Hadoop variable set in reducer and read in driver - hadoop

How I can set a variable in a reducer, which after its execution can be read by the driver after all tasks finish their execution? Something like:
class Driver extends Configured implements Tool{
public int run(String[] args) throws Exception {
JobClient.runJob(conf); // reducer sets some variable
String varValue = ...; // variable value is read by driver
I came up with this "ugly" workaround. The main idea is that you create a group of counters in which you hold only one counter where its name is the value you wish to return (you ignore the actual counter value). The code look like this:
// reducer || mapper
reporter.incrCounter("Group name", "counter name -> actual value", 0);
// driver
RunningJob runningJob = JobClient.runJob(conf);
String value = runningJob.getCounters().getGroup("Group name").iterator().next().getName();
The same will work for mappers as well. Though this solves my problem, I think this type of solution is "ugly". Thus I leave the question open.

You can't amend the configuration in a map / reduce task and expect that change to be persisted to configurations in other tasks and / or the job client that submitted the job (lets say you write different values in the reducer - which one 'wins' out and is persisted back?).
You can however write files to HDFS yourself which can then be read back when your job returns - No less ugly really but there isn't a way doesn't involve another technology (Zookeeper, HBase or any other NoSQL / RDB) holding the value between your task ending and you being able to retrieve the value upon job success.


global class variable used in a spark streaming process : is it a broadcasted variable?

I just need to know if a global public class variable, used in a SparkStreaming process will be considered as a broadcasted variable.
For now, I succeeded to use a pre-setted variable "inventory" into a JavaDStream transformation.
class Foo {
public static Map<String,String> inventory;
public static void main(String args) {
inventory = Inventory.load(); // here i set the variable
SparkSession sparkSession = ...
JavaStreamingContext ssc = ... // here i initialize the Spark Streaming Context
JavaInputDStream<ConsumerRecord<String, String>> records = ...
JavaDStream<Map<String,Object>> processedRecords = records.flatMap(rawRecord->{
return f(rawRecord,inventory); // just an example...
What I understand is that the part into the lambda expression (rawRecord) is a distributed one, and then I presume that "inventory" is broadcasted to each executor that performs the process, is that so?
A global class variable is different from a broadcast variable .
Using a class variable is fine but this can be inefficient, especially
for large variables such as a lookup table or a machine learning
model. The reason for this is that when you use a variable in a
closure or a class variable in your case , it must be deserialised on
the worker nodes many times (one per task). Moreover, if you use the
same variable in multiple Spark actions and jobs, it will be re-sent
to the workers with every job instead of once.
Broadcast variables are shared, immutable variables that
are cached on every machine in the cluster instead of serialized with every single task
All you need to do is
Broadcast<Map<String,String>> broadcast = ssc.sparkContext().broadcast(inventory);
and access it
Yes, you have to broadcast that variable to keep available for all the executors in the distributed environment.

how can I prove field-grouping functionality(tuple with same field goes to same task)?

I'm a fresher of Storm, I'm getting started with Storm using the project storm-starter. In this project there is a Topology called WordCountTopology, the key code for building topology is:
builder.setBolt("split", new SplitSentence(), 8).shuffleGrouping("spout");
builder.setBolt("count", new WordCount(), 12).fieldsGrouping("split", new Fields("word"));
and in the implementation of WordCount bolt, the key method execute is:
public void execute(Tuple tuple, BasicOutputCollector collector) {
String word = tuple.getString(0);
Integer count = counts.get(word);
if (count == null)
count = 0;
counts.put(word, count);
collector.emit(new Values(word, count));
My Question is:
As the functionality of filed-grouping is that: tuples with the same filed word will go to the same task for post processing. Here "task" means thread, how can I prove this functionality? In addition, in my opinion, the logic in method execute is a little awkward. In a single task, the parameter tuple is always the same, but in the execute method it does not reflect this, in other words, the logic dose not use this convenience.
Am I clear? My point is that, the code here in execute is not taking the feature of filed-grouping into account, the code here can also be applied to the situation of shuffle-grouping.
I would like to site few points, it might help clear your doubts
Here "task" means thread
In storm's terminology tasks are NOT threads but they are responsible for processing the actual logic. Each spout or bolt that you implement in your code executes as many tasks across the cluster. So you can define them as an running instance of the components i.e Spouts or Bolts.
There is another entity called Executors which are the thread responsible for running these tasks.It can run one or multiple tasks of the same component. An executor having multiple tasks actually is saying the same component is executed for multiple times by the executor.
Now coming back to your question
the code here in execute is not taking the feature of filed-grouping into account, the code here can also be applied to the situation of shuffle-grouping
In very brief A fields grouping lets you group a stream by a subset of its fields, meaning in order to do a word count, if we filtered the stream by using fieldsGrouping on a field name 'first_name` then it is expected that all the first_name field with a value say (Foo) should go to the same task, and the same field with a different value (Bar) goes to another task.
So here the execute method is supposed to receive the same field value and thus can easily update its counter and to do that it does not require to consider anything special. The whole logic is written keeping in mind that the bolt will be chained with the proper data and that's why using the proper grouping become such an important thing. So if you use shuffleGrouping then same code will run but produces incorrect data.
Well Pinky (or anyone else who finds this useful), to prove it, you just have to keep track of the bolt or spout task ID:
public void prepare(Map map, TopologyContext tc, OutputCollector oc) {
this.boltId = tc.getThisTaskId();
Now in the execute() of the same fieldsGrouped bolt that receives the tuples, you just print the id and the tuple:
public void execute(Tuple tuple) {
String myWord = (String) tuple.getValue(0);
System.out.println("word: "+myWord+" boltID:"+boltId);

