How to align stack at 32 byte boundary in GCC? - gcc

I'm using MinGW64 build based on GCC 4.6.1 for Windows 64bit target. I'm playing around with the new Intel's AVX instructions. My command line arguments are -march=corei7-avx -mtune=corei7-avx -mavx.
But I started running into segmentation fault errors when allocating local variables on the stack. GCC uses the aligned moves VMOVAPS and VMOVAPD to move __m256 and __m256d around, and these instructions require 32-byte alignment. However, the stack for Windows 64bit has only 16 byte alignment.
How can I change the GCC's stack alignment to 32 bytes?
I have tried using -mstackrealign but to no avail, since that aligns only to 16 bytes. I couldn't make __attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer)) work either, it aligns to 16 bytes anyway. I haven't been able to find any other compiler options that would address this. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I tried using -mpreferred-stack-boundary=5, but GCC says that 5 is not supported for this target. I'm out of ideas.

I have been exploring the issue, filed a GCC bug report, and found out that this is a MinGW64 related problem. See GCC Bug#49001. Apparently, GCC doesn't support 32-byte stack alignment on Windows. This effectively prevents the use of 256-bit AVX instructions.
I investigated a couple ways how to deal with this issue. The simplest and bluntest solution is to replace of aligned memory accesses VMOVAPS/PD/DQA by unaligned alternatives VMOVUPS etc. So I learned Python last night (very nice tool, by the way) and pulled off the following script that does the job with an input assembler file produced by GCC:
import re
import fileinput
import sys
# fix aligned stack access
# replace aligned vmov* by unaligned vmov* with 32-byte aligned operands
# see Intel's AVX programming guide, page 39
vmova = re.compile(r"\s*?vmov(\w+).*?((\(%r.*?%ymm)|(%ymm.*?\(%r))")
aligndict = {"aps" : "ups", "apd" : "upd", "dqa" : "dqu"};
for line in fileinput.FileInput(sys.argv[1:],inplace=1):
m = vmova.match(line)
if m and in aligndict:
s =
print line.replace("vmov"+s, "vmov"+aligndict[s]),
print line,
This approach is pretty safe and foolproof. Though I observed a performance penalty on rare occasions. When the stack is unaligned, the memory access crosses the cache line boundary. Fortunately, the code performs as fast as aligned accesses most of the time. My recommendation: inline functions in critical loops!
I also attempted to fix the stack allocation in every function prolog using another Python script, trying to align it always at the 32-byte boundary. This seems to work for some code, but not for other. I have to rely on the good will of GCC that it will allocate aligned local variables (with respect to the stack pointer), which it usually does. This is not always the case, especially when there is a serious register spilling due to the necessity to save all ymm register before a function call. (All ymm registers are callee-save). I can post the script if there's an interest.
The best solution would be to fix GCC MinGW64 build. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of its internal workings, just started using it last week.

You can get the effect you want by
Declaring your variables not as variables, but as fields in a struct
Declaring an array that is larger than the structure by an appropriate amount of padding
Doing pointer/address arithmetic to find a 32 byte aligned address in side the array
Casting that address to a pointer to your struct
Finally using the data members of your struct
You can use the same technique when malloc() does not align stuff on the heap appropriately.
void foo() {
struct I_wish_these_were_32B_aligned {
vec32B foo;
char bar[32];
}; // not - no variable definition, just the struct declaration.
unsigned char a[sizeof(I_wish_these_were_32B_aligned) + 32)];
unsigned char* a_aligned_to_32B = align_to_32B(a);
I_wish_these_were_32B_aligned* s = (I_wish_these_were_32B_aligned)a_aligned_to_32B;
s->foo = ...
unsigned char* align_to_32B(unsiged char* a) {
uint64_t u = (unit64_t)a;
mask_aligned32B = (1 << 5) - 1;
if (u & mask_aligned32B == 0) return (unsigned char*)u;
return (unsigned char*)((u|mask_aligned_32B) + 1);

