why does gcc(default version on openSUSE 11.3) give an error on the statement int *p=malloc(sizeof(int));? - gcc

malloc returns a void pointer.so why is it not working for me without typecasting the return value?
The error pretty clear said that gcc is not allowing conversion from void* to int*.

In C, you don't have to cast. In fact it's a bad idea to cast there since it can cause certain subtle errors.
However, casting is required in C++ so that would be my first guess, that you're somehow invoking the C++ compiler. Perhaps your source files are *.cpp or *.C both of which may be auto-magigically treated as C++ rather than C.
See here for more detail:
C++ source files conventionally use one of the suffixes ‘.C’, ‘.cc’, ‘.cpp’, ‘.CPP’, ‘.c++’, ‘.cp’, or ‘.cxx’; C++ header files often use ‘.hh’, ‘.hpp’, ‘.H’, or (for shared template code) ‘.tcc’; and preprocessed C++ files use the suffix ‘.ii’. GCC recognizes files with these names and compiles them as C++ programs even if you call the compiler the same way as for compiling C programs (usually with the name gcc).
The fact that it knows you're trying to convert void* to int* means that you have a valid malloc prototype in place so I can't see it being anything other than the imposition of C++ rules.

Without code I can't help you properly, but you can try this:
p = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int));
Give more info about what you want to do and what you are allocating.


GNU C++ import name mangling [duplicate]

I came across an interesting error when I was trying to link to an MSVC-compiled library using MinGW while working in Qt Creator. The linker complained of a missing symbol that went like _imp_FunctionName. When I realized That it was due to a missing extern "C", and fixed it, I also ran the MSVC compiler with /FAcs to see what the symbols are. Turns out, it was __imp_FunctionName (which is also the way I've read on MSDN and quite a few guru bloggers' sites).
I'm thoroughly confused about how the MinGW linker complains about a symbol beginning with _imp, but is able to find it nicely although it begins with __imp. Can a deep compiler magician shed some light on this? I used Visual Studio 2010.
This is fairly straight-forward identifier decoration at work. The imp_ prefix is auto-generated by the compiler, it exports a function pointer that allows optimizing binding to DLL exports. By language rules, the imp_ is prefixed by a leading underscore, required since it lives in the global namespace and is generated by the implementation and doesn't otherwise appear in the source code. So you get _imp_.
Next thing that happens is that the compiler decorates identifiers to allow the linker to catch declaration mis-matches. Pretty important because the compiler cannot diagnose declaration mismatches across modules and diagnosing them yourself at runtime is very painful.
First there's C++ decoration, a very involved scheme that supports function overloads. It generates pretty bizarre looking names, usually including lots of ? and # characters with extra characters for the argument and return types so that overloads are unambiguous. Then there's decoration for C identifiers, they are based on the calling convention. A cdecl function has a single leading underscore, an stdcall function has a leading underscore and a trailing #n that permits diagnosing argument declaration mismatches before they imbalance the stack. The C decoration is absent in 64-bit code, there is (blessfully) only one calling convention.
So you got the linker error because you forgot to specify C linkage, the linker was asked to match the heavily decorated C++ name with the mildly decorated C name. You then fixed it with extern "C", now you got the single added underscore for cdecl, turning _imp_ into __imp_.

What is the name for the structure fo the gcc assembly output

Im trying to learn assembly, first i was using NASM for the compiling, but then i understood that i could use .s files in gcc. This interested me greatly, since my goal for this is to be able to write a compiler for a custom language, so this was very intriguing, as it would allow me to link and compile with c code. So filled with excitement, I started compiling c to assembly (.s files) with gcc, and examen it. As I was doing this, it seamed to be structured in a different way then NASM assembly, with only main label, f.eks, and not _start, and other weird structure, and im not talking about Intel- vs AT&T syntax. So then my question follows:
Is it a different structure, in normal assembly and the .s files in gcc, or is it just me not having a good enough knowlage of assembly? If it is a different structure, does it have a name?
I have been trying to google my way to this for hours, but when i search for gcc assembly, and other things I can think of, I only get c inline assembly...
Please help, im going crazy from not figuring this out.
gcc emits definitions for all the functions present in the translation unit. (unless they're static inline or static and unused or it chooses to inline them everywhere...).
The CRT start files (linked by default by gcc, not re-built from source every time you compile) provides the definition for _start and the other functions you'll see if you disassemble the binary. They're only linked in at the link stage, not as part of compiling a .c to a .s, so you don't see them in gcc -S output.
Related: How to remove "noise" from GCC/clang assembly output? for tips on making compiler asm output human-readable.

Where Is gcvt or gcvtf Defined in gcc Source Code?

