How to call Partitioner in Haoop v 0.21 - hadoop

In my application I want to create as many reducer jobs as possible based on the keys. Now my current implementation writes all the keys and values in a single (reducer) output file. So to solve this, I have used one partitioner but I cannot call the class.The partitioner should be called after the selection Map task and before the selection reduce task but it did not.The code of the partitioner is the following
public class MultiWayJoinPartitioner extends Partitioner<Text, Text> {
public int getPartition(Text key, Text value, int nbPartitions) {
return (key.getFirst().hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % nbPartitions;
return 0;
Is this code is correct to partition the files based on the keys and values and the output will be transfer to the reducer automatically??

You don't show all of your code, but there is usually a class (called the "Job" or "MR" class) that configures the mapper, reducer, partitioner, etc. and then actually submits the job to hadoop. In this class you will have a job configuration object that has many properties, one of which is the number of reducers. Set this property to whatever number your hadoop configuration can handle.
Once the job is configured with a given number of reducers, that number will be passed into your partition (which looks correct, by the way). Your partitioner will start returning the appropriate reducer/partition for the key/value pair. That's how you get as many reducers as possible.


Chaining jobs using user defined class

I have to implement a Graph algorithm using Map Reduce. For this I have to chain jobs.
MAP1 -> REDUCE1 -> MAP2 -> REDUCE2 -> ...
I will be reading the adjacent matrix from file in MAP1 and creating a user defined java class Node that will contain the data and the child informations. I want to pass this information to MAP2.
But, in the REDUCE1 when I write
context.write(node, NullWritable.get());
the node data gets saved in a file as a text format using the toString() of the Node class.
When the MAP2 tries to read this Node information,
public void map(LongWritable key, Node node, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException
it says that it cannot convert the text in the file to Node.
I am not sure what is the right approach for this type of Chaining of jobs in Map reduce.
The REDUCE1 writes the Node in this format:
Node [nodeId=1, adjacentNodes=[Node [nodeId=2, adjacentNodes=[]], Node [nodeId=2, adjacentNodes=[]]]]
Actual exception:
java.lang.Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to custom.node.nauty.Node
Based on the comments, the suggested changes that will make your code work are the following:
You should use SequenceFileInputFormat in mapper2 and SequenceFileOutputFormat in reducer1, and not TextInputFormat and TextOutputFormat, respectively. TextInputFormat reads a LongWritable key and a Text value, which is why you get this error.
Accordingly, you should also change the declaration of mapper two, to accept a Node key and a NullWritable value.
Make sure that the Node class extends the Writable class (or the WritableComparable if you use it as a key). Then, set the outputKeyClass of the first job to be Node.class, instead of TextWritable.class.

output HBase Increment in MR reducer

I have a mapreduce job that writes to HBase. I know you can output Put and Delete from the reducer using the TableMapReduceUtil.
Is it possible emit Increment to increment values in an HBase table instead out emitting Puts and Gets? If yes, how to do it and if not then why?
I'm using CDH3
public static class TheReducer extends TableReducer<Text, Text, ImmutableBytesWritable> {
public void reduce(Text key, Iterable<Text> values, Context context) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Increment increment = new Increment(row);
context.write(null, increment); //<--- I want to be able to do this
As far as I know you can't use Increment in the context - but you can always open a connection to HBase and write Increments anywhere (mapper, mapper cleanup, reducer etc.)
Do note that increments are not idempotent so the result might be problematic on partial success of the map/reduce job and/or if you have speculative execution for M/R (i.e. multiple mappers doing the same work)

Partitioning! how does hadoop make it? Use a hash function? what is the default function?

Partitioning is the process of determining which reducer instance will receive which intermediate keys and values. Each mapper must determine for all of its output (key, value) pairs which reducer will receive them. It is necessary that for any key, regardless of which mapper instance generated it, the destination partition is the same
Problem: How does hadoop make it? Use a hash function? what is the default function?
The default partitioner in Hadoop is the HashPartitioner which has a method called getPartition. It takes key.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE and finds the modulus using the number of reduce tasks.
For example, if there are 10 reduce tasks, getPartition will return values 0 through 9 for all keys.
Here is the code:
public class HashPartitioner<K, V> extends Partitioner<K, V> {
public int getPartition(K key, V value, int numReduceTasks) {
return (key.hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % numReduceTasks;
To create a custom partitioner, you would extend Partitioner, create a method getPartition, then set your partitioner in the driver code (job.setPartitionerClass(CustomPartitioner.class);). This is particularly helpful if doing secondary sort operations, for example.

How do I create a new, unique key in a Hadoop Reducer

In a Hadoop Reducer, I would like to create and emit new keys under specific conditions, and I'd like to ensure that these keys are unique.
The pseudo-code for what I want goes like:
protected void reduce(WritableComparable key, Iterable<Writable> values, Context context)
throws IOException, InterruptedException {
// do stuff:
// ...
// write original key:
context.write(key, data);
// write extra key:
if (someConditionIsMet) {
WritableComparable extraKey = createNewKey()
context.write(extraKey, moreData);
So I now have two questions:
Is it possible at all to emit more than one different key in reduce()? I know that keys won't be resorted but that is ok for me.
The extra key has to be unique across all reducers - both for application reasons and because I think it would otherwise violate the contract of the reduce stage.
What is a good way to generate a key that is unique across reducers (and possibly across jobs?)
Maybe get reducer/job IDs and incorporate that into key generation?
Yes you can output any number of keys
You can incorporate the task attempt information into your key to make it job unique (across the reducers and even handling speculative execution if you want). you can acquire this information from the reducer's Context.getTaskAttemptID() method and then pull out the reducer ID number with TaskAttemptID.getTaskID().getId()

Hadoop variable set in reducer and read in driver

How I can set a variable in a reducer, which after its execution can be read by the driver after all tasks finish their execution? Something like:
class Driver extends Configured implements Tool{
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
JobClient.runJob(conf); // reducer sets some variable
String varValue = ...; // variable value is read by driver
I came up with this "ugly" workaround. The main idea is that you create a group of counters in which you hold only one counter where its name is the value you wish to return (you ignore the actual counter value). The code look like this:
// reducer || mapper
reporter.incrCounter("Group name", "counter name -> actual value", 0);
// driver
RunningJob runningJob = JobClient.runJob(conf);
String value = runningJob.getCounters().getGroup("Group name").iterator().next().getName();
The same will work for mappers as well. Though this solves my problem, I think this type of solution is "ugly". Thus I leave the question open.
You can't amend the configuration in a map / reduce task and expect that change to be persisted to configurations in other tasks and / or the job client that submitted the job (lets say you write different values in the reducer - which one 'wins' out and is persisted back?).
You can however write files to HDFS yourself which can then be read back when your job returns - No less ugly really but there isn't a way doesn't involve another technology (Zookeeper, HBase or any other NoSQL / RDB) holding the value between your task ending and you being able to retrieve the value upon job success.
