Xcode 8.2.1 install xvim plugin not working? - xcode

This is the first time I tried to use xvim.
I downloaded xvim from github, then follow the instuctions in README.
Recodesign Xcode
then sudo make
build succeeded.
But when I opened xcode, didn't see any changes. I dont know whether I install xvim correctly, or just xvim did'nt start.
Where should I open xvim? Please give me a hint.

Well, I fixed this problem myself.
I believe the problem is that others could simply run make,
but I had to run sudo make to successfully built Xvim, which caused XVim.xcplugin to install in
While you open Xcode as a normal user, Xcode needs plugins from
~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins
so I copied XVim.xcplugin to the right place ,then problem solved...

I had the same issue (though it showed after xcode update). To fix it I had to re-codesign Xcode.
After that I did make and XVim was working


Xcode 10 Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code (EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: unbound variable)

This error pops up when doing Project > Test
/Users/.../Project/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Target/Pods-TargetTests-frameworks.sh:
line 104: EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY: unbound variable
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
How do I resolve "Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code" error when trying to test a project with cocoapods?
This helped me
sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
pod update
I've read BugReport. Problem was similar to mine and it was fixed in 1.6.0.beta.1 (2018-08-16) (changelog).
Updated(thanks to Cœur)
1.6.0 (2019-02-07) Was published
sudo gem update cocoapods
This should work now.
I have facing the same issue, i believe this issue have something link to keychain access too (code signing problem), I go to keychain access unlock the login then lock it again fixed this issue. After uploading toOSMojave and Xcode 10 keychain need to reverify the password. (how i find this? while facing same issue and trying all available option, i think to generate certificate again, but while generating private key i found keychain login user name and password is wrong type of message- i lock and unlock again solved my problem). Note this process required your login pass phare.
How to fix:- short tip
Go to keychain access -> right click on login -> lock & unlock again
-> clear Xcode project and make build again.
Some Framework or SDK require Code Signing.
I done code signing and resolved the similar problem for me.
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
I had the same problem after updating BuildSettings and Podfile
I just restarted Xcode and opened a workspace - .xcworkspace (not project - .xcodeproj)
[Workspace vs Project]
Go to pod folder and change the file as executable file. It works for me.
chmod +x filename
filename => your file name like "swiftlint"
On the top of - Pods-yourProjectName-frameworks.sh
this is an issue with pod update.
I had the same problem and could solve it, by just renaming the project. In my case this error was, because I had a ' symbol in my project name.
Delete the Pods directory and the Podfile.lock file.
Run pod install to re-create them from scratch.
Clean the Xcode project.
Build the Xcode project.
Well, a simplepod install worked for me :)
I've had the same problem. It turns out that by switching between Xcode9 and Xcode10 sometimes it can happen that the command line tools used for building can be switched so I was trying to build it with 9.4 command line tool instead of 10 which caused the issue.
Going to preferences and setting the command line tool to the right one fixed the issue for me.
Another thing that helped me is to disable and enable iCloud again. (Not sure why.)
Ive been dealing with this issue for a couple of days now. What did it for me was.
-Update cocoapods to the last version
-Update all pods
-Opening keychain access and delete the key made by xcode (with xcode closed)
-Opening Xcode will recreate a new key and will ask you for the password.
-After this I cleaned and built and the application ran on my physical device.
I hope this is helpful since its a very annoying bug.!
Restarting the mac helped me,not the xcode.
Check the issue clearly, if it is related to swiftlint.yml then this hidden file must be present in your directory. If you are working on more than one module then you can copy and paste it from your other modules if any.
If you're on an M1/Apple Silicon Mac, make sure you have your Excluded Architectures set up properly. I don't know why this is necessary, but here's how you do it:
Go to Build Settings
Make sure you view "All" (default is "Basic")
Expand "Excluded Architectures"
Under debug, select Any iOS Simulator SDK, and add a value for "arm64"
Do the above settings for each relevant target, in my case I have "Pods", "Project", and then the iOS target.
nvm alias default 16.6.0 if you want it pegged to that specific version.
You can also do nvm alias default 16.
In My case, I tried many solutions but all in vain
Solution: I just do "Pod deintegrate" and then "pod install" then my project is working perfectly.

