What interpreters manage memory of its threads inside its own process? - memory-management

I'm just wondering what interpreters manage memory of its threads inside its own process?
With VMware Virtual Machines, when memory is tight, VMware will inflate a "balloon" inside the VM. This allows the guest OS to "intelligently choose" what memory to swap to disk, allowing memory from that OS to be used by other VMs.
One issue is Java, where the OS can not "see/understand" the memory inside the JRE, and when the balloon inflates, the guest OS will effectively randomly swap out memory to disk and could easily swap out critical JRE functions rather than being able to intelligently choose which bits of memory to swap out.
My question is, what other interpreters behave in the same way as Java around memory management?
Is Microsoft .NET similar in this regard? Any other interpreters?

I am not sure you can selectively swap out memory used by certain threads, seeing that the main difference between a thread and a process is that they share a common memory space, and the reason to use threads over processes is that they are deemed more lightweight, precisely because you are giving up on process isolation managed by the OS.

So what you're really asking is, whether any interpreter implements its own algorithm for swapping data to disk. As far as I know, no interpreter designed in recent times does this - given the price of RAM nowadays, it's not a good use of engineering resources. (There is a school of thought, to which I subscribe, that says we should now consider throwing out operating system level disk swapping as well.)
Relational database systems do their own disk swapping of course, partly because they were designed when RAM was more expensive, and partly because they still sometimes deal with unusually large volumes of data.
And, memory is rusty on this one, but I could almost swear at least one of the old MUD systems also implemented its own swapping code; a big MUD could run to tens of megabytes, and in those days might have had to run in only a few megabytes of memory.


Is it possible to "gracefully" use virtual memory in a program whose regular use would consume all physical RAM?

I am intending to write a program to create huge relational networks out of unstructured data - the exact implementation is irrelevant but imagine a GPT-3-style large language model. Training such a model would require potentially 100+ gigabytes of available random access memory as links get reinforced between new and existing nodes in the graph. Only a small portion of the entire model would likely be loaded at any given time, but potentially any region of memory may be accessed randomly.
I do not have a machine with 512 Gb of physical RAM. However, I do have one with a 512 Gb NVMe SSD that I can dedicate for the purpose. I see two potential options for making this program work without specialized hardware:
I can write my own memory manager that would swap pages between "hot" resident memory and "cold" on the hard disk, probably using memory-mapped files or some similar construct. This would require me coding all memory accesses in the modeling program to use this custom memory manager, and coding the page cache and concurrent access handlers and all of the other low-level stuff that comes along with it, which would take days and very likely introduce bugs. Also performance would likely be poor. Or,
I can configure the operating system to use the entire SSD as a page file / SWAP filesystem, and then just have the program reserve as much virtual memory as it needs - the same as any other normal program, relying on the kernel's memory manager which is already doing the page mapping + swapping + caching for me.
The problem I foresee with #2 is making the operating system understand what I am trying to do in a "cooperative" way. Ideally I would like to hint to the OS that I would only like a specific fraction of resident memory and swap the rest, to keep overall system RAM usage below 90% or so. Otherwise the OS will allocate 99% of physical RAM and then start aggressively compacting and cutting down memory from other background programs, which ends up making the whole system unresponsive. Linux apparently just starts sacrificing entire processes if it gets too bad.
Does there exist a kernel command in any language or operating system that would let me tell the OS to chill out and proactively swap user memory to disk? I have looked through VMM functions in kernel32.dll and the Linux paging and swap daemon (kswapd) documentation, but nothing looks like what I need. Perhaps some way to reserve, say, 1Gb of pages and then "donate" them back to the kernel to make sure they get used for processes that aren't my own? Some way to configure memory pressure or limits or make kswapd work more aggressively for just my process?

is the jvm faster under load?

Lots of personal experience, anecdotal evidence, and some rudimentary analysis suggests that a Java server (running, typically, Oracle's 1.6 JVM) has faster response times when it's under a decent amount of load (only up to a point, obviously).
