Running application after install was finished - installation

I prepared an MSI project of my app and added a custom action in the commit stage to run the exe of the app after finishing the install. After finishing the setup , it try to run the exe by it failed . I debugged the problem , it was because the execute directory is system32 and not the setup folder . if I run the exe normally from the setup folder , it run normally.
Any suggestion what is the cause.
Wasim ...

If you want to launch the installed application after installation completes, you should do it after InstallFinalize action. Look at WiX tutorial to see how to add this feature.
Update: To add checkbox to the Completion page and run the installed application, look at this question. There's a link to an article which describes how to do it with a script to do it. Then you will have to add the condition, the steps can be found in my answer there.

You can try using a type 34 custom action (EXE with working directory).


Facing issue regarding installation in hybris6.6

While installing the hybris, my localextension.xml is creating in comment form. I am very new in hybris ecommerce development.
So I have followed below steps for installing the hyrbis -
Installed the zip version of Hybris 6.6
Unzip it
From Platform folder, I opened the terminal and ran ". ./" And after that I ran "ant clean all" and after the build completed succesfully all folders got created in Hybris folder.
Then I ran "./" and my server got started successfully.
Then I ran "https://localhost:9002/" over that I initialize and it also went successfully.
When I try to access hmc or backoffice it is giving me 404 page not found error.
I checked my localextension.xml file and found all the extensions generated as a comment as shown below.
Could anyone help me out where I am doing the mistake.
Thanks in advance.
If you are using original package you need to install a receipt. Go to install folder.
Run below command for listing existing receipt
./ -l
Prepare b2c with acc:
./ -r b2c_acc
Initialize b2c with acc (Also you can use ant clean all for this step):
./ -r b2c_acc initialize
Start hybris (Also you can use ./ start for this step):
./ -r b2c_acc start
When you do "ant all" for the first time and set-up the config folder, it generates a localextensions.xml file which contains extensions that are commented out. If you initialize and start Hybris using this setting, you get nothing, except the HAC.
To enable HMC, you need to at least have "platformhmc" extension enabled (i.e. not commented out) in localextensions. So, stop Hybris, uncomment platformhmc, and do another build (i.e. "ant all"). After that, you can do a Platform Update, or a Platform Initialize (to build from scratch again). When it's done, and you've started Hybris, HMC should be accessible.
Or, if you want more features enabled by default, you can do #mkysoft's suggestion and use recipes.

Run Script with xCode Server Bot

I am running a on-commit Bot to build, analyze, unit tes and archive my App and it works perfectly.
I have a script (*.sh) in my porject that I want to run at the end of a success analysis. I am using xcode 7.3 now and i tried the following:
In the trigger section call ./, but the bot could not find it.
I tried to add $SCROOT, still no luck
I tried to copy the script to bin but since the bot runs under that __xcbuild user it did not see it, and I do not want to mess with adding permission to /bin and /usr/bin
All I want is to run a script against the code the that the bot just pulled on success.
The source used by Xcode CI will be under a cache folder stored in an environment variable called:
Your file should be somewhere under that path

izpack without run-privileged cannot write to C:\MyDirName

I have a custom Java app and an IzPack installer. For years, in my izpack build file I had the following:
<run-privileged condition="|izpack.windowsinstall.7"/>
The problem is that some of the users do not have admin privilege on their PCs, but they still want to be able to install the package. If I remove the above, they can run the installer but then it complains "This directory cannot be written!", when they try to install in the default location, which is C:\OPENDCS.
Yet the same user can create this directory either from a CMD or an Explorer window.
Is there a way to allow the izpack installer to create a directory directly under C:\ without running as an administrator?
Please check the behavior with izpack v5.0.7. The problem you mentioned should be fixed with this issue:
You could package your directory create operations in a create-dirs.bat batch file, which you would mark <executable> and execute stage="postinstall". This way the directory creation will be executed with the given user's permissions, which (according to your post) should work just fine.
EDIT 29/02/2016: You would put this file into a first "dummy" <pack>, mark it <executable> and execute stage="postinstall" as stated above, which would execute it after this first dummy pack was installed. At the installation of the next pack (i.e. your first useful pack) you will already have the folder created.
Note that postinstall will not run the batch file after the installation, but after the <pack>'s installation.

custom action fails to execute

During the installation that I made I run in custom action file called ConfigurationUtility.exe witch should create a SQL database with some parameters. It should run some scripts in directory \scripts where the utility is copied. But I have this error in event log: "Action ConfigurationUtility.exe, location: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI4724.tmp, command: -dbname NewDB -username sa -password .....
I think it's happens because the installer trying to run it from C:\Windows\Installer\MSI4724.tmp but not from the Installation folder.
Setup package is built with Advanced Installer.
How can I fix it?
You have not configured the custom action correctly.
If you want it to run some scripts from the installation folder where it is placed you should call the EXE using the custom action "Launch installed file". You should not launch it as an attached file custom action (only this type of custom actions get extracted as temp files and launched as in your example)
Also, since this is an EXE I recommend you give it full admin rights to run, otherwise the system might stop it from running. To do this configure the custom action to "When the system is being modified" and "Run under the LocalSystem account with full privileges", and make sure it is scheduled to run after "Add Resources" group (where Advanced Installer ads it by default)

Changing the user executing the build script in Atlassian Bamboo

Here is my problem:
I have a python build script building a .air package and deploying it on a server. If I run this script from a cmd.exe window, there is no problem, the files are correctly created and deployed.
But I would like to use Bamboo to be able to build my app everytime I commit/push changes. I configured it but have a serious problem: the .air package is created but the deployment (with a fabric script) doesn't finish... I noticed that the process is launched by 'Administrator' in a cmd.exe and by SYSTEM trough Bamboo. I think that this is the problem (maybe SYSTEM cannot find the ssh host or whatever), so I wanted to know if someone knows how to change the user executing the script to 'Administrator'.
Yes, you can change the user that your bamboo server runs as. I recently posted an answer with details on how do just that in Windows Mercurial global keychain . All the documentation for the windows stuff in the wrapper file can found at .