I'm working on some old source code for an embedded system on an m68k target, and I'm seeing massive memory allocation requests sometimes when calling gcvtf to format a floating point number for display. I can probably work around this by writing my own substitute routine, but the nature of the error has me very curious, because it only occurs when the heap starts at or above a certain address, and it goes away if I hack the .ld linker script or remove any set of global variables (which are placed before the heap in my memory map) that add up to enough byte size so that the heap starts below the mysterious critical address.
So, I thought I'd look in the gcc source code for the compiler version I'm using (m68k-elf-gcc 3.3.2). I downloaded what appears to be the source for this version at http://gcc.petsads.us/releases/gcc-3.3.2/, but I can't find the definition for gcvt or gcvtf anywhere in there. When I search for it, grep only finds some documentation and .h references, but not the definition:
$ find | xargs grep gcvt
./gcc/doc/gcc.info: C library functions `ecvt', `fcvt' and `gcvt'. Given va
./gcc/doc/trouble.texi:library functions #code{ecvt}, #code{fcvt} and #code{gcvt
}. Given valid
./gcc/sys-protos.h:extern char * gcvt(double, int, char *);
So, where is this function actually defined in the source code? Or did I download the entirely wrong thing?
I don't want to change this project to use the most recent gcc, due to project stability and testing considerations, and like I said, I can work around this by writing my own formatting routine, but this behavior is very confusing to me, and it will grind my brain if I don't find out why it's acting so weird.
Wallyk is correct that this is defined in the C library rather than the compiler. However, the GNU C library is (nearly always) only used with Linux compilers and distributions. Your compiler, being a "bare-metal" compiler, almost certainly uses the Newlib C library instead.
The main website for Newlib is here: http://sourceware.org/newlib/, and this particular function is defined in the newlib/libc/stdlib/efgcvt.c file. The sources have been quite stable for a long time, so (unless this is a result of a bug) chances are pretty good that the current sources are not too different from what your compiler is using.
As with the GNU C source, I don't see anything in there that would obviously cause this weirdness that you're seeing, but it's all eventually a bunch of wrappers around the basic sprintf routines.
It is in the GNU C library as glibc/misc/efgcvt.c. To save you some trouble, the code for the function is:
char *
__APPEND (FUNC_PREFIX, gcvt) (value, ndigit, buf)
int ndigit;
char *buf;
sprintf (buf, "%.*" FLOAT_FMT_FLAG "g", MIN (ndigit, NDIGIT_MAX), value);
return buf;
The directions for obtain glibc are here.

Where is the definition of function nanf() on linux

I am trying to look for definition and declaration of the function nanf() - return 'Not a Number function, which is related to the floating point functionality on Linux gcc compiler environment - (glibc).
I need to use similar/same definition for nanf() on windows to build my code using Visual Studio.
I checked following header files in the Linux src/include folders but did not see anything related to nanf declaration.
Any pointers will be helpful.
thank you,
The declaration is just (C99 §
float nanf(const char *tagp);
or macros that expand to something equivalent. A conformant implementation is highly platform-specific, however, because the standard does not define how to interpret tagp, except to say that the behavior is equivalent to a certain call to strtof, and "The nan functions return a quiet NaN, if available, with content indicated through tagp."
Instead of trying to shoehorn C99 features into the one compiler and library that stubbornly refuses to even try to implement them, why not just use a real C compiler? There are plenty out there.

Is there a way to strip all functions from an object file that I am not using?

I am trying to save space in my executable and I noticed that several functions are being added into my object files, even though I never call them (the code is from a library).
Is there a way to tell gcc to remove these functions automatically or do I need to remove them manually?
If you are compiling into object files (not executables), then a compiler will never remove any non-static functions, since it's always possible you will link the object file against another object file that will call that function. So your first step should be declaring as many functions as possible static.
Secondly, the only way for a compiler to remove any unused functions would be to statically link your executable. In that case, there is at least the possibility that a program might come along and figure out what functions are used and which ones are not used.
The catch is, I don't believe that gcc actually does this type of cross-module optimization. Your best bet is the -Os flag to optimize for code size, but even then, if you have an object file abc.o which has some unused non-static functions and you link statically against some executable def.exe, I don't believe that gcc will go and strip out the code for the unused functions.
If you truly desperately need this to be done, I think you might have to actually #include the files together so that after the preprocessor pass, it results in a single .c file being compiled. With gcc compiling a single monstrous jumbo source file, you stand the best chance of unused functions being eliminated.
Have you looked into calling gcc with -Os (optimize for size.) I'm not sure if it strips unreached code, but it would be simple enough to test. You could also, after getting your executable back, 'strip' it. I'm sure there's a gcc command-line arg to do the same thing - is it --dead_strip?
In addition to -Os to optimize for size, this link may be of help.
Since I asked this question, GCC 4.5 was released which includes an option to combine all files so it looks like it is just 1 gigantic source file. Using that option, it is possible to easily strip out the unused functions.
More details here
IIRC the linker by default does what you want ins some specific cases. The short of it is that library files contain a bunch of object files and only referenced files are linked in. If you can figure out how to get GCC to emit each function into it's own object file and then build this into a library you should get what you are looking.
I only know of one compiler that can actually do this: here (look at the -lib flag)