I don't think this is purely hotspot, since response times slow down a bit again when the traffic dies down.
In a number of cases we can demonstrate this by averaging response times from server logs ... in some cases it's as high as 20% faster, on average, and with a smaller standard deviation.
Can anyone explain why this is so? Is it likely a genuine effect, or are the averages simply misleading? I've seen this for years now, through several jobs, and tend to state it as a fact, but have no explanation for why.
EDIT a fairly large edit for wording and adding more detail throughout.
A few thoughts:
Hotspot kicks in when a piece of code is being executed significantly more than other pieces (it's the hot spot of the program). This makes that piece of code significantly faster (for the normal path) from that point forward. The rate of call after the hotspot compilation is not important, so I don't think this is causing the effect you are mentioning.
Is the effect real? It's very easy to trick yourself with statistics. Not saying you are, but be sure that all your runs are included in the result, and that all other effects (such as other programs, activity, and your monitoring program are the same in all cases. I have more than one had my monitoring program, such as top, cause a difference in behaviour). On one occasion, the performance of the application went up appreciably when the caches warmed up on the database - there was memory pressure from other applications on the same DB instance.
The Operating System and/or CPU may well be involved. The OS and CPU both actively and passively do things to improve the responsiveness of the main program as it moves from being mainly running to being mainly waiting for I/O and vice versa, including:
OS paging memory to disk while it's not being used, and back to RAM when the program is running
OS will cache frequently used disk blocks, which again may improve the application performance
CPU instruction and memory caches fill with the active program's instruction and data
Java applications particularly sensitive to memory paging effects because:
A typical Java application server will pre-allocate almost all free memory to Java. The large memory makes the application inherently more sensitive to memory effects
The generational garbage collector used to manage Java memory ends up creating new objects over a lot of pages, so each request to the application will need more page requests than in other languages. (this is true principally for 'new' objects that have not been through many garbage collections. Objects promoted to the permanent generation are actually very compactly stored)
As most available physical memory is allocated on the system, there is always a pressure on memory, and the largest, least recently run application is a perfect candidate to be pages out.
With these considerations, there is much more probability that there will be page misses and therefore a performance hit than environments with smaller memory requirements. These will be particularly manifest after Java has been idle for some time.
If you use Solaris or Mac, the excellent dTrace can trace memory and disk paging specific to an application. The JVM has numerous dTrace hooks that can be used as triggers to start and stop page monitoring.
On Solaris, you can use large memory pages (even over 1GB in size) and pin them to RAM so they will never be paged out. This should eliminate the memory page problem stated above. Remember to leave a good chunk of free memory for disk caching and for other system/maintenance/backup/management apps. I am sure that other OSes support similar features.
TL/DR: The currently running program in modern operating systems will appear to run faster after a few seconds as the OS brings the program and data pages back from disk, places frequently used disk pages in disk cache and the OS instruction and data caches will tend to be "warmer" for the main program. This effect is not unique to the JVM but is more visible due to the memory requirements of typical Java applications and the garbage collection memory model.

many-core CPU's: Programming techniques to avoid disappointing scalability

We've just bought a 32-core Opteron machine, and the speedups we get are a little disappointing: beyond about 24 threads we see no speedup at all (actually gets slower overall) and after about 6 threads it becomes significantly sub-linear.
Our application is very thread-friendly: our job breaks down into about 170,000 little tasks which can each be executed separately, each taking 5-10 seconds. They all read from the same memory-mapped file of size about 4Gb. They make occasional writes to it, but it might be 10,000 reads to each write - we just write a little bit of data at the end of each of the 170,000 tasks. The writes are lock-protected. Profiling shows that the locks are not a problem. The threads use a lot of JVM memory each in non-shared objects and they make very little access to shared JVM objects and of that, only a small percentage of accesses involve writes.
