Sharing memory with the kernel and compiler optimizations - linux-kernel

a frame is shared with a kernel.
User-space code:
read frame // read frame content
_mm_mfence // prevent before "releasing" a frame before we read everything.
frame.status = 0 // "release" a frame
Kernel code:
poll for frame.status // reads a frame's status
Kernel can poll it asynchronically, in another thread. So, there is no syscall between userspace code and kernelspace.
Is it correctly synchronized?
I doubt because of the following situation:
A compiler has a weak memory model and we have to assume that it can do wild changes as you can imagine if optimizied/changed program is consistent within one-thread.
So, on my eye we need a second barrier because it is possible that a compiler optimize out store frame.status, 0.
Yes, it will be a very wild optimization but if a compiler would be able to prove that noone in the context (within thread) reads that field it can optimize out it.
I believe that it is theoretically possibe, isn't it?
So, to prevent that we can put the second barrier:
User-space code:
read frame // read frame content
_mm_mfence // prevent before "releasing" a frame before we read everything.
frame.status = 0 // "release" a frame
Ok, now compiler restrain itself before optimization.
What do you think?
[The question is raised by the issue that __mm_fence does not prevent before optimizations-out.
#PeterCordes, to make sure myself: __mm_fence does not prevent before optimizations out (it is just x86 memory barrier, not compiler). However, atomic_thread_fence(any_order) prevents before reorderings (it depends on any_order, obviously) but it also prevents before optimizations out?
For example:
// x is an int pointer
*x = 5
*(x+4) = 6
prevents before optimizations out of stores to x? It seems that it must- otherwise every store to x should be volatile.
However, I saw a lot of lock-free code and there is no making fields as volatile.

_mm_mfence is also a compiler barrier. (See When should I use _mm_sfence _mm_lfence and _mm_mfence, and also BeeOnRope's answer there).
atomic_thread_fence with release, rel_acq, or seq_cst stops earlier stores from merging with later stores. But mo_acquire doesn't have to.
Writes to non-atomic globals variables can only be optimized out by merging with other writes to the same non-atomic variables, not by optimizing them away entirely. So the real question is what reorderings can happen that can let two non-atomic assignments come together.
There has to be an assignment to an atomic variable in there somewhere for there to be anything that another thread could synchronize with. Some compilers might give atomic_thread_fence stronger behaviour wrt. non-atomic variables, but in C++11 there's no way for another thread to legally observer anything about the ordering of *x and x[4] in
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<int> shared_flag {0};
int x[8];
void writer() {
*x = 0;
x[4] = 0;
x[4] = 1;
atomic_thread_fence(mo_release);, mo_relaxed);
The store to shared_flag has to appear after the stores to x[0] and x[4], but it's only an implementation detail what order the stores to x[0] and x[4] happen in, and whether there are 2 stores to x[4].
For example, on the Godbolt compiler explorer gcc7 and earlier merge the stores to x[4], but gcc8 doesn't, and neither do clang or ICC. The old gcc behaviour does not violate the ISO C++ standard, but I think they strengthened gcc's thread_fence because it wasn't strong enough to prevent bugs in other cases.
For example,
void writer_gcc_bug() {
*x = 0;
std::atomic_thread_fence(std::memory_order_release);, std::memory_order_relaxed);
*x = 2; // gcc7 and earlier merge this, which arguably a bug
gcc only does shared_flag = 1; *x = 2; in that order. You could argue that there's no way for another thread to safely observe *x after seeing shared_flag == 1, because this thread writes it again right away with no synchronization. (i.e. data race UB in any potential observer makes this reordering arguably legal).
But gcc developers don't think that's enough reason, (it may be violating the guarantees of the builtin __atomic functions that the <atomic> header uses to implement the API). And there may be other cases where there is a real bug that even a standards-conforming program could observe the aggressive reordering that violated the standard.
Apparently this changed on 2017-09 with the fix for gcc bug 80640.
Alexander Monakov wrote:
I think the bug is that on x86 __atomic_thread_fence(x) is expanded into nothing for x!=__ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, it should place a compiler barrier similar to expansion of __atomic_signal_fence.
(__atomic_signal_fence includes something as strong as asm("" ::: "memory" ).)
Yup that would definitely be a bug. So it's not that gcc was being really clever and doing allowed reorderings, it was just mostly failing at thread_fence, and any correctness that did happen was due to other factors, like non-inline function boundaries! (And that it doesn't optimize atomics, only non-atomics.)


