hudson clearcase plugin - maven

I am using hudson clearcase plugin( with maven), i have gone through document and it says download hudson clearcase plugin from link here: link.
1) where i need to keep this plugin? ie which location?
2) Is hudson and jenkins are same?

Look here for how to install the plugin -
You can treat Hudson and Jenkins as same, for now at least, but here is info on what are Hudson and Jenkins -

Note: copying the latest clearcase.hpi to your plugin directory of Jenkins means restarting Jenkins itself (or its container like Tomcat).
That can be an issue when you have several Jenkins within one container: all of them are stopped/restarted.
On the Jenkins/Hudson issue, you can also look at the blog post "Hudson and Jenkins: Two Months Later"


Jenkins pipeline and Chef for Continues Deployment

I'm working on scenario, Jenkins is my CI tools and Maven is my build tool, ere I will be configuring the Jenkins pipeline through Jenkins file, but after the build steps are done, I want to deploy and install the artifacts (i.e .Jar files or some other) using chef(cookbooks-recipies) on the nodes, I was confused how can I achieve this process ! please help me
This question is way too vague to get a useful answer, and even if you make it more specific it's a very very broad question. I've got a write-up of my most recent build of this at, feel free to crib from it in part or in full.
Jenkins pipeline setup for the continues integration and Deployment, My only confusion was how Jenkins and chef are going to communicate in this process, after the continue integration, I want the chef to take over and install the Jar packages and deploy them on the several nodes. Here maven is my build tool. In Jenkins pipeline I can setup until the build is done , is there any thing that I can do in the Post section of the pipeline for the chef communication for deployment or it has to be done from the chef/cookbook/recipes/name.rb, is there any Jenkins plugin that make it possible !
Check chef plugin that lets you
run chef-client on remote host.
In Jenkins, deploy to a container plugin will help you to deploy your code to any of the workstation and use knife to upload into chef server and get deployed to all the nodes

Not able to find "Maven Project" radio button while creating new job in Jenkins

I am new to Jenkins. I have followed all the steps. I have downloaded jenkins.war and placed it in webapps directory of my Tomcat. Once I start my Tomcat and give the URL localhost:8080/jenkins I get Jenkins dashboard. I have configured JDK_HOME and MAVEN_HOME by giving the path of my local. Now, when I try to create new job, I am only getting Freestyle project option as shown below:
However I want to create a Maven project here.
I have also downloaded maven-plugin.hpi file and added it in .j2/plugins folder.
But no plugin is shown in the dashboard. I am stuck here. Can anyone please help?
On latest version of Jenkins, under Manage Plugins I have installed "Maven Integration Plugin" and it worked for me
Probably you need to install additionally. Take a look at Manage Jenkins -> Manage Plugins if this plugin is installed.

Unable to get sonar-fortify plugin configured with Jenkins and SonarQube

I have scoured the forums and cannot seem to quite understand the config for the fortify plug-in with Sonar.
I understand it simply builds a widget based on data from a previously generated .fpr file.
My setup:
Maven 3 project
Jenkins 1.606
SonarQube 5.0.1
Sonar-Fortify plug-in 2.0
.fpr file is in Jenkins workspace
Sonar is added to pom.xml
sonar-fortify-plug-in v2.0 added to pom.xml - (wasn’t sure this was needed or not)
Sonar server configured in Jenkins
sonar fortify plug-in v2.0 added to Sonar – (only see a dropdown to ‘enableReportLink’ under ‘Configure widgets’
should there be more config somewhere?
Where should this property be set? Jenkins Sonar config, Sonar, pom file?
sonar-runner -Dsonar.fortify.reportPath=/path/to/project.fpr
Is that path to the .fpr file where it is within the Jenkins workspace?
The setup instructions on Github seem short and I feel I am missing something specific in my understanding.
Any help or direction to additional documentation is great appreciated.
First of all as documented version 2.0 can not be used anymore. Version 2.1 is going to be released soon. Vote for release will be started this week. Meanwhile you can:
download 2.1-SNAPSHOT version and copy it in extensions/plugins of your SonarQube server installation
restart server. The Fortify rules should be available in the page "Rules".
execute Fortify command "sourceanalyzer", independently from SonarQube. It generates a report file suffixed by .fpr.
execute a standard SonarQube analysis of your project by adding the property sonar.fortify.reportPath, for example:
mvn sonar:sonar -Dsonar.fortify.reportPath=/path/to/project.fpr
sonar-runner -Dsonar.fortify.reportPath=/path/to/project.fpr
If everything works, then you can automate these steps in Jenkins.

