Getting GCC to compile without inserting call to memcpy - gcc

I'm currently using GCC 4.5.3, compiled for PowerPC 440, and am compiling some code that doesn't require libc. I don't have any direct calls to memcpy(), but the compiler seems to be inserting one during the build.
There are linker options like -nostdlib, -nostartfiles, -nodefaultlibs but I'm unable to use them as I'm not doing the linking phase. I'm only compiling. With something like this:
$ powerpc-440-eabi-gcc -O2 -g -c -o output.o input.c
If I check the output.o with nm, I see a reference to memcpy:
$ powerpc-440-eabi-nm output.o | grep memcpy
U memcpy
The GCC man page makes it clear how to remove calls to memcpy and other libc calls with the linker, but I don't want the compiler to insert them in the first place, as I'm using a completely different linker (not GNU's ld, and it doesn't know about libc).
Thanks for any help you can provide.

There is no need to -fno-builtins or -ffreestanding as they will unnecessarily disable many important optimizations
This is actually "optimized" by gcc's tree-loop-distribute-patterns, so to disable the unwanted behavior while keeping the useful builtin capabilities, you can just use:
Musl-libc uses this flag for its build and has the following note in their configure script (I looked through the source and didn't find any macros, so this should be enough)
# Check for options that may be needed to prevent the compiler from
# generating self-referential versions of memcpy,, memmove, memcmp,
# and memset. Really, we should add a check to determine if this
# option is sufficient, and if not, add a macro to cripple these
# functions with volatile...
# tryflag CFLAGS_MEMOPS -fno-tree-loop-distribute-patterns
You can also add this as an attribute to individual functions in gcc using its optimize attribute, so that other functions can benefit from calling mem*()
size_t strlen(const char *s){ //without attribute, gcc compiles to jmp strlen
size_t i = -1ull;
do { ++i; } while (s[i]);
return i;
Alternatively, (at least for now) you may add a confounding null asm statement into your loop to thwart the pattern recognition.
size_t strlen(const char *s){
size_t i = -1ull;
do {
} while (s[i]) ;
return i;

Gcc emits call to memcpy in some circumstance, for example if you are copying a structure.
There is no way to change GCC behaviour but you can try to avoid this by modifying your code to avoid such copy. Best bet is to look at the assembly to figure out why gcc emitted the memcpy and try to work around it. This is going to be annoying though, since you basically need to understand how gcc works.
Extract from
Most of the compiler support routines used by GCC are present in libgcc, but there are a few exceptions. GCC requires the freestanding environment provide memcpy, memmove, memset and memcmp. Finally, if __builtin_trap is used, and the target does not implement the trap pattern, then GCC will emit a call to abort.

You need to disable a that optimization with -fno-builtin. I had this problem once when trying to compile memcpy for a C library. It called itself. Oops!

You can also make your binary a "freestanding" one:
The ISO C standard defines (in clause 4) two classes of conforming implementation. A conforming hosted implementation supports the whole standard [...]; a conforming freestanding implementation is only required to provide certain library facilities: those in , , , and ; since AMD1, also those in ; and in C99, also those in and . [...].
The standard also defines two environments for programs, a freestanding environment, required of all implementations and which may not have library facilities beyond those required of freestanding implementations, where the handling of program startup and termination are implementation-defined, and a hosted environment, which is not required, in which all the library facilities are provided and startup is through a function int main (void) or int main (int, char *[]).
An OS kernel would be a freestanding environment; a program using the facilities of an operating system would normally be in a hosted implementation.
(paragraph added by me)
More here. And the corresponding gcc option/s (keywords -ffreestanding or -fno-builtin) can be found here.

This is quite an old question, but I've hit the same issue, and none of the solutions here worked.
So I defined this function:
static __attribute__((always_inline)) inline void* imemcpy (void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) {
char *d = dest;
const char *s = src;
while (len--)
*d++ = *s++;
return dest;
And then used it instead of memcpy. This has solved the inlining issue for me permanently. Not very useful if you are compiling some sort of library though.


linker - use own stdlib implementation

I have a problem. Requirement for the project is that we cannot link our app with standard library ( so -nostdlib is on in gcc).
my_stdlib.c contains implementation of all functions my_memset, my_memcpy ... but linker needs memcpy to copy structs
MyStruct struct = my_struct;
and is complaining about "undefined reference to `memcpy'", which is of course correct.
Is it possible to remap memcpy to my_memcpy using linker script, parameters passed to ld or other way, so linker can use our implementation to copy structs?
Probably -wrap,function could help but I cannot change my_memcpy to __wrap_memcpy.
At the GCC level, you can redirect the memcpy symbol to a different symbol using:
void *memcpy (void *, const void *, size_t) __asm__ ("my_memcpy");
This will apply to internally-generated memcpy calls, too. (With GCC. I think it does not change the internal call sites with Clang.)
compile with -fno-builtin. This should avoid it.

