I want to set up TortoiseMerge as a merge tool in Visual Studio 2010. I'm using TFS for source control. In Visual Studio I configured TortoiseMerge to be a merge tool and gave it parameters specified here /base:%3 /mine:%2 /theirs:%1 /basename:%8 /minename:%7 /theirsname:%6 /merged:%4 /mergedname:%9
When I try to merge, the Merge Target says that it is not found. What am I missing?
I have been using TortoiseMerge for years and that message always appears during merge. Not sure why, but merging works, saving the file works (it's considered you've done the merge) and most importantly VS (or TF.EXE) picks up the merged file and asks you for confirmation when you're done.
Enjoy it :-)
I am attempting to create an extension that will periodically check to see if the user has the latest version of all files in a specific project or branch. This specific project/branch is going to be determined by what item is checked out for editing. The reason for creating this extension is to create reminders every time a file becomes unsynced. This will prevent merging into items that are out of date.
I am also working with Gated Check-ins, so it would be advantageous if I could check for latest version after a gated build succeeds.
I am having trouble finding the APIs for TFS integration when making an extension for visual studio. I am also having trouble finding an API to use to make a direct TFS extension. I am assuming this is because everything that has to do with TFS commands should be done using TFS command line commands.
I am running TFS and VS 2015.
Thanks in advance for the help!
You can use NuGet packages of TFS API:
All the DLL's also stored in the following location, you can take them and use in your project:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TeamFoundation\Team Explorer
A good tutorial on how to use the API you can find here.
I have a VERY large project which just went through an upgrade process. The upgrade is a process external to Visual Studio. As a result, files that are deleted by the upgrade process do not get properly detected by TFS so TFS pukes on checkin saying that it can't find the file.
The problem is that there are several hundred files that need to be excluded to resolve the issue. I could do this for days before I'm done. I'm pretty sure my boss would prefer it not take several days.
Is there a quick way to find and automate the exclusion of these files so I can just be done with it?
You have two options...
Use a Local Workspace - if you go into the settings of your Workspace you can change it from Server to Local. This will allow the changes to be detected automatically. You may need to copy everything out and then back in if you have already made the changes...
Reconcile the difference - You can use the TFS 2013 Power Tools and the "tfpt online /adds /deletes /diff /noprompt /recursive directory-name" command...How to have TFS 2010 detect changes done to files outside of Visual Studio?
I use a server workspace for my Visual Studio / TFS setup because our project far exceeds the 100,000 file recommended limit for local workspaces.
One of the drawbacks of a server workspace is that Visual Studio cannot automatically detect changes to files in the workspace if these changes have been made outside of Visual Studio.
If I believe there may be undetected changes lurking in my workspace, how can I tell Visual Studio to actively/explicitly check the integrity of the workspace. I.E. I need a "get" operation that assumes that zero pending changes may actually be incorrect.
There is a PowerTools command tfpt online which looks for files which have had their read-only attribute removed (if you were messing with them on the train home for example) but I guess you might have new files and need something like detected changes in local workspaces.
If you go into Source Control explorer you can right click your folder, select compare and then play around with what you need to compare the server to your local copy (file types, new files, different files etc)
TFPT Online:
If you are using TFS 2013+ and Visual Studio 2013+ then you can use the "tf reconcile" command to analyse the differences.
The power tools "tfpt online" command has been depricated for some time.
I have a project on SourceSafe that the team work with VS 2005.
I have installed VS2010 and like some features of this version.
Is there a way that I keep the project to day with SourceSafe, but however work locally with VS2010.
Say, I could not add new files to solution, but at least obtain, modify and archive the existing ones.
You can update all of the source files pretty safely unless you're adding code that is new since VS 2005. The main difference between the VS versions is in the project, and the solution files. What you can do is make your local project and solution files writable, and then use your source control to modify the source files. When all is said and done though you'll want to build it in 2005 (with the SourceSafe versions of the project and solution files) to make sure it all still works.
Also note that the conversion utility in Visual Studio that converts projects from previous VS versions is only intended to convert projects from the previous version. Since VS 2010's previous version is VS 2008 and not VS 2005 you may have to perform manual changes on your solution and project settings to get everything to build. The main thing that comes to mind is how global include directories are handled. If you have access to VS 2008 convert it to that first, and then to VS 2010.
Besides targetting the 2.0 framework VS2010 will still let you use new language features so you have to be careful.
And as Ben Burnett said, the sourcesafe binding doens't have to be a problem as long as you don't check out project and solution files. You can remove the read only flag from them so VS2010 can edit them, but they don't need be be checked into sourcesafe.
But I really wonder which feature you like so much about VS2010 that you want to restrict yourself to not be able to add, remove or rename files from your project.
For two of my VS 2005 C++ projects, VS wants to write to the .sln file when I build the projects. I have got a number of other VS 2005 C++ projects where this is not the case. It is a problem as due to the fact that we have ClearCase source control integrated with our VS 2005 installations and when we try and run an overnight build via batch files, the build pauses as a ClearCase check out dialog box is displayed.
Looking at what VS is changing in the .sln files, it is the second GUID on the project line.
Before building:
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "InterCommClientB", "InterCommClientB.vcproj", "{A2AF232A-7F27-4340-81D5-8ABFD10994D2}"
After building:
Project("{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}") = "InterCommClientB", "InterCommClientB.vcproj", "{67BE85B7-3234-484E-88FB-4F0E42096583}"
Any help gratefully received. I am new to VS 2005, as we have only recently migrated from VC++ 6.0, so apologies if I have missed something obvious.
We are running VS 2005 Professional Edition, with SP1 installed.
I had similar problem. It seems that when converting projects from old versions of VS (like 6 or 2003) VS 2010 is not adding Project GUID to the .vcxproj file. Because of that when you open solution including such project VS will recreate GUID for such project, and will change .sln file but will not change .vcxproj file. So another time you open such solution the situation will be the same and the .sln file may change again.
See this: http://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/586258/missing-projectguid-in-vcxproj-files
I am guessing here, but it looks like some changes have been made to the InterCommClientB project(project, not the files in the project). When this happens the sln is updated, in this case only the project GUID.
My best guess to resolve this issue would be to manually build the solution and then checkin the changes. This way the sln file won't change on build.
My second best guess is that you already made this changes at your computer and it is working fine, but you did not get lattest version on the pc where you do the night build .
This might be totally out there - but sometimes Visual Studio fails to check-in a Solution file when it's been modified and while the Solution is open in Visual Studio. Try closing Visual Studio, and only then committing the Solution file.
If it isn't that, there might be some other agency causing the Solution file to need to change the GUIDs its using. In one instance, I was using .NET tools from National Instruments, and they has a licensing scheme that would trigger that sort of action (modification of extraneous files for not good reason) whenever I went to do a rebuild.
Please take a careful look at the output from the build (in the log, or the output window) - you may find some further clues there!