Jenkins pipeline and Chef for Continues Deployment - maven

I'm working on scenario, Jenkins is my CI tools and Maven is my build tool, ere I will be configuring the Jenkins pipeline through Jenkins file, but after the build steps are done, I want to deploy and install the artifacts (i.e .Jar files or some other) using chef(cookbooks-recipies) on the nodes, I was confused how can I achieve this process ! please help me

This question is way too vague to get a useful answer, and even if you make it more specific it's a very very broad question. I've got a write-up of my most recent build of this at, feel free to crib from it in part or in full.

Jenkins pipeline setup for the continues integration and Deployment, My only confusion was how Jenkins and chef are going to communicate in this process, after the continue integration, I want the chef to take over and install the Jar packages and deploy them on the several nodes. Here maven is my build tool. In Jenkins pipeline I can setup until the build is done , is there any thing that I can do in the Post section of the pipeline for the chef communication for deployment or it has to be done from the chef/cookbook/recipes/name.rb, is there any Jenkins plugin that make it possible !

Check chef plugin that lets you
run chef-client on remote host.

In Jenkins, deploy to a container plugin will help you to deploy your code to any of the workstation and use knife to upload into chef server and get deployed to all the nodes


Continuous Integration with Jenkins - clarifications

We are planning to implement continuous integration with Jenkins software, so we successfully installed Jenkins in our server (windows platform)
My question was
How can I manage (keep) my source code?
How can we configure if the source code located in some other machine / server / cloud
Our current process
Jenkins, source code is available in same machine, so we created a project in Jenkins and map the pom.xml (like D:\pom.xml) file under build section.
Choose a Version control tool, consider that SVN and GIT are quite different (Git--> Distributed system, SVN-> Centralized system) so read a bit about them before choose, then check for the availability of GIT/SVN plugin in Jenkins unless it already contained in your Jenkins installation.
Put the code under SVN/GIT, follow the standards, configure Jenkins in order to access to SVN/GIT server.
Check how to configure maven with Jenkins, it has a great integration with Maven.
Maven Jenkins:
Jenkins Git:
Jenkins and Git sparse checkouts
The flow of the single build job is:
Checkout The code,
Specify the folder with the pom.xml file
Run the maven goal you need (e.g. mvn install)
You put your source code into Subversion or Git. Then you give your Jenkins access to the Subversion/Git and point it to the URL which you want to checkout.
Answer to first question : Host your code in a SVN or GIT repository. Git has higher market share than SVN because of large feature set and higher efficiency. SVN is simple and easy to use for new comers in the version control territory. Explore the options and host the corresponding server in your infrastructure.
Answer to second question : There are multiple plugins available in Jenkins to fetch code from remote repositories. For git , there is git client, gitlab and gitHub plugin . For SVN there is Polarion webClient for SVN plugin.

Overriding openshift maven script (jenkins gear)

I have Jenkins instance on Openshift
I've enabled Jenkins build of my Openshift application
Here part of Jenkins shell script parts and logs what they produce :
# Sync any libraries
rsync $upstream_ssh:~/.m2/ ~/.m2/
# Build/update libs and run user pre_build and build
gear build
command above triggers such action
+ gear build
Found pom.xml... attempting to build with 'mvn -e clean package -Popenshift -DskipTests'
Apache Maven 3.0.3 (r1075437; 2011-06-20 13:22:37-0400)
Maven home: /etc/alternatives/maven-3.0
I want to customize maven options (in this case allow to run test by deleting -DskipTests part )
Further in script I tried to add some steps combining with disabling this gear build command
# Run tests here
mvn -e clean package -Popenshfit
Above run mvn clean package but doesn't update last successful artifact, and logs shows
[WARNING] The requested profile "openshfit" could not be activated because it does not exist.
I have that profile in my pom.xml so I don't know what happening
This is doesn't working to:
mvn --global-settings $OPENSHIFT_MAVEN_MIRROR clean package -Popenshift
Probably above is some old staff (taken from
Any idea about customizing this gear build or overriding maven options on Openshift are welcome :) I can make changes directly on machines (jenkins, jenkins-build) (as far free openshift account allow me :))
Some workaround is to run
gear build and then mvn clean package so I get build run twice and all test goals are meet and war is deployed on upstream instance and additionally Cobertura reports work fine with my Jbehave tests but this is inelegant, resources consuming solution.
I found this question while "Doing my homework" with regards to another question about Maven in OpenShift -- as to how OpenShift uses the Maven profile during the build process, broadly, as towards a goal of installing a "customized" third-party .war file providing the Liferay portal, along with some 'module' customizations, in an app using the 'jbossas' cartridge.
Although my portal-gproj app doesn't use Jenkins in its build -- as I expect that it won't have a spare gear available for Jenkins, initially, of the three "free gears" available to start with. It's a scalable app, though. However, I've found a reference item, as a blog entry by Bill DeCoste such that at least mentions two configuration features about Jenkins, as with regards to customization of OpenShift Maven builds in Jenkins: To summarize, the article mentions, with regards to Jenkins: One "Build/Execute shell section of the Job configuration."
Though I've not used Jenkins, myself, but I've seen it in use, however -- I think it's used in the eXo Platform for instance. I assume that Jenkins would have a sort of web-based interface for job configuration? (I tend to prefer the shell/filesystem interface onto Maven, personally)
Alternately, there is the OpenShift Origin Server source code, and an OpenShift Origin System Architecture Guide corresponding, as in reference to the OpenShift Origin baseline, on which (I assume) OpenShift Online is running, in its layer on the Amazon EC2 cloud. "If all else fails, there's the source code," just like in so many things Red Hat, LOL. It seems that there are both jenkins and jenkins-client cartridges under OpenShift Origin. Certainly, the details of the process used by either of those cartridges would be apparent from its source code.
Hope this helps! Coffee cheers.

