Returning an MVC FileContentResult to download .pdf file from - ajax

Hi I've search around for this quite a bit but I didn't find a situation that really resembled mine..hope I didn't miss a duplicate somewhere
The Goal: Return a file from a UNC share to the client as a download/open option.
Info: The share is located on a different server than the one hosting the web site. When a corresponding folder name on the menu is clicked, I am able to successfully read from the share (I return the files as a JSON result) and in Jquery I then append list items for each file found in the folder and make the list item ID's the filename. This works great.
When these appended list items are clicked on I pass their ID's (which are the filename, like "thefile.pdf") to the following controller which returns a FileContentResult.
files[0].ToString() below is similar to "\server\folder\"
public ActionResult OpenTheFile(string id)
List<string> files = new List<string>();
files.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(LNFiles.ThePath, id, SearchOption.AllDirectories));
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + id + ";");
return File(files[0].ToString(), System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Pdf, id);
And yes the obligatory "it works on my local machine". When deployed to the IIS 7.5 server and I click on the list item I get this YSOD error:
The handle is invalid. (Exception from
HRESULT: 0x80070006 (E_HANDLE))
I'm impersonating a user with rights to the file share...I'm at a loss, i was thinking something with encoding or screwed up rights? I've tried using a virtual dir instead but alas same issue.

In my case
changing this:
public ActionResult Download(int id)
var item = ItemRepo.GetItemById(id);
string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Items"), item.Path);
return File(path, "application/octetstream", item.Path);
to this:
public ActionResult Download(int id)
var item = ItemRepo.GetItemById(id);
string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/Items"), item.Path);
return File(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open), "application/octetstream", item.Path);
has worked. I am putting this here just in case anyone needs.

Check out this for a workaround
You may want to try a packet capture to see if you are receiving the same issue as documented here:
For your unc path - are you directly referencing \servername\share or are you using a network mapped drive letter?

God Bless you : ProgRockCode.
and since that involved an ActionResult, I wrote a custom ActionResult that used the "WriteFile" method.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
context.HttpContext.Response.WriteFile(FilePath, true);


Cannot make XBAP cookies work

I am trying to make a XBAP application communicating with a webservice with login.
But I want the user to skip the login step if they already logged in the last seven days.
I got it to work using html/aspx.
But it fails continuously with XBAP.
While debugging, the application is given full trust.
This is the code I have so far to write the cookie:
protected static void WriteToCookie(
string pName,
Dictionary<string, string> pData,
int pExiresInDays)
// Set the cookie value.
string data = "";
foreach (string key in pData.Keys)
data += String.Format("{0}={1};", key, pData[key]);
string expires = "expires=" + DateTime.Now.AddDays(pExiresInDays).ToUniversalTime().ToString("r");
data += expires;
Application.SetCookie(new Uri(pName), data);
catch (Exception ex)
And this is what I have to read the cookie:
protected static Dictionary<string, string> ReadFromCookie(
string pName)
Dictionary<string, string> data = new Dictionary<string, string>();
string myCookie = Application.GetCookie(new Uri(pName));
// Returns the cookie information.
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(myCookie) == false)
string[] splitted = myCookie.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
string[] sub;
foreach(string split in splitted)
sub = split.Split(new char[] { ':' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
if (sub[0] == "expires")
data.Add(sub[0], sub[1]);
catch(Exception ex)
return data;
The pName is set with:
string uri = "";
When the user authenticate the first time, I call the WriteToCookie function and set it with 7 days to expire.
It looks like everything is fine as I get no exception of error messages. (I have a break point in the catch)
After that, I close the session and start it again.
The first thing I do is a ReadFromCookie.
Then I get an exception with the following message: No more data is available
So my application is sending the user automatically back to the login screen.
I also tried to do a ReadFromCookie right after the WriteToCookie in the same session, and I get the same error.
Application.SetCookie(new Uri(""), "Hellllo");
string myCookie2 = Application.GetCookie(new Uri(""));
It seems to me that the cookie is not even written in the first place.
So I am guessing I am doing something wrong.
Maybe the uri I am using is wrong. Is there a specific format needed for it?
Just like you need a very specific format for the expire date.
I have been searching quite a lot of internet for a good sample/tutorial about using cookies with XBAP, and I could not find anything really well documented or tested.
A lot of people say that it works, but no real sample to try.
A lot of people also handle the authentication in html, then go to the XBAP after successfully reading/writing the cookies.
I would prefer a full XBAP solution if possible.
To answer some questions before they are asked, here are the project settings:
Command line arguments: -debug -debugSecurityZoneURL "C:\Work\MyWebSiteName\MyWebSiteNameXBAP\bin\Debug\MyWebSiteNameXBAP.xbap"
Enable ClickOnce security settings (Checked)
This is a full trust application (selected)
I also created a certificate, and added it the 3 stores like explained in "publisher cannot be verified" message displayed
So I do not have the warning popup anymore. I just wanted to make sure that it was not a permission issue.
Finally found the answer to this problem.
Thanks for this CodeProject I was finally able to write/read cookies from the XBAP code.
As I had guessed, the URI needs to be very specific and you cannot pass everything you want in it.
What did the trick was using: BrowserInteropHelper.Source
In the end the read/write code looks like:
Application.SetCookie(BrowserInteropHelper.Source, data);
string myCookie = Application.GetCookie(BrowserInteropHelper.Source);
It looks like you cannot use ';' to separate your own data.
If you do so, you will only get the first entry in your data.
Use a different separator (ex: ':') and then you can get everything back
The data look like this:
n=something:k=somethingElse;expires=Tue, 12 May 2015 14:18:56 GMT ;
The only thing I do not get back from Application.GetCookie is the expire date.
Not sure if it is normal or not. Maybe it is flushed out automatically for some reason. If someone knows why, I would appreciate a comment to enlighten me.
At least now I can read/write data to the cookie in XBAP. Yeah!