Purpose of _Compiler_barrier() on 32bit read

I have been stepping through the function calls that are involved when I assign to an atomic_long type on VS2017 with a 64bit project. I specifically wanted to see what happens when I copy an atomic_long into a none-atomic variable, and if there is any locking around it.
atomic_long ll = 10;
long t2 = ll;
Ultimately it ends up with this call (I've removed some code that was ifdefed out)
inline _Uint4_t _Load_seq_cst_4(volatile _Uint4_t *_Tgt)
{ /* load from *_Tgt atomically with
sequentially consistent memory order */
_Uint4_t _Value;
_Value = *_Tgt;
return (_Value);
Now, I've read from MSDN that a plain read of a 32bit value will be atomic:
Simple reads and writes to properly-aligned 32-bit variables are
atomic operations.
...which explains why there is no Interlocked function for just reading; only those for changing/comparing. What I'd like to know is what the _Compiler_barrier() bit is doing. This is #defined as
__MACHINE(void _ReadWriteBarrier(void))
...and I've found on MSDN again that this
Limits the compiler optimizations that can reorder memory accesses
across the point of the call.
But I don't get this, as there are no other memory accesses apart from the return call; surely the compiler wouldn't move the assignment below that would it?
Can someone please clarify the purpose of this barrier?
_Load_seq_cst_4 is an inline function. The compiler barrier is there to block reordering with later code in the calling function this inlines into.
For example, consider reading a SeqLock. (Over-simplified from this actual implementation).
#include <atomic>
atomic<unsigned> sequence;
atomic_long value;
long seqlock_try_read() {
// this would normally be the body of a retry-loop;
unsigned seq1 = sequence;
long tmpval = value;
unsigned seq2 = sequence;
if (seq1 == seq2 && (seq1 & 1 == 0)
return tmpval;
// writer was modifying it, we should retry the loop
If we didn't block compile-time reordering, the compiler could merge both reads of sequence into a single access, like perhaps like this
long tmpval = value;
unsigned seq1 = sequence;
unsigned seq2 = sequence;
This would defeat the locking mechanism (where the writer increments sequence once before modifying the data, then again when it's done). Readers are entirely lockless, but it's not a "lock-free" algo because if the writer gets stuck mid-update, the readers can't read anything.
The barrier within each load function blocks reordering with other things after inlining.
(The C++11 memory model is very weak, but the x86 memory model is strong, only allowing StoreLoad reordering. Blocking compile-time reordering with later loads/stores is sufficient to give you an acquire / sequential-consistency load at runtime. x86: Are memory barriers needed here?)
BTW, a better example might be something where some non-atomic variables are read/written after seeing a certain value in an atomic flag. MSVC probably already avoids reordering or merging of atomic accesses, and in the seqlock the data being protected also has to be atomic.
Why don't compilers merge redundant std::atomic writes?

