frame or so, and increase/decrease the value of the slider based on the delta between two check.
Hope it is clear, it should not be hard if you already have your events sets up !

In React Native, Can I bind swipe/scroll of a SectionList to another View

I have a SectionList which scrolls/swipes vertically. Can I bind a swipe gesture on it, so that it results in swiping a completely separate View which is behind it? Furthermore, is there an example someone could lead me to, in which a swipe gesture on a SectionList is bound to the animation of another object or objects? Here is a good example of what I am trying to achieve:
When the view is scrolled vertically in the example above it causes a menu to animate in from the top. That is close to the desired effect I'm seeking. I'd also love to know how to achieve that rotational animation tied to the horizontal swipe. I'm thinking that I will likely need the Animated API for this kind of behavior. Any tutorials or code examples you have would really help.

Rotating UI objects in locked position View in Swift iOS 8

I have a question. I'm writing an app where in one of its views I want to achieve the next:
the view itself doesnt rotate meaning all the controls etc are pinned to their places BUT the objects (buttons for example) DO rotate on their place place.
The problem is that Autorotate is either rotates everything, including position change of the buttons, or locks everything including keeping button orientation.
From what I understood I can lock the view and do a manual transform every time orientation changes but it seems to me very long and ugly, when Xcode has now all this Autolayout and class sizes etc ...
Is there a more elegant way to do it ?

How to implement Lion style swipe and slide away animation

I am wanting to implement history navigation in my app that mimics the slide away animation found in Safari on Lion and in XCode where a top view slides away at the speed of swipe to reveal the view underneath it.
I was looking for pointers on how to do this. I know how to detect the swipe. I assume I could implement the animation via a CALayer animation slide transition on the top view revealing a view underneath it. Has anybody else done this and can offer some further pointers?
It's a new NSEvent method, -trackSwipeEventWithOptions:.... You should call it from within your regular scroll/swipe event handler, whenever you decide the gesture should begin. Unfortunately it doesn't automatically handle the page animations — it just gives you updates with the gesture amount, and you have to do the animations yourself (using layers or views or somesuch). You'll probably want to save images of each page so you can animate them around during a gesture.

How does the Outlook app delete checkbox UI xaml code work?

If you tap on the left hand side of the screen in Outlook then an event is triggered (in this case a checkbox appears).
I would like to know the xaml on how this is achieved. It cannot be a simple "MouseLeftButtonUp" event because if you drag your finger more than a few pixels then the event does not trigger.
In my own app I am trying to get an icon appear within a listbox that has a SelectionChanged event. The issue is that if you do not touch the small icon precisely then you are triggering the listbox event rather than the event I want to occur when pressing the image.
I think I need to wrap my image in a Canvas but then am still stuck as to what the event should be.
How do you increase the target size of the area where a user can click on your element?
What event should an image have when within a listbox (which is within a pivot) that has a SelectionChanged event? (MouseLeftButtonUp causes issues if you half drag to the next pivot and lift your finger - it triggers the MouseLeftButtonUp event)
I implemented something very similar to that behavior by making an itemtemplate where the checkbox was pushed offscreen to the left by using a negative margin.
I then created 2 visual states, one for Open and Closed. The open state set the margin to 0, bringing the checkbox back onscreen. Closed state had the negative margin.
With the fluidmove behavior, switching between states on button press was EASY. The only thing you'd have to add would be an invisible button/touch area on the left that would also trigger "opening" the checkbox column (changing state to reset the margins).
Hope that helps...
The outlook app is a native app, so it probably isn't using xaml at all.
If you're worried about the mouse events, then you should look at the gesture stuff in the silverlight toolkit, it contains tap, etc events that make a little more sense on the phone.
Increasing the target size and generally making stuff touchable: wrap it in a Button, then alter the ControlTemplate for the Button to remove the border.
If you look at the ControlTemplate for a Button, (Expression Blend, Edit Template, Edit a copy) you'll see the mechanics of the touch area. It's nothing more than padding/margin.
Thus, you can't bleed your touch region out without altering the layout and affecting other items around the control. I'd do two things:
First, I'd think about whether my whole control should be larger in the first place with good spacing around it. Is my design right?
Second, I'd cheat. I'd float a fixed sized button with no border over the area using the Translate transformation to move it around freely.
Good luck,
