GWT Project Structure - spring

Right now in our project, we have below mentioned structure. Our project is mainly using GWT & Spring framework.
com.customername.projectname.client.module name
com.customername.projectname.client.rpc.module name
com.customername.projectname.shared.validator.module name
com.customername.projectname.server.module name
com.customername.projectname.spring.dao.module name
com.customername.projectname.spring.service.module name
Our application.gwt.xml contains below entry for source which needs to be coverted in to java script.
source path='client'
source path='shared'
As we are using spring at the server side, we are using spring annotation to mark the services and DAO and then in applicationContext.xml we are using below configuration to scan the DAO and Service Layer.
<context:component-scan base-package>
Now our client wants to go with below mentioned structure. Grouping everything by module. Also in our case module is not GWT module. It is just like diff. parts of the application.
My question is:
Is the upper approach is recommended considering it is very large application?
If the above approach is to be implemented , how to go about setting up the packages/source files which needs to be converted by gwt compiler from java to java script. Should I mention each module name in application.gwt.xml?

Question 1) I agree with edwardTheGreat, your initial package structure sounds perfectly reasonable. You will only have to list the client and shared packages (the ones that need compiled into javascript) in your gwt.xml file.
Question 2) If you do change the package structure, like you've mentioned, you will have to list every module's client and shared directories in your gwt.xml file. As Daniel said, you could break each module out into it's own "GWT module," and then inherit the GWT modules you need in each application module.
To achieve this, you would have to make each inherited GWT module's source available to the inheriting module. Whether you do this through Maven, Ant, etc., doesn't matter. But the top-level GWT module must have compile-time access to the source for all inherited GWT modules. For example:
<module rename-to='A'>
<inherits name='org.example.B' />
... other inherits, entry-point, etc. ...
<source path='client' />
<source path='shared' />
With this structure, module 'A' must have access to the source of module 'B'. Module 'B' can be built as you normally would a GWT module, but then, at compile-time, module 'A' must have B's source on the classpath.

To answer the second question, you should have one .gwt.xml file for each module, pointing out the client (and shared) directories in that module. For the GWT modules that use other GWT modules, you should use "inherit" in the .gwt.xml file to refer to them.
This page describes some of these concepts quite well:

Question 1)
If it makes sense to you, and other developers it sounds like a fairly decent project structure. (Taken from Here)
You should bundle these classes and
the interface in a package for several
reasons, including the following:
You and other programmers can easily determine that these types are
You and other programmers know where to find types that can provide
graphics-related functions.
The names of your types won't conflict with the type names in other
packages because the package creates a
new namespace.
You can allow types within the package to have unrestricted access to
one another yet still restrict access
for types outside the package.
Question 2)
Let me just clarify, in Regards to:
Should I mention each module name in application.gwt.xml?
you mean packages right?
<entry-point class='com.customername.projectname.AppEntryPoint'/>
<source path="modulename.client"/>
<source path="modulename.anotherpackage"/>
Any package (starting from the package that the .gwt.xml is in) in the GWT Module, should be referenced in the .gwt.xml if it is to be compiled by the GWT Compiler, any sub-packages of the referenced packages will automatically be compiled by the GWT Compiler.
Not Sure what your question is in regard to the Spring Configuration.
Hope that Helps.


How to control module loading order in Liberty profile

I have an ear file with a web module and a ejb module(just used for message driven beans). The ejb module has dependency on web module and it's classes. I would need to load the web module first and then ejb module. But the liberty always loading the ejb module first causing java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
How to control the order of modules loading within the same ear file? On traditional webshpere there is an option called 'Starting weight'. Whichever module has lowest value takes precedence and loads it first. so the application works good on tradition Websphere. However, this property seems missing on Liberty. I already looked at this. It only talks about deploying the multiple war files and their order.
If your EJB module depends on Web, that is bad design. It should be the other way around.
If you have such situation , proper way would be to extract shared classes in to a common jar file, let say mycommon.jar and then put that into ear\lib folder. In this way they will be visible by both modules ejb and web.
If your EJB module depends on the javax web api (e.g. servletRequest) that is even worse, and you should redesign such classes to POJO DTOs.
As a last resort you could try what is described here and add <initialize-in-order>true</initialize-in-order> in your application.xml.
FRowe's solution will not work, as classes are not shared between the applications, so changing load order of apps will not help. Each Java™ EE application has its own class loader in a running Liberty server.
Consider using the ability to control app start order as described here:
You'll have to deploy the war module as an app instead of packaging it within the ear, but you should be able to achieve the proper ordering.

