Email user that broke build in Teamcity - teamcity

In Husdon/Jenkins, I can setup notifications when the build is broken to email the user(s) that made the checkins that broke the build. How do I do this in Teamcity?
I am aware that individual users can setup email notifications for themselves via the Teamcity interface (for when the build is broken), but I ONLY want emails sent to the users that broke the build, also I don't want the requirement that every individual user have to update their Teamcity settings.

Open TeamCity in your browser.
Browse to Administration > Users and Groups > Groups
Click on the group name All Users
Select the tab Notification Rules (you see the Email notifier rules by
Click on Add new rule
choose in the column Watch the
option Builds affected by my
choose in the column Send
notification when the checkbox The
build fails and Ignore failures
not caused by my changes
Save this new notification rule with klick on the Save button.
A notification rule created that way works for all users. That's because the notification rule was created in the administration section within the group All Users, and not within one users personal notification settings. This works also in earlier versions of TeamCity, e.g. in 5.x.
The user still has the option to define additional rules if needed.

At least with Teamcity 6.5 you have roles and groups, and you can set notifications settings based on them.
To achieve what you want, just take a look at the notification for group ALL (everybody) that is configured by default and you can't delete it.

I realize this question is dated, and a lot of teams now use Slack. So for those of us that consider e-mail "so 2011", my team has been finding success with this nice Slack Plug-in notifier just for this purpose:
Simply upload the zip to the Team City plugins folder, restart the Team City server, and then configure the notifications from the Admin/Build config settings. Also, create a Slack webhook to use in the API Token field.
It can be configured to notify on a number of conditions, but we're only using the "Trigger when build fails" option currently.


How to create a WorkItem in Azure DevOps based off new email in Shared Inbox, but replies to emails stay within same task

I'm currently trying to set up a workflow within Microsoft Power Automate to do the following:
If an email is sent to a shared email box create a new task in DevOps
If someone replies back to that initial email - any responses to that thread will be tracked in the original task, and no additional tasks will be created from that chain.
Right now I'm leveraging the template that Microsoft provides called "Create a workitem in Azure DevOps when new email arrives in shared mailbox", but it creates additional tasks anytime someone replies back to the thread.
Anyone have suggestions?
You could use a condition that checks the 'Conversation Id' then if it matches an Id from a previously sent email's Conversation Id it does nothing. If it is new, then you'll get a new task.
If you are archiving handled emails, you'll need to filter results from the archival folder.
Here it is mapped out with a SharePoint list mapping the Conversation Id from each email:
Once the details are logged, the Get Items action on the SharePoint list pulls all items. However in that pull it uses an ODATA Filter on:
conversationId eq '<Conversation Id from trigger>'
Then if the number of matches is more than the one that you've just registered in the list, that means it was a response and the flow will follow the "no" branch. However, if it is the only entry, a new work item can be made.
You can make this much more complicated, dependent on requirements, in many areas, as that why you are using Power Automate. For example you could make API (Graph) calls to get Shared Box emails, but this is simpler, and works on a free flow plan until they add a "Get Emails from a Shared Mailbox" connector.
It's not picture perfect, because it doesn't handle a changed subject line, but it does do the job required.