explict flush directive with OpenMP: when is it necessary and when is it helpful

One OpenMP directive I have never used and don't know when to use is flush(with and without a list).
I have two questions:
1.) When is an explicit `omp flush` or `omp flush(var1, ...) necessary?
2.) Is it sometimes not necessary but helpful (i.e. can it make the code fast)?
The main reason I can't understand when to use an explicit flush is that flushes are done implicitly after many directives (e.g. as barrier, single, ...) which synchronize the threads. I can't, for example, see way using flush and not synchronizing (e.g. with nowait) would be helpful.
I understand that different compilers may implement omp flush in different ways. Some may interpret a flush with a list as as one without (i.e. flush all shared objects) OpenMP flush vs flush(list). But I only care about what the specification requires. In other words, I want to know where an explicit flush in principle may be necessary or helpful.
Edit: I think I need to clarify my second question. Let me give an example. I would like to know if there are cases where removing an implicit flush (e.g. with nowait) and instead using an explicit flush instead but only on certain shared variables would be faster (and still give the correct result). Something like the following:
float a,b;
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp for nowait // No barrier. Do not flush on exit.
//code which uses only shared variable a
#pragma omp flush(a) // Flush only variable a rather than all shared variables.
#pragma omp for
//Code which uses both shared variables a and b.
I think that code still needs a barrier after the the first for loop but all barriers have an implicit flush so that defeats the purpose. Is it possible to have a barrier which does not do a flush?
The flush directive tells the OpenMP compiler to generate code to make the thread's private view on the shared memory consistent again. OpenMP usually handles this pretty well and does the right thing for typical programs. Hence, there's no need for flush.
However, there are cases where the OpenMP compiler needs some help. One of these cases is when you try to implement your own spin lock. In these cases, you would need a combination of flushes to make things work, since otherwise the spin variables will not be updated. Getting the sequence of flushes correct will be tough and will be very, very error prone.
The general recommendation is that flushes should not be used. If at all, programmers should avoid flush with a list (flush(var,...)) at all means. Some folks are actually talking about deprecating it in future OpenMP.
Performance-wise the impact of flush should be more negative than positive. Since it causes the compiler to generate memory fences and additional load/store operations, I would expect it to slow down things.
EDIT: For your second question, the answer is no. OpenMP makes sure that each thread has a consistent view on the shared memory when it needs to. If threads do not synchronize, they do not need to update their view on the shared memory, because they do not see any "interesting" change there. That means that any read a thread makes does not read any data that has been changed by some other thread. If that would be the case, then you'd have a race condition and a potential bug in your program. To avoid the race, you need to synchronize (which then implies a flush to make each participating thread's view consistent again). A similar argument applies to barriers. You use barriers to start a new epoch in the computation of a parallel region. Since you're keeping the threads in lock-step, you will very likely also have some shared state between the threads that has been computed in the previous epoch.
BTW, OpenMP may keep private data for a thread, but it does not have to. So, it is likely that the OpenMP compiler will keep variables in registers for a while, which causes them to be out of sync with the shared memory. However, updates to array elements are typically reflected pretty soon in the shared memory, since the amount of private storage for a thread is usually small (register sets, caches, scratch memory, etc.). OpenMP only gives you some weak restrictions on what you can expect. An actual OpenMP implementation (or the hardware) may be as strict as it wishes to be (e.g., write back any change immediately and to flushes all the time).
Not exactly an answer, but Michael Klemm's question is closed for comments. I think an excellent example of why flushes are so hard to understand and use properly is the following one copied (and shortened a bit) from the OpenMP Examples:
//Example mem_model.2c, from Chapter 2 (The OpenMP Memory Model)
int main() {
int data, flag = 0;
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(2)
if (omp_get_thread_num()==0) {
/* Write to the data buffer that will be read by thread */
data = 42;
/* Flush data to thread 1 and strictly order the write to data
relative to the write to the flag */
#pragma omp flush(flag, data)
/* Set flag to release thread 1 */
flag = 1;
/* Flush flag to ensure that thread 1 sees S-21 the change */
#pragma omp flush(flag)
else if (omp_get_thread_num()==1) {
/* Loop until we see the update to the flag */
#pragma omp flush(flag, data)
while (flag < 1) {
#pragma omp flush(flag, data)
/* Values of flag and data are undefined */
printf("flag=%d data=%d\n", flag, data);
#pragma omp flush(flag, data)
/* Values data will be 42, value of flag still undefined */
printf("flag=%d data=%d\n", flag, data);
return 0;
Read the comments and try to understand.

Why doesn't gcc handle volatile register?