I just ran in the same issue of having segmentation faults when using AVX inside my functions. And it was also due to the stack misalignment. Given the fact that this is a compiler issue (and the options that could help are not available in Windows), I worked around the stack usage by:
Using static variables (see this issue). Given the fact that they are not stored in the stack, you can force their alignment by using __attribute__((align(32))) in your declaration. For example: static __m256i r __attribute__((aligned(32))).
Inlining the functions/methods receiving/returning AVX data. You can force GCC to inline your function/method by adding inline and __attribute__((always_inline)) to your function prototype/declaration. Inlining your functions increase the size of your program, but they also prevent the function from using the stack (and hence, avoids the stack-alignment issue). Example: inline __m256i myAvxFunction(void) __attribute__((always_inline));.
Be aware that the usage of static variables is no thread-safe, as mentioned in the reference. If you are writing a multi-threaded application you may have to add some protection for your critical paths.


How do I disable ASLR for heap addresses for a program compiled and linked with mingw-w64 GCC? [duplicate]

For debugging purposes, I would like malloc to return the same addresses every time the program is executed, however in MSVC this is not the case.
For example:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int test = 5;
printf("Stack: %p\n", &test);
printf("Heap: %p\n", malloc(4));
return 0;
Compiling with cygwin's gcc, I get the same Stack address and Heap address everytime, while compiling with MSVC with aslr off...
...I get the same Stack address every time, but the Heap address changes.
I have already tried adding the registry value HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management\MoveImages but it does not work.
Both the stack address and the pointer returned by malloc() may be different every time. As a matter of fact both differ when the program is compiled and run on Mac/OS multiple times.
The compiler and/or the OS may cause this behavior to try and make it more difficult to exploit software flaws. There might be a way to prevent this in some cases, but if your goal is to replay the same series of malloc() addresses, other factors may change the addresses, such as time sensitive behaviors, file system side effects, not to mention non-deterministic thread behavior. You should try and avoid relying on this for your tests.
Note also that &test should be cast as (void *) as %p expects a void pointer, which is not guaranteed to have the same representation as int *.
It turns out that you may not be able to obtain deterministic behaviour from the MSVC runtime libraries. Both the debug and the production versions of the C/C++ runtime libraries end up calling a function named _malloc_base(), which in turn calls the Win32 API function HeapAlloc(). Unfortunately, neither HeapAlloc() nor the function that provides its heap, HeapCreate(), document a flag or other way to obtain deterministic behaviour.
You could roll up your own allocation scheme on top of VirtualAlloc(), as suggested by #Enosh_Cohen, but then you'd loose the debug functionality offered by the MSVC allocation functions.
Diomidis' answer suggests making a new malloc on top of VirtualAlloc, so I did that. It turned out to be somewhat challenging because VirtualAlloc itself is not deterministic, so I'm documenting the procedure I used.
First, grab Doug Lea's malloc. (The ftp link to the source is broken; use this http alternative.)
Then, replace the win32mmap function with this (hereby placed into the public domain, just like Doug Lea's malloc itself):
static void* win32mmap(size_t size) {
/* Where to ask for the next address from VirtualAlloc. */
static char *next_address = (char*)(0x1000000);
/* Return value from VirtualAlloc. */
void *ptr = 0;
/* Number of calls to VirtualAlloc we have made. */
int tries = 0;
while (!ptr && tries < 100) {
ptr = VirtualAlloc(next_address, size,
if (!ptr) {
/* Perhaps the requested address is already in use. Try again
* after moving the pointer. */
next_address += 0x1000000;
else {
/* Advance the request boundary. */
next_address += size;
/* Either we got a non-NULL result, or we exceeded the retry limit
* and are going to return MFAIL. */
return (ptr != 0)? ptr: MFAIL;
Now compile and link the resulting malloc.c with your program, thereby overriding the MSVCRT allocator.
With this, I now get consistent malloc addresses.
But beware:
The exact address I used, 0x1000000, was chosen by enumerating my address space using VirtualQuery to look for a large, consistently available hole. The address space layout appears to have some unavoidable non-determinism even with ASLR disabled. You may have to adjust the value.
I confirmed this works, in my particular circumstances, to get the same addresses during 100 sequential runs. That's good enough for the debugging I want to do, but the values might change after enough iterations, or after rebooting, etc.
This modification should not be used in production code, only for debugging. The retry limit is a hack, and I've done nothing to track when the heap shrinks.

