How to order by count in Doctrine 2? - sql-order-by

I'm trying to group my entity by a field (year) and do a count of it.
public function countYear()
$qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder();
$qb->select('b.year, COUNT(')
->from('\My\Entity\Album', 'b')
->where('b.year IS NOT NULL')
->addOrderBy('sclr1', 'DESC')
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$result = $query->execute();
return $result;
I can't seem to say COUNT( AS count as it gives an error, and
I do not know what to use as the addOrderby(???, 'DESC') value?

There are many bugs and workarounds required to achieve order by expressions as of v2.3.0 or below:
The order by clause does not support expressions, but you can add a field with the expression to the select and order by it. So it's worth repeating that Tjorriemorrie's own solution actually works:
$qb->select('b.year, COUNT( AS mycount')
->from('\My\Entity\Album', 'b')
->where('b.year IS NOT NULL')
->orderBy('mycount', 'DESC')
Doctrine chokes on equality (e.g. =, LIKE, IS NULL) in the select expression. For those cases the only solution I have found is to use a subselect or self-join:
$qb->select('b, (SELECT count( FROM \My\Entity\Album AS t '.
'WHERE AND b.title LIKE :search) AS isTitleMatch')
->from('\My\Entity\Album', 'b')
->where('b.title LIKE :search')
->andWhere('b.description LIKE :search')
->orderBy('isTitleMatch', 'DESC');
To suppress the additional field from the result, you can declare it AS HIDDEN. This way you can use it in the order by without having it in the result.
$qb->select('b.year, COUNT( AS HIDDEN mycount')
->from('\My\Entity\Album', 'b')
->where('b.year IS NOT NULL')
->orderBy('mycount', 'DESC')

what is the error you get when using COUNT( AS count? it might be because count is a reserved word. try COUNT( AS idCount, or similar.
alternatively, try $qb->addOrderby('COUNT(', 'DESC');.
what is your database system (mysql, postgresql, ...)?

If you want your Repository method to return an Entity you cannot use ->select(), but you can use ->addSelect() with a hidden select.
$qb = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
->addSelect('COUNT( AS HIDDEN counter')
$result = $qb->getQuery()->getResult();
$result will be an entity class object.

Please try this code for ci 2 + doctrine 2
$where = " ";
$order_by = " ";
$row = $this->doctrine->em->createQuery("select a from company_group\models\Post a "
.$where." ".$order_by."")


Laravel 8 - How I do where clause in table added with join

Hi I want to know how can i do this query in Laravel 8 , I tried adding the join clause but not work as expected, i need join clause? Or maybe there is another form to do it. I search others examples but i donĀ“t see anythat help me. The query is the next:
DB::table('escandallo_p as esc')
->select("esc.material", "esc.referencia", "esc.ancho", "esc.proveedor", "esc.punto",
"esc.precio", "esc.consumo", "esc.veces", "esc.001", "esc.002", "esc.003", "esc.004",
"esc.005", "esc.006", "esc.007", "esc.008", "esc.009", "esc.010", "esc.011", "", "esc.merma", "esc.importe", "esc.tipo", "esc.xtalla", "esc.fase",
DB::raw("(select anulado from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = '".$scandal[0]->prototipo."' and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia )"),
// ignore
//original query "(select anulado from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = ",$request->prototipo," and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia ) as 'anulado'",
// "(select clase from prototipos_p as p where p.prototipo = ",$request->prototipo," and p.tipo = 'c' and p.referencia = esc.referencia ) as 'clase'")
//Converted query ->select('pro.anulado')->where('pro.prototipo', $request->prototipo)
// ->where("p.prototipo", "=", $request->prototipo)
->where("esc.id_escandallo", "=", $request->id_escandallo)
->where("esc.id_version", "=", $request->version)
!!!! I need to pass the esc.referencia to the sub select query
The second select is the conversion of the select inside "" ( i know this is wrong is only for explain it).
Thank you in advance for any suggestion.
Best regards
EDIT: I can solve my problem with DB::raw, but if anyone know others methos are welcome!
You need to pass callback to the join query to add the extra query to the laravel's join method,
Example from Laravel Doc:
->join('contacts', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'contacts.user_id')
->where('contacts.user_id', '>', 5);
It is explained in Laravel's doc, Advanced Join Clauses
There is Subquery support too Subquery Joins,
$latestPosts = DB::table('posts')
->select('user_id', DB::raw('MAX(created_at) as last_post_created_at'))
->where('is_published', true)
$users = DB::table('users')
->joinSub($latestPosts, 'latest_posts', function ($join) {
$join->on('', '=', 'latest_posts.user_id');
These two might help you to achieve what you are trying
After test joins, joinSub, whereIn and other forms of doing this, I solved my problem using the DB::raw():
DB::table('escandallo_p as esc')
DB::raw("(SELECT column //(ONLY ONE)
FROM table
WHERE column = '".$parameter."' ...) AS nombre"),
->where('column', "=", $parameter)

