how to configure Jmeter to discard downloaded files? - memory-management

first of all i already had a look at several questions which are quite similar. But i wasn't able to find a solution.
My script performs a load test it calls several different URLs(GET http) to download the content behind.
After 120 requests the memory usage increases up to 2GB and after 500 to 5-6GB
I changed already the xmx size in hope that this will solve the problem but it doesn't.
Is there any way to configure jmeter to not save the files coming from a response? Or lets say to discard immediately the downloaded files?
Is it maybe an JRE setting?
Or is there no way to solve this memory increasing problem?

Try disabling the View Results Tree in the script as it records all results for you to inspect.
The jMeter documentation specifically mentions this:
18.3.6 View Results Tree
View Results Tree MUST NOT BE USED during load test as it consumes a
lot of resources (memory and CPU). Use it only for either functional
testing or during Test Plan debugging and Validation.

I don't think that it is something you can do via JMeter settings. As per JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide (make sure that you follow all the recommendations):
Default JMeter java configuration comes with 512 Mo and very little GC tuning.
First ensure you set -Xmx option value to a reasonable value regarding your test requirements.
Then change MaxNewSize option in jmeter file to respect the original ratio between MaxNewSize and -Xmx.
Finally try tuning GC options only if you master this domain.
So you can try different Garbage Collection options on JMeter's side. See How to Tune Java Garbage Collection guide for ramp-up on the domain or consult a Java developer if one is around.


JMeter : Individual Request data in Aggregate Report is not adding up correctly to Transaction Controller data

I have excecated a test and got the following report and duration the analysis I noticed that the sum of the individual request data is not matching up to the transaction enter image description here
Help me around here to identify the cause of this issue
Note: For running one or few users I am not facing this issue, only during on higher user count this issue is coming up
Most probably there is an issue with the way you "excecate" the test (whatever it means)
Given the issue is not reproducible with "few" users and only happens under the load my expectation is that JMeter doesn't have enough headroom to operate in terms of CPU/RAM/etc. or it's not properly configured for high loads.
Make sure to follow JMeter Best Practices
Make sure to set up monitoring of resources like CPU, RAM, Network, Disk IO, swap, etc. If you don't have other/better monitoring toolchain you can consider using JMeter PerfMon Plugin
If after following JMeter Best Practices the error is still there or resource consumption is way too high - consider going for Distributed Testing
If even after switching to distributing testing the issue is still there check jmeter.log for any suspicious entries

can we have any jmeter control over the threads?

can we have any control over the threads?
Consider i have 10 threads and i have provided my test data in .csv file. so can I control on threads like which thread should pick which data and may be some delay for few of the threads?
Also, can someone suggest me some book or online content wherein i can have information on internals of JMeter. Like when we run test plan, what all things are happening on memory side, reading of different properties files, receiving response, how threads internally works, etc.
JMeter is a very flexible and powerful tool. In theory, anything is possible it all depends on what your testing goals are. Even things not supported by JMeter can be coded in Java and easily integrated with a Java Sampler. Your question indicates you have not spent a lot of time experimenting with the tool, but hopefully my answer jump-starts that process for you.
JMeter has a lot of control features that can be used in conjunction with CSV data to control the flow of a thread. For example, use the CSV data to correctly enter the right block of a Switch Controller, validate an If Controller, or control the number of loops in a Loop Controller. Be sure you read the entire Getting Started Guide and familiarize yourself with the Component Reference Guide
In terms of how things work internally, your best bet is to build the JMeter project from source in an IDE like Eclipse. You can then step through the entire program in as much detail as you want.
Tutorial: Build JMeter from Source
Also, the /bin/jmeter file has a decent number of comments about how to properly configure JVM memory for a JMeter process.
You probably want to install at least the most basic JMeter Plugin Package.
Lastly, if you need one thread to control the behavior of another thread you can use FIFO Queues or set JVM properties via Beanshell which are global and not unique to a thread like runtime variables.