MacVim on OSX / Yosemite: no editor windows visible at all

Installed MacVim on my Yosemite 10.10.2 Macbook Pro today from http://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/25988/macvim
The problem is that no editor window(s) are visible. If I open a file using the menu, there's simply no effect: no editor window appears. It's not hidden behind other windows, it's not listed in the Windows menu, it's just entirely undisplayed.
Strangely, the file will appear in the MRU list, though. So this renders the entire editor completely useless. Should I just build gvim myself? Is this app actually being maintained by anyone?
I'd read some answers which suggest running:
brew install macvim
... does the trick.
You might want to try that first.
What worked for me...
However, this didn't work for me because although it updated my macvim, the one being linked to in the /Applications folder was not the version being updated by brew.
So, here are the steps I had to take.
Quit MacVim if open.
Delete the MacVim file in /Applications.
In the terminal, run:
brew install macvim --override-system-vim
Run (this will add the link to your Applications file):
brew linkapps macvim
I can't be sure every step above is required, or that the --override-system-vim flag is required, but I can tell you that doing the above steps worked for me.
Hope this helps.
It looks like MacVim development has been moved to a new repository (and maybe a different group of developers?):
This repo has had changes applied to fix MacVim's graphical problems under Yosemite. (This is the same location that brew's macvim formula currently pulls its source from, which is why MacVim works on Yosemite when installed via brew.)
They also have a set of precompiled binary releases:
The latest ("snapshot 76") has worked fine for me in Yosemite so far. You just need to download the .tbz archive, double-click it to unpack to a folder, then drag the MacVim.app icon to Applications -- much easier and less invasive than installing a whole package management system and build environment! :)
Note: I had to execute a command given in another StackOverflow answer to correct a rendering glitch seen in full screen mode for snapshot 76:
$ defaults write org.vim.MacVim MMNativeFullScreen 0
I got the same problem today.
The solution:
mv ~/.vimrc ~/.vimrc_bak
It looks like there is something wrong with my .vimrc file.
I was having the same issue, and one of the answers in here helped me, but not for the reason explained so I thought this might be useful for others.
Some plugins might depend on the version of vim, and may work in version 7 but not in version 8, when you install MacVim this could be version 8, and the terminal vim version might be 7, both will use the same .vim folder and .vimrc to load the plugins and configuration, when you open the vim from terminal it might still work because the plugins were depending on vim version 7, but when you try to execute MacVim it will try to load the plugins using version 8 and then it will crash, the reason some of the answers worked it's because they are replacing the system vim, therefore MacVim and vim will be in the same major version, if you have upgraded from the previous version the best you can do it's to clear up the plugins folder and then load MacVim or vim and check that everything is working, then start applying the plugins one by one checking that they are not breaking vim. At least with this method I found that one of the plugins was not working as expected and removing it solved the "MacVim" issue.
In summary:
- move your .vim as .vim_bak
- move your .vimrc as .vimrc_bak (suggested by #hai feng kao)
And test if this solves the issue, if that's the case then a plugin is breaking your installation and you will need to activate some and figure out which is the one that causes the issue.
Hope this helps to others, I've followed a lot of these recommendations without success until I decided to upgrade vim (terminal) and this started to break as well, that pointed me in the right direction.
Again hope this saves some hours for some.
I had the same symptom with MacVim launching with no window and command-N doesn't start any a new one. brew re-install didn't help.
It turned out there was another instance of macvim installed on my system somehow, in the Downloads folder. I found out by clicking "MacVim" --> "About MacVim" and it was a version from 2014. I found the instance and deleted it.
I created an alias for the newly installed version and copied that into Applications folder so spotlight search can find the new one. That solved my problem.
I had this problem upon updating from MacOS 10.12.5 to 10.12.6.
I uninstalled MacVim by moving it to the trashcan and downloading it again.
I would guess that the new version fixed whatever issue it had with the new operating system.

