How to set up SDL on XCODE 4? - xcode

I'm having troubles with sample templates and overall installing of SDL on my Xcode 4.
There are no tutorials and old templates just don't work!
If anybody has Xcode 4 SDL templates, please share.
#Joshua Nozzi I tried opening template from old version of XCODE, 3.2 and it opened, but there were no files in the project and it said - base sdk missing. I tried adding SDL.framework but it didn't help!

I just pushed my working SDL test Xcode project as a public Github repository, so feel free to see if it works for you:


Developing Flutter iOS plugin packages - Pods folder in Xcode project is empty

I am developing a plugin package for Flutter. I follow the instructions exactly as written in a tutorial here: Step-2c-add-ios-platform-code-hmswift.
It says to open hello/example/ios/Runner.xcworkspace with xcode, and then:
iOS platform code of your plugin is located in Pods/DevelopmentPods/hello/Classes/ in the Project Navigator
But, when I open xcode project as specified, there is nothing under Pods folder, it is empty:
How can I fix this { I am still kinda Xcode noob } ...
EDIT: iOS specific plugin files are there on the disk, so I guess this is just some project file "wiring" bug or something like this.
The problem was that with Xcode, I have opened Runner.xcodeproj instead of Runner.xcworkspace. Hope this helps other people who did not pay full attention to Flutter Guide, like I did.

Swift 2.0 Xcode 7.1 Google Maps SDK

While Xcode was version 7.0 I had an app that worked perfectly well. I made the cocoapod file, set it up and everything ran perfect.
I just updated to 7.1 and now all I get are 21 errors that say "/Users/Johnathan/Desktop/Parse Default/GoogleMaps/Google Maps/Pods/GoogleMaps/Frameworks/GoogleMaps.framework/Headers/GoogleMaps.h:14:9: Include of non-modular header inside framework module 'GoogleMaps'"
I'm not sure what to do or how to update/edit this. I am not very familiar with cocoapods. Please help. I can't get my app to run. Thanks.
And if it helps all I did was update Xcode and it went from working to not working.
See this thread below for a solution as it seems to be most up to date.
In essence, you will need to add a Bridge Header (see comment 7)
Here it is:

cocos2d xcode frameworks are not being added to the project

I have recently updated to Xcode 6.0.1. I am trying to create an Cocos2d 3.x project. When I do I get 200+ errors. The errors are due to the fact that the frameworks are not automatically being added to the project. I can go through and add them manually and fix the problem but this gets very annoying to repeat every time I want to create a new project. Can anyone tell me why the frameworks aren't being added? It used to work. I'm pretty sure the problem started when I updated to Xcode 6.0.1. Thanks.
I found the answer here:
Basically, the problem is in Xcode 6.0.1. They recommend creating the project in Xcode 5 or SpriteBuilder and then opening it in Xcode 6.

CodePilot for Xcode 5

Is there any way to use CodePilot on Xcode 5? I'm trying to install but not appears on plugin section.
Anyone knows other similar software for Xcode 5?
CodePilot 2.x is only for XCode 4.x, its a requirement, it's indeed not listed in the plugins folder of, I also tried by unpacking the archive from the package itself into the plugins folder, it doesn't load in XCode 5.
You could try emailing them regarding compatibility here:


Does somebody know about Xcode and Steinbergs VST MODULE ARCHITECTURE SDK?
In their SDK which you can download here
they included a Xcode example which I cant open, because its an old pbproj file.
I tried to setup a new project by myself but I cant get it to work : (
I wrote up a tutorial about this awhile back:
Making a VST plugin from scratch with Xcode
The instructions are written for Xcode 3, but it should also work for Xcode 4. If you notice any major discrepancies, let me know and I'll make an updated version.
