I'm trying to replicate the Menus displayed in XCode where you can begin typing and it will display a search field and then filter on the keyword entered. Can anyone point to a resource where it's implemented as an example or some clue as to what one needs to do?
You can set a View to NSMenuItem . In your case , you can assign a view with NSTextField.
Please refer : https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/Cocoa/Reference/ApplicationKit/Classes/NSMenuItem_Class/#//apple_ref/occ/instp/NSMenuItem/view
I am trying to select values from a drop down in my application. Drop down is getting identified as WebEdit in UFT.
Here is the line of code:
Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "Add Document"
Add Document is a value in dropdown. Apart from "Add document" value, there are more values in drop down. please suggest how can i select those values one by one.
it should be WebList Object in Web application if it's a Dropdown.
I guess it's a Text Box Only in which if you click, multiple suggestion come like MakeMyTrip .
if it's the case you can use two approach.
1) Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "SomeValue"
2) Browser().page().WebEdit("html tag:=INPUT","name:=WebEdit").Set "Someval"
' Then There will be Multiple Sujjestions, Which are nothing but WebElement.
' just click that WebElement
You can use descriptive programming to select values.
That way UFT won't select it as textbox implicitly.
Let me know if you are still facing issues.
From my experience, I guess the drop down you mentioned should be a dynamic one, Meaning a drop down will appear when you type words in that WebEdit column.
If so, my suggestion is that you can write a function to locate object's location (i.e. x,y property), and simulate mouse click the object. Now the object has been activated and you can type words. Use SendKey method to type some keywords you want to select, and use SendKey to press Enter to select it.
It's an ugly solution but sometimes it helps...
I just want to do in SmartDevices with Genexus two things, and I really cannot do it, thanks in advance if someone could help me.
1) Hide or show one field based on another field, eg: In edit mode show the field CITY only when the field COUNTRY is filled.
2) Hide empty fields when in view mode but show in the edit mode, this is possible if I create different layouts, but I want know if is possible do this with just one layout.
Thank you
You can use the ControlValueChanged event. For example.
Event &CountryId.ControlValueChanged
If &CountryId <> ''
&CityId.Visible = true
Please note that for Edit controls, ControlValueChanged will fire when the edit loses focus, not when the user closes the keyboard. So you may want to use an Enter Event to make the second field visible too. This does not apply if CountryId is a dynamic combo, for example.
I have a button that is inside a view repeated inside a NSCollectionView. I can bind the title of the button to one of the properties in my model class but I want to wire the selector of the button to one of the selectors in my model class. Obviously, the button must send the message to the model object associated with the corresponding collection view item.
I managed to bind the target for the button but how to set the selector? I want to do that in Interface Builder if possible...
I figured it out. In the Ib there is a selector textbox bellow the path textbox where I bind the target. I don't know why I didn't see it. I spent nearly one hour trying to solve this issue.
How to add those blindings? I still can't find it.
I find it . It's Here.
How can I set something for NSTextfields in xcode for autocompletion ?
I want to have suggestion when I type in textfields just like what we did in visualstudio's autocomplete and how we define it's autocomplete source.
For example if I have a textfield that user will type it's name I want to have suggestion from previously typed names or an array resource to give them some suggestion.
You could look into using token fields.
Hi guys i am using a dropdownlist which have the value please specify other, when that value is selected in prompts out a textfield which has the value please specify other, but for the user to type in anything in the textfield he has to delete the value manually..i am looking for a code which can delete the value automatically when the user type in the textfield..
Using jQuery, you can make textbox hints. Even better, reuse someone else's code:
Example: http://remysharp.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/input_hint.html