OpenCV in Go without SWIG and third-parties lib

Main goal: Make OpenCV work in Go without SWIG and third party lib (an application to compare image in linux using Go)
I am new in all the kits (OpenCv Go and linux)
Can image detection (feature2d etc) can be done by C-api only? There is no convenient way to call C++ code and C-api is not updated(?)
I have followed How to use C++ in Go? but I failed.
When I make, I got the following errors
makefile:5: /usr/local/go/bin/src/Make.amd64: No such file or directory
makefile:6: /usr/local/go/bin/src/Make.pkg: No such file or directory
makefile:8: * missing separator. Stop.
The makefile is as followed
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.$(GOARCH)
include $(GOROOT)/src/Make.pkg
g++ $(_CGO_CFLAGS_$(GOARCH)) -fPIC -O2 -o $# -c $(CGO_CFLAGS) $<
g++ $(_CGO_CFLAGS_$(GOARCH)) -fPIC -O2 -o $# -c $(CGO_CFLAGS) $<
$(elem) foo.cgo4.o foo.o cfoo.o
Thanks a lot
You can't call C++ code without either writing C wrappers (+ cgo) yourself or using SWIG, that's just the way it is sadly.
That post you linked is extremely outdated and can't be used anymore.
On the other hand, you can always start rewriting opencv in pure go, the speed differences won't be that massive, specially if you learn how to use unsafe for the speed-critical parts.
disclaimer using unsafe is not advised since, well, it's unsafe.
You can do this, I've ported a very trivial subset of OpenCV into Go for my own purposes. In general, the process is to allocate everything on the heap and return it as a typedef'd void*. For example:
typedef void* gocv_matrix;
From there, a lot of your work is passthrough functions. One very important note is that your header files must be in pure C and must only (recursively) include headers that are pure C. This means your headers are going to be mostly prototypes/forward declarations.
So a few Matrix methods in your header mat.h may look like
gocv_matrix newMatrix();
void add(gocv_matrix m1, gocv_matrix m2, gocv_matrix dst);
void destroy(gocv_matrix m);
Then your implementation in mat.cxx will look something like
//include all relevant C++ OpenCV headers directly
gocv_matrix newMatrix() {
cv::Matrix *mat = new cv::Matrix();
return (gocv_matrix)mat;
void add(gocv_matrix m1, gocv_matrix m2, gocv_matrix dst) {
cv::Matrix *a = (cv::Matrix *)m1;
cv::Matrix *b = (cv::Matrix *)m2;
cv::Matrix *dstMat = (cv::Matrix *)dst;
(*dstMat) = (*a)+(*b);
void destroy(gocv_matrix m) {
cv::Matrix *a = (cv::Matrix *)(m1);
delete a;
(Disclaimer: the exact code here isn't verified for correctness, this is just the gist).
A few special notes:
Make sure you have a destroy method that you actually call or you'll leak memory.
Since C and C++ constants aren't the same as Go constants, you'll have to declare them as var instead of const.
Some of OpenCV's constants are included in headers which aren't pure C, which makes it extremely difficult to define them within Go. I noticed this most with some image processing subpackages.
Note the lack of templated generics. In general you're either foregoing templates entirely, defining a different type for each possible instance, or picking one (probably double, maybe an int size for displaying images) and sticking with it.
Note that you can't use overloaded operators this way. So a+b*c is b.Mul(c).Add(a). In theory you could invent some expression parser that takes in a string like "a+(b*c)" and a list of matrices, and then does some call batching, but if you were at that point in development you wouldn't be asking this question.
This is normal with cgo in general, but you'll probably be using unsafe a lot, especially if you want to work directly with the raw backing data of the matrix. You can reduce this somewhat by making your Go-level Mytype type a simple struct that contains a C.mytype instead of actually converting it.
Honestly, you should probably just use SWIG, since this is basically already what it does for you anyway, in addition to extra niceties like generating actual Go constants for you in most cases instead of sketchy var magic.

why does gcc(default version on openSUSE 11.3) give an error on the statement int *p=malloc(sizeof(int));?