Sharing memory with the kernel and compiler optimizations

a frame is shared with a kernel.
User-space code:
read frame // read frame content
_mm_mfence // prevent before "releasing" a frame before we read everything.
frame.status = 0 // "release" a frame
Kernel code:
poll for frame.status // reads a frame's status
Kernel can poll it asynchronically, in another thread. So, there is no syscall between userspace code and kernelspace.
Is it correctly synchronized?
I doubt because of the following situation:
A compiler has a weak memory model and we have to assume that it can do wild changes as you can imagine if optimizied/changed program is consistent within one-thread.
So, on my eye we need a second barrier because it is possible that a compiler optimize out store frame.status, 0.
Yes, it will be a very wild optimization but if a compiler would be able to prove that noone in the context (within thread) reads that field it can optimize out it.
I believe that it is theoretically possibe, isn't it?
So, to prevent that we can put the second barrier:
User-space code:
read frame // read frame content
_mm_mfence // prevent before "releasing" a frame before we read everything.
frame.status = 0 // "release" a frame
Ok, now compiler restrain itself before optimization.
What do you think?
[The question is raised by the issue that __mm_fence does not prevent before optimizations-out.
#PeterCordes, to make sure myself: __mm_fence does not prevent before optimizations out (it is just x86 memory barrier, not compiler). However, atomic_thread_fence(any_order) prevents before reorderings (it depends on any_order, obviously) but it also prevents before optimizations out?
For example:
// x is an int pointer
*x = 5
*(x+4) = 6
prevents before optimizations out of stores to x? It seems that it must- otherwise every store to x should be volatile.
However, I saw a lot of lock-free code and there is no making fields as volatile.
_mm_mfence is also a compiler barrier. (See When should I use _mm_sfence _mm_lfence and _mm_mfence, and also BeeOnRope's answer there).
atomic_thread_fence with release, rel_acq, or seq_cst stops earlier stores from merging with later stores. But mo_acquire doesn't have to.
Writes to non-atomic globals variables can only be optimized out by merging with other writes to the same non-atomic variables, not by optimizing them away entirely. So the real question is what reorderings can happen that can let two non-atomic assignments come together.
There has to be an assignment to an atomic variable in there somewhere for there to be anything that another thread could synchronize with. Some compilers might give atomic_thread_fence stronger behaviour wrt. non-atomic variables, but in C++11 there's no way for another thread to legally observer anything about the ordering of *x and x[4] in
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<int> shared_flag {0};
int x[8];
void writer() {
*x = 0;
x[4] = 0;
x[4] = 1;
atomic_thread_fence(mo_release);, mo_relaxed);
The store to shared_flag has to appear after the stores to x[0] and x[4], but it's only an implementation detail what order the stores to x[0] and x[4] happen in, and whether there are 2 stores to x[4].
For example, on the Godbolt compiler explorer gcc7 and earlier merge the stores to x[4], but gcc8 doesn't, and neither do clang or ICC. The old gcc behaviour does not violate the ISO C++ standard, but I think they strengthened gcc's thread_fence because it wasn't strong enough to prevent bugs in other cases.
For example,
void writer_gcc_bug() {
*x = 0;
std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
*x = 2; // gcc7 and earlier merge this, which arguably a bug
gcc only does shared_flag = 1; *x = 2; in that order. You could argue that there's no way for another thread to safely observe *x after seeing shared_flag == 1, because this thread writes it again right away with no synchronization. (i.e. data race UB in any potential observer makes this reordering arguably legal).
But gcc developers don't think that's enough reason, (it may be violating the guarantees of the builtin __atomic functions that the <atomic> header uses to implement the API). And there may be other cases where there is a real bug that even a standards-conforming program could observe the aggressive reordering that violated the standard.
Apparently this changed on 2017-09 with the fix for gcc bug 80640.
Alexander Monakov wrote:
I think the bug is that on x86 __atomic_thread_fence(x) is expanded into nothing for x!=__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, it should place a compiler barrier similar to expansion of __atomic_signal_fence.
(__atomic_signal_fence includes something as strong as asm("" ::: "memory" ).)
Yup that would definitely be a bug. So it's not that gcc was being really clever and doing allowed reorderings, it was just mostly failing at thread_fence, and any correctness that did happen was due to other factors, like non-inline function boundaries! (And that it doesn't optimize atomics, only non-atomics.)