We're programming in Java, on Linux, with NUMA enabled. We have 128Gb RAM. We have 2 Opteron CPU's (model 6274) of 16 cores each. Each CPU has 2 NUMA nodes. The same job running on an Intel quad-core (i.e. 8 cores) scaled nearly linearly up to 8 threads.
We've tried replicating the read-only data to have one-per-thread, in the hope that most lookups can be local to a NUMA node, but we observed no speedup from this.
With 32 threads, 'top' shows the CPU's 74% "us" (user) and about 23% "id" (idle). But there are no sleeps and almost no disk i/o. With 24 threads we get 83% CPU usage. I'm not sure how to interpret 'idle' state - does this mean 'waiting for memory controller'?
We tried turning NUMA on and off (I'm referring to the Linux-level setting that requires a reboot) and saw no difference. When NUMA was enabled, 'numastat' showed only about 5% of 'allocation and access misses' (95% of cache misses were local to the NUMA node). [Edit:] But adding "-XX:+useNUMA" as a java commandline flag gave us a 10% boost.
One theory we have is that we're maxing out the memory controllers, because our application uses a lot of RAM and we think there are a lot of cache misses.
What can we do to either (a) speed up our program to approach linear scalability, or (b) diagnose what's happening?
Also: (c) how do I interpret the 'top' result - does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'? and (d) is there any difference in the characteristics of Opteron vs Xeon's?
I also have a 32 core Opteron machine, with 8 NUMA nodes (4x6128 processors, Mangy Cours, not Bulldozer), and I have faced similar issues.
I think the answer to your problem is hinted at by the 2.3% "sys" time shown in top. In my experience, this sys time is the time the system spends in the kernel waiting for a lock. When a thread can't get a lock it then sits idle until it makes its next attempt. Both the sys and idle time are a direct result of lock contention. You say that your profiler is not showing locks to be the problem. My guess is that for some reason the code causing the lock in question is not included in the profile results.
In my case a significant cause of lock contention was not the processing I was actually doing but the work scheduler that was handing out the individual pieces of work to each thread. This code used locks to keep track of which thread was doing which piece of work. My solution to this problem was to rewrite my work scheduler avoiding mutexes, which I have read do not scale well beyond 8-12 cores, and instead use gcc builtin atomics (I program in C on Linux). Atomic operations are effectively a very fine grained lock that scales much better with high core counts. In your case if your work parcels really do take 5-10s each it seems unlikely this will be significant for you.
I also had problems with malloc, which suffers horrible lock issues in high core count situations, but I can't, off the top of my head, remember whether this also led to sys & idle figures in top, or whether it just showed up using Mike Dunlavey's debugger profiling method (How can I profile C++ code running in Linux?). I suspect it did cause sys & idle problems, but I draw the line at digging through all my old notes to find out :) I do know that I now avoid runtime mallocs as much as possible.
My best guess is that some piece of library code you are using implements locks without your knowledge, is not included in your profiling results, and is not scaling well to high core-count situations. Beware memory allocators!
I'm sure the answer will lie in a consideration of the hardware architecture. You have to think of multi core computers as if they were individual machines connected by a network. In fact that's all that Hypertransport and QPI are.
I find that to solve these scalability problems you have to stop thinking in terms of shared memory and start adopting the philosophy of Communicating Sequential Processes. It means thinking very differently, ie imagine how you would write the software if your hardware was 32 single core machines connected by a network. Modern (and ancient) CPU architectures are not designed to give unfettered scaling of the sort you're after. They are designed to allow many different processes to get on with processing their own data.
Like everything else in computing these things go in fashions. CSP dates back to the 1970s, but the very modern and Java derived Scala is a popular embodiment of the concept. See this section on Scala concurrency on Wikipedia.
What the philosophy of CSP does is force you to design a data distribution scheme that fits your data and the problem you're solving. That's not necessarily easy, but if you manage it then you have a solution that will scale very well indeed. Scala may make it easier to develop.
Personally I do everything in CSP and in C. It's allowed me to develop a signal processing application that scales perfectly linearly from 8 cores to several thousand cores (the limit being how big my room is).
