vs.net 2010 tfs checking in - visual-studio-2010

a few questions about vs.net 2010 tfs in a multi developer environment:
1. should it be checking in code first and then 'get latest' or vice versa in order not to break the build?
2. is it possible to checkin just one file without breaking the build?

You should get the latest version before checking in and merging changes from TFS with your edits. If you would just check in your changes the files on TFS would get replaced with your versions, removing any changes commited by others.


Permanently excluding folders from being checked in

Every time I want to check my code into my VSTS repository, I need to tell Visual Studio 2017 to exclude a few folders such as node_modules, wwwroot/dist, etc.
How do I mark these folders as excluded so that VS doesn't have to ask me every time I need to check my code in?
You can use a .tfignore file as described here to achieve it in team foundation version control (tfvc). If you are using Git version control with VSTS it is gitignore.

How to automate excluding deleted files on checkin?

I have a VERY large project which just went through an upgrade process. The upgrade is a process external to Visual Studio. As a result, files that are deleted by the upgrade process do not get properly detected by TFS so TFS pukes on checkin saying that it can't find the file.
The problem is that there are several hundred files that need to be excluded to resolve the issue. I could do this for days before I'm done. I'm pretty sure my boss would prefer it not take several days.
Is there a quick way to find and automate the exclusion of these files so I can just be done with it?
You have two options...
Use a Local Workspace - if you go into the settings of your Workspace you can change it from Server to Local. This will allow the changes to be detected automatically. You may need to copy everything out and then back in if you have already made the changes...
Reconcile the difference - You can use the TFS 2013 Power Tools and the "tfpt online /adds /deletes /diff /noprompt /recursive directory-name" command...How to have TFS 2010 detect changes done to files outside of Visual Studio?

AnkhSVN Merging Trunk into Branch

I'm trying to merge changes from a Trunk into a Branch. Previously when I've tried this everything has worked perfectly however in this instance the merge wizard has a cross next to "No uncommitted changes" and will not let me proceed. I've done everything I can think of to resolve this but as I have no entries in my "Pending changes" window I'm at a loss as to what could be the problem!
Any help or guidance on what to try next would be very much appreciated! I'm using Visual Studio 2012 with the latest stable 2.4 AnkhSVN release.
TL:DR - Downloaded TortoiseSVN and used it and VisualSVN server console to see exactly what was going on.
This was impossible to resolve with AnkhSVN alone. I downloaded TortoiseSVN and inspected the solution - turns out I had a tree conflict with one of my folders that had been renamed - logged into the VisualSVN Management server and deleted the "old" (original named) folder directly and pulled an update.
The next issue I discovered was the "obj" folder had somehow crept into the mix which was causing problems as visual studio loves updating files in here and so there were ALWAYS files to commit. Used TortoiseSVN to "Unversion and add to ignore list" on all the obj folders (Have about five projects in the solution that this had happened to!) and committed.
Once these steps had been taken I was able to update within Visual Studio using AnkhSVN and then use the AnkhSVN merge wizard to pull the changes from Trunk to Branch.

Developing from a previous version or build using Team Foundation Server

Hi and thanks for your time.
I work with a small development group and we are working on a project using Team Foundation Server on Visual Studio 2010.
We would like to know what we have to use to go back and work with a previous version or build of the project.
Can we use TFS Version Control, TFS Build Server or TFS Source Control ???
How can I do this???
Does this help? --> tf rollback
Thank your very much four your help !
If you want to get the previous version of a directory for instance, in the Source Control Explorer right click on the directory, then choose "Get specific version..." then select the way you want to choose the version you want to get.
Typically you'll have to come up with a older changeset id then its version will be retrieved locally.
tf rollback is used to "cancel" a given changeset (a changeset is the result of a check-in operation) by creating another one that negate the changes. So it's used when you did a wrong check-in on some files and you want to revert to the previous state.

Using TortoiseMerge with Visual Studio and TFS - Merge Target (not found)

I want to set up TortoiseMerge as a merge tool in Visual Studio 2010. I'm using TFS for source control. In Visual Studio I configured TortoiseMerge to be a merge tool and gave it parameters specified here /base:%3 /mine:%2 /theirs:%1 /basename:%8 /minename:%7 /theirsname:%6 /merged:%4 /mergedname:%9
When I try to merge, the Merge Target says that it is not found. What am I missing?
I have been using TortoiseMerge for years and that message always appears during merge. Not sure why, but merging works, saving the file works (it's considered you've done the merge) and most importantly VS (or TF.EXE) picks up the merged file and asks you for confirmation when you're done.
Enjoy it :-)