I'm working on a timing loop for the AVR platform where I'm counting down a single byte inside an ISR. Since this task is a primary function of my program, I'd like to permanently reserve a processor register so that the ISR doesn't have to hit a memory barrier when its usual code path is decrement, compare to zero, and reti.
The avr-libc docs show how to bind a variable to a register, and I got that working without a problem. However, since this variable is shared between the main program (for starting the timer countdown) and the ISR (for actually counting and signaling completion), it should also be volatile to ensure that the compiler doesn't do anything too clever in optimizing it.
In this context (reserving a register across an entire monolithic build), the combination volatile register makes sense to me semantically, as "permanently store this variable in register rX, but don't optimize away checks because the register might be modified externally". GCC doesn't like this, however, and emits a warning that it might go ahead and optimize away the variable access anyway.
The bug history of this combination in GCC suggests that the compiler team is simply unwilling to consider the type of scenario I'm describing and thinks it's pointless to provide for it. Am I missing some fundamental reason why the volatile register approach is in itself a Bad Idea, or is this a case that makes semantic sense but that the compiler team just isn't interested in handling?
The semantics of volatile are not exactly as you describe "don't optimize away checks because the register might be modified externally" but are actually more narrow: Try to think of it as "don't cache the variable's value from RAM in a register".
Seen this way, it does not make any sense to declare a register as volatile because the register itself cannot be 'cached' and therefore cannot possibly be inconsistent with the variable's 'actual' value.
The fact that read accesses to volatile variables are usually not optimzed away is merely a side effect of the above semantics, but it's not guaranteed.
I think GCC should assume by default that a value in a register is 'like volatile' but I have not verified that it actually does so.
I just did a small test and found:
avr-gcc 4.6.2 does not treat global register variables like volatiles with respect to read accesses, and
the Naggy extension for Atmel Studio detects an error in my code: "global register variables are not supported".
Assuming that global register variables are actually considered "unsupported" I am not surprised that gcc treats them just like local variables, with the known implications.
My test code looks like this:
uint8_t var;
volatile uint8_t volVar;
register uint8_t regVar asm("r13");
#define NOP asm volatile ("nop\r\n":::)
int main(void)
var = 1; // <-- kept
if ( var == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- optimized away, var is not volatile
volVar = 1; // <-- kept
if ( volVar == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- kept, volVar *is* volatile
regVar = 1; // <-- optimized away, regVar is treated like a local variable
if ( regVar == 0 ) {
NOP; // <-- optimized away consequently
The reason you would use the volatile keyword on AVR variables is to, as you said, avoid the compiler optimizing access to the variable. The question now is, how does this happen though?
A variable has two places it can reside. Either in the general purpose register file or in some location in RAM. Consider the case where the variable resides in RAM. To access the latest value of the variable, the compiler loads the variable from RAM, using some form of the ld instruction, say lds r16, 0x000f. In this case, the variable was stored in RAM location 0x000f and the program made a copy of this variable in r16. Now, here is where things get interesting if interrupts are enabled. Say that after loading the variable, the following occurs inc r16, then an interrupt triggers and its corresponding ISR is run. Within the ISR, the variable is also used. There is a problem, however. The variable exists in two different versions, one in RAM and one in r16. Ideally, the compiler should use the version in r16, but this one is not guaranteed to exist, so it loads it from RAM instead, and now, the code does not operate as needed. Enter then the volatile keyword. The variable is still stored in RAM, however, the compiler must ensure that the variable is updated in RAM before anything else happens, thus the following assembly may be generated:
lds r16, 0x000f
inc r16
sts 0x000f, r16
First, interrupts are disabled. Then, the the variable is loaded into r16. The variable is increased, interrupts are enabled and then the variable is stored. It may appear confusing for the global interrupt flag to be enabled before the variable is stored back in RAM, but from the instruction set manual:
The instruction following SEI will be executed before any pending interrupts.
This means that the sts instruction will be executed before any interrupts trigger again, and that the interrupts are disabled for the minimum amount of time possible.
Consider now the case where the variable is bound to a register. Any operations done on the variable are done directly on the register. These operations, unlike operations done to a variable in RAM, can be considered atomic, as there is no read -> modify -> write cycle to speak of. If an interrupt triggers after the variable is updated, it will get the new value of the variable, since it will read the variable from the register it was bound to.
Also, since the variable is bound to a register, any test instructions will utilize the register itself and will not be optimized away on the grounds the compiler may have a "hunch" it is a static value, given that registers by their very nature are volatile.
Now, from experience, when using interrupts in AVR, I have sometimes noticed that the global volatile variables never hit RAM. The compiler kept them on the registers all the time, bypassing the read -> modify -> write cycle alltogether. This was due, however, to compiler optimizations, and it should not be relied on. Different compilers are free to generate different assembly for the same piece of code. You can generate a disassembly of your final file or any particular object files using the avr-objdump utility.
Reserving a register for one variable for a complete compilation unit is probably too restrictive for a compiler's code generator. That is, every C routine would have to NOT use that register.
How do you guarantee that other called routines do NOT use that register once your code goes out of scope? Even stuff like serial i/o routines would have to NOT use that reserved register. Compilers do NOT recompile their run-time libraries based on a data definition in a user program.
Is your application really so time sensitive that the extra delay for bringing memory up from L2 or L3 can be detected? If so, then your ISR might be running so frequently that the required memory location is always available (i.e. it doesn't get paged back down thru the cache) and thus does NOT hit a memory barrier (I assume by memory barrier you are referring to how memory in a cpu really operates, through caching, etc.). But for this to really be true the up would have to have a fairly large L1 cache and the ISR would have to run at a very high frequency.
Finally, sometimes an application's requirements make it necessary to code it in ASM in which case you can do exactly what you are requesting!