How to go about solving "access to the path is denied"

i have been trough the other entries here on stackoverflow but nowhere is there a step by step way to solve this? is it THAT complicated?
i want to unzip to a folder on my local drive and also get this error. must i do something in my webconfig?
should i just have write access to the whole of my c drive?? that wont be good?
public ActionResult Upload(ScormUploadViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (model.ScormPackageFile != null)
//string destinationDirectoryName = "c:\\TSFPreview\\Zinc\\Web\\Project\\ScormPackages";
string zipCurFile = model.ScormPackageFile.FileName;
//string origZipFileName = zipCurFile.Remove(zipCurFile.Length - model.ScormPackageFile.FileName);
string destinationDirectoryName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(zipCurFile);
StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader("C:\\Testing"); //here get that error
using (GZipStream Decompress = new GZipStream(model.ScormPackageFile.InputStream, CompressionMode.Decompress))
return View(model);
Too long for comment, hence posting an answer -
Open your IIS, follow the instructions in this post. This tells you how to check for Application pool identity.
By default, the applications run under an account that has minimum permissions, and are denied rights to write to c:\ location.
Change the application pool identity to use a local account that has the permissions required to create a directory etc. operations that you are attempting. (You could test this by putting your login in the app pool identity, although not recommended for deployed code).

not a valid virtual path - when trying to return a file from a url

We download a file from our CdN and then return a url to that downloaded file to the user. I'm trying to get this implemented so that when a user clicks the download buttton, it goes and test that url to that downloaded file then forces a save prompt based on that local url.
So for example if there is a button called download on the page for a specific .pdf, we ultimately have code in our controller going to the cdn and downloading the file, zipping it then returning a url such as:
I'm not sure if you you can use the File() method to return the resource to the user as to cause a save prompt when you have a url to the file, not a system directory virtual path.
So how can I get this working with the url? I need the download button to ultimately force a save prompt on their end given a url such as what is generated per this example above? Not I am using POST, not a GET, so not sure which I should use in this case either besides this not working overall to force a save prompt. It is hitting my GetFileDownloadUrl but ultimately errors saying it's not a virtual path.
Here's my code:
#foreach (CarFileContent fileContent in ModelCarFiles)
using (Html.BeginForm("GetFileDownloadUrl", "Car", FormMethod.Get, new { carId = Model.CarId, userId = Model.UserId, #fileCdnUrl = fileContent.CdnUrl }))
#Html.Hidden("userId", Model.UserId);
#Html.Hidden("carId", Model.CarId);
#Html.Hidden("fileCdnUrl", fileContent.CdnUrl);
<p><input type="submit" name="SubmitCommand" value="download" /> #fileContent.Name</p>
public ActionResult GetFileDownloadUrl(string fileCdnUrl, int carId, int userId)
string downloadUrl = string.Empty;
// take the passed Cdn Url and go and download that file to one of our other servers so the user can download that .zip file
downloadUrl = GetFileZipDownloadUrl(carId, userId, fileCdnUrl;
// now we have that url to the downloaded zip file e.g.
int i = downloadUrl.LastIndexOf("/");
string fileName = downloadUrl.Substring(i);
return File(downloadUrl, "application/zip", fileName);
error: not a valid virtual path
This won't work except the zip file is in your virtual path.
The File method you have used here File(string, string, string) expects a fileName which will be used to create a FilePathResult.
Another option would be to download it (using WebClient.DownloadData or DownloadFile methods) and passing either the byte array or the file path (depending on which you choose).
var webClient = new Webclient();
byte[] fileData = webClient.DownloadData(downloadUrl);
return File(fileData, "application/zip", fileName);
And the lines where you get the index of "/" just to get the filename is unnecessary as you could have used:
string fileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(downloadUrl);