The first thing you're going to have to do is actually use NUMA. It isn't a magic setting that you turn on, you have to exploit it in your software's architecture. I don't know about Java, but in C one would bind a memory allocation to a specific core's memory controller (aka memory affinity), and similarly for threads (core affinity) in cases where the OS doesn't get the hint.
I presume that your data doesn't break down into 32 neat, discrete chunks? It's difficult to give advice without knowing exactly the data flows implicit in your program. But think about it in terms of data flow. Draw it out even; Data Flow Diagrams are useful for this (another ancient graphical formal notation). If your picture shows all your data going through a single object (eg through a single memory buffer) then it's going to be slow...
I assume you have optimized your locks, and synchronization made a minimum. In such a case, it still depends a lot on what libraries you are using to program in parallel.
One issue that can happen even if you have no synchronization issue, is memory bus congestion. This is very nasty and difficult to get rid of.
All I can suggest is somehow make your tasks bigger and create fewer tasks. This depends highly on the nature of your problem. Ideally you want as many tasks as the number of cores/threads, but this is not easy (if possible) to achieve.
Something else that can help is to give more heap to your JVM. This will reduce the need to run Garbage Collector frequently, and speeds up a little.
does 'idle' mean 'blocked on memory controllers'
No. You don't see that in top. I mean if the CPU is waiting for memory access, it will be shown as busy. If you have idle periods, it is either waiting for a lock, or for IO.
I'm the Original Poster. We think we've diagnosed the issue, and it's not locks, not system calls, not memory bus congestion; we think it's level 2/3 CPU cache contention.
To reiterate, our task is embarrassingly parallel so it should scale well. However, one thread has a large amount of CPU cache it can access, but as we add more threads, the amount of CPU cache each process can access gets lower and lower (the same amount of cache divided by more processes). Some levels on some architectures are shared between cores on a die, some are even shared between dies (I think), and it may help to get "down in the weeds" with the specific machine you're using, and optimise your algorithms, but our conclusion is that there's not a lot we can do to achieve the scalability we thought we'd get.
We identified this as the cause by using 2 different algorithms. The one which accesses more level 2/3 cache scales much worse than the one which does more processing with less data. They both make frequent accesses to the main data in main memory.
If you haven't tried that yet: Look at hardware-level profilers like Oracle Studio has (for CentOS, Redhat, and Oracle Linux) or if you are stuck with Windows: Intel VTune. Then start looking at operations with suspiciously high clocks per instruction metrics. Suspiciously high mean a lot higher than the same code on a single-numa, single-L3-cache machine (like current Intel desktop CPUs).

Are there practical limits to the number of cores accessing the same memory?

Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue? Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Put another way: is the high powered desktop computer of the future apt to have 1024 cores using one set of memory, or is it apt to have 32 sets of memory, each accessed by 32 cores?
Or still another way: I have a multi-threaded program that runs well on a 4-core machine, using a significant amount of the total CPU. As this program grows in size and does more work, can I be reasonably confident more powerful machines will be available to run it? Or should I be thinking seriously about running multiple sessions on multiple machines (or at any rate multiple sets of memory) to get the work done?
In other words, is a purely multithreaded approach to design going to leave me in a dead end? (As using a single threaded approach and depending on continued improvements in CPU speed years back would have done?) The program is unlikely to be run on a machine costing more than, say $3,000. If that machine cannot do the work, the work won't get done. But if that $3,000 machine is actually a network of 32 independent computers (though they may share the same cooling fan) and I've continued my massively multithreaded approach, the machine will be able to do the work, but the program won't, and I'm going to be in an awkward spot.
Distributed processing looks like a bigger pain than multithreading was, but if that might be in my future, I'd like some warning.
Will the current trend of adding cores to computers continue?
Yes, the GHz race is over. It's not practical to ramp the speed any more on the current technology. Physics has gotten in the way. There may be a dramatic shift in the technology of fabricating chips that allows us to get round this, but it's not obviously 'just around the corner'.
