Eclipse Helios cannot access the specified device, path or file - windows-7

I installed (downloaded) Eclipse Helios (SR2-win32-x86_64). When I start eclipse.exe, I get the following error message window:
Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access them.
This link: How to fix ""Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file.." when rerun the program? is about a custom application, but it is the same message.
I changed the permissions of all the folders to write & read permissions. And I still get the error. I am running on Windows 7, 64-bit machine.
I run the program as administrator and get the same results.
Before installing eclipse, I downloaded and installed Java (jdk-6u25-nb-7_0-windows-ml.
Any ideas on how to fix this?
Edit 1:
The eclipse.exe file has *Allow Full control` permission for each user listed in the "Group or user names:" box.

This has been resolved. The company has a utility SOPHOS which was interfering with the installation of Eclipse.


How to add Cargo to PATH required for pywinpty when deploying to Heroku?

I am getting the following error on Windows:
Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH.
remote: This package requires Rust and Cargo to compile extensions.
I've installed Rust and cargo is in the path, but the problem persists. Does anybody know why this is happening?
Error message is the same as in this post.
Heroku's stack runs on Ubuntu. Cargo is required by pywinpty but that's a library required for communicating with Windows processes. You may need it for your local environment but you don't need it for Heroku. You should try removing pywinpty from your requirements.txt when you deploy to Heroku.
If you want a temporary solution
Open a command line prompt (cmd) and execute
that will show you the actual, current path. Inspect it to see whether the necessary directories are really absent. If they are, execute
path=%path%;directory you want to add;other directory you want to add
The path will be available in the command prompt for as long as it's open. If they are present, reboot the computer, the addition to the path may have been delayed after installation.
The permanent solution
For Win10 but I guess instructions are not very different for other flavors.
Open System properties, find Environment Variables. In the dialog that pops up you will see System Variables, among which you will see Path. Select it, click edit and add the directories you need via the New button. Close all popup boxes and reboot (always a good idea when Windows is stubborn ;-) )

iFuse to access iPhone files on Windows

Trying to use iFuse to access iPhone files on Windows but not getting anyway. Would appreciate if people can share instructions/steps on how to get this to work?
iFuse to access iPhone files on Ubuntu works well; therefore, I am confident the issue is on Windows.
Unzip in the above link
make sure iTune is installed
Install the specified Dokan version; doesn't seem to work with the latest Dokan version
Open a command window in Admin mode to run the command (e.g. ifuse tmnt --container bundle ID)
While the command is still running in the Admin window, open another command window to list the mounted directory

Windows deletes make executable file upon running. Why?

I am trying to get some code running which uses make. I've downloaded and installed both MinGW (standard 32 bit) and TDM-GCCs flavor of MinGW on my 64-bit Windows 7 machine.
When I run make (i.e. mingw32-make.exe) in Administrator mode, I get the following error message:
Windows cannot access the specified path, or file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item.
The weird/scary part is that, upon running, it immediately deletes the exe file.
I ran a checksum SHA1 as recommended in the comments using the Microsoft (R) File Checksum Integrity Verifier V2.05:
C:\path\to\folder>fciv.exe -sha1 mingw32-make.exe
// File Checksum Integrity Verifier version 2.05.
c8ae5c780ab7bed652883d6443b5bfe5e23d30c9 mingw32-make.exe
I don't understand what this output means, but maybe it's helpful to someone.
This happens regardless of where the file is located on my pc.
This behavior is specific to the make program (others such as gfortran and gcc appear to be working fine)
Renaming the file makes no difference.
I am an administrator on the pc
Same behavior when I run the program from the explorer or command line.
My anti-virus program (Avast) does not detect any problems with the file when I scan it.
I got the MinGW setup file from this SourceForge page.
I got the TDM-GCC web installer from this page.
The file size is 219,662 bytes (from both the main MinGW and TDM-GCC packages)
I have run make from the command line where I have started the command prompt by way of selecting Run as Administrator in the context menu.
I have also tried to run make by selecting Run as Administrator when I have it selected.
I run the command mingw32-make when this behavior occurs. I have also tried renaming it to things like make and foo with the same result.
The first time this happened with both MinGW it deleted the original file and I re-installed it using the mingw-get application. From thereon after I started making copies of the original mingw32-make for testing.
For the make executable, I have all permissions (including Read & execute) except the special permissions field.
After using the process manager I found out it was indeed Avast that was the problem :S A couple of lines revealed avast actually deleted the file before windows got around to executing it, which was the reason for the windows message. I put Avast on 'Silent Mode' a while back; I thought the only purpose of this mode was to suppress notifications about minor updates, but apparently it also gave Avast permission to deal with 'threats' silently as well.
After figuring that out the solution was straightforward. I just went into the settings and created an exception for the mingw32-make.exe file. It now runs without issue.
Thanks very much for your help everyone!
User account has administrator privilege but when user started to work , not all privilege are taken in account , just start your application for compiling with run with administrator mode try this :

ArangoDB installation in Windows 8

I downloaded ArangoDB version 2.3.4 and tried to install it on my Windows 8 OS.
During the installation, I had been prompted to choose the default path or All Users and such. I opted for default path, which installed the application under the path C:\Program Files\ArangoDB 2.3.4\bin. After successfully installed ArangoDB, I tried to open the console and typed arangod.exe. It prompted me some error message:
ERROR cannot open datafile "c:\program files\arangodb 2.3.4 ....\logfile-207139.db': 'No Error'
ERROR cannot open datafile "c:\program files\arangodb 2.3.4 ....\logfile-207139.db": system error
ERROR could not inspect WAL logfiles: system error
FATAL unable to start WAL logfile manager
I am not sure what's going wrong, but I tried uninstall and reinstall with All User option and it worked by showing me
ArangoDB is ready for business. Have fun!
However, the ArangoDB was installed under the C:\Users\Public\Documents\ArangoDB 2.3.4 folder, which I think is not appropriate. Anyone knows how to install by selecting the default path on Windows 8?
I have finally found a solution on this. Go to the var folder security tab and click on Advanced then Disable the inheritance. It works for me now

How to auto-upgrade program (Inno Setup) on windows 7 without being admin?

I use Inno setup to install python package (py2exe) on the program files folder. the first installation require admin privileged and it is ok.
The application has automatically upgrade option (it download the new setup exe ad run it in silence mode)
The problem is that it fails because the user is not admin.
My first though was to install the first installation in {pf} folder, but to install the updated pyc in the user folder. and somehow to tell the app to check for pyc in this folder.
But I don't know how to do it and if it can be done
A normal application can not run an installer to update a system wide location without it asking for/requiring full admin access.
As it's best practice to prompt/warn the user before an upgrade the UAC prompt shouldn't be a problem.