Spring Boot Multi Module and Fat jar with Shared Features

I need some expert advice on how to approach the below use case in spring boot.
I need to have a maven multi-module approach to my project.
I need to have a single jar as output of the final build process.
There are to be common modules for controllers, data access and other functionality
Other modules are to be created based on functionality domain for eg a module for Payroll, a module for Admin etc etc.
Each domain functional module will then have their own controllers extending the common controller, exception handler and so on.
Each module will also have its own set of thyme leaf pages.
The reason for following such an approach is we have development in phases and we will be rolling out based on functional modules.
Here are the issues that I can sense using this approach.
Where do I add the spring web dependency? If I add to the parent pom - it gets replicated across the children and there will be port conflict issues as each module loads. the same issue will also be there the moment I add it to two child modules.
How do I build the fat jar which has all the jars from all modules and works as the final deployment?
All the text that I read i can't see anything even close to what I am trying to achieve.
AD1. They will not unless you are trying to setup independent application context in each module. Of course you can do that(it might be complicated but I believe it's achievable), but for me it's an overkill. Personally I think it's better to have one application context and rely on scanning components that are present in classpath.
AD2. The structure in maven might be a little bit complicated and overwhelming at first glance but it makes sense. Here's how I see it:
Create a parent module that will aggregate each module in project and will declare library/plugin dependencies for submodules.
Create 1-N shared submodules that will be used in other modules. With come common logic, utils, etc.
Create 1-N submodules that will be handling your business logic
Create an application submodule that creates application context and loads configuration and components from classpath
Create a submodule that will be responsible for packaging process, either to war, jar, uber-jar or whatever else you desire. Maven jar plugin should do that for you. For executable uber-jar, you have dedicated tool from spring.
Now you can choose three ways(these ways I know) of loading your modules.
1. Include some modules in maven build based on the build configuration via maven profiles and let spring IoC container load all the components he finds in the classpath
2. Include all of the modules in maven build and load them depending on spring active profiles - you can think about it as of feature flag. You annotate your components or configuration class with #Profile("XYZ") telling spring IoC container whether to instantiate component or not. You will need (most flexible solution) to provide a property file which tells spring which profiles are active and thus which modules should be loaded
3. Mix of these two above.
Solution 1 pros:
build is faster (modules that are not included will be skipped during build)
final build file is light (modules that are not included are... not included ;))
nobody can run module that is not present
Solution 1 contras:
project descriptor in maven may explode as you might have many different profiles
Solution 2 pros:
it's fairly easy and fun to maintain modules from code
less mess in project descriptor
Solution 2 contras:
somebody can run module that is not intended to be run as it's present in classpath, but just excluded during runtime via spring active profiles
final build file might be overweight - unused code is still present in code
build might take longer - unused code will be compiled
It's not easy to build well structured project from scratch. It's much more easier to create a monolith and then split it into modules. It's because if you already created a project, you've probably already identified all the domains and relations between them.
Over past 8 years of using maven, I honestly and strongly recommend using gradle as it's far more flexible than maven. Maven is really great tool, but when it comes to weird customization it often fails as it's build capabilities rely on plugins. You can't write a piece of code on the fly to perform some custom build behaviour while buidling your project, you must have a dedicated plugin for doing that. If such plugin exists it's fine, if it's not you will probably end up writing your own and handling its shipment, so anyone in your company can easily perform project build.
I hope it helps. Have fun ;)