Clicking Open Word Document tries to reconnect to Controller action while downloading

I have a requirement to download a file from the server, but open inline if possible. I'm currently doing;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("inline; filename={0}", documentFileName));
result = new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(documentFilePath, FileMode.Open), "application/msword");
I've put application/msword in there right now, because that's what I'm having a problem with. When I click Open on the word document, it's as if the document makes multiple calls back to the action, but there is no session and no database so it crashes. When the user is running this, they see a long hang, the "Downloading" dialog finally appears in word and they have to cancel it. The document is there and is valid but this is not desirable.
Pdfs, pngs etc. download fine. Can anybody explain this behavior, and give me some hints as to how I fix it?
The action basically looks like;
public FileResult View(int id, int source)
var document = GetDocumentFromDatabase(id, source);
documentFilePath = Path.Combine( documentsDirectory, document.Name);
documentName = document.Name;
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", string.Format("inline; filename={0}", documentFileName));
result = new FileStreamResult(new FileStream(documentFilePath, FileMode.Open), "application/msword");
return result;
I've trimmed it down, as I can't share the specifics, but the full idea is there.
I have a lookup of available content-types, in there I have defined whether the file is inline or attachment, and when I detect a word document, I set it to attachment. No more error. PDF opens in the browser still because I set it to inline.
I use:
public ActionResult GetAttachment(int id)
var attachment = _repository.GetAttachByID(id);
if (attachment != null)
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition",string.Format("inline; filename={0}",attachment.FileName));
return File(attachment.File, attachment.MimeType, attachment.FileName);
return null;

ASP.NET MVC 3: How to look for the controller instead of file when id is file name

I've encountered with some strange problem. It's strange for me because I don't understand it and because before everything worked fine. So, my task is to call for controller and pass it file name (with extension) and controller should recognize this file, write into log and then return the file itself if it exists (in Downloads folder). What I'm doing:
public class DownloadController : Controller
public ActionResult Files(string id)
string filePath = Server.MapPath(Url.Content(string.Format("~/Downloads/{0}", id)));
string serverPath = Url.Content(string.Format("~/Downloads/{0}", id));
string ext = Path.GetExtension(filePath);
if (!System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
//return to the error controller
string mem = "text/html";
if (ext == ".zip")
mem = "application/x-zip-compressed";
else if (ext == ".html" || ext == ".htm")
mem = "text/html";
else if (ext == ".pdf")
mem = "application/pdf";
//Save info about downloads into DB
repStat.SaveStatInfo(id, HttpContext.Request.UserHostAddress,
HttpContext.Request.UserHostName, HttpContext.Request.UserAgent);
return File(serverPath, mem, id);
There is part of the Global.asax:
It doesn't have more "ignores".
So, the problem is when I'm doing the call: the server returns me "Page not found". Of course there is no such file in download/files path! It should call for the controller but not the real file. As soon as I delete the extension like the server calls for the controller. I don't understand why it doesn't recognize the file name just as parameter and tries to find the file.
There is absolutely the same behaviour if I try to do with other controllers - as soon as parameter doesn't have any extension it works good else the server looks for the file.
The most strange thing is everything works good locally but doesn't work on the server (worked not tool long but then stopped).
It looks strange to me too. A workaround would be to encode the dot (.) like, for example,
test.pdf -> test++pdf
and then decode it then decode it back.
Probably not the best solution, but will certainly solve the problem.