If we can't have faster cores, the only way to get more power is to have more cores.
Or is there some theoretical or practical limit to the number of cores that can be served by one set of memory?
Absolutely there's a limit. In a shared memory system the memory is a shared resource and has a limited amount of bandwidth.
Max processes = (Memory Bandwidth) / (Bandwidth required per process)
Now - that 'Bandwidth per process' figure will be reduced by caches, but caches become less efficient if they have to be coherent with one another because everyone is accessing the same area of memory. (You can't cache a memory write if another CPU may need what you've written)
When you start talking about huge systems, shared resources like this become the main problem. It might be memory bandwidth, CPU cycles, hard drive access, network bandwidth. It comes down to how the system as a whole is structured.
You seem to be really asking for a vision of the future so you can prepare. Here's my take.
I think we're going to see a change in the way software developers see parallelism in their programs. At the moment, I would say that a lot of software developers see the only way of using multiple threads is to have lots of them doing the same thing. The trouble is they're all contesting for the same resources. This then means lots of locking needs to be introduced, which causes performance issues, and subtle bugs which are infuriating and time consuming to solve.
This isn't sustainable.
Manufacturing worked out at the beginning of the 20th Century, the fastest way to build lots of cars wasn't to have lots of people working on one car, and then, when that one's done, move them all on to the next car. It was to split the process of building the car down into lots of small jobs, with the output of one job feeding the next. They called it assembly lines. In hardware design it's called pipe-lining, and I'll think we'll see software designs move to it more and more, as it minimizes the problem of shared resources.
Sure - There's still a shared resource on the output of one stage and the input of the next, but this is only between two threads/processes and is much easier to handle. Standard methods can also be adopted on how these interfaces are made, and message queueing libraries seem to be making big strides here.
There's not one solution for all problems though. This type of pipe-line works great for high throughput applications that can absorb some latency. If you can't live with the latency, you have no option but to go the 'many workers on a single task' route. Those are the ones you ideally want to be throwing at SIMD machines/Array processors like GPUs, but it only really excels with a certain type of problem. Those problems are ones where there's lots of data to process in the same way, and there's very little or no dependency between data items.
Having a good grasp of message queuing techniques and similar for pipelined systems, and utilising fine grained parallelism on GPUs through libraries such as OpenCL, will give you insight at both ends of the spectrum.
Update: Multi-threaded code may run on clustered machines, so this issue may not be as critical as I thought.
I was carefully checking out the Java Memory Model in the JLS, chapter 17, and found it does not mirror the typical register-cache-main memory model of most computers. There were opportunities there for a multi-memory machine to cleanly shift data from one memory to another (and from one thread running on one machine to another running on a different one). So I started searching for JVMs that would run across multiple machines. I found several old references--the idea has been out there, but not followed through. However, one company, Terracotta, seems to have something, if I'm reading their PR right.
At any rate, it rather seems that when PC's typically contain several clustered machines, there's likely to be a multi-machine JVM for them.
I could find nothing outside the Java world, but Microsoft's CLR ought to provide the same opportunities. C and C++ and all the other .exe languages might be more difficult. However, Terracotta's websites talk more about linking JVM's rather than one JVM on multiple machines, so their tricks might work for executable langauges also (and maybe the CLR, if needed).

Is Virtual Memory still relevant in today's world of inexpensive RAM? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 10 years ago.
Virtual memory was introduced to help run more programs with limited memory. But in todays environment of inexpensive RAM, is it still relevant?
Since there will be no disk access if it is disabled and all the programs will be memory resident, will it not improve the performance and program response times?
Is there any essential requirement for virtual memory in windows apart from running more programs as stated above? Something windows internal not known to us.
Some pedantry: virtual memory is not just the pagefile. The term encompasses a whole range of techniques that give the program the illusion that it has one single contiguous address space, some of which is the program's code, some of which is data, and some of which are DLLs or memory-mapped files.