How to create a custom notification in Dynamics

I am looking in to creating a notification function in Dynamics 365, and to find the best solution, I have began with searching for the possibilities (Javascript/C#/All others). Example: Sending a user a notification that a new lead is created.
Edit:It should be generic and easy to add a new notification. So maybe it should be a workflow step, or connected to an entity.
Email notification is already integrated in Dynamics 365
Microsoft Graph has a Notification possibility (Only in Beta)
Create a custom entity which. And on dashboard add a Web Resource (Javascript) that looks through the entity to find if there are any Records on the current user. If so make a popup.
Use Chrome extension to notify user.
Is there any other possibility you know of?
Or do you have any experience with any of these. What one should go for or not.
Your best bet is Dashboard with Posts in Timeline/social pane. This just need couple of configurations like Post rule, Timeline embedding in Dashboard & user training.
Activity feeds
Activity Timeline
If not, timely workflow or MS Flow to send a digest notification.
I would say if you wish to go code less solution then use Workflow
and place trigger as you wish. Send an Email to Either team or
particular user from this workflow. Just set regarding in Email as
Account or Contact or any entity from which you have an Trigger. By
this way You can see all these notification in your Social pane
timeline as well.
If you need some custom logic, Use plugin but in turn call a
workflow which will be onDemand workflow and this will only be used
to send Email.
There can be different Ideas as well. But we have this in place on one of our productive system and it fulfilles requirement of Notification very well.
Since you specifically want to interact with users within the CRM system, there are a number of simple approaches:
Task Queue (Passive) -
Create task records within CRM (these can also sync to Outlook if you want to get fancy). Users review a queue containing all of their tasks. You can similarly assign tasks to teams of users. I recommend this approach for CRM oriented users who have a number of different tasks.
View/Report/Dashboard (Passive) -
Create views of records requiring action. Users then review these views on a regular basis. I recommend this approach for non-time sensitive tasks, and tasks executed in bulk across many records.
Email (Active) -
Create a workflow with a Send Email step. This is easy to do but could generate a lot of emails which the users may then ignore. I only recommend this approach for rare notifications, or those requiring urgent action.
Emailed Reports (Active) -
A hybrid of the second and third approaches, there are third party solutions that will email view results to users on a scheduled basis. This would be my recommendation if you want an active approach without spamming users constantly. These are easy to install and configure and entail a small cost.
In addition to the many viable options offered above (a few of which I was unaware), if the user's daily responsibilities include working with Leads, you might want to keep it super simple - create a My New Leads view and instruct them to check it throughout the day. You could even place this view on a dashboard, making your option 3 redundant.
If the user rarely needs to concern themselves with Leads, the need for a notification strengthens. Assuming that the Lead volume will not flood their inbox, in the interest of simplicity you could start with a workflow email notification.

How can I get email notifications for my investigations only?

I want to receive email notifications whenever I am assigned new investigations. I've found under My Settings & Tools > Notification Rules there's an Email Notifier section, but I can only find a checkbox for Investigation is updated. This spams me with everyone's investigations, whereas I only want to see those assigned to me.
Is there some way I can set up a notification rule for only my assigned investigations?
Inside the "Notification rules" tab, you can see Inherited rules :
There is a default Rule, inherited from "All Users" which contains all TeamCity users, which is, by default :
Watching: System wide events
Send Notification when: Investigation assigned to me
So, what you are looking for is the default behaviour on TeamCity 9 and TeamCity 10.

Getting TeamCity notify using Google Talk

I'm setting up TeamCity 7.0.3 on a build machine. Everything is working OK apart from the Google Talk notifications using the Jabber notifier. When I send a test notification it works fine. But when the build completes/fails I don't get any notifications. The notifications do work locally on the machine using the system tray notifier. I have registered for all projects and all events but stil nothing is coming through. I am using the same gmail account to send the message as to receive it which could be a bit odd but the test messages work. This could be a firewall issue I guess but again the test message works.
Any ideas?
I use the following settings in TeamCity 7.1 to set up Jabber:
Obviously, replace with the Google Talk user that should send notifications. Note that, when using Google Talk, you can't send messages to yourself, so the Server User must be different than the Jabber accounts for any users that want to receive notifications.
Now, you need to configure the notification rules for your user. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner, then in "My Settings & Tools" click "Edit" beside the Jabber Notifier under "Watched Builds and Notifications". This page looks like this:
Note that the "Jabber Account" must be different than the "Server User" above (or else you won't receive notifications; this is the first mistake I made when first setting this up). Also note that you must set up rules for each build or groups of builds that you want Jabber notifications for by clicking "Add new rule." Jabber Notifier will not inherit your Email Notifier rules (this is the other mistake I made when first setting this up).

outlook spell check outbound only

In outlook, the admin can force all users to endure a spell check for each email.
Can Outlook be set to enforce spell check only for emails that are outbound from the company domain, so that "in-house" emails would not be spell-checked, but all emails going out from the domain would be checked?
The setting comes you are seeing probably comes from the standard Outlook group policy which toggles the outlook setting (tools->options->spelling->always check before sending).
Group policies are applied per computer, or per users. Outlook doesn't appear to offer anything in its configuration pages, and there is nothing in the group policy to make that setting depend on the recipient.
I guess, that it may be possible to build some kind of add-on to accomplish this, but the functionality doesn't appear to exist right now.