SpringBoot creating a framework starter library

I am creating a library using spring-boot (v2.1.6.RELEASE) as a starter project that will facilitate as base extension jar responsible for configuring and starting up some of the components based on client project properties file.
The issue I am facing is that if the client project's SpringBoot Application class contains the same package path as library everything works like charm! but when client project contains different package path and includes ComponentScan, it is not able to load or start components from the library.
Did anyone encounter this issue? how to make client application to auto-configure some of the components from library jar?
Note: I am following the library creation example from here:
There are many things that can go wrong here, without seeing relevant parts of actual code its hard to tell something concrete. Out of my head, here are a couple of points for consideration that can hopefully lead to the solution:
Since we use starters in our applications (and sometimes people use explicit component scanning in there spring applications) and this obviously works, probably the issue is with the starter module itself. Don't think that the fact that the component scan is used alone prevents the starter from being loaded ;)
Make sure the starter is a: regular library and not packaged as a spring boot application (read you don't use spring boot plugin) and have <packaging>jar</packaging> in your pom.xml or whatever you use to build.
Make sure you have: src/main/resources/META-INF/spring.factories file
(case sensitive and everything)
Make sure that this spring.factories file indeed contains a valid reference on your configuration (java class annotated with #Configuration). If you use component scanning in the same package, it will find and load this configuration even without spring factories, in this case, its just kind of another portion of your code just packaged as a separate jar. So this looks especially "suspicious" to me.
Make sure that #Configuration doesn't have #Conditional-something - maybe this condition is not obeyed and the configuration doesn't start. For debugging purposes maybe you even should remove these #Conditional annotations just to ensure that the Configuration starts. You can also provide some logging inside the #Configuration class, like: "loading my cool library".

NoClassDefFoundError: in Web Sphere liberty Profile

I have deployed the one ear inside the dropins folder and one of the war file from the ear is referencing the jar which i kept outside folder (Shared->config->lib->global). External jars which i kept global folder is again referring few jar which resides in the ear and this time i am getting "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError"
Can you please suggest how to give reference .
<webApplication contextRoot="/xyz" id="zyx" location="xyz.ear" name="xyz" type="ear">
<classloader commonLibraryRef="global,filterjars"></classloader>
Common shared libraries cannot load classes from application binaries. When using common libraries, you can think of them as a one-way connection.
The application's classloader can delegate to common shared libraries, but not the other way around.
Common libraries are implemented as their own classloader so they must contain all dependencies.
On the other hand, private libraries have their classpaths appended to the application classloader's classpath - so they could load classes provided by the application, but this is not a good practice. For example, if a private library depends on ClassA that application1 provides, it will work just fine for application1, but might break in application2 that might not provide ClassA (or might provide an incompatible version of it).
If you have classes in your shared libraries that depend on classes in your application, I would either recommend putting all of those classes in the shared library - or putting all of the shared library classes in the application (or WAR, etc.). I personally prefer the latter - self-contained applications are much more portable and less likely to run into classloader/dependency issues (i.e. app1 needs version X of some dependency, but app2 needs need version X+5...).
Hope this helps,

Need understanding of spring.handlers and spring.schemas

I have some questions derived from a problem that I have already solved through this other question. However, I am still wondering about the root cause. My questions are as follows:
What is the purpose of spring.handlers and spring.schemas?
As I understand it's a way of telling the Spring Framework where to locate the xsd so that everything is wired and loaded correctly. But...
Under what circumstances should I have those two files under the META-INF folder?
In my other question linked above, does anybody know why I had to add the maven-shade-plugin to create those two files (based on all my dependencies) under META-INF? In other words, what was the ROOT CAUSE that made me have to use the maven shade plugin?
What is the purpose of spring.handlers and spring.schemas?
well you more or less found it out by yourself, let's add some more details:
some spring libraries contain a spring.schemas and a spring.handlers file inside a META-INF directory
re-maps(*) schemalocation to a xsd inside the library
(abstract) only re-mapped versions are supported by this library
provides namespace handler classes for specific namespaces
the namespace handler class provides the parser logic to parse spring-batch beans, like job,
step, etc.
(*) the actual re-mapping happens during the build of the spring application context
Under what circumstances should I have those two files under the
META-INF folder?
normally the files are inside the spring library jars you use, but you can use the mechanism to implement own namespace bean parsing, then you would have own files
In my other question linked above, does anybody know why I had to add
the maven-shade-plugin to create those two files (based on all my
dependencies) under META-INF? In other words, what was the ROOT CAUSE
that made me have to use the maven shade plugin?
if you use a spring namespace in your spring configuration, you need the appropriate files
the problem arises when you want to run a java application:
with a main class either
the spring libraries need to be on the classpath
or all is merged into one jar, which has to be on the classpath (*)
as war/ear server application, the spring libaries need to be on the classpath, normally inside the war
i guess you did not start the mainclass with the complete classpath and i updated my answer for your first question too
(*) if you merge all into one jar, you have to make sure, that the contents of all spring.schemas/spring.handlers files are merged into one spring.schemas and one spring.handlers file, see this answer for a configuration with maven to create an all-in-one.jar