How can I enable UnAligned Access for ARM NEON in LLVM compiler?

What is the flag to enable unaligned memory access for ARM NEON in LLVM compiler.
I was testing my ARM NEON intrinsic program in Xcode. I am accessing data from unaligned memory:
char TempMemory[32] = {0};
char * pTempMem = TempMemory;
pTempMem += 7;
int32x2_t i32x2_value = vld1_lane_s32((int32_t const *) pTempMem, i32x2_offset, 0);
Equivalent assembly for the intrinsic should be VLD1.32 {d0[0]}, [pTempMem], but the compiler align it to next multiple of 32 and access data. Because of that, my program is not working fine.
So, How can I enable unaligned access in LLVM compiler?
This isn't actually a NEON problem, it's a C problem, and the issue is:
vld1_lane_s32((int32_t const *) pTempMem , i32x2_offset, 0);
Casting a pointer is a message to the compiler saying "hey, I know this looks bad, but trust me, I really know what I'm doing". Converting a pointer to type A to a pointer to type B, if the pointer does not have suitable alignment for type B, gives undefined behaviour. Therefore the compiler is free to assume that the argument to vld_1_lane_s32 is always 32-bit aligned because there's no valid way it couldn't be (and you've promised you know what you're doing), so it emits the instruction with the alignment hint.
Now, you could fiddle around with options in an attempt to get a different kind of undefined behaviour that matches what you want, but that's just bodging around the problem rather than fixing it. That the underlying NEON instruction set can support unaligned accesses doesn't affect the C language's definition of and restrictions around data alignment.
I'm not familiar with how clever LLVM is, so I'm not sure if simply omitting the pointer cast would work (technically, C permits converting char * to any other type of data pointer, so it should be able to sort out the alignment itself). Otherwise, the solution is to use an appropriate vld*_u8 operation to load the data into the vector via the correct type, then cast that with vreinterpret_s32_u8 once it's in the register.

