How can I get email notifications for my investigations only? - teamcity

I want to receive email notifications whenever I am assigned new investigations. I've found under My Settings & Tools > Notification Rules there's an Email Notifier section, but I can only find a checkbox for Investigation is updated. This spams me with everyone's investigations, whereas I only want to see those assigned to me.
Is there some way I can set up a notification rule for only my assigned investigations?

Inside the "Notification rules" tab, you can see Inherited rules :
There is a default Rule, inherited from "All Users" which contains all TeamCity users, which is, by default :
Watching: System wide events
Send Notification when: Investigation assigned to me
So, what you are looking for is the default behaviour on TeamCity 9 and TeamCity 10.


Setting Activity Category on Email tracked from Outlook to CRM

I'm using Dynamics CRM 2015 ( and Outlook 2016 (16.0.7766.7080) with the CRM for Outlook ( addin.
What I am trying to achieve is to give users the ability to specify an Activity Category against an email which they Track and Set Regarding from Outlook.
Currently, upon tracking and setting regarding on an email in Outlook, an Email Activity is created against the specified Entity record (let's say an Opportunity) in CRM, which is fine. The problem is that I cannot find any way to allow the user to specify an Activity Category for that created Activity either during the Track/Set Regarding process, or even after the Activity is created in CRM.
Is what I'm trying to achieve possible and if not, is there any other way to achieve a similar result, so that users can specify some value from a set of options against an email when they track it from Outlook to CRM, so that value can then be used for reporting purposes?
Basically there is no way of adding some custom functionality to Tracking Emails from Outlook. So you cannot add anything in Outlook plugin that will allow you to perform some operation on CRM side to set the Category right.
You can always make a plugin/workflow on Email creation in CRM and based on some email properties (topic, content, recipients etc.) set this category by youself - but of course users still will be unable to change it.
When email is created in CRM, it's disabled (because it usually already has been sent), but you can still modify it using workflows and dialogs. So you can always create a Dialog ( and there you can prompt for proper category and set it on the email. So I can see a scenario like that - you have a view of Emails that are not categorized (or a Queue, where you put them in a plugin when user is tracking email from outlook). You pick Email, click "Start Dialog" which will be called "Set Category" or whatever, and set the category. Of course after this operation Email will vanish from the view. You can always create a reminder for the users to set the category for their mails, this should be included in new users training etc. Without any hardcore custom coding I think that's the only thing you can do (because if you don't mind writing more complex stuff you can always prepare some custom HTML5 control on Email form that will allow you to set the category field).

OBIEE Recipients can't see all other recipients of a sent email

I am trying to figure out how to show all recipients in email sent by OBIEE ..
I am totally lost in EM, since I am not able to find where is this configuration
I tried to google for it but found nothing ..
Do you know where this could be set or if it is even possible?
I will sent an analysis created in OBIEE to and .. but I ( can't see recieved it too, because it is (most probably) sent as bcc ...
Thank you for your advice
Log into EM using Admin credentials
Navigate to Mail tab (Business Intelligence > coreapplication > Deployment>Mail
Click Lock and Edit Configuration to enable changes to be made.
You should see an Addressing Method radial button. Select To instead of Bcc.
Click Apply, and then click Activate Changes.
Return to the Business Intelligence Overview page and click Restart.

Can outlook (web) notify me that I have email?

I have two email accounts. One of them I use every day. The other one, I have to fire up a VPN, authenticate through a firewall, and then run Outlook Web Access. Triple-yuck.
I'd like to set up a rule that says "Whenever I receive an email to, send an email to letting me know to check annoyingaccount." I do not want am not allowed to forward the actual email to mydailyaccount. I simply want a notice that email is waiting for me.
I see options that will let me forward the email or send a text message, but I don't see an option to just send a boilerplate email. Is there something I'm missing, or a "trick" I need to do, or am I just out of luck?
There is not an option like this in the Rules Wizard.
You can forward the email to your account and use rules to:
File the AnnoyingAccount email in a folder (so it is out of the way)
Display an a custom message in your MyDailyAccount email.
Take a look at the the display a specific message in the New Item Alert window option found on the 2nd screen of the Rules Wizard.
Here is a quick How To:

Getting TeamCity notify using Google Talk

I'm setting up TeamCity 7.0.3 on a build machine. Everything is working OK apart from the Google Talk notifications using the Jabber notifier. When I send a test notification it works fine. But when the build completes/fails I don't get any notifications. The notifications do work locally on the machine using the system tray notifier. I have registered for all projects and all events but stil nothing is coming through. I am using the same gmail account to send the message as to receive it which could be a bit odd but the test messages work. This could be a firewall issue I guess but again the test message works.
Any ideas?
I use the following settings in TeamCity 7.1 to set up Jabber:
Obviously, replace with the Google Talk user that should send notifications. Note that, when using Google Talk, you can't send messages to yourself, so the Server User must be different than the Jabber accounts for any users that want to receive notifications.
Now, you need to configure the notification rules for your user. Click on your name in the upper right hand corner, then in "My Settings & Tools" click "Edit" beside the Jabber Notifier under "Watched Builds and Notifications". This page looks like this:
Note that the "Jabber Account" must be different than the "Server User" above (or else you won't receive notifications; this is the first mistake I made when first setting this up). Also note that you must set up rules for each build or groups of builds that you want Jabber notifications for by clicking "Add new rule." Jabber Notifier will not inherit your Email Notifier rules (this is the other mistake I made when first setting this up).

Email user that broke build in Teamcity

In Husdon/Jenkins, I can setup notifications when the build is broken to email the user(s) that made the checkins that broke the build. How do I do this in Teamcity?
I am aware that individual users can setup email notifications for themselves via the Teamcity interface (for when the build is broken), but I ONLY want emails sent to the users that broke the build, also I don't want the requirement that every individual user have to update their Teamcity settings.
Open TeamCity in your browser.
Browse to Administration > Users and Groups > Groups
Click on the group name All Users
Select the tab Notification Rules (you see the Email notifier rules by
Click on Add new rule
choose in the column Watch the
option Builds affected by my
choose in the column Send
notification when the checkbox The
build fails and Ignore failures
not caused by my changes
Save this new notification rule with klick on the Save button.
A notification rule created that way works for all users. That's because the notification rule was created in the administration section within the group All Users, and not within one users personal notification settings. This works also in earlier versions of TeamCity, e.g. in 5.x.
The user still has the option to define additional rules if needed.
At least with Teamcity 6.5 you have roles and groups, and you can set notifications settings based on them.
To achieve what you want, just take a look at the notification for group ALL (everybody) that is configured by default and you can't delete it.
I realize this question is dated, and a lot of teams now use Slack. So for those of us that consider e-mail "so 2011", my team has been finding success with this nice Slack Plug-in notifier just for this purpose:
Simply upload the zip to the Team City plugins folder, restart the Team City server, and then configure the notifications from the Admin/Build config settings. Also, create a Slack webhook to use in the API Token field.
It can be configured to notify on a number of conditions, but we're only using the "Trigger when build fails" option currently.