Atomic operations in ARM

I've been working on an embedded OS for ARM, However there are a few things i didn't understand about the architecture even after referring to ARMARM and linux source.
Atomic operations.
ARM ARM says that Load and Store instructions are atomic and it's execution is guaranteed to be complete before interrupt handler executes. Verified by looking at
arch/arm/include/asm/atomic.h :
#define atomic_read(v) (*(volatile int *)&(v)->counter)
#define atomic_set(v,i) (((v)->counter) = (i))
However, the problem comes in when i want to manipulate this value atomically using the cpu instructions (atomic_inc, atomic_dec, atomic_cmpxchg etc..) which use LDREX and STREX for ARMv7 (my target).
ARMARM doesn't say anything about interrupts being blocked in this section so i assume an interrupt can occur in between the LDREX and STREX. The thing it does mention is about locking the memory bus which i guess is only helpful for MP systems where there can be more CPUs trying to access same location at same time. But for UP (and possibly MP), If a timer interrupt (or IPI for SMP) fires in this small window of LDREX and STREX, Exception handler executes possibly changes cpu context and returns to the new task, however the shocking part comes in now, it executes 'CLREX' and hence removing any exclusive lock held by previous thread. So how better is using LDREX and STREX than LDR and STR for atomicity on a UP system ?
I did read something about an Exclusive lock monitor, so I've a possible theory that when the thread resumes and executes the STREX, the os monitor causes this call to fail which can be detected and the loop can be re-executed using the new value in the process (branch back to LDREX), Am i right here ?
The idea behind the load-linked/store-exclusive paradigm is that if if the store follows very soon after the load, with no intervening memory operations, and if nothing else has touched the location, the store is likely to succeed, but if something else has touched the location the store is certain to fail. There is no guarantee that stores will not sometimes fail for no apparent reason; if the time between load and store is kept to a minimum, however, and there are no memory accesses between them, a loop like:
new_value = __LDREXW(dest) + 1;
} while (__STREXW(new_value, dest));
can generally be relied upon to succeed within a few attempts. If computing the new value based on the old value required some significant computation, one should rewrite the loop as:
old_value = *dest;
new_value = complicated_function(old_value);
} while (CompareAndStore(dest, new_value, old_value) != 0);
... Assuming CompareAndStore is something like:
uint32_t CompareAndStore(uint32_t *dest, uint32_t new_value, uint_32 old_value)
if (__LDREXW(dest) != old_value) return 1; // Failure
} while(__STREXW(new_value, dest);
return 0;
This code will have to rerun its main loop if something changes *dest while the new value is being computed, but only the small loop will need to be rerun if the __STREXW fails for some other reason [which is hopefully not too likely, given that there will only be about two instructions between the __LDREXW and __STREXW]
An example of a situation where "compute new value based on old" could be complicated would be one where the "values" are effectively a references to a complex data structure. Code may fetch the old reference, derive a new data structure from the old, and then update the reference. This pattern comes up much more often in garbage-collected frameworks than in "bare metal" programming, but there are a variety of ways it can come up even when programming bare metal. Normal malloc/calloc allocators are not generally thread-safe/interrupt-safe, but allocators for fixed-size structures often are. If one has a "pool" of some power-of-two number of data structures (say 255), one could use something like:
void do_update(void)
// The foo_pool_alloc() method should return a slot number in the lower bits and
// some sort of counter value in the upper bits so that once some particular
// uint32_t value is returned, that same value will not be returned again unless
// there are at least (UINT_MAX)/(FOO_POOL_SIZE) intervening allocations (to avoid
// the possibility that while one task is performing its update, a second task
// changes the thing to a new one and releases the old one, and a third task gets
// given the newly-freed item and changes the thing to that, such that from the
// point of view of the first task, the thing never changed.)
uint32_t new_thing = foo_pool_alloc();
uint32_t old_thing;
// Capture old reference
old_thing = foo_current_thing;
// Compute new thing based on old one
update_thing(&foo_pool[new_thing & FOO_POOL_SIZE_MASK],
&foo_pool[old_thing & FOO_POOL_SIZE_MASK);
} while(CompareAndSwap(&foo_current_thing, new_thing, old_thing) != 0);
If there will not often be multiple threads/interrupts/whatever trying to update the same thing at the same time, this approach should allow updates to be performed safely. If a priority relationship will exist among the things that may try to update the same item, the highest-priority one is guaranteed to succeed on its first attempt, the next-highest-priority one will succeed on any attempt that isn't preempted by the highest-priority one, etc. If one was using locking, the highest-priority task that wanted to perform the update would have to wait for the lower-priority update to finish; using the CompareAndSwap paradigm, the highest-priority task will be unaffected by the lower one (but will cause the lower one to have to do wasted work).
Okay, got the answer from their website.
If a context switch schedules out a process after the process has performed a Load-Exclusive but before it performs the Store-Exclusive, the Store-Exclusive returns a false negative result when the process resumes, and memory is not updated. This does not affect program functionality, because the process can retry the operation immediately.

