GitExtensions Configuration error - visual-studio-2010

I installed GitExtensions for the main purpose of using GitHub with my visual studio 2010. When I start up GitExtensions, I get 2 errors in my checklist and also a startup error that says:
Access to path 'c:\program files(x86)\GitExtensions\.gitconfig' is denied.
There is no .gitconfig file in that directory. It wont allow me to setup the needed information such as my name and email. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

It shouldn't be looking for .gitconfig there.
It should be in C:\users\username\.gitconfig Make sure you have setting like below:

This is probably caused by a known bug in the latest version of Git Extensions. The bug is fixed already but the new version is not released yet. You can download the latest release candidate here:
You could also fix this by moving .gitconfig from c:\program files\gitextensions.gitconfig to c:\users\username.gitconfig manually. GitExtensions will detect the new location and will use it.


VSCode - Maven.archetype.generate fails

I get the below error message when I try to run the command in VSCode.
Command "maven.archetype.generate" fails. Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
As far as I can see, I have all plugins/extensions but cannot work out why it won't work. I found this but still cannot get it to work, however I can run apps for files created before I updated VSCode to version 1.32.1. I just cannot create new ones.
It's look like a bug.
Are you running the commands without any workspace or folder open?
Open a folder first, see if the issue still exists. If it's gone, I
suppose it's because of a potential NPE which is fixed by PR #276 but
not released yet. Please let me know the result.
It worked for me!
See more:
From command line, type in:
mvn --version
to see if Maven is installed properly.
You need maven and jdk installed for maven to work.
Check out the “Before you begin” here:
What is probably happening is that you do not have Maven or JDK installed, or you have not set the system variables properly. These installations are not the same as the plugins/extensions found in Visual Studio Code. These are in addition to that.

Git: fatal: fsync error on 'sha1 file': Bad file descriptor

I'm using VS Code with Git - it's in portable location C:\_DEV\bin\git and is also added to Windows PATH so it works just fine with no remotes.
I have a OneDrive _GIT folder where I have some of my "remote" repositories, that sync between 2 devices (sometimes, I have it there mainly for backup purposes).
The error appears when I want to commit changes, only way to "fix" this issue is to restart the computer, so I'd like to find a way how to fix it properly. The problem is, it doesn't appear always and not for all repositories, it's pretty random.
I think it's because of sync from/to OneDrive. Is there a command I can run to fix the file descriptor? Or other way to prevent it?
git remote --verbose
git ls-tree -l HEAD -- a:\new\theme\assets\sass\main.scss
git show 97a333c5e7fce816dbb46a5c1235d69e61836726
git show HEAD:theme/assets/sass/main.scss
git add -A -- a:\new\theme\assets\sass\main.scss
fatal: fsync error on 'sha1 file': Bad file descriptor
Thanks to #edward-thomson.
I had same problem on my PC, where i mapped a folder under my homedrive to E:
by sharing the folder, so i could shortcut it to
Solution was to use the full path in CMD or use the shortcut to homedrive from git bash:
I guess your A: likewise is a share, that you can access with a full path probably also located somewhere under your homedrive.
I am posting late to help others get to the solution faster than I did. The actual culprit was elusive, and I tried everything from re-installing GIT to creating new repositories.
This happened to me in windows and it was due to a change in permissions in a parent folder somewhere.
The solution was to simply disconnect and remap the folder.
I have had this error a lot recently, and the above answers helped, but another thing that also seems to cause it is VS itself running.
Try closing VS, then doing a "Git Bash Here" from Explorer and using the command line only.
Once done you can then reopen VS.
I also have mapped my root webspace as a drive.
This is no problem until files are watched (like with npm run watch).
I faced same issue. I just resolved this issue with the following steps:
1- Close Visual Code
2- Open project on git bash command line
3- Commit the code again
I had the same problem with visual studio 2017. My solution was to close visual studio, then open Visual studio CODE and merge the files there.
Restarting VS Code works. A bit easier than disconnecting and re-mapping the folder (which also works).
I just had the same problem. In my case the problem was low disk space. Hope this helps someone.

Compatibility Mode error when installing Visual Studio SDK (vssdk)

Whenever I try to install the Visual Studio SDK I get the following error:
Windows Program Compatibility mode is on. Turn it off and then try Setup again.
I have checked and Compatibility mode is not turned on. From what I've read, renaming the installer to vssdk_full.exe should help. That hasn't had any impact.
I got the installer from Microsoft's website.
What do I need to do to get this to install?
Are you installing on Windows 10? If so, then I have the same problem and it seems as though the current SDK setup is checking the Windows version and 10 isn't currently supported. See for more info
I have managed to get it to install on windows 10, download the sdk, it will download vssdk_full.exe, run this with /layout path which will extract the actual setup file.
Then set compatibility on the new file to win 8 and it will install just fine.
You might not need to do the/layout thing but that is what I did.
I had the same problem. I downloaded .iso file with install package form the internet. Then I mounted it using PowerISO and tried to start it from virtual CD drive. It ended up in the same message as above.
I looked it up and thought that in Properties of .exe install file, it's enough to uncheck some boxes compability section. But nothing was checked.
Soon afterwards I unzipped the package to a temporary directory with PowerISO and installed Visual from there. Worked without problems.
I had this problem, I renamed the instalation file to "vssdk_full.exe" and it installed without problems.

SDK location not found error when using gradle import in Eclipse

I am trying to import the sample from this link:
After I unzip the file, I try to import it as a gradle project, but I keep getting this error:
A problem occurred evaluating root project 'theplanethatcouldntflygood-master'.
SDK location not found. Define location with sdk.dir in the file or with an ANDROID_HOME environment variable.
I then attempted to add my sdk location to the ANDROID_HOME environment :
export ANDROID_HOME=/Applications/Development/adt-bundle-mac-x86_64-20140321/sdk
However, this did not fix the error. All the other questions I found on stack overflow related to this error seems to be with Android Studio, but I am having this issue in Eclipse.
All my software downloads are completely up to date since I just downloaded them today. I checked to see if there were any other updates required, and there isn't. I obtained the Eclipse extension for Gradle from this link:
I am currently running on OS X Version 10.9.3.
I searched for answers on git hub to see if anyone else was having similar issues with this code but I couldn't find anything, so I am likely doing something very wrong. Almost all recommendations with Android Studio were to add the sdk location to the ANDROID_HOME environment, so I am lost as to what I should do to fix this. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I found this frustrating, too! Especially since adding the ANDROID_HOME didn't seem to help.
What worked for me was creating a file named with the contents being:
Save the file in the root directory of the project (in the same folder as gradlew, gradlew.bat, etc.).

How fix building workspace error in Zend Studio?

How to fix building workspace problem in Zend Studio?
I'm trying to rename project and rename folder of project, however nothing:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'JavaScript
Validator' on project 'PROJECT'.
you must go to Project->Properties->Builders then disable ‘Javascript Validator’.
The bug has been fixed, you can either wait for the new release or apply the patch :
I had similar problem and mine is that the saving workspace process try to write in one of the file and it can't even it is available under .metadata directory.
This is how I did:
Open the .metadata directory and look for that particular file, yours can be different, so
change it to read and write for this file then restart eclipse.
It fixed the problem!.
My OS: Ubuntu 10.04 , Eclipse SDK 3.5.2
Hope this help...