How to select all column from multiple tables in codeigniter using join?

I have 4 tables like this:
Now, I want to select all columns from all tables where model.featured=1. i.e.
I can only do basic level queries and I'm not sure if I'm anywhere near to the solution but this is what I have tried (returns nothing):
$this->db->join('model_images',' = model_images.model_id','RIGHT');
$this->db->join('model_attributes',' = model_attributes.model_id','RIGHT');
$this->db->join('attributes','model_attributes.attributes_id =','RIGHT');
$this->db->where('model.featured', 1);
$query = $this->db->get();
return $query->result();
How do I achieve what I want ? Or, is there any other better methods to do it ?
// try this query
$this->db->join('model_images','model_images.model_id =');
$this->db->join('model_attributes','model_attributes.model_id =');
$this->db->join('attributes',' = model_attributes.attributes_id');
$query = $this->db->get()->result();
return $query;
Please go through below mentioned solution.
$this->db->select('model.*,model_images.*,model_attributtes.*, attributes.*'):
Let me know if it not works for you.
Please go through below solution. If multiple table has same column name then you have to give alias for each column name which have same name in both the table. because by default CI merge all column name and generate result.
$this->db->select('*, as c_name, as s_name');
$this->db->from('country c');
$this->db->join('state s', ' = s.country_id');
$query = $this->db->get();

What is the equivalent query of laravel on this?

This is the native sql:
$sql = "Select count(name) from users Where email = '' and user_id = 10";
I have this laravel code:
$checker = Customer::whereEmailAndUserId("",10)->count("name");
Is this a correct way to do it in laravel?
You have to use where helper function and pass an array of checks. For example in your code it will be:
$checker = Customer::where([
['email', '=', ''],
['user_id' '=', '10']
Note: Please use the appropriate column name as it in table.
Assuming Customer model represents table users, you'll get query with eloquent like this:
Customer::where('email', '')->where('user_id', 10)->select(\DB::raw('count(name)'))->get();
The option you are trying is incorrect
here is the right option
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','')
Explanation of above code
App\Customer is the Model class and I am trying to read records where email = ' you can use various comparison operators like <,> and so on and you can also use the same function to for string pattern matching also
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','')
You can use the same where function for Null Value test also
$users = \App\Customer::where('email','=', null)
The above where clause will be converted to is null test of the SQL
You can read more here