So to your lead-in question: yes, virtual memory is required. It's what makes modern OS's work.
Don't disable virtual memory. 2GB is not nearly enough to even consider this. Regardless, you should always keep virtual memory on even if you do have enough since it will only ever be used when you actually need it. Much better to be safe than sorry since NOT having it active means you simply hit a wall, while having it active means your computer starts swapping to the hard drive but continues to run.
Yes, because it's the basis of all on-demand paging that occurs in a modern operating system, not just Windows.
Windows will always use all of your memory, if not for applications then for caching whatever you read from your hard drive. Because if that memory is not used, then you're throwing your investment in memory away. Basically, Windows uses your RAM as a big fat cache to your hard drives. And this happens all the time, as the relevant pages are only brought into main memory when you address the content of that page.
The question is really what is the use of a pagefile considering how much memory modern computers have and what's going on under the hood in the OS.
It's common for the Windows task manager to show not much physical memory being used, but, your having many page faults? Win32 will never allocate all it's physical memory. It always saves some for new resource needs. With a big pagefile vs small pagefile, Win32 will be slower to allocate physical memory to a process.
For a few days now I've been using a very small pagefile (200 MB fixed) in Vista with 3GB of addressable physical memory. I have had no crashes or problems. Haven't tried things like large video editing or many different processes open at once. I wouldn't recommend no pagefile since the OS can never shuffle pages around in physical memory leading to the development of holes. A large pagefile is fail-safe for people who wouldn't know how to manually increase the pagefile if a low memory warning pops up or the OS crashes.
Some points:
The kernel will use some of the physical memory and this will be shared through VM mapping with all other processes. Other processes will be in the remaining physical memory. VM makes each process see a 4GB mem space, the OS at the lower 2GB. Each process will need much less than the 4GB of physical memory, this amount is it's committed memory requirement. When programming, a malloc or new will reserve memory but not commit it. Things like the first write to the memory will commit it. Some memory is immedietely committed by the OS for each process.
Your question is really about using a page file, and not virtual memory, as kdgregory said. Probably the most important use for virtual memory is so that the OS can protect once process's memory from another processes memory, while still giving each process the illusion of a contiguous, flat virtual address space. The actual physical addresses can and will become fragmented, but the virtual addresses will appear contiguous.
Yes, virtual memory is vital. The page file, maybe not.
Grrr. Disk space is probably always going to be cheaper than RAM. One of my lab computers has 512MB of RAM. That used to be enough when I got it, but now it has slowed to a crawl swapping and I need to put more RAM in it. I am not running more software programs now than I was then, but they have all gotten more bloated, and they often spawn more "daemon" programs that just sit there doing nothing but wait for some event and use up memory. I look at my process list and the "in-memory" column for the file explorer is 40MB. For Firefox it's 162MB. Java's "update scheduler" jusched.exe uses another 3.6MB. And that's just the physical-memory, these numbers don't include the swap space.
So it's really important to save the quicker, more expensive memory for what can't be swapped out. I can spare tens of GB on my hard drive for swap space.
Memory is seen as cheap enough that the OS and many programs don't try to optimize any more. On the one hand it's great because it makes programs more maintainable and debuggable and quicker to develop. But I hate having to keep putting in more RAM into my computer.
A good explanation at
To optimally size your paging file you
should start all the applications you
run at the same time, load typical
data sets, and then note the commit
charge peak (or look at this value
after a period of time where you know
maximum load was attained). Set the
paging file minimum to be that value
minus the amount of RAM in your system
(if the value is negative, pick a
minimum size to permit the kind of
crash dump you are configured for). If
you want to have some breathing room
for potentially large commit demands,
set the maximum to double that number.
Virtual memory is much more than simply an extension of RAM. In reality, virtual memory is a system they virtualizes access to physical memory. Applications are presented with a consistent environment that is completely independent of RAM size. This offers a number of important advantages quite appart from the increased memory availabilty. Virtual memory is an integral part of the OS and cannot possibly be disabled.