Jenkins : how to check out artifact from Nexus and Deploy on Tomcat-

I am tying to set up a Jenkins Pipeline.
The first stage is done, the code compiles, is tested, inspected and deployed to Nexus.
I would like now to make a second stage on the pipeline where the war is checked out from Nexus and deployed on tomcat.
Actually I already integrated the maven-tomcat plugin to deploy on Tomcat.
My question is how can I check out the latest build of the war ?
Is there any maven or jenkins plugin for that ?
Many thanks,
Your binary repository manager (Nexus) should ideally occupy the following position in you overall architecture:
You can use Jenkins as your provisioning tool, but ideally it should launch some sort of process which pulls the artifact to be deployed directly from Nexus (If nothing else it's more efficient).
This is a lot easier than it sounds. For example the Nexus REST API could be called from a shell script to download any desired revision of an artifact. For example:
curl -o $CATALINA_HOME/webapps/myfile.war
Finally, perhaps you might wish to consider a dedicated system for managing your deployments? An interesting solution I've been playing with is rundeck, which has a plugin for Jenkins. I really like rundeck, due to it's simplicity a trait it shares with Jenkins. There is also a plugin for Nexus that enables rundeck to provide a pull down list of artfacts eligible for deployment.
See script at
In my case, I modified it to use wget instead of curl. For some reason, curl wouldn't work for me.
I suggest you create a new pom for this. That way you are not bound to jenkins.
You need not explicitly checkout the artifact from nexus (note that this is called downloading from the repository in maven speech). You can specify a different war file location in the tomcat maven plugin. See the documentation. For downloading the latest version from the repository see the answers to this question.
i get the same problem with curl, i solved it buy adding the parameter -L, so that curl will follow the redirection to download the artifact, wget follows the redirection by default.
Below syntax has worked for me.
wget --user=admin --password=admin

Bamboo script task artifact

I am using Bamboo as a build server. We typically only build maven projects which is really easy with Bamboo.
We are now trying to build debian packages with Bamboo. I am able to build the .deb file just fine, but I would like to be able to use that deb file as an artifact for another task, such as adding it to a reprepro instance. I'm trying to separate the tasks out so I can reuse the "deploy to reprepro" task in all of my other plans.
I can't find a ton of documentation on script tasks other than very simple things. How can I do this? Or are there any plugins that I have missed that will build and deploy a deb for me? Thanks!
You should be able to find further information on Bamboo and Maven artifacts here:

hudson clearcase plugin

I am using hudson clearcase plugin( with maven), i have gone through document and it says download hudson clearcase plugin from link here: link.
1) where i need to keep this plugin? ie which location?
2) Is hudson and jenkins are same?
Look here for how to install the plugin -
You can treat Hudson and Jenkins as same, for now at least, but here is info on what are Hudson and Jenkins -
Note: copying the latest clearcase.hpi to your plugin directory of Jenkins means restarting Jenkins itself (or its container like Tomcat).
That can be an issue when you have several Jenkins within one container: all of them are stopped/restarted.
On the Jenkins/Hudson issue, you can also look at the blog post "Hudson and Jenkins: Two Months Later"