How to Join same table in laravel

I wan to wirte a join query to connect same table, and without ON, but when i write it in laravel without on it is showing error
$key = DB::table('api_keys as ak')
->join('api_keys as bk','')
->where('ak.api_key', $api_key)->where('ak.user_id',0)
want to build the below query,
SELECT * FROM `api_keys` as ak
JOIN `api_keys` as bk
WHERE ak.`api_key`=$akey
and ak.`user_id`=$auser
and bk.`user_id`=$bsuer
and bk.`api_key`=$bkey
You must provide an ON clause for the join. More about where ON clauses are required can be found in this answer.
You can view the generated query using toSql() on a QueryBuilder object:
echo $key = DB::table('api_keys as ak')
->join('api_keys as bk','')
->where('ak.api_key', $api_key)->where('ak.user_id',0)
Which in your case returns:
select * from `api_keys` as `ak` inner join `api_keys` as `bk`
on `` `` where `ak`.`api_key` = ? and `ak`.`user_id` = ?
In your case it isn't totally clear what you are trying to achieve, but you might consider joining on api_key or the primary key of the api_keys table, if that is different:
$key = DB::table('api_keys as ak')
->join('api_keys as bk','ak.api_key', '=', bk.api_key)
->where('ak.api_key', $api_key)->where('ak.user_id',0)
DB::table('registerusers as a')
->join('registerusers as b', '', 'b.refer_id')
->where('a.username', 'b.username')
->where('', 'a.refer_id')
without using on clause in laravel query builder you can use following
$key = DB::table(DB::raw('api_keys as ak, api_keys as bk'))
->where('ak.api_key', '=', $api_key)
where PK references to your table's primary key.
result will in your case.
select * from api_keys as ak, api_keys as bk where ak.api_key= 'api_key_value' and ak.user_id = 0 and ak.PK = bk.PK
I solved this by creating my own class and starting out with a base query which I modify to apply the join (using Laravel's joinSub function) as follows:
public function __construct()
$this->query = DB::table('question_responses as BASE');
public function applyFilter($questionId, $questionValue) {
$filterTableStr = 'filter_table_'.$questionId;
$filterIdStr = 'filter_id_'.$questionId;
$filterQuery = DB::table('question_responses AS '.$filterTableStr)
->select('survey_response_id AS '.$filterIdStr)
->where($filterTableStr.'.question_short_name', $questionId)
->where($filterTableStr.'.value', $questionValue);
$resultTableStr = 'result_table_'.$questionId;
$this->query = $this->query
->joinSub($filterQuery, $resultTableStr, function($join) use ($resultTableStr, $filterIdStr) {
$join->on('BASE.survey_response_id', '=', $resultTableStr.'.'.$filterIdStr);
After applying my required filters I can just call $this->query->get() as normal to obtain the result.
The important part was to make sure that each resulting table and join fields has unique names.
With this method I can apply unlimited filters to my base query.


I'm trying to do this:
userId, count(userId) as counter
count(*) >= 3'
In doctrine with the querybuilder, I've got this:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
->select('userId, count(userId) as counter')
->having('counter >= 3')
return $query->getResult();
Which gives me this error:
[Semantical Error] line 0, col 103 near 'HAVING count(*)': Error: Cannot group by undefined identification variable.
Really struggling with doctrine. :(
Your SQL is valid, Your query builder statement is invalid
All cause db will execute that query in following order:
1. FROM $query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
2. GROUP BY ->groupby('userId') // GROUP BY
3. HAVING ->having('counter >= 3')
4. SELECT ->select('userId, count(userId) as counter')
So as You can see counter is defined after its use in having.
Its SQL Quirk. You can not use definitions from select in where or having statements.
So correct code:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
->select('userId, count(userId) as counter')
->having('count(userId) >= 3')
return $query->getResult();
Do note repetition in having from select
I am going to answer for people who still have this type of error.
First things first, you seem to have translated a native sql query inside a query builder object. More so, you have named your object as q
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q');
What this means, in general, is that every condition or grouping etc you have in your logic should address fields of q: q.userId, q.gender, ...
So, if you had written your code like below, you would have avoided your error:
$query = $this->createQueryBuilder('q')
->select('q.userId, count(q.userId) as counter')
->having('counter >= 3')
return $query->getResult();
I think you are missing the 'from' statement
$query = "t, count(t.userId) as counter FROM YourBundle:Table t group by t.userId having counter >1 ";
return $this->getEntityManager()->createQuery($query)->getResult();
This should work. You can even do left joins or apply where clausules.
you can define HAVING parameter via setParameter() method as well
$qb->having('COUNT(*) = :some_count');
$qb->setParameter('some_count', 3);