hadoop: how do i know what file a task was handling when it failed?

I have a job that has some failed tasks. I want to try and reproduce on the files the tasks were handling but can't find how to know which files these were.
How can I find what files a task was handling when it failed?
I have no idea if that really works, but you may want to try that out (I was coding with Hadoop 2.2):
Class<? extends InputFormat<?, ?>> clz = job.getInputFormatClass();
InputFormat<?, ?> inputFormat = ReflectionUtils.newInstance(clz, conf);
List<InputSplit> splits = inputFormat.getSplits(job);
TaskCompletionEvent[] events = job.getTaskCompletionEvents(0);
for (TaskCompletionEvent ev : events) {
if (ev.isMapTask() && ev.getStatus() == Status.FAILED) {
int idWithinJob = ev.idWithinJob();
InputSplit inputSplit = splits.get(idWithinJob);
if (inputSplit instanceof FileSplit) {
FileSplit sp = (FileSplit) inputSplit;
System.out.println(sp.getPath() + " failed!");
The idea is rather simple, you get all task events, take map and failed ones. Then you can obtain an index that is usally assigned to the split internally.
The split itself can be obtained by running it over the job data. Please note that the FileSplit can also be a part of the file (block), so you want to check the internal offset and length fields. The type of the split is dependent on the InputFormat, so there is no guarantee that the returned splits are a FileSplit.
Turns out grepping the logs shows what files the task is reading.

Hadoop Custom Input format with the new API

I'm a newbie to Hadoop and I'm stuck with the following problem. What I'm trying to do is to map a shard of the database (please don't ask why I need to do that etc) to a mapper, then do certain operation on this data, output the results to reducers and use that output again to do the second phase map/reduce job on the same data using the same shard format.
Hadoop does not provide any input method to send a shard of the database. You can only send line by line using LineInputFormat and LineRecordReader. NLineInputFormat doesn't also help in this case. I need to extend FileInputFormat and RecordReader classes to write my own InputFormat. I have been advised to use LineRecordReader since the underlying code already deals with the FileSplits and all the problems associated with splitting the files.
All I need to do now is to override the nextKeyValue() method which I don't exactly know how.
for(int i=0;i<shard_size;i++){
The above code snippet is the one that wrote but somehow doesn't work well.
I would suggest to put into your input files connection strings and some other indications where to find the shard.
Mapper will take this information, connect to the database and do a job. I would not suggest t o convert result sets to hadoop's writable classes - it will hinder performance.
The problem I see to be addressed - is to have enough splits of this relatively small input.
You can simply create enough small files with a few shards references each, or you can tweak input format to build small splits. Second way will be more flexible.
What I did, is something like this. I wrote my own record reader to read n lines at a time and send them to mappers as input
public boolean nextKeyValue() throws IOException,
InterruptedException {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
if (!lineRecordReader.nextKeyValue()) {
return false;
lineKey = lineRecordReader.getCurrentKey();
lineValue = lineRecordReader.getCurrentValue();
return true;
// throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet.");
how do you thin

How to call Partitioner in Haoop v 0.21

In my application I want to create as many reducer jobs as possible based on the keys. Now my current implementation writes all the keys and values in a single (reducer) output file. So to solve this, I have used one partitioner but I cannot call the class.The partitioner should be called after the selection Map task and before the selection reduce task but it did not.The code of the partitioner is the following
public class MultiWayJoinPartitioner extends Partitioner<Text, Text> {
public int getPartition(Text key, Text value, int nbPartitions) {
return (key.getFirst().hashCode() & Integer.MAX_VALUE) % nbPartitions;
return 0;
Is this code is correct to partition the files based on the keys and values and the output will be transfer to the reducer automatically??
You don't show all of your code, but there is usually a class (called the "Job" or "MR" class) that configures the mapper, reducer, partitioner, etc. and then actually submits the job to hadoop. In this class you will have a job configuration object that has many properties, one of which is the number of reducers. Set this property to whatever number your hadoop configuration can handle.
Once the job is configured with a given number of reducers, that number will be passed into your partition (which looks correct, by the way). Your partitioner will start returning the appropriate reducer/partition for the key/value pair. That's how you get as many reducers as possible.