Stack Guard and Stack Smashing Protection - canaries, memory

I have a few questions about Stack Guard and SSP protections. First question is about Stack Guard and its three types of canaries, if I am correctly - terminator, random and random XOR.
I'd like to know, how to disabled Stack Guard on x86 Linux system? Somewhere I read, it's possible with this command, while compiling with gcc '-disable-stackguard-randomization', it's same like with this command for enable '-enable-stackguard-randomization', both doesn't work. If needed, my gcc version is 4.8.2.
Next question about Stack guard, when I will able to enable/disable it, how can I set, which type of canaries I want to use? What I read, terminator canaries are used by default, for random I have to compiled with '-enable-stackguard-randomization', but how about random XOR? (Or with null 0x00000000)
Now about SSP(ProPolice), I know, for random canary I have to compiled with 'fstack-protector-all', but how about terminator, is it same as in Stack Guard, by default?
Last one, if anyone of you, can tell me, where I can find random canary in memory. For example, I have this scenario - compiled C program, like 'gcc -g example.c -o example -fstack-protector-all', so with random canaries. Let's say, I'm able to get address of canary, after every execution. So expect, I have: Canary = 0x1ae3f900. From a different papers, I get some info, that canary is located in .bss segment. So I get address of .bss segment using readelf: 'readelf -a ./example | grep bss'. It's 080456c9. In gdb I set some breakpoints, to get address of canary, but when I check .bss address x/20x 0x080456c9, all I see are only 0x00000000 addresses, but
canary is nowhere. Plus, I checked __stack_chk_fail's if it isn't there, but with same result, I can't see it there. I get address of stack_chk_fail from PLT/GOT.
Thank in advance for your answer and time.
Stack Smashing Protection (SSP) is an improvement over StackGuard. SSP was first implemented in gcc 4.1.
I'd like to know, how to disabled Stack Guard on x86 Linux system?
Use -fno-stack-protector to disable the userland SSP.
The --disable-stackguard-randomization and --enable-stackguard-randomization are build options for glibc source code.
when I will able to enable/disable it, how can I set, which type of
canaries I want to use?
This is not configurable in gcc as far as I know. Since glibc 2.10, the stack canary is generated in a function called _dl_setup_stack_chk_guard. Here is some part of its code:
if (dl_random == NULL)
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 1] = 255;
ret.bytes[sizeof (ret) - 2] = '\n';
memcpy (ret.bytes, dl_random, sizeof (ret));
ret.num &= ~(uintptr_t) 0xff;
dl_random holds the address of the auxiliary vector entry for AT_RANDOM, which is a 16-byte random value initialized by the kernel while creating the process. If you are running on a kernel or an emulator that doesn't initialize AT_RANDOM, the check dl_random == NULL would be true and the canary used is the terminator value with the first and second most significant bytes initialized to 255 and \n, respectively. All other bytes are zero. Usually AT_RANDOM is initialized by the kernel and so the least 7 significant bytes of AT_RANDOM are copied. The last byte of canary is set to zero.
So if you want to use a particular method to generate the canary, you can change this code and build you own glibc.
As an alternative method, #PeterCordes have suggested in the comments to write your canary value to memory location %%fs:0x28 (see the code below) at the top of the main function and restore the runtime-generated canary just before returning from main.
Now about SSP(ProPolice), I know, for random canary I have to compiled
with 'fstack-protector-all', but how about terminator, is it same as
in Stack Guard, by default?
All variants of the -fstack-protector option use SSP. These don't affect how the canary is generated.
Last one, if anyone of you, can tell me, where I can find random
canary in memory.
The canary is generated dynamically early at process startup; you can't use readelf to get the canary. According to this article, you can use the following code to get the canary when compiling for i386:
int read_canary()
int val = 0;
__asm__("movl %%gs:0x14, %0;"
: "=r"(val)
return val;
and for x86_64:
long read_canary()
long val = 0;
__asm__("movq %%fs:0x28, %0;"
: "=r"(val)
return val;

How to reference segment beginning and size from C code

I am porting a program for an ARM chip from a IAR compiler to gcc.
In the original code, IAR specific operators such as __segment_begin and __segment_size are used to obtain the beginning and size respectively of certain memory segments.
Is there any way to do the same thing with GCC? I've searched the GCC manual but was unable to find anything relevant.
More details:
The memory segments in question have to be in fixed locations so that the program can interface correctly with certain peripherals on the chip. The original code uses the __segment_begin operator to get the address of this memory and the __segment_size to ensure that it doesn't overflow this memory.
I can achieve the same functionality by adding variables to indicate the start and end of these memory segments but if GCC had similar operators that would help minimise the amount of compiler dependent code I end up having to write and maintain.
What about the linker's flag --section-start? Which I read is supported here.
An example on how to use it can be found on the AVR Freaks Forum:
const char __attribute__((section (".honk"))) ProjString[16] = "MY PROJECT V1.1";
You will then have to add to the linker's options: -Wl,--section-start=.honk=address.
Modern versions of GCC will declare two variables for each segment, namely __start_MY_SEGMENT and __stop_MY_SEGMENT. To use these variables, you need to declare them as externs with the desired type. Following that, you and then use the '&' operator to get the address of the start and end of that segment.
extern uint8_t __start_MY_SEGMENT;
extern uint8_t __stop_MY_SEGMENT;
#define MY_SEGMENT_LEN (&__stop_MY_SEGMENT - &__start_MY_SEGMENT)
