Changing the user executing the build script in Atlassian Bamboo - windows

Here is my problem:
I have a python build script building a .air package and deploying it on a server. If I run this script from a cmd.exe window, there is no problem, the files are correctly created and deployed.
But I would like to use Bamboo to be able to build my app everytime I commit/push changes. I configured it but have a serious problem: the .air package is created but the deployment (with a fabric script) doesn't finish... I noticed that the process is launched by 'Administrator' in a cmd.exe and by SYSTEM trough Bamboo. I think that this is the problem (maybe SYSTEM cannot find the ssh host or whatever), so I wanted to know if someone knows how to change the user executing the script to 'Administrator'.

Yes, you can change the user that your bamboo server runs as. I recently posted an answer with details on how do just that in Windows Mercurial global keychain . All the documentation for the windows stuff in the wrapper file can found at .


How to automatically git pull and rebuild app on remote server when required?

When i want to update my app running on server, i should ssh to server, cd to app folder, execute git pull, then i should run npm build, next i should restart the server. How to automate this with bash script or something? Is it the case for which jenkins stands for (or some other tools)?.
But how to do this with simple bash script or something?
I dont need the rebuilding of an app every time i push to git, only when i need to update and restart everything.
Also it there a way if build take a lot of time notify me by email that build success?
For now eery time i do update for remote app, i should wait with open terminal when it builded and only then i can close the sshed terminal. Some time builds take a lot of time.
You can simply script those commands, and put that script on your server.
That way, all you need to do is to ssh to that server and call that script, which will execute those commands on demand.
Is it the case for which jenkins stands for (or some other tools)?
Not in this case, since it is purely on demand: you can execute the script through a simple ssh call, no need for Jenkins.

Jenkins with Docker on Windows - Cannot run program "nohup"

I am using the Jenkins Azure VM Agents Plugin with a Linux Master, to launch jobs on Windows agents.
I have been through all the configuration steps and everything works fine until I try to use Docker on the agents.
My pipeline script:
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
image ''
registryUrl ''
registryCredentialsId '123456789abcdefg'
The pipeline appears to fails on when it runs this command:
docker pull
The error reported comes down to this:
Caused: Cannot run program "nohup" (in directory "C:\Jenkins\workspace\Test Pipeline Docker"): CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified
Some notes:
I have ticked the box to install git on the image:
The Git tools appear to be successfully installed on the agent VM
This question seems to be related but is it not exactly the same
I am not running the sh command directly, it is being run by the plugin.
I do not think I have access to set the PATH at this stage
This issue on JIRA is related, but it does not seems to be fixed and the suggested workarounds don't seem to apply to my situation
My question
Is there a way to get my pipeline script to work? Maybe there are some extra commands I can somehow execute on the agent after it launches - but before the docker pull command - to add the required directories to the PATH?
Or is there some other workaround?
I think you were on the right track with the question you already found:
Jenkins pipeline sh fail with "cannot run program nohup" on windows
But, according to the wiki page of the docker-pipeline plugin, running docker on windows workers is not supported (a bit hidden though...):
For Jenkins environments which have macOS, Windows, or other agents, which are unable to run the Docker daemon, this default setting may be problematic. []
As far as I can see, there were several tries to add that feature, but it doesn't seem to be added (yet):
In the last link it is also stated, that fixing the sh/nohup issue will not be your only problem, for example the docker plugin will try to run id to get the user.
Nevertheless, you could try to make linux commands available by editing the path in your pipeline declaration:
Just saw this question is 3 years old... Well. But since there was no answer so far, and a lot of people still seem to get here, it might still help someone.