malloc returns a void why is it not working for me without typecasting the return value?
The error pretty clear said that gcc is not allowing conversion from void* to int*.
In C, you don't have to cast. In fact it's a bad idea to cast there since it can cause certain subtle errors.
However, casting is required in C++ so that would be my first guess, that you're somehow invoking the C++ compiler. Perhaps your source files are *.cpp or *.C both of which may be auto-magigically treated as C++ rather than C.
See here for more detail:
C++ source files conventionally use one of the suffixes ‘.C’, ‘.cc’, ‘.cpp’, ‘.CPP’, ‘.c++’, ‘.cp’, or ‘.cxx’; C++ header files often use ‘.hh’, ‘.hpp’, ‘.H’, or (for shared template code) ‘.tcc’; and preprocessed C++ files use the suffix ‘.ii’. GCC recognizes files with these names and compiles them as C++ programs even if you call the compiler the same way as for compiling C programs (usually with the name gcc).
The fact that it knows you're trying to convert void* to int* means that you have a valid malloc prototype in place so I can't see it being anything other than the imposition of C++ rules.
Without code I can't help you properly, but you can try this:
p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
Give more info about what you want to do and what you are allocating.

Equivalent for GCC's naked attribute

I've got an application written in pure C, mixed with some functions that contain pure ASM. Naked attribute isn't available for x86 (why? why?!) and my asm functions don't like when prologue and epilogue is messing with the stack. Is it somehow possible to create a pure assembler function that can be referenced from C code parts? I simply need the address of such ASM function.
Just use asm() outside a function block. The argument of asm() is simply ignored by the compiler and passed directly on to the assembler. For complex functions a separate assembly source file is the better option to avoid the awkward syntax.
#include <stdio.h>
asm("_one: \n\
movl $1,%eax \n\
ret \n\
int one();
int main() {
printf("result: %d\n", one());
return 0;
PS: Make sure you understand the calling conventions of your platform. Many times you can not just copy/past assembly code.
PPS: If you care about performance, use extended asm instead. Extended asm essentially inlines the assembly code into your C/C++ code and is much faster, especially for short assembly functions. For larger assembly functions a seperate assembly source file is preferable, so this answer is really a hack for the rare case that you need a function pointer to a small assembly function.
Good news everyone. GCC developers finally implemented attribute((naked)) for x86. The feature will be available in GCC 8.
Certainly, just create a .s file (assembly source), which is run through gas (the assembler) to create a normal object file.

How can I hide "defined but not used" warnings in GCC?

I have a bunch of compile time asserts, such as:
CASSERT(isTrue) or CASSERT2(isTrue, prefix_)
When compiling with GCC I get many warnings like 'prefix_LineNumber' defined but not used. Is there a way I can hide warnings for compile time asserts? I had no luck searching the GCC documentation. I thought I might have the var automatically used globally inside the same macro but I couldn't think of any way to do it.
Does anyone know of a way to hide that warning in GCC?
Just saw this thread while searching for solutions to this problem. I post here for completeness the solution I found...
The GCC compiler flags that control unused warnings include:
-Wunused (=all of the above)
Each of these has a corresponding negative form with "no-" inserted after the W which turns off the warning (in case it was turned on by -Wall, for example). Thus, in your case you should use
Of course this works for the whole code, not just compile-time asserts. For function-specific behaviour, have a look at Function attributes.
Solution for GCC not causing conflicts with other compilers
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED __attribute__ ((unused))
int VARIABLE_IS_NOT_USED your_variable;
This is one of the most anoying warnings, although I undestand that it may useful (sometimes) to check dead code. But I usually have static functions for debugging, or functions that maybe useful sometime in the future, or that are only used temporaly, and I want to keep them in the code.
Fortunately this warning does not care about inline functions.
inline static foo()
You can create a null statement and cast the result to void. This is portable across compilers, and gcc will not give you any warnings, even with -Wall and -Wextra enabled. For example:
int var; // var is not used
(void)var; // null statement, cast to void -- suppresses warning
A common technique is to create a macro for this:
#define UNUSED(x) ((void)(x))
int var;
#define UNUSED_VAR __attribute__ ((unused))
for any variable just use the above macro before its type for example:
UNUSED_VAR int a = 2;
Wrap this functions by the following directives
All the code that will be placed between push and pop will not warn you about unused functions.
All the rest of the code (outside push and pop) will not be affected.
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
... your code
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
This is hard to answer without knowing the details of your static assert macros. Perhaps you could change to a different macro to avoid this problem? You could either add the 'unused' attribute to the macro as was suggested, or you could use a different form of CASSERT().
Here are descriptions of a few alternatives:
How about -Wunused-label ?
As of C++ 17 you can use [[maybe_unused]].
For example,
[[maybe_unused]] int foo = 42;
which has the same effect as the old(er) __attribute__((unused)).
