Is it possible to determine the size (memory footprint) of an application scoped variable in ColdFusion? - memory-management

We use FusionReactor which will show the overall memory usage at the server level, but it would be useful to be able to see how much memory individual items stored in the application scope are taking up.

Have you looked at or
I think both of these server monitors could help you out

The Enterprise version of ColdFusion 8 and higher has the Server monitor. The Server Monitor can breakdown memory usage and find out what requests and what variable scopes are consuming how much memory. FusionReactor currently can not.
According to a post on the FusionReactor group:
James Holmes said:
A CF Standard install could make use
of the Java SizeOf() class:
Some custom code would be necessary to
create a monitor based on this, but
it does work. mxAjax / CFAjax docs
and other useful articles:

Is this something that you need to do in real time and/or in production for monitoring? Or is this just something that you need for debugging?
I would suggest just using one of the JVM memory dump tools or maybe launching your app with the JRockit jvm and doing some live analysis with that.

It is possible to see the Application Scope size from ColdFusion, using FusionReactor Application Performance Monitor - this information is currently captured and stored in one of the log files. It is also possible to visualize this information using FusionAnalytics - which is able to display and analyze the metrics which have been captured from FusionReactor. You can see an example of this here -


how to configure Jmeter to discard downloaded files?

first of all i already had a look at several questions which are quite similar. But i wasn't able to find a solution.
My script performs a load test it calls several different URLs(GET http) to download the content behind.
After 120 requests the memory usage increases up to 2GB and after 500 to 5-6GB
I changed already the xmx size in hope that this will solve the problem but it doesn't.
Is there any way to configure jmeter to not save the files coming from a response? Or lets say to discard immediately the downloaded files?
Is it maybe an JRE setting?
Or is there no way to solve this memory increasing problem?
Try disabling the View Results Tree in the script as it records all results for you to inspect.
The jMeter documentation specifically mentions this:
18.3.6 View Results Tree
View Results Tree MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a
lot of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional
testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.
I don't think that it is something you can do via JMeter settings. As per JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide (make sure that you follow all the recommendations):
Default JMeter java configuration comes with 512 Mo and very little GC tuning.
First ensure you set -Xmx option value to a reasonable value regarding your test requirements.
Then change MaxNewSize option in jmeter file to respect the original ratio between MaxNewSize and -Xmx.
Finally try tuning GC options only if you master this domain.
So you can try different Garbage Collection options on JMeter's side. See How to Tune Java Garbage Collection guide for ramp-up on the domain or consult a Java developer if one is around.

How can I monitor my Application server or Database server from Jmeter scripts ? Can we check CPU , memory utilization, etc?

I need to know till what extend we can analyze our Application using Apache Jmeter.
My script creation is complete. Paramatrized & Correlated. Now I need a deep understanding of Analysis.
Earlier, I just use to focus on Response time, Standard deviation, throughput, etc.
But now my boss wants me to do more analysis. Please help me guys.
You can use these Samplers from JMeter-plugins project:
Correctly still divide the tasks and means to solve them. If you need to monitor the parameters of the server utilization - then it needs to use the appropriate means, for example, zabbix. If you need to understand how much resources consumes your server applications - it is necessary to refer to the appropriate monitoring tools, plug-ins, such as Zorka for WebSphere in zabbix.

Is there a way to find out how long it takes for websphere process a request

I have an issue where I need to monitor how long it takes for Websphere to process a request. Specifically I need to know how much time is spent in the "application world", that is time spent processing code in the ear file.
I can't just compute request_time - reponse_time because that contains time spent in the container or what I call "websphere world". I need to know the time spent only in the ear file.
Is there some performance setting I can toggle in websphere so this information gets logged to the server system log file? The application does not have log4j.
I am using Websphere 6.1
Take a look at the PMI interface under the WAS admin console. It provides some performance metrics -- not the prettiest or easiest interface, but it might provide what you're looking for.
A monitoring plugin is often used to do this. My company uses Introscope via a WAS JBM plugin, and it provides a better interface than PMI for viewing the performance data. Of course, it isn't free, but there may be free or cheap alternatives that are better than PMI.
WebSphere has something called "request metrics"
It gives you the possibility to log braked down request execution times on different levels. As you may expect with such monitoring it's easy to collect to much data so there is a possibility to filter events based on additional criteria like java package namespace, EJB name, URI etc.

How to write data to the ActiveMemory Server used in the XCF system?

If you are using XCF you can write all your data into an Active Memory Server. Other processes can now access all this data. Taking the first steps with XCF, my question now is what steps have to be done to get some example data in the active memory?
To get a short answer to this question to give some pointers for the active memory stuff:
First you have to create a working xcf Environment. This is mainly configuring your dispatcher.
Then you have to run an active memory server. You can use the command line tool xcfinfo to look if your active memory server is active in your xcf environment.
If your memory server is running you can do some initial testing with the java memory interface tool to see how and if your server is working. For inserting and listenging to the memory have a look at this tutorial.

CPU Utiliztion per process in Win32 API

I am doing a project on a centralized LAN management system. I need to know how many CPU cycles is each process of a remote PC consuming(as in a Task Manager )so that the network admin can close few processes,in case the CPU utilization of a system in network goes beyond acceptable rates..
I would like to know if there is a Win32 API for this requirement of mine n if so ,i request you to give me information about it..
thank you in advance..
Win32 API has lots of functions to find all kinds of information about currently running processes and threads, here's a link to the full list of them:
Explore the list and you should be able to find the function(s) there that meet your requirements, for example GetProcessTimes() returns structures that contain the amounts of time the process has executed in kernel mode, in user mode, etc.
You need to look at the performance monitor system. You can get the stats from there (in the Process counter).
Here's a (delphi) explanation of it, that's pretty good and simple to understand.
When you understand how it all works, you then need the Performance Counters API to read the data counters.