Gradle :Could not create service of type FileHasher

I'm using Gradle to build a java project.
When I run any task (assemble, test).
I get randomly an error :
Could not create service of type FileHasher using
Did any one had the same issue before?
Gradle V:3.5
java 8
I'm using the java plugin.
I was facing the same because I accidentally hit ctrl+z during build, and then the error was the same as yours.
I tried to remove the lock file but it didn't solve the problem.
Then I find all the process related to gradle by ps aux | grep gradle, and then kill -9 <pid> them all. The build backed to normal.
In your terminal type this:
./gradlew build
and the outcome would be:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Could not create service of type FileHasher using GradleUserHomeScopeServices.createCachingFileHasher().
> Timeout waiting to lock file hash cache (/Users/zra/.gradle/caches/4.1-rc-1/fileHashes). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance.
Owner PID: 17571
Our PID: 26055
Owner Operation:
Our operation:
Lock file: /Users/xxx/.gradle/caches/4.1-rc-1/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock
now do:
rm /Users/xxx/.gradle/caches/4.1-rc-1/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock
and build again.
P.S replace xxx with whatever username you've.
What worked for me was removing the lock file like suggested in the answer above: rm /Users/xxx/.gradle/caches/4.1-rc-1/fileHashes/fileHashes.lock and also killing the IDLE processes by running the command
./gradlew --status
It generates a list of gradle processes with status like
23580 IDLE 5.2.1
23860 IDLE 5.2.1
19058 STOPPED (stop command received)
Then kill one of the idle processes by kill <PID> and run the gradle build again.
One simple cause is that gradle daemon is not started with the same environment variable.
I had the same issue while changing the gradle user home.
Simply stop the daemon:
gradle --stop
change the ownership of .gradle/ using the following command:
sudo chown -R <USERNAME> .gradle/
I couldn't find this info elsewhere, posting in case it helps someone:
I had the same issue while running Android Studio on ChromeOS (on Chromebook).
I had shared a Google Drive folder with Linux (by selecting a folder, right-clicking and selecting Share with Linux) and created my project there. Build failed with this error, and removing the lock file did nothing for me.
Problem was resolved for me by re-creating the project under a 'Linux folder'.
If the OS is Windows.
Try this: gradlew build
Find de PID Process
And in CMD execute this command
In my case, I was keeping the entire project in a folder managed by Google Drive Stream. Since that's a very rudimentary filesystem, Android Studio (or Git or Gradle, I can't tell which) was trying to do something on the FS that Google Drive Stream doesn't allow.
I simply moved the project onto my local drive and that fixed it!
I got the same error when I tried to execute ./gradlew from WSL2 ubuntu.
As suggested by #user16115, I stopped the running gradle in my host machine (windows machine) by issuing command gradlew.bat --stop.
After stopping the gradle in my host machine, I issued the same command ./gradlew in WSL2, gradle worked as expected.
ps: I have mounted my C:/ drive into WSL2 ubuntu.
This was same problem for me before some days and now only it's your or the user reading this solution.
Uninstall full android studio (means- 'after uninstall from control panel, delete folders of Android Studio,')
folders to be deleted:
C:\Program Files -> Android,
C:\Users{user folder name} -> .android & .gradle & {other folders related to Android Studio}
Reinstall form it's .exe and make sure your PC in connected with internet and with proper speed.
Download all SDK files as mention in that and keep downloading in Android Studio only. [do not download form other source- otherwise it will show errors, be careful]
Click on new project and select empty project and give the name and click on finish.
you will redirect to another window and than the main thing starts that is installation of GRADLE so for this you should have high connectivity of internet and that it will download automatically and and and now your are ready to go.
I had the same issue and the solution was to login with the correct user and then run gradle. I was logged in with a user that didn't had rights to run the tasks.
I just moved a project from Download folder (on Mac) to another one
If you try to build an inner project - try to go to root project and call
./gradlew <moduleName>:<command>
The easiest solution in my case wast to run
In case of linux
sudo ./gradlew bundleRelease
if windows then login with the user who has highest privileges.
Because this error occurred due to insufficient permissions

How to use expect for remote deployment using script

I am trying to automate deployment on the remote server.After doing some investigation I came across two approaches:
1.Using expect
2.Using sshpass
I want to run a script file with deployment steps,without manually entering any password or any other input parameter required by my script from command line.
Please suggest me the right approach.
I went through Ref1 and downloaded expect5.45.tar. Can anyone please let me know what should I do next. I am not able to install as I don't have admin rights.
Would Jenkins not suite this questions. Jenkins will allow for script control as an environmental file as well as control over the remote host (via the publish over ssh plugin).
This would allow you to automated your process.

Run Jenkins' Cygwin script as user

I have Jenkins running on Windows, and I have a build that works fine under CygWin bash from the CygWin terminal, so I now want to automate it. However, using this script:
The system reports me as nt authority\system, not the ken that I get when using an interactive shell. Is there an easy way to persuade Jenkins or CygWin to run as me?
Most likely you are running jenkins with default installation. You have two options. First is mentioned in the comment. Change the "Service account" to be same as yours.
Second option is derived from best practices. Run the jenkins master on a system with backup etc. Configure slave node with your account credentials. Change the project configuration to build on the specific node.
(It is possible to run slave and master on same machine with different credentials - just in case you want to try out things)
The real problem I was having was not that the shell script was running as the wrong user, but that the shell script was not executing the default /etc/profile. So, the solution was simply:
#!C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l
I was still nt authority\system, but now I had the correct environment set up and could run make successfully.
Note also that if I create a /home/system directory I can add .bash_profile, etc, to that directory to further customise the build environment.