The pagefile is NOT virtual memory. Many sources have claimed this, including some Microsoft articles. But it is wrong. You can disable the pagefile (not recommended) but this will not disable virtual memory.
Virtual mmeory has been used in large systems for some 40 years now and it is not going away anytime soon. The advantages are just too great. If virtual memory were eliminated all current 32 bit applications (and 64 bit as well) would become obsolete.
Larry Miller
Microsoft MCSA
Virtual memory is a safety net for situations when there is not enough RAM available for all running application. This was very common some time ago and today when you can have large amounts of system RAM it is less so.
Some say to leave page file alone and let it be managed by Windows. Some people say that even if you have large RAM keeping big pagefile cannot possibly hurt because it will not be used. That is not true since Windows does pre-emptive paging to prepare for spikes of memory demand. If that demand never comes this is just wasted HDD activity and we all know that HDD is the slowest component of any system. Pre-emptive paging with big enough RAM is just pointless and the only thing it does is to slow down any other disk activity that happens at the same time. Not to mention additional disk wear. Plus big page file means gigabytes of locked disk space.
A lot of people point to Mark Russinovich article to back up their strong belief that page file should not be disabled at any circumstances and so many clever people at Microsoft have thought it so thoroughly that we, little developers, should never question default Windows policy on page file size. But even Russinovich himself writes:
Set the paging file minimum to be that value (Peak Commit Charge) minus the amount of RAM in your system (if the value is negative, pick a minimum size to permit the kind of crash dump you are configured for).
So if you have large RAM amounts and your peek commit charge is never more than 50% of your RAM even when you open all your apps at once and then some, there is no need have page file at all. So in those situations 99.99% of time you will never need more memory than your RAM.
Now I am not advocating for disabling page file it but having it in size of your RAM or more is just waste of space and unnecessary activity that can slow down something else. Page file gives you a safety net in those rare (with plenty of RAM) situations when system does need more memory and to prevent it from getting out of memory which will most likely make your system unstable and unusable.
The only real need for page file is kernel dumps. If you need full kernel dumps you need at least 400 MB of paging file. But if you are happy with mini dumps, minimum is 16 MB. So to have best of both worlds which is
virtually no page file
safety net of virtual memory
I would suggest to configure Windows for mini kernel dumps, set minimum page file size to 16 MB and maximum to whatever you want. This way page file would be practically unused but would automatically expand after first out of memory error to prevent your system from being unusable. If you happen to have at least one out of memory issue you should of course reconsider your minimum size. If you really want to be safe make page file min. size 1 GB. For servers though you should be more careful.
Unfortunately, it is still needed because the windows operating system has a tendency to 'overcache'.
Plus, as stated above, 2GB isn't really enough to consider turning it off. Heck, I probably wouldn't turn it off until I had 8GB or more.
Since there will be no disk access if it is disabled and all the programs will be memory resident, will it not improve the performance and program response times?
I'm not totally sure about other platforms, but I had a Linux machine where the swap-space had been accidently disabled. When a process used all available memory, the machine basically froze for 5 minutes, the load average went to absurd numbers and the kernel OOM killer kicked in and terminated several processes. Reenabling swap fixed this entirely.
I never experienced any unnecessary swapping to disc - it only happened when I used all the available memory. Modern OS's (even 5-10 year old Linux distros) deal with swap-space quite intelligently, and only use it when required.
You can probably get by without swap space, since it's quite rare to reach 4GB of memory usage with a single process. With a 64-bit OS and say 8GB of RAM it's even more rare.. but, there's really no point disabling swap-space, you don't gain much (if anything), and when you run out of physical memory without it, bad things happen..
Basically - any half-decent OS should only use disc-swap (or virtual-memory) when required. Disabling swap only stops the OS being able to fall back on it, which causes the OOM killer to strike (and thus data-loss when processes are terminated).