How can I monitor my Application server or Database server from Jmeter scripts ? Can we check CPU , memory utilization, etc?

I need to know till what extend we can analyze our Application using Apache Jmeter.
My script creation is complete. Paramatrized & Correlated. Now I need a deep understanding of Analysis.
Earlier, I just use to focus on Response time, Standard deviation, throughput, etc.
But now my boss wants me to do more analysis. Please help me guys.
You can use these Samplers from JMeter-plugins project:
Correctly still divide the tasks and means to solve them. If you need to monitor the parameters of the server utilization - then it needs to use the appropriate means, for example, zabbix. If you need to understand how much resources consumes your server applications - it is necessary to refer to the appropriate monitoring tools, plug-ins, such as Zorka for WebSphere in zabbix.

JMeter Running Very Slowly

I'm using JMeter to test a Java application written by a 3rd party vendor using Versata Logic Studio.
I've got some steps in my test plan that submit a request using some post data and then receive a response back:
Response too large to be displayed. Size: 445817 > Max: 204800, Start of message:
This seems fine (I'm guessing that's 400K?), except that the step is taking far longer than it does to click through the pages in a browser. In the browser it takes 5 seconds at most. In JMeter it's taking 2 minutes. The CPU is also at 60% for just one thread during these steps.
Any ideas on speeding this up? We're struggling to get enough slaves going and this certainly isn't helping.
The message that is displayed tells that you are using View Result Tree during your load test. Jmeter sets a limit that can be changed on the size of pages displayed in this component by adding to file:
view.results.tree.max_size which defaults to 200 ko
BUT during a load test never ever use this component as it requires a lot of resources (memory and cpu). This component must only be used during scripting phase.
You can read this article that gives tips on JMeter configuration and tuning:
Disclaimer : I wrote it and it's my company but IMHO I think it's worth reading :-)
Also read this:
If your JMeter script is using a lot of file I/O, then putting those files in RAM will significantly improve the speed. You can use any app such as IMDisk (freeware) to create a virtual disk in RAM. Make sure that you have more than 4GB RAM.
In our case, we are sending around 8000 small files per user. With 200 users on each system, Jmeter is reading 16 Lack files. This was the bottleneck. With the RAM Disk, the file read speed was increased by 20 times and it helped Jmeter to run at full speed.
If you're ready to move to TCP level, there is HTTP Raw Request that allows memory-efficient operation for huge uploads/downloads. Read its manual carefully, there is some JMeter properties for tuning its performance.
However, my experience is that you possibly have a situation where Java itself is a bad technology to perform load tests. I suggest you to take a pair of tries for Raw Request and in case of failure to seek for some C/C++ tool for performance tests.

Is it possible to determine the size (memory footprint) of an application scoped variable in ColdFusion?

We use FusionReactor which will show the overall memory usage at the server level, but it would be useful to be able to see how much memory individual items stored in the application scope are taking up.
Have you looked at or
I think both of these server monitors could help you out
The Enterprise version of ColdFusion 8 and higher has the Server monitor. The Server Monitor can breakdown memory usage and find out what requests and what variable scopes are consuming how much memory. FusionReactor currently can not.
According to a post on the FusionReactor group:
James Holmes said:
A CF Standard install could make use
of the Java SizeOf() class:
Some custom code would be necessary to
create a monitor based on this, but
it does work. mxAjax / CFAjax docs
and other useful articles:
Is this something that you need to do in real time and/or in production for monitoring? Or is this just something that you need for debugging?
I would suggest just using one of the JVM memory dump tools or maybe launching your app with the JRockit jvm and doing some live analysis with that.
It is possible to see the Application Scope size from ColdFusion, using FusionReactor Application Performance Monitor - this information is currently captured and stored in one of the log files. It is also possible to visualize this information using FusionAnalytics - which is able to display and analyze the metrics which have been captured from FusionReactor. You can see an example of this here -