Issue with uninstalling Xcode 3.2 on Mountain Lion

I just upgraded to Mountain Lion (from Snow Leopard) so as to take advantage of Xcode 4.
Before installing Xcode 4, I would like to remove Xcode 3 (not required, but want to clean up before moving on).
The standard method of removing Xcode 3 is:
$ sudo <Xcode>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
However, when I issue this command, even from within the /Library folder, the only thing that happens is I get a "command not found" after entering my password.
I can see uninstall-devtools in Finder, so I know it's there. I just can't execute it for some reason. I've tried every possible way of running the uninstall tools.
Assistance is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
If the file really is there, type sudo in the terminal window (with a trailing space), drag and drop the uninstall-devtools file on the window, then append --mode=all. That should clear any chance you have to make a typo or any other mistake.
Similarly to information I found in another SO article, my laptop's old XCode 3.2 didn't even have the uninstall-tools utility.
So it worked fine for me to simply delete the XCode.app folder.

How to fix: Xcode cannot be opened because of a problem?

After installing Xcode 4.0.2, I get this error when I try to launch it by double-clicking on an existing project:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #rpath/DevToolsFoundation.framework/Versions/A/DevToolsFoundation
Referenced from: /Developer/Developer/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/MacOS/Xcode
Reason: image not found
Launching Xcode via the dock and opening the project from inside Xcode works fine. Also note that doing a repair install of Xcode did not resolve the issue. I haven't tried completely uninstalling Xcode and installing from scratch, but I would prefer to avoid that as I have my IDE nicely customized the way I like it.
Update: I just tried a complete uninstall of Xcode via sudo Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all then rebooted and reinstalled. Still having the same issue.
Before you reinstall, make sure your project file is set to open with the expected copy of Xcode 4. Select it in Finder, press Cmd-I, and make sure the Open With... popup is set to the right copy of Xcode 4.
According to the discussion below, the problem is that it is not in the /Developer/Applications/ folder. However, I think that is just a clue to the source of the problem, because Xcode is supposed to work in multiple locations. It is possible that Xcode sets fixed paths when installed and can't be moved. Did you happen to move it after installing?
It is the ALIAS that is busted, not Xcode. If you reinstalled Xcode, you should make a new alias for your Dock or Desktop or wherever. Delete the old alias as it is no good any more.
Xcode (should) install in /Developer . You can get to that by going to your hard drive named something like "Macintosh HD". Make a new alias from there.

Unable to build mercurial on OSX - Python.h not found

For what I've read I need Python-Dev, how do I install it on OSX?
I think the problem I have, is, my Xcode was not properly installed, and I don't have the paths where I should.
This previous question:
Where is gcc on OSX? I have installed Xcode already
Was about I couldn't find gcc, now I can't find Python.h
Should I just link my /Developer directory to somewhere else in /usr/ ???
This is my output:
$ sudo easy_install mercurial
Searching for mercurial
Reading http://pypi.python.org/simple/mercurial/
Reading http://www.selenic.com/mercurial
Best match: mercurial 1.5.1
Downloading http://mercurial.selenic.com/release/mercurial-1.5.1.tar.gz
Processing mercurial-1.5.1.tar.gz
Running mercurial-1.5.1/setup.py -q bdist_egg --dist-dir /tmp/easy_install-_7RaTq/mercurial-1.5.1/egg-dist-tmp-l7JP3u
mercurial/base85.c:12:20: error: Python.h: No such file or directory
Thanks in advance.
I was struggling with this problem all day today.
I eventually discovered a site that claimed that all one needed to do was to reinstall Xcode, or install the latest version (4.3.2, as of this writing).
So I tried that. It did not help; not on its own. But then I went a step further: I fired up Xcode.app, and once I had done that, I opened the Xcode..Preferences menu item, and then go to the Downloads tab, and say that you want to install the "Command Line Tools"
Once I did that, and then re-ran easy_install (in my case I was trying to "easy_install dulwich" to satisfy a hg-git dependency), it was able to properly find Python.h for me.
Might depend on what version of Mac OSX you have, I have it in these spots:
Also I believe the version of python that comes with Xcode is a custom build that plays well with xcode but you have to jump through some hoops if you use another dev environment.
Are you sure you want to build Mercurial from source? There are binary packages available, including the nice MacHg which comes with a bundled Mercurial.