D Dynamic Arrays - RAII

I admit I have no deep understanding of D at this point, my knowledge relies purely on what documentation I have read and the few examples I have tried.
In C++ you could rely on the RAII idiom to call the destructor of objects on exiting their local scope.
Can you in D?
I understand D is a garbage collected language, and that it also supports RAII.
Why does the following code not cleanup the memory as it leaves a scope then?
import std.stdio;
void main() {
const int len = 1000 * 1000 * 256; // ~1GiB
int[] arr;
arr.length = len;
arr[] = 99;
while (true) {}
The infinite loop is there so as to keep the program open to make residual memory allocations easy visible.
A comparison of a equivalent same program in C++ is shown below.
It can be seen that C++ immediately cleaned up the memory after allocation (the refresh rate makes it appear as if less memory was allocated), whereas D kept it even though it had left scope.
Therefore, when does the GC cleanup?
scope declarations are going in D2, so I'm not terribly certain on the semantics, but what I'd imagine is happening is that scope T[] a; only allocates the array struct on the stack (which needless to say, already happens, regardless of scope). As they are going, don't use scope (using scope(exit) and friends is different -- keep using them).
Dynamic arrays always use the GC to allocate their memory -- there's no getting around that. If you want something more deterministic, using std.container.Array would be the simplest manner, as I think you could pretty much drop it in where your scope vector3b array is:
Array!vector3b array
Just don't bother setting the length to zero -- the memory will be free'd once it goes out of scope (Array uses malloc/free from libc under the hood).
No, you cannot assume that the garbage collector will collect your object at any point in time.
There is, however, a delete keyword (as well as a scope keyword) that can delete an object deterministically.
scope is used like:
scope auto obj = new int[5];
} //obj cleaned up here
and delete is used like in C++ (there's no [] notation for delete).
There are some gotcha's, though:
It doesn't always work properly (I hear it doesn't work well with arrays)
The developers of D (e.g. Andrei) are intending to remove them in later versions, because it can obviously mess up things if used incorrectly. (I personally hate this, given that it's so easy to screw things up anyway, but they're sticking with removing it, and I don't think people can convince them otherwise although I'd love it if that was the case.)
In its place, there is already a clear method that you can use, like arr.clear(); however, I'm not quite sure what it exactly does yet myself, but you could look at the source code in object.d in the D runtime if you're interested.
As to your amazement: I'm glad you're amazed, but it shouldn't be really surprising considering that they're both native code. :-)