Jenkins : how to check out artifact from Nexus and Deploy on Tomcat-

I am tying to set up a Jenkins Pipeline.
The first stage is done, the code compiles, is tested, inspected and deployed to Nexus.
I would like now to make a second stage on the pipeline where the war is checked out from Nexus and deployed on tomcat.
Actually I already integrated the maven-tomcat plugin to deploy on Tomcat.
My question is how can I check out the latest build of the war ?
Is there any maven or jenkins plugin for that ?
Many thanks,
Your binary repository manager (Nexus) should ideally occupy the following position in you overall architecture:
You can use Jenkins as your provisioning tool, but ideally it should launch some sort of process which pulls the artifact to be deployed directly from Nexus (If nothing else it's more efficient).
This is a lot easier than it sounds. For example the Nexus REST API could be called from a shell script to download any desired revision of an artifact. For example:
curl -o $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myfile.war
Finally, perhaps you might wish to consider a dedicated system for managing your deployments? An interesting solution I've been playing with is rundeck, which has a plugin for Jenkins. I really like rundeck, due to it's simplicity a trait it shares with Jenkins. There is also a plugin for Nexus that enables rundeck to provide a pull down list of artfacts eligible for deployment.
See script at
In my case, I modified it to use wget instead of curl. For some reason, curl wouldn't work for me.
I suggest you create a new pom for this. That way you are not bound to jenkins.
You need not explicitly checkout the artifact from nexus (note that this is called downloading from the repository in maven speech). You can specify a different war file location in the tomcat maven plugin. See the documentation. For downloading the latest version from the repository see the answers to this question.
i get the same problem with curl, i solved it buy adding the parameter -L, so that curl will follow the redirection to download the artifact, wget follows the redirection by default.
Below syntax has worked for me.
wget --user=admin --password=admin

Continuous integration server beginner

I'm trying to setup a complete CI server, but I struggle on some points.
Currently, my system work as follow :
I commit local changes on my local GIT repository, then push to the GIT repository on the CI server
I then have a jenkins job triggered by the SCM change, who run a clean install and by doing so executes all my Junit and Jstestdriver test (via a local jstd server). This job deploy the snapshot artifact to a repository on my nexus repository
I installed M2-release-plugin for jenkins, and setup my pom.xml accordingly using maven-release-plugin. When i click on "Perform maven release" in jenkins job page, jenkins run mvn release:prepare release:perform, thus creating a tag in my git repo (say v000001) and deploying a versionned artifact on my nexus repository.
I don't really know if this process is fine, but i guess so...
My problem is that I want to deliver the versionned artifact in my nexus repo (say "artifact-v0000001.war") in my production tomcat. But I can't figure out how to do it.
When I do "mvn release:prepare release:perform tomcat:deploy" it deploys the new SNAPSHOT artifact built ... I don't want to do this, I want to reuse the artifact from the nexus repository.
Is there a way to doing this using a tool (maven/jenkins plugin, or external)?
Basically, I want to fetch the last release artifact on the repository, and send it to the tomcat manager for dereploying the webapp.
Do I need to setup a delivery job separated from the release job?
Jenkins, especially when combined with a tool like ANT, can do just about anything. It has a lot of plug-ins, and you can always write a script and incorporate it into a Jenkins build. Currently, I use Jenkins to deploy web applications to Windows IIS servers. What you could do here is have a Jenkins build that has your SVN path set in the source control section so that it fetches the latest version when you trigger the build. From there it should be fairly trivial to write an ANT script that copies it over the existing JAR in Tomcat, which will automatically restart it.
Your problem is that you are probably using the Jenkins release plugin, not the "m2 release plugin". The problem with the standard plugin is that it performs the regular build, saves the artifacts, then performs the release. It will then try to deploy the wrong artifacts that it created from the regular build.
The m2 release plugin solves this particular problem. There are some tricky workaround for this problem, but that's how it stands at the moment until this feature is implemented: (log in and vote for it!)
